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return(n == 1); } @end @*/ </script> //取得innerText <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- var xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.4.0"); var currNode; xmlDoc.async = false; xmlDoc.async = false; xmlDoc.loadXML("<TABLENAME> 你好你阿三 大法 司法等四 </TABLENAME>"); currNode = xmlDoc.documentElement; var s = currNode.xml; var r = /<([^>s]*?)[^>]*?>([^<]*?)</1>/ var b = s.replace(r,"$2"); alert(b); //--> </SCRIPT> //mergeAttributes 复制所有读/写标签属性到指定元素。 <SCRIPT> function fnMerge(){ oSource.children[1].mergeAttributes(oSource.children[0]); } </SCRIPT> <SPAN ID=oSource> <DIV ID="oDiv" ATTRIBUTE1="true" ATTRIBUTE2="true" onclick="alert("click");" onmouseover="this.style.color="#0000FF";" onmouseout="this.style.color="#000000";" > This is a sample <B>DIV</B> element. </DIV> <DIV ID="oDiv2"> This is another sample <B>DIV</B> element. </DIV> </SPAN> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Merge Attributes" onclick="fnMerge()" > 以上内容可以随意转载,转载后请注名来源和出处! 原文链接:http://ttyp.cnblogs.com/archive/2004/11/15/63900.aspx <span style="border:1px solid #000000; position:absolute; overflow:hidden;" > <select style="margin:-2px;"> <option>1111</option> <option>11111111111111</option> <option>111111111</option> </select></span> //Import function Import() { for( var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++ ) { var file = arguments[i]; if ( file.match(/.js$/i)) document.write("<script type="text/javascript" src="" + file + ""></sc" + "ript>"); else document.write("<style type="text/css">@import "" + file + "" ;</style>"); } }; //js枚举 function getComputerName() { var objWMIService = GetObject("Winmgmts:rootcimv2"); for(e = new Enumerator(objWMIService) ; !e.atEnd() ; e.moveNext()) { var getComputer = e.item(); return getComputer.Name; } } //条件编译 <script language=javascript> /*@cc_on @*/ /*@if (@_win32 && @_jscript_version>5) function window.confirm(str) { execScript("n = msgbox(""+ str +"", 257)", "vbscript"); return(n == 1); } @end @*/ </script> //取得innerText <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- var xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.4.0"); var currNode; xmlDoc.async = false; xmlDoc.async = false; xmlDoc.loadXML("<TABLENAME> 你好你阿三 大法 司法等四 </TABLENAME>"); currNode = xmlDoc.documentElement; var s = currNode.xml; var r = /<([^>s]*?)[^>]*?>([^<]*?)</1>/ var b = s.replace(r,"$2"); alert(b); //--> </SCRIPT> //mergeAttributes 复制所有读/写标签属性到指定元素。 <SCRIPT> function fnMerge(){ oSource.children[1].mergeAttributes(oSource.children[0]); } </SCRIPT> <SPAN ID=oSource> <DIV ID="oDiv" ATTRIBUTE1="true" ATTRIBUTE2="true" onclick="alert("click");" onmouseover="this.style.color="#0000FF";" onmouseout="this.style.color="#000000";" > This is a sample <B>DIV</B> element. </DIV> <DIV ID="oDiv2"> This is another sample <B>DIV</B> element. </DIV> </SPAN> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Merge Attributes" onclick="fnMerge()" > 电子书制作:源码爱好者
New features SQL Window enhancements The result set toolbar has a new Compare records button to easily compare records in the result set: Other enhancements include: A Refresh result set button has been added to refresh (re-execute) the result set of the currently selected result tab page Column totals (sum, count, min, max, avg) are now persistent after re-executing a query Added Excel exporter (both xls and xlsx support) Support has been added for Oracle12c extended strings (> 4000 bytes) The align button has a new Hide editor option to show only the result set The align button has a new Window width option to resize the SQL Window width to match the result set width You can now use an AltRowColor=[RRGGBB | name] directive in a comment section of the SQL Window to control the alternate row color You can now use a Records=[all|page|<n>] directive in a comment section of the SQL Window to control the number of initially fetched records You can now use a Totals=[mode:column] directive in a comment section of the SQL Window to display column totals Test Window enhancement New debugger button: Run to cursor line DBMS Output tab page now shows an indicator when output is available Variables can now be sorted by name, type or value Breakpoints form now has a Go to menu item (also double-click). When selected you will be taken to the source location in a Program Window. Program Window enhancements Code Contents sorting mode is remembered Support for NonEditionable program units Plan Window enhancements On Oracle11g and later you can view the execution plan in HTML, Text and XML format The Copy function now includes the headers Large number values are now formatted with digit groups Table Definition Editor enhancements Support added for identity columns (Oracle 12c) Support added for "default on null" columns (Oracle 12c) Support added for domain indexes Support added for Logging property of indexes Support added for Validated property of constraints Changing a constraint name will now lead to an "alter table rename constraint" command Changing an index name will now lead to an "alter index rename" command Editor enhancements Column names are highlighted when typing values for an insert or update statement Selection > Uppercase/Lowercase no longer affects quoted text Go to Bookmark now positions bookmark in the centre of the editor Code Assistant enhancements The Code Assistant now allows you to select multiple items for column lists and parameter lists Substitution variable enhancements New option "lines=<n>" controls number of input lines on the form New option "editor=plain/sql/xml" adds a button that invokes a text editor with the given syntax highlighting New option "lowercase=yes" converts input to lowercase Template enhancements Templates now use the same substitution variable syntax as the SQL Window and Report Window. This adds the following features to the template functionality: Hints Typed variables Hidden variables Required option Uppercase option Lowercase option Descriptive lists Multi-select lists Variable references in queries The old syntax is still supported for backward compatibility. Recall Statement enhancements You can now select multiple statements The complete statement text can now be expanded/collapsed Semi-colon added when recalling a single SQL statement Recall directory preference now accepts environment variables Connection enhancements For each connection you can now define an initialization script that will be executed for each database session that is created for the connection Test Manager enhancements Notes tab page added Added support for LIKE 'VALUE' for output values Added support for IN (VALUE_LIST) for output values Disabled test items are now displayed grayed out in the list Table Export/Import enhancements User selector added, allowing you to export tables owned by another user. Added support for Oracle12c extended strings (> 4000 bytes) Added Statistics option for the Oracle Export format When exporting in Oracle Export format without rows, statistics will implicitly be excluded Session Window enhancements Support added for HTML text. Click on the cell button of the <HTML> text to view its contents in an HTML Window. SQL Monitor detail tab page added (Oracle 11.2 and later) Queries in the can now be database version specific Object Browser enhancements The Object Browser has a new filter field where you can quickly enter filter expressions to limit the browser contents. You can for example enter DEPT% to show only objects that start with DEPT. You can additionally filter on the source text (for PL/SQL objects), status (valid/invalid), creation date and modification date. The filter expression can be entered or modified directly in the filter field above the Object Browser, or you can click on the filter field button to invoke the filter options form. The form has an option to recall the most recently used filters. The example above filters for Valid objects that have the word DeptRecord in the PL/SQL source. Other enhancements include: Indexes and constraints can now be renamed Triggers can now be created in the context of a table or view Folders added for Primary, Unique and Foreign key constraints for views Search Bar enhancements A new Search in files option allows you to search on the file system. Results are displayed in the Search List and will be opened in the IDE when clicked. Clicking on the arrow button next to the Search in files button will open the Search file dialog: Here you can either select one or more locations from the File Browser, select one or more previously defined custom selections, or enter the file selection directly. Window List enhancements Transaction indicator added for applicable window types Short Text in Window list for database objects shortened Windows are now always displayed in the same order as the Window menu Ctrl-Tab and Ctrl-Shift-Tab now always cycle through the windows in the Window List order Project enhancements Project folder history preference. When enabled the folder history when opening and saving files is project specific. When disabled, the general history will be used. Project file browser preference. When enabled the project has its own File Browser definitions so that you can easily find project specific files. When disabled, the general File Browser definitions will be used. Preference enhancements A new Export/Import function allows you to export specific preference sections to a file, and to import them on another PC. The following preferences options have been added: Files/Format/Encoding: Save with BOM (Unicode Byte Order Mark) User Interface/Options: Maximum recent files User Interface/Code Assistant: Align parameter values\ User Interface/Code Assistant: Maximum items on one line User Interface/Appearance: Connection List Sorting (Last used, Database, Username, Display name) Oracle/Logon History: Delete all items button added Tools/Recall Statement: Directory name now supports environment variables General IDE enhancements Full screen mode will now show minimized docking tools so that they can still be accessed Connection popup menu item "New Instance" added to open a new PL/SQL Developer instance for the selected connection When the read-only status of a file changes this will be propagated to a window associated with that file The logon form now has shortcuts for all fields, is sizeable to show long database names in the selection list For multi-monitor configurations the form positions will now be stored and restored per monitor Crash recovery and desktop files now saved in the user's Application Data directory instead of the Temp directory Command-line parameter NoLoadDesktop added to prevent loading layout on startup Command-line parameter InstanceName added to identify different instances for storing form positions Other enhancements Compare User Objects, Export User Objects and Compare Table Data now allow you to select a user after startup or connection change Compile Invalid Objects no longer implicitly refreshes the object list when the main connection is changed Copy function added to the Search List popup menu Refresh function added to the File Browser popup menu


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当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


