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转载 C# float double精度损的的问题

在工作中我发现了一个C#浮点数的精度问题,以下的程序运行结果并未得到我预期的结果:view sourceprint?01namespace FloatTest 02{ 03    classProgram 04    {

2011-11-28 23:21:17 3548

转载 C#生成Excel报表 用MyXls组件生成更完美

在后台调用excel组件,生成Excel,虽然可以对Excel文件进行完全控制,可以生成任何复杂的格式,但是有个很大的缺点,这种方式会产生很多Excel进程,很难完全清除掉,特别是在出错的时候,可能会使整个服务器崩溃。本文为大家介绍一个C#写的开源组件,并简单说下office2003和以上版本支持的XML格式。一操作Excel二进制格式    OpenOffice.org发布过的俩

2011-11-24 14:24:38 1073

转载 Myxls组件导入导出Excel(不需安装Excel)

using System;using System.Configuration;using System.Data;using System.Web;using System.Web.Security;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

2011-11-24 14:23:29 5439

转载 解决WEB页面上"焦点控制"一法


2011-11-11 17:28:19 1687

转载 C#类,类成员访问修饰符


2011-10-11 23:02:09 3298 1

转载 一道关于实例化顺序的C#面试题

最近找工作,面试了几家公司,其中有一家公司的面试题给我印象很深,不久前在博客园看过类似的题目,但这次的更复杂,题目如下:  public class BaseA     {        public static MyTest a1 = new MyTest("a1

2011-09-09 09:03:19 688

转载 C#类的修饰符

访问修饰符:    public:访问不受限制。  protected:访问仅限于包含类或从包含类派生的类型。只有包含该成员的类以及继承的类可以存取.  Internal:访问仅限于当前程序集。只有当前工程可以存取.  protected intern

2011-09-09 01:07:33 603

转载 UML类图介绍

2011-09-09 00:52:22 549

转载 实例解析四大UML类关系图


2011-09-09 00:50:39 1673

转载 C#面向对象分析

面向对象分析属于软件开发过程中的问题定义阶段,其目标是清晰、精确地定义问题领域。传统的系统分析产生一组面向过程的文档,定义目标系统的功能;面向对象分析则产生一种描述系统功能和问题领域的基本特征的综合文档。  原则  面向对象分析的主要原则如下。  1.抽象  从许

2011-09-07 11:38:37 543

转载 C#面向对象设计模式纵横谈学习笔记(1)


2011-09-07 11:35:02 521

转载 How to Create a Second Level GridView in ASP.NET

This code example includes:Multiple Gridviews (a GridView within a GridView) 2nd level Gridview.Sorting in Gridview.Custom paging fu

2011-09-01 12:24:11 491

转载 Select Single Radio Button in Gridview in Asp.Net

Introduction:In this article we will learn how to select only one row of a GridView using RadioButtons whereas normally a RadioButton do

2011-09-01 12:13:04 572

转载 Export large data from GridView to Excel file using C#

A good way to display data is to show it in a GridView. However, it becomes difficult to manipulate and filter large amounts of data in this

2011-09-01 12:08:28 835

转载 Check/Un-Check checkboxes items in ASP.NET DataGrid using JavaScript

In this article we will see how to check and un-check checkboxes items in ASP.NET DataGrid using JavaScript. We will also see how to delete

2011-09-01 12:05:23 500

转载 Check/Uncheck All Checkboxes in Asp.Net Gridview

Introduction:In this article we will see how to check and uncheck all CheckBoxes present in an ASP.Net GridView control.Background:

2011-09-01 11:47:22 794

转载 Change Rows Background color in GridView with selected Criteria

In this article we change background color of the rows in a GridView with selected criteria on GridView1_RowDataBound event.In aspx.cs pag

2011-09-01 11:42:58 632

转载 Export Data from GridView to Excel, Word, HTML with C#

I am very insterested in data exporting and I find that many people pay attention on how to export data from GridView to Excel. Besides, it

2011-09-01 11:22:27 2823

转载 Editable GridView - All Columns in GridView are Editable

Summary : Usually developers do not use an editable GridView for many reasons. Developers prefer manual coding but an editable GridView

2011-09-01 11:12:21 745

转载 Merge Same Data Column in Gridview

In this article is code to merge columns & cells. I try to describe how to merge cells in Gridview in ASP.NET.In this article I use an

2011-09-01 11:01:54 765

转载 Swapping GridView rows Up and Down

In this article I am posting code about swapping GridView rows Up and Down using Data Tables.Here is Aspx Code

2011-09-01 10:55:08 476

转载 Export ASP.NET Gridview data into MS-Excel sheet

Export ASP.NET Gridview data into MS-Excel sheetPrepare Database, table, and insert data into table.Bind table data in to ASP.Net Grid

2011-09-01 10:46:47 595

转载 Using Radio Button in GridView

In this article I am going to give you a brief explanation regarding how to use a Radio button in grid view.Actually I am going to sho

2011-08-29 17:21:53 473

转载 GridView Formatting

This article shows how to format a GridView. What is GridView? The GridView is an extremely flexible grid control for showing data in a basi

2011-08-29 16:58:30 467

转载 Client Side Evaluation of Gridview

Following is the structure  of sample data table with UserName, Ismale and IsActive column that have string, Boolean, Boolean data respectiv

2011-08-29 16:28:00 353

原创 How to: Change color of rows in GridView on mouseover

In this article I will show you how to change color of row in GridView on mouseover.Please Try this:Step 1: Fill the Gridview Wi

2011-08-29 16:21:42 395

原创 Server side evaluation of Gridview Data

Following is a screen for evaluating the GridView data on server side. Based on the data we can set the content/status of the controls. As s

2011-08-29 15:48:41 354

转载 Alphabetic Paging using GridView Control

Here I am going to show Alphabetic Paging using gridview control. Here user can find data according to respective alphabet link and also can

2011-08-29 15:30:46 316

转载 Collapsible GridView in ASP.Net 2.0

This article explains how to create a collapsible and expandable gridview in asp.net 2.0 using javascript.Add this script below to the t

2011-08-29 15:16:00 526

转载 Developing a Multi-Select ASP.NET GridView using JQuery

AbstractGridView is a very common control used in all .net Web Application. Also selecting a single row or multiple rows is a very commo

2011-08-29 15:07:30 3806 1

转载 How to get the Values of Selected Row from a Gridview using ASP.NET

In this Article you can learn how to get the values of selected row from a Gridview and display the values in textBoxes using C# code.Se

2011-08-29 14:40:33 868

转载 Dynamically creating bound and template columns in GridView using ASP.Net

In some complex scenarios developers need to create runtime GridView dynamically. So obviously developers need to create dynamic columns for

2011-08-29 14:19:50 609

原创 GridView Sorting

We're going to describe a GridView sorting method we used many times in recent projects.  Here are two images which show what it looks like.

2011-08-29 13:01:31 715

转载 Repeater within ASP.NET 2.0 Gridview

IntroductionThis article and code snippet here shows how to bind a repeater control and Gridview control to a relational data so the GridV

2011-08-29 12:18:32 452

转载 RowCommand Event in GridView

This Article explains how to use the RowCommand Event in a Gridview.The RowCommand Event can be used to get the selected GridView Row va

2011-08-29 11:45:40 434

转载 GridView Events For Beginners

The GridView control is a tabular databound control but sometimes it is used  like a speardsheet control. It came with ASP.NET 2.0 and is an

2011-08-29 11:37:19 411

转载 Transforming XML Documents to HTML using .NET Transformation

The XML Data - mcBooks.xmlI have an XML document that stores data about books. Some of the XML tags in the XML document are author name, b

2011-08-25 11:08:24 553

转载 How to: Generate XML file from database table

In this article, I am going to show how we can generate a XML file from our Sql Server database. I am going to explain this task with a simp

2011-08-25 10:45:08 431

转载 Querying XML Data Using XPATH Expression and the XML DOM

Sometimes we need to query XML data based on a particular condition simialr to how we do in SQL Server. For e.g. let's suppose we want to di

2011-08-25 10:05:42 427

转载 Querying XML Files Using XPATH in ASP.NET

Sometimes we need to access certain parts of an XML file; this concept can be done using a special language known as XPath. This article bas

2011-08-25 10:04:04 341



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