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原创 AR guide for medicines (2)
For further advance with the project, THe Google’s engine search API is going to be used for finding the results as a JSON string for further display to the user as shown below This Json file is the ...
2019-11-28 11:30:15 427
原创 AR guide for medicines (1)
Medicine guide for foreigners using Augmented reality One of the main difficulties as a foreigner in a different country is find the exact medicine when we are feeling sick. Because of the language ba...
2019-11-27 14:43:33 167
原创 Hand Recognition Signals from Python to Unity
By using a Hand Recognition algorithm which captures and draws edges of the hand, and count how many vertex can find, according to the number of vertex can determine the shape that is shown through t...
2019-10-21 16:17:47 249 1
原创 Gesture Recognition
“Gesture Recognition” allows Media Input devices(such as cameras) through the use of algorithms to recognize shapes and their movements according to their postures while giving them a meaning to be pr...
2019-10-11 15:37:24 1182 2
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