网卡数据手册阅读:ixgbe 网卡初始化流程

Initialization Sequence

Disable interrupts.

Most drivers disable interrupts during initialization to prevent re-entrance. Interrupts are
disabled by writing to the EIMC registers. Note that the interrupts also need to be
disabled after issuing a global reset, so a typical driver initialization flow is:

  1. Disable interrupts.
  2. Issue a global reset.
  3. Disable interrupts (again).

Issue global reset and perform general configuration (see Section

Global Reset = software reset + link reset.

Following a Global Reset the Software driver should wait at least 10msec to enable
smooth initialization flow.

To enable flow control, program the FCTTV, FCRTL, FCRTH, FCRTV and FCCFG registers

100 Mb/s, 1 GbE, and 10 GbE Link Initialization

  1. BX/SGMII Link Setup Flow

  2. XAUI/BX4/CX4/SFI Link Setup Flow

  3. KX/KX4/KR Link Setup Flow without AutoNegotiation

  4. KX/KX4/KR Link Setup Flow with AutoNegotiation

Initialization of Statistics

Statistics registers are hardware-initialized to values as detailed in each particular
register’s description. The initialization of these registers begins upon transition to D0
active power state (when internal registers become accessible, as enabled by setting the
Memory Access Enable field of the PCIe Command register), and is guaranteed to be
completed within 1 ms of this transition. Note that access to statistics registers prior to
this interval might return indeterminate values.

All of the statistical counters are cleared on read and a typical device driver reads them
(thus making them zero) as a part of the initialization sequence.

Interrupt Initialization

Operating with Legacy or MSI Interrupts:

  • The software driver associates between Tx and Rx interrupt causes and the EICR
    register by setting the IVAR[n] registers.
  • Program SRRCTL[n].RDMTS (per receive queue) if software uses the receive
    descriptor minimum threshold interrupt.
  • All interrupts should be set to 0b (no auto clear in the EIAC register). Following an
    interrupt, software might read the EICR register to check for the interrupt causes.
  • Set the auto mask in the EIAM register according to the preferred mode of operation.
  • Set the interrupt throttling in EITR[n] and GPIE according to the preferred mode of
  • Software clears EICR by writing all ones to clear old interrupt causes.
  • Software enables the required interrupt causes by setting the EIMS register.

Operating with MSI-X:

  • The operating system / BIOS sets the hardware to MSI-X mode and programs the
    MSI-X table as part of the device enumeration procedure.
  • The software driver associates between interrupt causes and MSI-X vectors and the
    throttling timers EITR[n] by programming the IVAR[n] and IVAR_MISC registers.
  • Program SRRCTL[n].RDMTS (per receive queue) if software uses the receive
    descriptor minimum threshold interrupt.
  • The EIAC[n] registers should be set to auto clear for transmit and receive interrupt
    causes (for best performance). The EIAC bits that control the other and TCP timer
    interrupt causes should be set to 0b (no auto clear).
  • Set the auto mask in the EIAM and EIAM[n] registers according to the preferred
    mode of operation.
  • Set the interrupt throttling in EITR[n] and GPIE according to the preferred mode of
  • Software enables the required interrupt causes by setting the EIMS[n] registers.

Receive Initialization

Initialize the following register tables before receive and transmit is enabled:

  • Receive Address (RAL[n] and RAH[n]) for used addresses.
  • Receive Address High (RAH[n].VAL = 0b) for unused addresses.
  • Unicast Table Array (PFUTA).
  • VLAN Filter Table Array (VFTA[n]).
  • VLAN Pool Filter (PFVLVF[n]).
  • MAC Pool Select Array (MPSAR[n]).
  • VLAN Pool Filter Bitmap (PFVLVFB[n]).

The following should be done per each receive queue:

  1. Allocate a region of memory for the receive descriptor list.
  2. Receive buffers of appropriate size should be allocated and pointers to these buffers
    should be stored in the descriptor ring.
  3. Program the descriptor base address with the address of the region (registers RDBAL,
  4. Set the length register to the size of the descriptor ring (register RDLEN).
  5. Program SRRCTL associated with this queue according to the size of the buffers and
    the required header control.
  6. If header split is required for this queue, program the appropriate PSRTYPE for the
    appropriate headers.
  7. Program RSC mode for the queue via the RSCCTL register.
  8. Program RXDCTL with appropriate values including the queue Enable bit. Note that
    packets directed to a disabled queue are dropped.
  9. Poll the RXDCTL register until the Enable bit is set. The tail should not be bumped
    before this bit was read as 1b.
  10. Bump the tail pointer (RDT) to enable descriptors fetching by setting it to the ring
    length minus one.
  11. Enable the receive path by setting RXCTRL.RXEN. This should be done only after all
    other settings are done following the steps below.
    — Halt the receive data path by setting SECRXCTRL.RX_DIS bit.
    — Wait for the data paths to be emptied by HW. Poll the SECRXSTAT.SECRX_RDY bit
    until it is asserted by HW.
    — Clear the SECRXCTRL.SECRX_DIS bits to enable receive data path
    — If software uses the receive descriptor minimum threshold Interrupt, that value
    should be set.
    Set bit 16 of the CTRL_EXT register and clear bit 12 of the DCA_RXCTRL[n] register[n].

Dynamic Enabling and Disabling of Receive Queues

Transmit Initialization

  • Program the HLREG0 register according to the required MAC behavior.
  • Program TCP segmentation parameters via registers DMATXCTL (while maintaining
    TE bit cleared), DTXTCPFLGL, and DTXTCPFLGH; and DCA parameters via
  • Set RTTDCS.ARBDIS to 1b.
    to the DCB and virtualization modes (see Section
  • Clear RTTDCS.ARBDIS to 0b.
  1. Allocate a region of memory for the transmit descriptor list.
  2. Program the descriptor base address with the address of the region (TDBAL, TDBAH).
  3. Set the length register to the size of the descriptor ring (TDLEN).
  4. Program the TXDCTL register with the desired Tx descriptor write back policy (see
    Section for recommended values).
  5. If needed, set TDWBAL/TWDBAH to enable head write back.
  6. Enable transmit path by setting DMATXCTL.TE. This step should be executed only for
    the first enabled transmit queue and does not need to be repeated for any following
  7. Enable the queue using TXDCTL.ENABLE. Poll the TXDCTL register until the Enable bit
    is set.

Enable interrupts (see Section

您好!要在CentOS 7上安装ixgbe网卡驱动,可以按照以下步骤进行操作: 1. 首先,确保您的CentOS 7系统已经连接到Internet。您可以通过使用有线或无线网络连接来实现。 2. 打开终端窗口,并使用root权限登录或者使用sudo命令。 3. 安装依赖的工具和内核开发包。运行以下命令来安装它们: ``` yum install -y gcc make kernel-devel ``` 4. 下载 ixgbe 驱动程序。您可以通过访问 Intel 官方网站下载最新版本的 ixgbe 驱动程序。确保下载与您的网卡型号和Linux内核版本匹配的驱动程序。 5. 解压 ixgbe 驱动程序包。运行以下命令: ``` tar -xf ixgbe-x.x.x.tar.gz ``` 其中 `ixgbe-x.x.x.tar.gz` 是您下载的驱动程序包的文件名。 6. 进入解压后的目录。运行以下命令: ``` cd ixgbe-x.x.x ``` 7. 编译和安装驱动程序。运行以下命令: ``` make install ``` 8. 重新加载网卡驱动程序。运行以下命令: ``` modprobe ixgbe ``` 9. 确认驱动程序已成功加载。运行以下命令: ``` ethtool -i ethX ``` 这里的 `ethX` 是您的ixgbe网卡设备名称,如eth0、eth1等。您将看到有关驱动程序的信息。 10. (可选)更新系统配置,使驱动在启动时自动加载。编辑 `/etc/modules-load.d/modules.conf` 文件,并添加以下行: ``` ixgbe ``` 11. 重新启动系统,以确保驱动在启动时自动加载。 这样,您的CentOS 7系统就安装好了ixgbe网卡驱动程序。请注意,以上步骤中的 `x.x.x` 应替换为您下载的驱动程序的版本号。希望对您有所帮助!如果您还有其他问题,请随时提问。




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