<meta charset = "utf-8"> <script> var colorText = "red,blue,green,yellow"; var one = colorText.split(","); var two = colorText.split(",", 2); var thr = colorText.split(/[^\,]+/) console.log(one); console.log(two); console.log(thr); function htmlEscape(text) { return text.replace(/[<>"&]/g, function(match, pos, originalText) { switch(match) { case "<": return "<"; case ">": return ">"; case "&": return "&"; case "\"": return """; } }); } console.log(htmlEscape("<p class = \"greeting\">Hello World !</p>")); var text = "cat, bat, sat, fat"; result = text.replace(/(.at)/g, "word ($1)");//匹配第一個字符串捕獲組 console.log(result) var text = "cat, bat, sat, fat"; var result = text.replace("at", "ond"); console.log(result); result = text.replace(/at/g, "Rui"); console.log(result); var text = "cat, bat, sat, fat" var pos = text.search(/at/); console.log(pos); var text = "cat , bat , sat , fat"; var pattern = /.at/; //與pattern.exec(text) var matches = text.match(pattern); console.log(matches.index); console.log(matches[0]); console.log(pattern.lastIndex); var sV = "hello world"; console.log(sV.toLocaleUpperCase()); console.log(sV.toUpperCase()); console.log(sV.toLocaleLowerCase()); console.log(sV.toLowerCase()); var sV = " Hello World "; var one = sV.trim(); console.log(one); var sV = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit"; var positions = new Array(); var pos = sV.indexOf("e"); while(pos > -1) { positions.push(pos); pos = sV.indexOf("e", pos + 1); } console.log(positions); var sV = "Hello World" console.log(sV.indexOf("o")); console.log(sV.lastIndexOf("o")); console.log(sV.indexOf("o",6)); console.log(sV.lastIndexOf("o",6)); var sV = "Hello World"; console.log(sV.slice(-3)); //11-3 =8 console.log(sV.substring(-3)); //=0 console.log(sV.substr(-3)); console.log(sV.slice(3,-4)); console.log(sV.substring(3,-4)); //等於3,0,小的排前,所以0,3 console.log(sV.substr(3,-4)); var stringValue = "hello World" console.log(stringValue.charAt(1)); console.log(stringValue.charCodeAt(1)) console.log(stringValue[0]) var stringValue = "hello "; var result = stringValue.concat("World" + " !"); console.log(result); var stringValue = "Hello World"; console.log(stringValue.slice(3)); console.log(stringValue.substring(3)); console.log(stringValue.substr(3)); console.log(stringValue.slice(3,8)); console.log(stringValue.substring(3,8)); console.log(stringValue.substr(2,7)); var stringObject = new String("hello world"); console.log(stringObject) var stringValue = "Hello World"; console.log(stringValue.length); var numberObject = new Number(10); 創建number對象 的實例 var numberValue = 10; console.log(typeof numberObject); console.log(typeof numberValue); console.log(numberObject instanceof Number); console.log(numberValue instanceof Number); var number = new Number(10); //console.log(number) var num = 10; console.log(num.toFixed(2)); var num = 10.005; console.log(num.toFixed(2)); var num = 10; console.log(num.toExponential(1)); var num = 123.4567890; console.log(num.toPrecision(5)); console.log(num.toPrecision(2)); var falseObject = new Boolean(false); var result = falseObject && true; console.log(falseObject instanceof Boolean); console.log(result); var falseValue = false; result = falseValue && true; console.log(falseValue instanceof Boolean) console.log(result); var booleanObject = new Boolean(true); console.log(typeof booleanObeject) var value = "25" var number = Number(value); //轉型函數 console.log(typeof number); number var obj = new Number(value); console.log(typeof obj); //對象 var obj = new Object("some text"); console.log(obj instanceof String); //基本包裝類型、執行瞬間刪除 var s1 = "some text"; s1.color = "yellow"; console.log(s1.color); var s1 = "some text"; var s2 = s1.substring(2); console.log(s2) //過程,後臺處理~ var s1 = new String("some text"); var s2 = s1.substring(2); s1 = null; console.log(s2); color = "red"; var r = {color:"yellow"}; function sayColor() { console.log(this.color); } var one = sayColor.bind(r);//創建一個one函數實例,把其 this 通過bind 綁定到r對象。 one() window.color = "yellow"; var r = {color: "blue"}; function sayColor() { console.log(this.color); } //更下面等價 sayColor.call(r) //更下面等價 r.sayColor = sayColor; r.sayColor(); //call 方法 function sum(num1, num2) { return num1 + num2; } function callSum(num1, num2) { return sum.call(this, num1, num2); } console.log(callSum(10, 10)) //apply 方法 function sum(num1, num2) { return num1 + num2; } function callSum1(num1, num2) { return sum.apply(this, arguments);//apply 2參數,1是其運行函數的作用域,2是參數數組。 } function callSum2(num1, num2) { return sum.apply(this, [num1, num2]); } console.log(callSum1(10, 10)); console.log(callSum2(10, 10)) //函數的 length 屬性 function sayName(name) { console.log(name) } function sum(num1, num2) { return num1 + num2; } function sayHi() { console.log("hi"); } console.log(sayName.length); console.log(sum.length); console.log(sayHi.length); //caller 可記住 “開燈的人” function outer() { inner(); } function inner() { //alert(inner.caller); console.log(arguments.callee.caller); } outer(); //this 對象 window.color = "red"; var o = {color: "blue"}; function sayColor() { console.log(this.color); } o.sayColor = sayColor; o.sayColor() function factorial(num) { if (num <= 1) { return 1; } else { return num * arguments.callee(num-1); } } console.log(factorial(2)); //函數中返回另一個函數 function createComparionFunction(onename) { return function(object1, object2) { var value1 = object1[onename]; var value2 = object2[onename]; if (value1 < value2) { return -1; } else if(value1 > value2) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } } var data = [{name:"Rui",age:28},{name:"Hong",age:20}] data.sort(createComparionFunction("name")); console.log(data[0].name); data.sort(createComparionFunction("age")); console.log(data[0].age); //函數中運用函數! function Rui(someFunction, someArgument) { return someFunction(someArgument); } function add10(num) { return num + 10; } var resule = Rui(add10, 10); console.log(resule) function getGreeting(name) { return "hello, " + name; } var whoName = Rui(getGreeting, 'Papa'); console.log(whoName); //無函數聲明,不可能比先運行, console.log(rui(0)); var rui = function(num){ return num; } //可執行。 alert(rui(1)); function rui(num) { return num } function add(num) { return num + 100; } function add(num) { return num + 200; } console.log(add(200)); var rui = function(num) { return num + 1; } rui = function(num) { return num + 2; } console.log(rui(0)) var text = "this has been a short summer."; var pattern = /(..)or(.)/g; if (pattern.test(text)) { console.log(RegExp.$1); console.log(RegExp.$2); console.log(RegExp.$3); console.log(RegExp.$4); console.log(RegExp.$5); console.log(RegExp.$6); console.log(RegExp.$7); console.log(RegExp.$8); console.log(RegExp.$9); } var text = "this has been a short summer" var pattern = /(.)hort/g; if (pattern.test(text)) { console.log(RegExp.$_); console.log(RegExp["$`"]); console.log(RegExp["$'"]); console.log(RegExp["$&"]); console.log(RegExp["$+"]); console.log(RegExp["$*"]); } //RegExp 構造函數 屬性! var text = "this has been a short summer" var pattern = /(.)hort/g; if (pattern.test(text)) { console.log(RegExp.input); console.log(RegExp.leftContext); console.log(RegExp.rightContext); console.log(RegExp.lastMatch); console.log(RegExp.lastParen); console.log(RegExp.multiline) } var text = new RegExp("\\[bc\\]at","gi"); one = text.toString(); one = text.toLocaleString() one = text.valueOf console.log(one) var text = "000-00-0000" var one = /\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}/; if (one.test(text)){ console.log("U Can") } console.log(one); //全局和局部exec()的區別。。局部只會返回第一位 var text = "cat,bat,sat,fat"; var one = /.at/; var go = one.exec(text); //"cat" goo = go.index;//"0" goo = go[0]//"cat" goo = one.lastIndex;//"0" //console.log(goo); var two = /.at/g; //at結尾的3位數 var texttwo = two.exec(text); go = texttwo.index; go = texttwo[0]; go = two.lastIndex; go = texttwo = two.exec(text); go = texttwo.index; go = texttwo[0]; go = two.lastIndex; console.log(go); var text = "mom and dad and baby"; var find = /mom( and dad (and baby)?)?/gi; var go = find.exec(text) goo = go.index goo = go.input goo = go[0] goo = go[1] goo = go[2] goo = go[3] console.log(goo); var one = /\[bc\]at/i; go = one.global; go = one.ignoreCase; go = one.lastIndex; go = one.multiline; go = one.source; // "\[bc\]at" console.log(go); var two = new RegExp("\\[bc\\]at","i"); goo = two.global; goo = two.ignoreCase; goo = two.lastIndex; goo = two.multiline; goo = two.source; console.log(goo); //正則表達式 var one = /[bc]at/i;//匹配第一個 bat和cat,不區分大小 var one = /\[bc\]/i;//匹配第一個 【bat】或【cat】,不區分大小 var one = /.at/i; //匹配所有以"at"結尾的3個字符的組合,不區分大小 var one = /\.at/gi; //匹配所有".at",不區分大小 var one = /[bc]at/i;//匹配第一個‘bat’或‘cat’ 不區分大小 var two = new RegExp("[bc]at","i")//與one樓上相同的,使用構造函數創建 console.log(two) var re = null, i; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { re = /cat/g; re.test("catastrophe"); } console.log(one) 時間 var times = new Date(); var a = times; time = times.toDateString() time = times.toTimeString() time = times.toLocaleString() time = times.toLocaleDateString() time = times.toLocaleTimeString() time = times.toUTCString() time = times.toGMTString() time = times.getTime() //time = a.setTime() time = a.getFullYear() time = a.getUTCFullYear() //time = a.setFullYear(); time = a.getMonth() time = a.getUTCMonth() time = a.getTime() console.log(time) var a = new Date(Date.parse("5/19/2017")) console.log(a) //迭代! var numbers = [1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1]; var everyResult = numbers.every(function(item,index,array){ return (item > 2); }) console.log(everyResult); var someResult = numbers.some(function(item,index,array){ return (item > 2); }) console.log(someResult); var filterResult = numbers.filter(function(item,index,array){ return (item > 2); }) console.log(filterResult); var mapResult = numbers.map(function(item,index,array){ return item * 2; }) console.log(mapResult ) var reduceResult = numbers.reduce(function(prev,cur,index,array){ return prev + cur; }) console.log(reduceResult) var number = [1,10,2,5]; var reduceRight = number.reduceRight(function(prev,cur,index,array){ return prev + cur; }) console.log(reduceRight) var person = {name: "Nicholas"}; var people = [{name: "Nicholas"}]; var morePeople = [person]; console.log(people.indexOf(person)); console.log(morePeople.indexOf(person)) var number = [1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1]; console.log(number.indexOf(4)) console.log(number.lastIndexOf(4)) console.log(number.indexOf(4,4)); console.log(number.lastIndexOf(4,4)) //splice() 連接~ var color = ["yellow","blue","red"];//新建數組 var removed = color.splice(0,1); //刪除 0 下標位置的項,數量1 removed = color.splice(1,0,["value1"],["value2"]); removed = color.splice(2,1,["value3"],["value4"]); console.log(removed);//返回的數組中只包含一項; console.log(color) //slice() 切割 var color = ["red","green","blue","yellow","black"] var colors = color.slice(1); var colors2 = color.slice(2,4); console.log(colors) console.log(colors2) var colors = ["red",'green','yellow']; var colors2 = colors.concat("black",["blue",true]); var color = colors.concat(); console.log(color) //比較函數 function compare(value1, value2) { if (value1 < value2) { return -1; }else if(value1 > value2) { return 1; }else { return 0; } } //更簡單的比較函數 function compare1(value1, value2) { return value2 - value1; } var values = [0, 1, 5, 10, 15, 20]; values.sort(compare1); console.log(values); //隊列方法 shift() var one = []; one.push("yellow","red") one[2] = "black" one = one.shift(); console.log(one) var colors = new Array(); var count = colors.unshift("yellow","red"); count = colors.unshift("black"); var item = colors.pop(); console.log(item) console.log(count) console.log(colors) //這些 數組可以看成 棧! var colors = new Array(); var count = colors.push("red","blue") count = colors.push("yellow") var item = colors.pop(); console.log(colors.length) console.log(colors) var p1 = { toLocaleString : function() { return "one"; }, toLocaleString : function() { return "two"; } }; var p2 = { toString : function() { return "one"; }, toString : function() { return "two"; } }; var p = [p1,p2]; alert (p) alert (p.toString()); alert (p.toLocaleString()) console.log(p) function displayInfo(args) { var output = ""; if (typeof args.name == "string"){ output += "Name: " + args.name + "\n"; } if (typeof args.age == "number") { output += "age: " + args.age + "\n"; } alert(output); } displayInfo({ name: "nicholas", age: 18 }); displayInfo ({ name: "Greg" }); var o = {x:"one", y:"two"}; a = delete o.x; a = typeof o.x; a = delete o.x; a = delete o; a = delete 1; a = this.x = 1; a = delete x; a = x console.log(a) var geval = eval;//使用別名調用 eval 將是全局 eval var x = "global", y = "global"; function f() { var x = "local"; eval("x += 'changed';"); return x; } console.log(f()) function g() { var y = "local"; geval("y += 'changed';"); //調用改變了全局變量的值 return y; } console.log(g()); a = eval("3+2") console.log(a) //屬性訪問表達式 var o = {x:1, y:{z:3}}; var a = [o,4,[5,6]]; b = o.x b = o.y.z b = o[0] b = o["x"] b = a[1]; b = a["1"]; b = a[1]; b = o[0] b = a[2]["1"] b = a[2][0] b = a[0].x console.log(b); function createperson(name) { var localperson = new Object(); localperson.name = name; return localperson; } var globalPerson = createperson("Nicholas"); //手工解除 globalPerson的引用; globalPerson = null; console.log(globalPerson) var element = document.getElementById("some_element"); var myObject = new Object(); myObject.element = element; element.someObject = myObject; //結果會返回color,搜索過程從作用域的前端開始, //向上逐級查詢給定名字匹配的標識符。 var color = "blue"; function getColor() { return color; } console.log(getColor()); // JS 中 if 語句中的變量聲明會將變量添加到當前的執行環境。 if (true) { var color = "bule"; } console.log(color); function buildUrl() { var qs = "?debug=true"; with (location) { var url = href + qs; } return url; } console.log(buildUrl()); //作用域鏈 var color = "blue"; function changeColor() { var anotherColor = "red"; function swapColors() { var tempColor = anotherColor; //創建一個變量; anotherColor = color; //可以訪問 anotherColor color = tempColor; //可以訪問color //可以訪問其他兩個環境是因為是它的父執行環境 } swapColors(); } changeColor(); var color = "blue"; function changeColor() { if (color === "blue") { color = "red"; return color; }else { color = "blue"; return color; } } console.log(changeColor()) var a = /come on/g; b = typeof a; console.log(b); var one = "one"; //刪不了!聲明的全局不發刪! two = "two"; this.thr = "thr"; delete two; delete thr; delete one; console.log(one); var o = "object"; function test(o) { var i = 0; if (typeof o == "object") { var j = 0; for (var k = 0; l < 10; k++) { console.log(k); } console.log(k) } console.log(j); } console.log(test(o)) var scope = "global scope"; function checkscope() { var scope = "local scope"; function nested() { var scope = "nested scope"; return scope; } return scope; } console.log(checkscope()); var scope = "global"; function checkscope() { var scope = "local" return scope; } console.log(checkscope()); for (i = 0,j = 10; i < 10; i++, j--){ console.log(i * j); } for (i in 0){ console.log(i) } var n = 123456.789 a = n.toPrecision(1); var b = new Date(); a = typeof(b + 1) a = typeof(b - 1) a = typeof(b / 1) a = typeof(b % 1) a = typeof(b * 1) a = (b == b.toString()) a = typeof(b > (b-1)) console.log(a) a = Object(3); a = 10 + "" a = + "2312"// Number(a) a = typeof (a) var b = 17 a = "0" + b.toString(8); console.log(a) //比較2個單獨的數組或對象是否 相等 function rui(a,b) { if (a.length != b.length) return false; for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++){ if (a[i] !== b[i]) return false; } return true; } var a = {x:1}; a.x = 2; a.y = 3; console.log(a.value) //字符串無法更改的..你所更改的其實是創建的一個新的。 var s = "hello"; b = s.toUpperCase(); console.log(s) console.log(b) var text = "testing: 1, 2, 3"; var pattern = /\d+/g a = pattern.test(text) a = text.search(pattern); a = text.match(pattern) a = text.replace(pattern, "#") a = text.split(/\D+/) console.log(a) var a = "\b" a = "\o" a = "\t" a = "\n" a = "\v" a = "\f" a = "\r" a = "\'" console.log(a) var a = "easdasd\ asdasd\ asdasd\ asdasd" document.write(a) console.log(a) var a = new Date(2011, 0, 1); a = new Date(2017, 5, 16, 15, 55,30); b = new Date(); a = b.getFullYear(); a = b.getMonth(); a = b.getDate() a = b.getTime() a = b.getDay() a = b.getHours() a = b.getUTCHours() console.log(a) function rui() { a = arguments[0] + arguments[1]; return a; alert(a);//不會執行.. } console.log(rui('haha' , "xixi")); //switch 語句 var a = 50; switch(a) { case (a = 20): alert("yes.U Can."); break; case ("a = 40 or 50"): alert("yes.U Can."); break; default: alert("yes.U Can3."); } //可以字符串、變量、表達式——case的值 switch("hello world"){ case "hello" + " world": alert("what?"); break; case "goodBye": alert("U Can."); break; default: alert("Yes..U Can.."); } if (i == 25) { alert("aaha"); }else if (i == 30) { alert("asd"); }else if (i == 35){ alert("sad"); }else{ alert("fuck") } var i = 5; switch(i) { case 25: alert("what?"); break; case 30: alert("aha"); break; case 35: alert("asdasd>"); break; default: alert("fuck you") } var a = 0; for (var i = 1;i < 10; i++) { if (i % 5 == 0){ break; } a++; } console.log(a); var b = 0; for (var i = 1;i < 10; i++) { if (i % 5 == 0) { continue; } b++; } console.log(b); var a = 10 for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++){ // } alert(i); //全等/不全等 var a = (NaN === NaN) a = null == undefined console.log(a); //減法 var a = 10 - 5; a = NaN - 5; a = 10 - NaN; a = Infinity - Infinity; a = -Infinity - -Infinity; a = Infinity - -Infinity; a = -Infinity - Infinity; a = +0 - +0; a = +0 - +0; a = -0 - +0; console.log(a); var a = 1 + 2; a = NaN + 1 a = +0 + -0; b = 5; c = 10 a = "I Can.." + b + c a = "I can.." + (b + c); console.log(a) //求模 var a = 26 % 5; a = Infinity % 5 a = 123 % 0 a = Infinity % Infinity; a = 100 % Infinity a = 0 % 100 a = true % 6 console.log(a); var a = 0/0 a = 21021/0 a = Infinity / 2101201201 console.log(a); //邏輯非~ var a = (!Object); a = (!""); a = (!"asda"); a = (!0); a = (!"25csaz-="); a = !null; a = !false; a = !undefined; //邏輯與 var q = false; a = (q && w); console.log(a); var myObject = a`Object || bObject; //本章經常使用此種模式-程序的賦值語句 var b = -2; b.toString(2); a = b << 5; console.log(a); c = a >> 5; console.log(c); d = a >>> 5; console.log(d); var a = 25 & 6;//與 console.log(a); a = 25 | 6;//或 console.log(a); a = 25 ^ 3;//異或 console.log(a); var a = 25; b = ~a; //按位非操作符 console.log(a); console.log(b);//操作數的負值 - 1; a = -18; console.log(a.toString(2)); var a = "01"; b = +a; a = "1.1"; b = +a; a = "z"; b = +a; a = false; b = +a; a = 1.1; b = +a; a = { valueOf: function() { return -1; } } b = +a; console.log(b); // 會自動轉換 var a = "12312"; ++a; a = "asdb"; ++a; a = false; ++a; a = true; ++a; a = "0.212"; ++a; a = "0.12"; --a; a = new Object(); ++a; console.log(a); var a = new Object(); a.valueOf(); console.log(a); var a = "This is the letter sigma: \u03a3." console.log(a); var a = "123213asdv" //字母將不會錄入(整數) a = "100.001.123" //只對第一個‘.’有效; a = "0xA"; //16進制始終會被轉換為0; a = "070"; //始終忽略前導的零;(於parseInt 的第二個區別) a = "abs"; //NaN a = "3.213e10" //e表示法32130000000 console.log(parseFloat(a)); var a = "060"; b = Number(a); //number 是忽略掉前面的0的,除非是 0x c = parseInt(a,8); console.log(b); var a = parseInt("1 2345asdasd"); a = parseInt(".21321"); a = parseInt(" "); a = parseInt("0xf"); a = parseInt("22.1231312"); a = parseInt("00021231230"); console.log(a); var a = "abc" a = "0.5212412" a = 1.4232 a = true a = false a = "0xfa4b" a = (ha = null) console.log(Number(a)); var message = 'hello world!' if (message) { alert("value is true.") } //只有在缺少分號就無法正確解析代碼的時候,JS才會自動填補分號。 var a a = 5 console.log(a); //用Jquery 編寫的 debug 函數~ function debug(msg) { var log = $("#debuglog"); if (log.length == 0) { log = $("<div id = 'debuglog'><h1>Debug Log</h1></div>"); log.appendTo(document.body); } } [! <meta charset = "utf-8"> <script> //在document 中的一個指定的區域輸出調試信息 //如果document 不存在這樣一個區域,則創建一個 function debug(msg) { //通過查看HTML 元素 id 屬性來查找文檔的調試部分 var log = document.getElementById("debuglog"); //如果這個元素不存在,那麼創建一個 if (!log) { log = document.createElement("div");//創建一個新的 <div>元素 log.id = "debuglog"; //給此元素的 ID 賦值 log.innerHTML = "<h1> Debug Log </h1>"; //給此元素初始內容 document.body.appendChild(log); //把這個元素添加到文檔末 } //將消息包裝在 <pre> 中,並添加到 log 中 var pre = document.createElement("pre");//創建 <pre> 標籤 var text = document.createTextNode(msg);//將msg 包裝在以文本節點中 pre.appendChild(text);//文本添加到 pre log.appendChild(pre); } function hide(e, reflow) { //通過 JavaScript 操縱樣式來隱藏元素 e if (reflow) { //如果 reflow(第二個參數)是 true e.style.display = "none"; //隱藏這個元素,所占空間消失 }else { e.style.visibility = "hidden"; //將e隱藏,保留其所占空間 } } function highlight(e) { //通過設置 css類 來高亮顯示e //簡單的定義或追加 HTML類 屬性 //假設 CSS 樣式表中已有 ‘hilite’類 if (!e.className)e.className = "hilite"; else e.className += "hilite"; } </script> Hello <button onclick = "hide(this); debug('hide button 1');">Hide1</button> <button onclick = "hide(this, true); debug('hide button 2');">Hide2</button> !] //在document 中的一個指定的區域輸出調試信息 //如果document 不存在這樣一個區域,則創建一個 function debug(msg) { //通過查看HTML 元素 id 屬性來查找文檔的調試部分 var log = document.getElementById("debuglog"); //如果這個元素不存在,那麼創建一個 if (!log) { log = document.createElement("div");//創建一個新的 <div>元素 log.id = "debuglog"; //給此元素的 ID 賦值 log.innerHTML = "<h1> Debug Log </h1>"; //給此元素初始內容 document.body.appendChild(log); //把這個元素添加到文檔末 } //將消息包裝在 <pre> 中,並添加到 log 中 var pre = document.createElement("pre");//創建 <pre> 標籤 var text = document.createTextNode(msg);//將msg 包裝在以文本節點中 pre.appendChild(text);//文本添加到 pre log.appendChild(pre); } function moveon() { //通過彈出一個對話框來詢問用戶一個問題? var answer = confirm("Are you ready? "); //單擊‘確認’按鈕,瀏覽器會加載一個新頁面 if (answer) window.location = "http://luckyman.xyz"; } //在一分鐘(6W毫秒) 後執行定義的這個函數 setTimeout(moveon, 5000); //定義一個 構造函數 以初始化一個新的 Point對象 function Point(x, y) { //照慣例, 構造函數均以大寫字母開始 this.x = x; //關鍵字 this 指代初始化的實例 this.y = y; //將函數參數存儲為對象的屬性 } //使用 new 關鍵字 和 構造函數 來創建一個實例 var p = new Point(1, 1); //平面幾何中的點(1,1) //通過給構造函數的 prototype 對象賦值給 Point 對象定義方法 Point.prototype.r = function() { return Math.sqrt( this.x * this.x + //返回 x2 + y2 的平方根 this.y * this.y //this 指代 調用這個方法的對象 ); } //Point的實力對象p (以及所有的Point 實例對象)繼承了方法 r() console.log(p.r()); //for 循環的 階乘 function factorial2(n){ var i, product = 1; for (i = 5; i <= n; i++) product *= i; return product; } console.log(factorial2(10)); //絕對值 function abs(x) { if (x > 0) { return x; }else { return -x; } } console.log(abs(-2)); //階乘 function factorial(n) { var product = 1; while (n > 1) { product *= n; n--; } return product; } console.log(factorial(10)); var a = []; a.push(1,2,3); a.reverse();//反轉 console.log(a); points.dist = function(){ var p1 = this[0]; var p2 = this[1]; var a = p2.x - p1.x; var b = p2.y - p1.y; return Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b); } points.dist(); function rui(x) { return x + 1; } function Rui(x) { return x * x; } console.log(Rui(rui(5))); var x = 2, y = 3, a; a = (x == y); a = (x != y); a = (x < y); a = (x <= y); a = (x > y); a = (x >= y); a = ("two" == "three"); a = ("two" > "thrr"); a = (false == (x > y)); a = ((x == 2) && (y == 3)); a = ((x > 3) || (y < 3)); a = (!(x == y)); console.log(a);
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