蓝牙core spec v4.0研读笔记(一)

蓝牙core spec v4.0研读笔记(一)

1.     Broadcast links have no feedback route, each packet is transmitted several times to increase the probability that the receiver is able to receive at least one of the copies successfully. So these links are considered unreliable.即广播连接没有反馈的回路,每个包都是通过多次的传输来使得接受者至少又一次能够收到正确的包,这种连接时不可靠的。

2.     The transmitter may remove packets from the transmit queue such that the receiver does not receive all the packets in the sequence. If this happens detection of the missing packet is delegated to the L2CAP layer.即发送者可能从发送队列中移除一些包,这样的话接受者就不能够接受到队列中所有的包,这种情况下,对丢包的检查是由L2CAP层来负责的。

3.     The reliability of each AMP depends on the underlying MAC/PHY technology. The Bluetooth Core maintains a level of reliability for protocols and profiles above the Core by mandating the use of Enhanced Retransmission Mode or Streaming Mode for any L2CAP channel used over the AMP.即AMP的可靠性取决于底层的MAC/PHY技术。蓝牙核心通过授权AMP上层的L2CAP通道使用加强的重传模式或者流模式来保证核心之上的协议和配置的可靠性。

4.     About BR/EDR generic packet structure. It should include the channel access code. And there is no direct field within the BR/EDR packet structure that represents or contains information relating to physical links, this information is implied in the logical transport address (LT_ADDR) carried in the packet header.即对于BR/EDR通用包结构而言,通道访问代码是必须的。(主要用来鉴别同一RF下的特定的物理通信通道)。同时没有直接的包含物理链路信息,它是包含在逻辑传输地址中的(LT_ADDR位于包头)。

5.     The payload header is present in all packets on logical transports that support multiple logical links.即负载头存在于所有支持多路逻辑链接的逻辑传输包中。

6.     All LE packets include the Access Address. This is used to identify communications on a physical link, and to exclude or ignore packets on different physical links that are using the same PHY channels in physical proximity. 即所有的LE包包含访问地址。它用于辨别物理链路上的交互,排除使用同样PHY通道的不同物理链接。

7.     All LE advertising physical links use a fixed Access Address. LE active physical links use a randomly generated 32-bit value as their Access Address.即所有的LE广播物理链接使用一个固定的访问地址,LE获得物理链接使用一个随机的通用32bit值作为他们的访问地址。

8.     All LE packets include a PDU header. It determines the type of advertisement broadcast or logical link carried over the physical channel.即所有的LE包包含一个PDU头。它决定了广告广播或者逻辑链路转到物理通道的类型。

9.     In the BR/EDR core system, peer devices use a shared physical channel for communication.即在BR/EDR核心系统中,同级的设备使用共享的物理通道进行通信。

10.  Four BR/EDR channels are defined. Two of these physical channels (the basic piconet channel and adapted piconet channel) are used for communication between connected devices and are associated with a specific piconet. The remaining BR/EDR physical channels are used for discovering Bluetooth devices and for connecting Bluetooth devices.即DR/EDR物理通道有四个,两个(基本的微微网通道和适应微微网通道)用于连接设备之间的通信。其他的两个通道用于发现和连接蓝牙设备。

11.  A Bluetooth device can only use one BR/EDR physical channel at any given time. In order to support multiple concurrent operations the device uses time division multiplexing between the channels.即一个蓝牙设备在任何时候只能使用一个BR/EDR物理通道。为了支持多重并行操作,这个设备需要在多个通道间使用时分复用技术。

12.  On the basic piconet channel the master controls access to the channel. The master starts its transmission in even-numbered time slots only. Packets transmitted by the master are aligned with the slot start and define the piconet timing. Packets transmitted by the master may occupy up to five time slots depending on the packet type.即一个基本的微微网通道是由主设备控制访问的。主设备只在偶数的时间跳跃点上传输。每次数据包的传输都是发生在时间跳跃点的开始。主设备传输包最多占据5个时间跳跃点,这和包的类型是有关系的。

13.  The adapted piconet channel differs from the basic piconet channel in two ways. First, the frequency is not recomputed between master and subsequent slave packets. Second, the adapted piconet channel may be based on fewer than the full 79 frequencies.即适应微微网通道和基本微微网通道有两点不同:1,主从设备的频率是一样的。2,适应微微网通道没有全部的79个频率点。

14.  In order for a device to be discovered, an inquiry scan channel is used.即查询扫描通道用于发现一个设备。

15.  A connectable device (one that is prepared to accept connections) does so using a page scan channel. A connectable device listens for a page request on its page scan channel and once received, enters into a sequence of exchanges with this device.即一个可连接的设备使用呼叫扫描通道。它在呼叫扫描通道上等待呼叫请求,一旦接受到呼叫请求,立即与该设备进行有序交互。

16.  Following a successful conclusion of the page procedure both devices switch to the basic piconet channel that is characterized by having the paging device as master.即呼叫过程建立之后,两个设备将会切换到由呼叫设备作为主设备的基本微微网通道。

17.  Two LE physical channels are defined. The LE piconet channel is used for communication between connected devices and is associated with a specific piconet. The LE advertisement broadcast channel is used for broadcasting advertisements to LE devices. These advertisements can be used to discover, connect or send user data to scanner or initiator devices.即LE物理通道有两种:1.LE微微网通道是用于两个连接的设备通信并且与一个特定的微微网相关联。2.LE广告广播通道用于广告广播给LE设备。这些广告用于发现,连接或者发送用户数据到扫描或者发起的设备。

18.  The LE piconet channel is characterized by a pseudo-random sequence of PHY channels and by three additional parameters provided by the master. The first is the channel map that indicates the set of PHY channels used in the piconet. The second is a pseudo random number used as an index into the complete set of PHY channels. The third is the timing of the first data packet sent by the master after the connection request.即LE微微网通道由一个PHY通道的伪随机队列和三个主设备的额外参数来表征。第一个参数是通道映射表用来表示微微网中使用的PHY通道。第二个参数是一个用来索引全部PHY通道的伪随机数。第三个参数是在连接请求之后主设备的第一个数据包发送的时间。

19.   There are 37 LE piconet channels.有37个LE微微网通道。

20.  At present an LE device is only permitted to belong to one piconet at a time.现在一个LE设备在同一时间仅允许存在于一个微微网中。

21.  The LE advertising channel is used to set up connections between two devices or to communicate broadcast information between unconnected devices.即LE广告通道是用于在两个设备之间建立连接或者在两个没有连接的设备之间交换广播信息。

22.  A physical link represents a baseband connection between Bluetooth devices. A physical link is always associated with exactly one physical channel (although a physical channel may support more than one physical link.).即物理连接表现了蓝牙设备间的基带连接。一个物理连接通常与一个特定的物理通道相关联(尽管一个物理通道可能支持多个物理连接)。

23.  The basic and adapted piconet physical channels support a physical link which may be active or parked.即基本和适应微微网物理通道支持一个活动的或者休眠的物理连接。





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