
Assignment 3 CSSE3100/7100 Reasoning about Programs

Due: 4pm on 17 May, 2024

The aim of this assignment is to consolidate your understanding of the course's material on objects

and array-based data structures. It is worth 15% of your final mark for the course.

Instructions: Upload the provided Dafny file A3.dfy extended with your solution for Question 1

(and Question 2) if applicable to Gradescope by the due date and time.

1. The provided file A3.dfy contains skeletons for two Dafny classes. Your task is to provide verified

implementations for these classes following the approach detailed in the lectures. Stack will be a

bounded stack and Queue a bounded queue.https://weibo.com/u/7915668133

You should start your task by providing complete specifications of the desired behaviour of the

classes. The desired behaviour of a stack is that it is a last-in, first-out (LIFO) collection of values,

whereas the desired behaviour of a queue is that it is a first-in, first-out (FIFO) collection of values.

Since the data structures are bounded, their specifications should reflect that values can be added to

them only when they are not full, and removed from them only when they are not empty. (In

particular, you do not need to return a special 'None' value for the empty case.)

The class Stack should be implemented using a single array, and other variables (which are neither

objects nor arrays) as required. The class Queue should be implemented using two objects of class

Stack called stack1 and stack2 (and no other variables). Each of the stacks should have the same

maximum size as the queue. Values added to the queue will be pushed onto stack1, and values

removed from the queue will be popped from stack2. If stack2 is empty when a pop is required, all

elements of stack1 will first be popped and pushed onto stack2, so that they appear in stack2 in the

reverse order to the order they were originally pushed onto stack1.

To move the elements from stack1 to stack2, the Remove method of Queue will require a loop and

hence a loop invariant. Make sure your loop invariant implies the method's postcondition when the

loop guard is false. Think about the loop design techniques to ensure this. If needed, you may define

additional ghost predicates to use in your invariant to reduce complexity. [15 marks]

2. CSSE7100 students only. Add an extra method, Peek, and its specification to Queue. The Peek

method returns the same element as Remove but does not remove it from the queue.

You must not change the Stack class to do this. Instead Peek should call Remove to get and remove

the element from stack2, and then should push that element back onto stack2. [2 marks]


You will get marks for

• correctness and completeness of specifications following the approach in lectures

• correctness and completeness of the loop invariant

• code which verifies in Dafny.

Note that you will get part marks even if your code doesn't verify in Dafny.

For CSSE7100 students, the final mark is M + (m - 2) where M is the mark for Question 1 (out of 15)

and m is the mark for Question 2 (out of 2). The mark you will see on Gradescope for Question 2 will

be (m - 2). Note that this will be 0 for m = 2 and negative for a mark less than 2.

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holds the copyright for this material. Students are not permitted to share these materials on sites external to the University of Queensland.

School Policy on Student Misconduct

This assignment is to be completed individually. You are required to read and understand the School

Statement on Misconduct, available on the School's website at: http://www.itee.uq.edu.au/itee-


This assessment task evaluates students' abilities, skills and knowledge without the aid of generative

Artificial Intelligence (AI). Students are advised that the use of AI technologies to develop responses

is strictly prohibited and may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct.

Copyright Notice © This content is protected and may not be shared, uploaded or distributed. The School of EECS at the University of Queensland

holds the copyright for this material. Students are not permitted to share these materials on sites external to the University of Queensland.

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基于LSTM的财务因子预测选股模型LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) 是一种特殊的循环神经网络(RNN)架构,用于处理具有长期依赖关系的序列数据。传统的RNN在处理长序列时往往会遇到梯度消失或梯度爆炸的问题,导致无法有效地捕捉长期依赖。LSTM通过引入门控机制(Gating Mechanism)和记忆单元(Memory Cell)来克服这些问题。 以下是LSTM的基本结构和主要组件: 记忆单元(Memory Cell):记忆单元是LSTM的核心,用于存储长期信息。它像一个传送带一样,在整个链上运行,只有一些小的线性交互。信息很容易地在其上保持不变。 输入门(Input Gate):输入门决定了哪些新的信息会被加入到记忆单元中。它由当前时刻的输入和上一时刻的隐藏状态共同决定。 遗忘门(Forget Gate):遗忘门决定了哪些信息会从记忆单元中被丢弃或遗忘。它也由当前时刻的输入和上一时刻的隐藏状态共同决定。 输出门(Output Gate):输出门决定了哪些信息会从记忆单元中输出到当前时刻的隐藏状态中。同样地,它也由当前时刻的输入和上一时刻的隐藏状态共同决定。 LSTM的计算过程可以大致描述为: 通过遗忘门决定从记忆单元中丢弃哪些信息。 通过输入门决定哪些新的信息会被加入到记忆单元中。 更新记忆单元的状态。 通过输出门决定哪些信息会从记忆单元中输出到当前时刻的隐藏状态中。 由于LSTM能够有效地处理长期依赖关系,它在许多序列建模任务中都取得了很好的效果,如语音识别、文本生成、机器翻译、时序预测等。


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