linux 中的 super 命令

super 命令的功能

super 命令允许指定的用户执行脚本或其它命令如同 root 用户执行一样,或者在执行命令前针对每一个命令设定指定的 uid、gid 或候选的组。

manual 原文

SUPER(1)                                                      General Commands Manual                                                     SUPER(1)

       super - execute commands setuid root.

       To execute a command:
            super [ -r reqpath] command [ args ]
            super [ -r reqpath] -o path [ args ]
            command [ args ]

       To list available commands:
            super [-H|-f] [-S]

       For usage and/or version information:
            super [-h] [-V]

       For debugging and development:
            super -b
            super -c [ superfile ]
            super [-d|-D|-t] [-S] [MasqOptions] [-H|-f|command...]

                     -F file
                     -T hh:mm/dayname
                     -G gid
                     -U uid
                     -M mach

       Super  allows specified users to execute scripts (or other commands) as if they were root;
       or it can set the uid, gid, and/or supplementary groups on a per-command basis before executing
       the command.  It is intended to be a secure alternative to making scripts setuid root.   
       Super also allows ordinary users to supply commands for execution by others; these execute with
        the uid, gid, and groups of the user offering the command.

       Super consults a ``'' file to see if the user is allowed to execute the requested command.  
       If permission is granted,  super  will exec  pgm [ args ], where pgm is the program that is associated 
       with this command.  (Root is allowed execution by default, but can still be denied if a rule excludes root.  
       Ordinary users are disallowed execution by default.)

       The most common sort of entry in a file pairs a simple command with a pgm path.  But in fact,
       the command in the  file is  actually treated as a pattern, and any user-entered command that 
       matches this pattern causes the associated pgm to be executed.  If the listed pgm contains an asterisk,
       then the asterisk is replaced with the command entered by the user.  One use of this is to let any program
       in a certain directory be executed by a user.  For example, if the entry contains the command/pgm pairs
            CommandPattern      Program
            scripts/*        →  /usr/local/super/*
               *             →  /usr/local/somedir/*
       then the translations made are
            User's Command      Executed Program
            scripts/xyz      →  /usr/local/super/scripts/xyz
            xyz              →  /usr/local/somedir/xyz

       Some  commands can only be run after the user enters his or her password.  These commands can then 
       be run multiple times until some expiration time, at which point the password needs to be re-entered.  
       The list of password-requiring commands and the password durations are  set in the same file that 
       records the valid users for each command.

       If command is a symbolic link (or hard link, too) to the super program, then typing % command args
       is equivalent to typing % super command args (The command must not be super, or super will not 
       recognize that it's being invoked via a link.)

       Super without any arguments will display the list of commands that may be executed by the user.

       For security, the following precautions are taken before executing:

       (a)    all descriptors save 0,1,2 are closed;

       (b)    all  of  the  user's  environment variables are discarded, save for TERM, LINES, and COLUMNS.
         If TERM contains any characters other than {-/:+._a-zA-Z0-9}, it is discarded.  If LINES or COLUMNS 
         contains any characters other than [0-9], it is discarded.   

         To  these are added reasonable values for:

              USER and LOGNAME: both are set to the username associated with the real uid of the program 
              running under super;

              HOME: set to the login directory of the user running super;

              ORIG_USER,  ORIG_LOGNAME,  ORIG_HOME: the values of USER, LOGNAME, and HOME 
              that refer to the user who invoked super.  (These values are computed by super, and are not the
              values set by the caller, so they are a reliable description of the caller. 
              These are normally the same values as USER, LOGNAME, and HOME, but they will differ if the 
              super command changes uid or gid before executing the program.);

              IFS: set to blank, tab, newline;

              PATH: set to /bin:/usr/bin.

              SUPERCMD: set to command.

              additional environment variables as specified in the file (see below).

       (c)    all signal handling is reset to the default.

       If Super is executed without arguments, it will print the commands that the user may execute, one 
       command per  line.   Super  -H  prints  a long-winded description of each command that the user 
       may execute. The  CmdPat  is the command pattern, and FullPath is the full path that will be executed.  
       The file can specify initial arguments that that precede any user-supplied arguments; these 
       arguments, if any, are printed after the FullPath column.

User-Defined Files
       Ordinary users can supply their own super files.  This lets users give well-controlled setuid/setgid 
       access to their programs: the user who offers  the program gets the assurance of safe IFS settings, 
       safe environment variable settings, etc; and the user who executes the program knows that it will 
       execute under the uid and gid of the offering user.  If a command is entered in the form super loginname:cmd
       super looks for cmd in the file .supertab, in the home directory of account loginname.  The cmd will be 
       executed using the  uid,  gid,  and supplementary groups (if any) of user loginname.

       The usual super options (such as -H) can be applied to a user's .supertab file.  For example, help information 
       about one command can be had by using:super -H loginname:cmd
       Likewise, help information about all of loginname's commands can be obtained with:super -H loginname:

       Links to per-user commands can be created and used in a manner similar to making symlinks to super itself. 
        If command is a  symbolic  link to a user's .supertab file, and that .supertab file is

              (a)  executable, and

              (b)  begins with
                     #! /path/to/super -o

       then the following pair are completely equivalent:
              % super loginname:command
              % command
       If the #!-line would be longer than the typical Unix limit of 32 characters, you can instead start the .supertab file with:
              #! /bin/sh
              # Keep this backslash -> \
                   exec /long/path/to/the/super/executable -o $0 ${1+"$@"}
       (The above takes advantage of the fact that super allows comments to be backslash-continued, but the shell doesn't.)

       Per-user .supertab linking works as follows: if /path/to/xyz is a symlink to some user's .supertab file, and the .supertab
       file begins with #! /path/to/super -o, then the shell will invoke super with arguments something like
              super -o /path/to/xyz [args]
       Super checks that /path/to/xyz is a link to a real .supertab file, and then always turns the last part of the path (here xyz) 
       into the command to execute.

                                                                 ** Security Warning **
       Note  that if you use symlinks to a per-user .supertab file, then you must trust that the .supertab file will actually execute
       a super command, instead of doing something nasty.  That is because super itself isn't invoked until the shell has opened
       the .supertab file and  done whatever  the  .supertab  file tells it to do.  By contrast, the direct command super loginname:cmd 
       doesn't involve any shell processing of the .supertab file.

       -V     Print the super version number.

       -S     When super prompts for a password, this forces it to prompt on stdin, even if the  default  (/dev/tty)  is  readable  and
              Note: This only applies to password-type authentication — that is, the older type of authentication wherein super 
              itself prompts for the password; PAM authentication is handled by your system's PAM modules.

       -f     This requests a list of available commands in a terse format useful for processing by scripts.  (-f stands for facts, 
       as  in  ``just the facts, m'am'').

              Tells  super to generate an error if the program associated with this command is not reqpath.  This helps you write 
              scripts that ensure that super only executes what they expect it to execute.  See step 4 of the section, 
              ``Creating Super Scripts'', for an example of its use.

       -H     Causes  super to print a verbose listing of the commands available to the user.  It prints both the command 
                and its translation to a program pgm.  If the displayed pgm contains an asterisk, then the actual program 
                executed is formed by replacing the  asterisk  with the command entered by the user.  The following examples 
                show the kinds of lines that may be displayed with the -H option:

              Example 1.
                   super skill → /usr/local/bin/skill

              Typing super skill will execute /usr/local/bin/skill.

              Example 2.
                   super {lp*} → /usr/bin/*

              This  example  contains asterisks on both the left and right sides.  The left side shows the valid pattern you 
              must match to execute the command shown on the right-hand side.  Usually, the right-hand side has no 
              asterisk, just a full path to a command  to  execute. If  there  is an asterisk present, it is replaced by the 
              command you entered, thereby forming the actual executed command.  Thus, if you type super lpxxx 
              (where xxx is any string), super will execute /usr/bin/lpxxx.

              Example 3.
                   super {co*} → /usr/bin/compress

              The asterisk on the left-hand side means you can enter super coxxx (where xxx is any string), but since 
              the right-hand side  doesn't contain an asterisk, coxxx will always execute /usr/bin/compress.

       -t     This  enables ``test'' mode.  It does all normal checks except for those requiring user input (passwords 
              and variables that the user must enter), but doesn't execute any command.  Instead, it exits with status 
              code 0 if the command is ok to execute,  else  1.   All normal  error message output is generated in the 
              usual way, but no special debug messages are generated.  Thus, it is a useful means for a script to check
               if a command is likely to work, and hence reasonable  to  exec  super.   Let's  say  that  a  script  /usr/lo‐
              cal/bin/foo  wants to invoke itself using super foo (See the section ``Creating Super Scripts'' for how to 
              avoid infinite loops when doing this!)  the script can use the -r option to ensure that super foo refers to 
              the correct file, and it can use test mode to  ensure that super foo is a valid command:
                   prog=`basename $0`
                   /usr/local/bin/super -t -r $0 $prog
                   case $? in
                   0 ) exec /usr/local/bin/super -t -r $0 $prog ;;
                   * ) echo "Super $prog doesn't work!"
                       ... So take appropriate action ...

       These  options are useful when creating and debugging files.  They have little or no value to the 
       everyday user.  With the exception of the -b option, they can be combined with the regular options, above.

       -b     Print the names and values of built-in variables, then exit.  Useful for administrators to learn the values 
               against  which  builtin variables can be tested.

              Tells super to check the syntax of the entries in the superfile, but not to execute any command.  If no 
              superfile is given, the regular is checked.  The exit code is 0 if the file's syntax is ok; otherwise 
              the exit code is 1 (and  an  error  message  is printed).  After modifying a super file, you should use this 
              option to check its integrity.

              Note  that super -c isn't a complete check that you've correctly set up an entry, because you can create 
              syntactically valid entries that don't do exactly what you want.  Therefore, you should also use super -d 
              cmd to make sure that the command you've entered  will be executed with the correct arguments, uid, 
              gid, umask, and so on.

       -d     This  enables debug mode, in which case (a) debugging information is printed while checking a user for 
               validity, and (b) the command isn't actually executed.  Useful to check if a new entry in the file 
               (see below) has been handled properly.

       -D     Same as -d, plus prints more information about variables defined in the file.

              This option is only used for debugging, and lets you test a superfile before installing it.  No command 
              will actually  be  executed.It also turns on a non-verbose debugging, showing the matched command 
              names and reasons for accepting or rejecting the command.

       -Ggid  This option is also used for debugging, and tells super to act as if the caller's groupid or groupname
                  was gid.  It carries the same restrictions and debug info as the -F option.

       -Uuid  This option is also used for debugging, and tells super to act as if the caller's uid or username was uid.  
                  It carries the same  restrictions and debug info as the -F option.

       -Mmach This  option is also used for debugging, and tells super to act as if the caller's host (machine) was mach.  
                      It carries the same restrictions and debug info as the -F option.

              This option is also used for debugging, and tells super to act as if the execution time is hh:mm/dayname.  
              This lets you check if  a time  specification in the file is properly restricting execution.  It carries 
              the same restrictions and debug info as the -F option.

              contains the list of commands that super may execute, along with the names of the user/group combinations 
              who may execute each  com mand.  The valid-user line can restrict use to particular users or groups on 
              different hosts, so a single file can be used across a network.

              is used as a timestamp for the last time that the user entered his or her password.

       You must be exceedingly careful when writing scripts for super.  A surprising variety of ordinary commands can, 
       when  run  setuid-root,  be exploited for nasty purposes.  Always make your scripts do as little as possible, and 
       give the user as few options as possible.

       Think  twice  about  side-effects  and  alternative  uses of these scripts.  For instance, make sure your script 
       doesn't quietly invoke the user's .cshrc or similar file.  Or, you might write a script to allow users to mount 
       cd-rom's by executing  mount(8).   But  if  you  don't write it carefully, a user could mount a floppy disk 
       containing, say, a setuid-root shell.

       Security issues aside, here are some hints on creating super scripts:

       1.     Scripts must begin with #! interpreter-path.

       2.     Some variants of csh will not run setuid scripts unless the -b flag (force a "break" from option processing) is set:
                   #!/bin/csh -fb
              Similarly,  if  your file starts a shell such as csh or tcsh, you may want to include the -b option in the 
     file, so that you don't have to remember to type it on the command line every time; use a line like the 
              following in the file:
                   SHELL  "/usr/bin/csh -fb"  some_priv_user
              N.B.  This is by way of example only; it's not a very good idea to really let somebody become root without any 
              password check.

       3.     Better still, avoid csh scripts entirely -- they are harder to write safely than Bourne-shell scripts.

       4.     It's nice to make the super call transparent to users, so that they can type
                   % cdmount args
              instead of
                   % super cdmount args
              You can make a script super itself by beginning the script in the following way:
                   prog=`basename $0`
                   test "X$SUPERCMD" = "X$prog" ||
                                       exec /usr/local/bin/super -r $0 $prog ${1+"$@"}
              Here, the path that is exec'd should be replaced with the path at your site that leads to super.  The option -r$0
              is a  sanity-check option:  it  tells super that it's an error if ``super $prog'' doesn't execute ``$0'', ie this self-same 
              program.  (Also, see the -t option for how a script can check that super $prog will work before doing an exec super.)

       5.     Some programs need certain directories in the path.  Your super scripts may have to add directories like /etc or  
               /usr/etc  to  make commands work.  For instance, SunOS 4.1 needs /usr/etc in the path before it can mount 
               filesystems of type ``hsfs''.

       6.     By  default, super only changes the effective uid.  Some programs (e.g. exportfs under SunOS 4.1.x) require 
               the real uid to be root. In that case, you should put an option like ``uid=root'' or ``u+g=root'' into the file.


       Will Deich

       If the file isn't owned by root, or if it is group- or world-writable, super won't run setuid-root. 
        (If the user's real  uid  is root, super won't run at all; otherwise, the effective uid reverts to real uid.)

       There  is a race condition when using password-requiring commands, but it doesn't affect security: if a user is 
       running two copies of super simultaneously, and both processes try to update the user's password timestamp 
       file at the same time, then it is possible for  one  of  the super commands to fail.  Workaround: a single user 
       shouldn't execute two password-requiring super programs simultaneously.

                                                                       local                                                              SUPER(1)
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Linux命令大全完整版 目 录 目 录 I 1. linux系统管理命令 1 adduser 1 chfn(change finger information) 1 chsh(change shell) 1 date 2 exit 3 finger 4 free 5 fwhois 5 gitps(gnu interactive tools process status) 5 groupdel(group delete) 6 groupmod(group modify) 6 halt 7 id 7 kill 8 last 8 lastb 8 login 9 logname 9 logout 9 logrotate 9 newgrp 10 nice 10 procinfo(process information) 11 ps(process status) 11 pstree(process status tree) 14 reboot 15 renice 15 rlogin(remote login) 16 rsh(remote shell) 16 rwho 16 screen 17 shutdown 17 sliplogin 18 su(super user) 18 sudo 19 suspend 19 swatch(simple watcher) 20 tload 20 top 21 uname 21 useradd 22 userconf 22 userdel 23 usermod 23 vlock(virtual console lock) 24 w 24 who 25 whoami 25 whois 25 2. linux系统设置命令 27 alias 27 apmd(advanced power management BIOS daemon) 27 aumix(audio mixer) 27 bind 29 chkconfig(check config) 29 chroot(change root) 30 clock 30 crontab 31 declare 31 depmod(depend module) 32 dircolors 32 dmesg 33 enable 33 eval 33 export 33 fbset(frame buffer setup) 34 grpconv(group convert to shadow password) 35 grpunconv(group unconvert from shadow password) 35 hwclock(hardware clock) 35 insmod(install module) 36 kbdconfig 36 lilo(linux loader) 37 liloconfig 38 lsmod(list modules) 38 minfo 38 mkkickstart 39 modinfo(module infomation) 39 modprobe(module probe) 39 mouseconfig 40 ntsysv 41 passwd(password) 41 pwconv 41 pwunconv 42 rdate(receive date) 42 resize 42 rmmod(remove module) 42 rpm(redhat package manager) 43 set 46 setconsole 47 setenv(set environment variable) 48 setup 48 sndconfig 48 SVGAText Mode 49 timeconfig 49 ulimit 50 unalias 50 unset 51 3. linux文档编辑命令 52 col 52 colrm(column remove) 52 comm(common) 52 csplit(context split) 53 ed(editor) 53 egrep 54 ex 54 fgrep(fixed regexp) 54 fmt(fromat) 54 fold 55 grep 55 ispell(interactive spelling checking) 57 jed 58 joe 58 join 60 look 61 mtype 61 pico 62 rgrep(recursive grep) 62 sed(stream editor) 63 sort 64 spell 65 tr(translate character) 65 uniq 65 wc(word count) 66 4. linux压缩备份命令 67 ar 67 bunzip2 68 bzip2 68 bzip2recover 69 compress 69 cpio(copy in/out) 70 dump 72 gunzip(gnu unzip) 73 gzexe(gzip executable) 74 gzip(gnu zip) 74 lha 75 restore 76 tar(tape archive) 77 unarj 80 unzip 81 zip 82 zipinfo 83 5.linux文件管理命令 85 diff(differential) 85 diffstat(differential status) 86 file 87 find 87 git(gnu interactive tools) 90 gitview(gnu interactie tools viewer) 91 ln(link) 91 locate 92 lsattr(list attribute) 92 mattrib 93 mc(midnight commander) 93 mcopy 94 mdel 94 mktemp 95 mmove 95 mread 95 mren 96 mshowfat 96 mtools 96 mtoolstest 96 mv 97 od(octal dump) 97 paste 98 patch 99 rcp(remote copy) 101 rhmask 101 rm(remove) 101 slocate(secure locate) 102 split 102 tee 103 tmpwatch(temporary watch) 103 touch 103 umask 104 whereis 104 which 105 cat 105 chattr(change attribute) 106 chgrp(change group) 106 chmod(change mode) 107 chown(change owner) 108 cksum(check sum) 109 cmp(compare) 109 cp(copy) 110 cut 111 indent 111 6.linux文件传输命令 115 bye 115 ftp(file transfer protocol) 115 ftpcount 115 ftpshut(ftp shutdown) 115 ftpwho 116 ncftp(nc file transfer protocol) 116 tftp(trivial file transfer protocol) 116 uucico 116 uucp 117 uupick 118 uuto 119 7. linux磁盘管理命令 120 cd(change directory) 120 df(disk free) 120 dirs 121 du(disk usage) 121 edquota(edit quota) 122 eject 122 lndir(link directory) 123 ls(list) 123 mcd 125 mdeltree 125 mdu 126 mkdir(make directories) 126 mlabel 126 mmd 127 mmount 127 mrd 127 mzip 127 pwd(print working directory) 128 quota 128 quotacheck 128 quotaoff 129 quotaon 129 repquota(report quota) 130 rmdir(remove directory) 130 rmt(remote magnetic tape) 130 stat(status) 131 Tree 131 umount 132 8. linux磁盘维护命令 133 badblocks 133 cfdisk 133 dd 134 e2fsck(ext2 file system check) 134 ext2ed(ext2 file system editor) 136 fdisk 137 fsck.ext2(file system check-second filesystem) 137 fsck(file system check) 138 fsck.minix(file system check-minix filesystem) 139 fsconf(file system configurator) 139 hdparm(hard disk parameters) 139 losetup(loop setup) 141 mbadblocks 141 mformat 141 mkbootdisk(make boot disk) 142 mkdosfs(make Dos file system) 143 mke2fs(make ext2 file system) 143 mkfs.ext2 144 mkfs(make file system) 144 mkfs.minix 145 mkfs.msdos 145 mkinitrd(make initial ramdisk images) 145 mkisofs(make iso file system) 145 mkswap 147 mpartition 148 sfdisk 148 swapoff 149 swapon 149 symlinks(symbolic links) 149 sync 150 9. linux网络通讯命令 151 dip 151 getty(get teletypewriter) 151 mingetty 152 ppp-off 152 smbd(samba daemon) 152 telnet 153 uulog 154 uustat 154 uux 155 cu(call up) 156 dnsconf(dns configurator) 157 efax 158 httpd(http daemon) 159 ifconfig 159 mesg 160 minicom 161 nc 161 netconf 162 netstat 162 ping 163 pppstats(point to point protocol status) 164 samba 164 setserial 165 shapecfg(shaper configuration) 165 smbd(samba daemon) 166 statserial(status ofserial port) 166 talk 166 Tcpdump 167 testparm(test parameter) 168 traceroute 168 tty(teletypewriter) 169 uuname 169 wall(write all) 170 write 170 ytalk 170 arpwatch(ARP watcher) 170 apachectl(Apache control interface) 171 smbclient(samba client) 171 pppsetup 172 10. linux电子邮件与新闻组命令 173 archive 173 ctlinnd(control the internet news daemon) 173 elm 173 getlist 174 inncheck(inn check) 174 mail 175 mailconf 175 mailq(mail queue) 175 messages 176 metamail 176 mutt 177 nntpget 178 pine 178 slrn 180 11. linux其他命令 181 reconfig 181 startx(start X Window) 181 xconfigurator 181 XF86Setup 182 xlsatoms 182 xlsclients 183 xlsfonts 183 yes 184


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