







def books = Book.list()
def books = Book.list(offset:10, max:20)
def books = Book.list(sort:"title", order:"asc")

def book = Book.get(23)
def books = Book.getAll(23, 93, 81)


class Book {
    String title
    Date releaseDate
    Author author
class Author {
    String name
def book = Book.findByTitle("The Stand")

book = Book.findByTitleLike("Harry Pot%")

book = Book.findByReleaseDateBetween(firstDate, secondDate)

book = Book.findByReleaseDateGreaterThan(someDate)

book = Book.findByTitleLikeOrReleaseDateLessThan("%Something%", someDate)


Book.findBy([Property][Comparator][Boolean Operator])?[Property][Comparator]
说明:? 可选择性
comparators 比较器类型:
  • InList - In the list of given values
  • LessThan - less than a given value
  • LessThanEquals - less than or equal a give value
  • GreaterThan - greater than a given value
  • GreaterThanEquals - greater than or equal a given value
  • Like - Equivalent to a SQL like expression
  • Ilike - Similar to a Like, except case insensitive
  • NotEqual - Negates equality
  • Between - Between two values (requires two arguments)
  • IsNotNull - Not a null value (doesn't take an argument)
  • IsNull - Is a null value (doesn't take an argument)
def now = new Date()
def lastWeek = now - 7
def book = Book.findByReleaseDateBetween(lastWeek, now)

books = Book.findAllByReleaseDateIsNull() books = Book.findAllByReleaseDateIsNotNull()


def books = Book.findAllByTitleLikeAndReleaseDateGreaterThan(
                      "%Java%", new Date() - 30)
def books = Book.findAllByTitleLikeOrReleaseDateGreaterThan(
                      "%Java%", new Date() - 30)


def author = Author.findByName("Stephen King")

def books = author ? Book.findAllByAuthor(author) : []


def books = Book.findAllByTitleLike("Harry Pot%",
               [max: 3, offset: 2, sort: "title", order: "desc"])

Where 查询



def query = Person.where {
   firstName == "Bart"
Person bart = query.find()
class Person {
    static simpsons = where {
         lastName == "Simpson"
Person.simpsons.each {
    println it.firstname
上面查询是延迟查询,如果需要及时加载查询,可以用findAll 和find来查询
def results = Person.findAll {
     lastName == "Simpson"
def results = Person.findAll(sort:"firstName") {
     lastName == "Simpson"
Person p = Person.find { firstName == "Bart" }
Operator Criteria Method Description
== eq Equal to
!= ne Not equal to
> gt Greater than
< lt Less than
>= ge Greater than or equal to
<= le Less than or equal to
in inList Contained within the given list
==~ like Like a given string
=~ ilike Case insensitive like


def query = Person.where {
     lastName == "Simpson"
def bartQuery = query.where {
     firstName == "Bart"
Person p = bartQuery.find()
def callable = {
    lastName == "Simpson"
def query = Person.where(callable)
import grails.gorm.DetachedCriteria

def callable = { lastName == "Simpson" } as DetachedCriteria<Person> def query = Person.where(callable)


def query = Person.where {
    (lastName != "Simpson" && firstName != "Fred") || (firstName == "Bart" && age > 9)
def query = Person.where {
    firstName == "Fred" && !(lastName == 'Simpson')


def query = Person.where {
   firstName == lastName
Operator Criteria Method Description
== eqProperty Equal to
!= neProperty Not equal to
> gtProperty Greater than
< ltProperty Less than
>= geProperty Greater than or equal to
<= leProperty Less than or equal to


def query = Pet.where {
    owner.firstName == "Joe" || owner.firstName == "Fred"
def query = Person.where {
    pets { name == "Jack" || name == "Joe" }


final query = Person.where {
  age > avg(age)
Method Description
avg The average of all values
sum The sum of all values
max The maximum value
min The minimum value
count The count of all values
property Retrieves a property of the resulting entities
Method Description
second The second of a date property
minute The minute of a date property
hour The hour of a date property
day The day of the month of a date property
month The month of a date property
year The year of a date property
lower Converts a string property to upper case
upper Converts a string property to lower case
length The length of a string property
trim Trims a string property
def query = Pet.where {
    year(birthDate) == 2011
def query = Person.where {
    year(pets.birthDate) == 2009


def query = Person.where {
    lastName == 'Simpson'
int total = query.updateAll(lastName:"Bloggs")
def query = Person.where {
    lastName == 'Simpson'
int total = query.deleteAll()



def c = Account.createCriteria()
def results = c {
    between("balance", 500, 1000)
    eq("branch", "London")
    or {
        like("holderFirstName", "Fred%")
        like("holderFirstName", "Barney%")
    order("holderLastName", "desc")


or {
    between("balance", 500, 1000)
    eq("branch", "London")
and {
    between("balance", 500, 1000)
    eq("branch", "London")
not {
    between("balance", 500, 1000)
    eq("branch", "London")


class Account {
    static hasMany = [transactions: Transaction]
def c = Account.createCriteria()
def now = new Date()
def results = c.list {
    transactions {
        between('date', now - 10, now)
def c = Account.createCriteria()
def now = new Date()
def results = c.list {
    or {
        between('created', now - 10, now)
        transactions {
            between('date', now - 10, now)


def c = Account.createCriteria()

def numberOfBranches = c.get { projections { countDistinct('branch') } }


// Box is a domain class…
class Box {
    int width
    int height
// Use SQL projections to retrieve the perimeter and area of all of the Box instances…
def c = Box.createCriteria()

def results = c.list { projections { sqlProjection '(2 * (width + height)) as perimiter, (width * height) as area', ['perimeter', 'area'], [INTEGER, INTEGER] } }

box Table:
width height
2 7
2 8
2 9
4 9
[[18, 14], [20, 16], [22, 18], [26, 36]]


def c = Person.createCriteria()

def peopleWithShortFirstNames = c.list { sqlRestriction "char_length(first_name) <= 4" }

def c = Person.createCriteria()

def peopleWithShortFirstNames = c.list { sqlRestriction "char_length(first_name) < ? AND char_length(first_name) > ?", [maxValue, minValue] }


def results = crit.scroll {
def f = results.first()
def l = results.last()
def n = results.next()
def p = results.previous()

def future = results.scroll(10) def accountNumber = results.getLong('number')

Setting properties in the Criteria instance

If a node within the builder tree doesn't match a particular criterion it will attempt to set a property on the Criteria object itself. This allows full access to all the properties in this class. This example calls setMaxResults and setFirstResult on theCriteria instance:

import org.hibernate.FetchMode as FM
def results = c.list {
    fetchMode("aRelationship", FM.JOIN)

Querying with Eager Fetching

In the section on Eager and Lazy Fetching we discussed how to declaratively specify fetching to avoid the N+1 SELECT problem. However, this can also be achieved using a criteria query:

def criteria = Task.createCriteria()
def tasks = criteria.list{
    eq "assignee.id", task.assignee.id
    join 'assignee'
    join 'project'
    order 'priority', 'asc'

Notice the usage of the join method: it tells the criteria API to use a JOIN to fetch the named associations with the Task instances. It's probably best not to use this for one-to-many associations though, because you will most likely end up with duplicate results. Instead, use the 'select' fetch mode:

import org.hibernate.FetchMode as FM
def results = Airport.withCriteria {
    eq "region", "EMEA"
    fetchMode "flights", FM.SELECT
Although this approach triggers a second query to get the  flights  association, you will get reliable results - even with the  maxResults  option.

fetchMode and  join are general settings of the query and can only be specified at the top-level, i.e. you cannot use them inside projections or association constraints.

An important point to bear in mind is that if you include associations in the query constraints, those associations will automatically be eagerly loaded. For example, in this query:

def results = Airport.withCriteria {
    eq "region", "EMEA"
    flights {
        like "number", "BA%"
the  flights  collection would be loaded eagerly via a join even though the fetch mode has not been explicitly set.

Method Reference

If you invoke the builder with no method name such as:

c { … }

The build defaults to listing all the results and hence the above is equivalent to:

c.list { … }

Method Description
list This is the default method. It returns all matching rows.
get Returns a unique result set, i.e. just one row. The criteria has to be formed that way, that it only queries one row. This method is not to be confused with a limit to just the first row.
scroll Returns a scrollable result set.
listDistinct If subqueries or associations are used, one may end up with the same row multiple times in the result set, this allows listing only distinct entities and is equivalent to DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY of the CriteriaSpecification class.
count Returns the number of matching rows.



import grails.gorm.*
def criteria = new DetachedCriteria(Person)
def criteria = new DetachedCriteria(Person).build {
    eq 'lastName', 'Simpson'
def criteria = new DetachedCriteria(Person).build {
    eq 'lastName', 'Simpson'
def bartQuery = criteria.build {
    eq 'firstName', 'Bart'
Method Description
list List all matching entities
get Return a single matching result
count Count all matching records
exists Return true if any matching records exist
deleteAll Delete all matching records
updateAll(Map) Update all matching records with the given properties
def criteria = new DetachedCriteria(Person).build {
    eq 'lastName', 'Simpson'
def results = criteria.list(max:4, sort:"firstName")
def results = criteria.list(max:4, sort:"firstName") {
    gt 'age', 30


def results =
      Book.findAll("from Book as b where b.title like 'Lord of the%'")
def results =
      Book.findAll("from Book as b where b.title like ?", ["The Shi%"])
def author = Author.findByName("Stephen King")
def books = Book.findAll("from Book as book where book.author = ?",
def results =
      Book.findAll("from Book as b " +
                   "where b.title like :search or b.author like :search",
                   [search: "The Shi%"])
def author = Author.findByName("Stephen King")
def books = Book.findAll("from Book as book where book.author = :author",
                         [author: author])





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