Advanced Test in C: The 0x10 Best Questions for C Programmers

Advanced Test in C: The 0x10 Best Questions for C Programmers

This test was written by Ashok K. Pathak, a researcher at Bharat Electronics Limited (CRL), Ghaziabad.  Ashok has an M.E. from Motilal Nehru Reginal Engineering College, Allahabad, and is the author of a book titled “Advanced Test in C and Embedded System Programming”.

This test appeared as an article on  It is reproduced here with modifications, which are as follows:

  • Javascript-based scoring and answer display functionality was added.
  • Minor errors in questions 3, 13, and 14 are corrected.
  • All necessary headers are introduced with #include.
  • Declarations of main are C99 compliant.
  • Data type sizes are supplied only where necessary (questions 9 and 14).
  • Questions 9, 10, and 12 have more convincing wrong choices.
  • Code spacing and indentation are more consistent.
  • Spacing of printf output has been corrected in a few places.
  • All code is syntax highlighted (TextPad-style).
  • Minor stylistic adjustments were made.
  • Answers are re-worded for clarity, accuracy, and completeness.

If you find any mistakes, please let me know:

— Steve Kobes, 8/25/04

Jump to question: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

1. Consider the following program:

static jmp_buf buf;

int main(void)
   volatile int b = 3;

   if (setjmp(buf) != 0)
      printf("%d/n", b);
   b = 5;
   longjmp(buf, 1);


What is the output of this program?

(a) 3
(b) 5
(c) 0
(d) none of the above

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2. Consider the following program:

int main(void)
   struct node
      int a;
      int b;
      int c;
   struct node s = { 3, 5, 6 };
   struct node *pt = &s;

   printf("%d/n", *(int*)pt);

   return 0;


What is the output of this program?

(a) 3
(b) 5
(c) 6
(d) 7

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3. Consider the following code segment:
int foo(int x, int n)
   int val = 1;

   if (n > 0)
      if (n % 2 == 1)
         val *= x;

      val *= foo(x * x, n / 2);
   return val;

What function of x and n is computed by foo?

(a) xn
(b) x × n
(c) nx
(d) none of the above

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4. Consider the following program:

int main(void)
   int a[5] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
   int *ptr = (int*)(&a + 1);

   printf("%d %d/n", *(a + 1), *(ptr - 1));

   return 0;


What is the output of this program?

(a) 2 2
(b) 2 1
(c) 2 5
(d) none of the above

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5. Consider the following program:

void foo(int[][3]);

int main(void)
   int a[3][3] = { {1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}, {7, 8, 9} };

   printf("%d/n", a[2][1]);

   return 0;

void foo(int b[][3])
   b[1][1] = 9;


What is the output of this program?

(a) 8
(b) 9
(c) 7
(d) none of the above

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6. Consider the following program:

int main(void)
   int a, b, c, d;
   a = 3;
   b = 5;
   c = a, b;
   d = (a, b);

   printf("c=%d  ", c);
   printf("d=%d/n", d);

   return 0;


What is the output of this program?

(a) c=3 d=3
(b) c=5 d=3
(c) c=3 d=5
(d) c=5 d=5

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7. Consider the following program:

int main(void)
   int a[][3] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
   int (*ptr)[3] = a;

   printf("%d %d ", (*ptr)[1], (*ptr)[2]);

   printf("%d %d/n", (*ptr)[1], (*ptr)[2]);

   return 0;


What is the output of this program?

(a) 2 3 5 6
(b) 2 3 4 5
(c) 4 5 0 0
(d) none of the above

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8. Consider the following code segment:

int *f1(void)
   int x = 10;
   return &x;

int *f2(void)
   int *ptr;
   *ptr = 10;
   return ptr;

int *f3(void)
   int *ptr;
   ptr = malloc(sizeof *ptr);
   return ptr;


Which of these functions uses pointers incorrectly?

(a) f3 only
(b) f1 and f3
(c) f1 and f2
(d) f1, f2, and f3

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9. Consider the following program:

int main(void)
   int i = 3;
   int j;

   j = sizeof(++i + ++i);

   printf("i=%d j=%d/n", i, j);

   return 0;


What is the output of this program on an implementation where int occupies 2 bytes?

(a) i=4 j=2
(b) i=3 j=2
(c) i=5 j=2
(d) the behavior is undefined

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10. Consider the following program:

void f1(int*, int);
void f2(int*, int);
void (*p[2])(int*, int);

int main(void)
   int a = 3;
   int b = 5;

   p[0] = f1;
   p[1] = f2;

   p[0](&a, b);
   printf("%d %d ", a, b);

   p[1](&a, b);
   printf("%d %d/n", a, b);

   return 0;

void f1(int *p, int q)
   int tmp = *p;
   *p = q;
   q = tmp;

void f2(int *p, int q)
   int tmp = *p;
   *p = q;
   q = tmp;


What is the output of this program?

(a) 5 5 5 5
(b) 3 5 3 5
(c) 5 3 3 5
(d) none of the above

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11. Consider the following program:

void e(int);

int main(void)
   int a = 3;

   return 0;

void e(int n)
   if (n > 0)
      printf("%d ", n);


What is the output of this program?

(a) 0 1 2 0
(b) 0 1 2 1
(c) 1 2 0 1
(d) 0 2 1 1

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12. Consider the following code segment:
typedef int (*test)(float*, float*);
test tmp;

What is the type of tmp?

(a) function taking two pointer-to-float arguments and returning pointer to int
(b) pointer to int
(c) pointer to function taking two pointer-to-float arguments and returning int
(d) none of the above

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13. Consider the following program:

int main(void)
   char p;
   char buf[10] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 8};

   p = (buf + 1)[5];
   printf("%d/n", p);

   return 0;


What is the output of this program?

(a) 5
(b) 6
(c) 9
(d) none of the above

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14. Consider the following program:

void f(char**);

int main(void)
   char *argv[] = { "ab", "cd", "ef", "gh", "ij", "kl" };

   return 0;

void f(char **p)
   char *t;

   t = (p += sizeof(int))[-1];

   printf("%s/n", t);


What is the output of this program on an implementation where int and all pointer types occupy 2 bytes?

(a) ab
(b) cd
(c) ef
(d) gh

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15. Consider the following program:

int ripple(int n, ...)
   int i, j, k;
   va_list p;

   k = 0;
   j = 1;
   va_start(p, n);

   for (; j < n; ++j)
      i = va_arg(p, int);
      for (; i; i &= i - 1)
   return k;

int main(void)
   printf("%d/n", ripple(3, 5, 7));
   return 0;


What is the output of this program?

(a) 7
(b) 6
(c) 5
(d) 3

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16. Consider the following program:

int counter(int i)
   static int count = 0;
   count = count + i;
   return count;

int main(void)
   int i, j;

   for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
      j = counter(i);

   printf("%d/n", j);
   return 0;


What is the output of this program?

(a) 10
(b) 15
(c) 6
(d) 7

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