




Since we are not robots (yet), it is very possible to forget running a Cppcheck before committing code to the SVN server. Organizations that use Cppcheck (or any other code analysis tool) usually perform the code analysis once a day/week/month. Usually the team leader assigns a task to developer to fix the issue, commit the code and wait for the next code analysis. And then we start this cycle again. Sometimes the code analysis is taken after a build was already released to QA, or even worse, to customers.

So we all know that asking your developers to run the Cppcheck before every commit they do is not feasible. However, this process can be automated (and in some way also made invisible) for the developers.

Attached to this page is a script which will automatically force the Cppcheck on all source files that are being committed. The check is run when the commit is triggered (before the commit is actually performed) with a zero effort from the developers. In the case issues are found, the script will fail the commit so the developer can fix the issues and commit only ''Cppcheck''-checked code (failing the commit can be bypassed if needed). The great value of this approach is that we can fix the issues before they are committed to the SVN server!


  • Download the SVN_Pre_Commit_Hook__CppCheck_Validate.bat script to your machine and edit it:
  • cppCheckPath - Full path to your Cppcheck.exe (not CppcheckGui.exe).
  • supportedFileTypes - Add or remove file types to check. This variable is here so the script won't check '.sln', '.vxproj' and other non-source file types.
  • enableScript - '1' or '0' to enable/disable running the script.
  • Right click (somewhere on desktop) --> TortoiseSVN --> Settings --> Hook Scripts --> Add...
  • Configure Hook Scripts:
  • Hook Type: Choose 'Pre-Commit Hook' (upper right corner).
  • Working Copy Path: The directory that all of your SVN checkouts are done. Use the top most directory (or just use 'C:\' for example).
  • Command Line To Execute: Full path to the attached script.
  • Make sure that both 'Wait for the script to finish' and 'Hide the script while running' checkboxes are checked --> OK --> OK.


  • Even if the commit failed because of the Cppcheck, SVN gives you the option to easily recommit disregarding the failure by clicking the 'Retry without hooks' button. If commit succeeded (meaning, Cppcheck did not find any issues), it will look like nothing happened (so developers will still see a commit end message just like before).
  • If you want to implement this solution in your organization/team you can do it in two different approaches:
  • Client side solution - Meaning, the steps above should be taken for all of your development machines. The benefit in this approach is that only relevant teams can use this solution and not all of the developers that are working on the SVN server. Besides, ignoring this Cppcheck (in case of false-positives for example) is quite easy using one button click integrated in the TortoiseSVN Client ('Retry without hooks'). This approach means that Cppcheck must be installed on all of the relevant developers machines of course.
  • Server side solution - Meaning, Cppcheck should be installed only on the SVN server and the steps above should be taken only once (server side only). So clients (developers' machines) should take no action since every commit will trigger the hook at server side. The benefit is this is taken only once, but this solution may be to restrictive for some organizations. In addition, in order to ignore the hook (once again, false-positive for example) - you need to create some 'back-door' script that will allow developers to bypass it with a specific keyword in the commit message.
  • More about SVN hook scripts - Client Hook ScriptsServer Hook Scripts.

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提供的源码资源涵盖了Java应用等多个领域,每个领域都包含了丰富的实例和项目。这些源码都是基于各自平台的最新技术和标准编写,确保了在对应环境下能够无缝运行。同时,源码中配备了详细的注释和文档,帮助用户快速理解代码结构和实现逻辑。 适用人群: 适合毕业设计、课程设计作业。这些源码资源特别适合大学生群体。无论你是计算机相关专业的学生,还是对其他领域编程感兴趣的学生,这些资源都能为你提供宝贵的学习和实践机会。通过学习和运行这些源码,你可以掌握各平台开发的基础知识,提升编程能力和项目实战经验。 使用场景及目标: 在学习阶段,你可以利用这些源码资源进行课程实践、课外项目或毕业设计。通过分析和运行源码,你将深入了解各平台开发的技术细节和最佳实践,逐步培养起自己的项目开发和问题解决能力。此外,在求职或创业过程中,具备跨平台开发能力的大学生将更具竞争力。 其他说明: 为了确保源码资源的可运行性和易用性,特别注意了以下几点:首先,每份源码都提供了详细的运行环境和依赖说明,确保用户能够轻松搭建起开发环境;其次,源码中的注释和文档都非常完善,方便用户快速上手和理解代码;最后,我会定期更新这些源码资源,以适应各平台技术的最新发展和市场需求。 所有源码均经过严格测试,可以直接运行,可以放心下载使用。有任何使用问题欢迎随时与博主沟通,第一时间进行解答!
提供的源码资源涵盖了小程序应用等多个领域,每个领域都包含了丰富的实例和项目。这些源码都是基于各自平台的最新技术和标准编写,确保了在对应环境下能够无缝运行。同时,源码中配备了详细的注释和文档,帮助用户快速理解代码结构和实现逻辑。 适用人群: 适合毕业设计、课程设计作业。这些源码资源特别适合大学生群体。无论你是计算机相关专业的学生,还是对其他领域编程感兴趣的学生,这些资源都能为你提供宝贵的学习和实践机会。通过学习和运行这些源码,你可以掌握各平台开发的基础知识,提升编程能力和项目实战经验。 使用场景及目标: 在学习阶段,你可以利用这些源码资源进行课程实践、课外项目或毕业设计。通过分析和运行源码,你将深入了解各平台开发的技术细节和最佳实践,逐步培养起自己的项目开发和问题解决能力。此外,在求职或创业过程中,具备跨平台开发能力的大学生将更具竞争力。 其他说明: 为了确保源码资源的可运行性和易用性,特别注意了以下几点:首先,每份源码都提供了详细的运行环境和依赖说明,确保用户能够轻松搭建起开发环境;其次,源码中的注释和文档都非常完善,方便用户快速上手和理解代码;最后,我会定期更新这些源码资源,以适应各平台技术的最新发展和市场需求。 所有源码均经过严格测试,可以直接运行,可以放心下载使用。有任何使用问题欢迎随时与博主沟通,第一时间进行解答!
提供的源码资源涵盖了Java应用等多个领域,每个领域都包含了丰富的实例和项目。这些源码都是基于各自平台的最新技术和标准编写,确保了在对应环境下能够无缝运行。同时,源码中配备了详细的注释和文档,帮助用户快速理解代码结构和实现逻辑。 适用人群: 适合毕业设计、课程设计作业。这些源码资源特别适合大学生群体。无论你是计算机相关专业的学生,还是对其他领域编程感兴趣的学生,这些资源都能为你提供宝贵的学习和实践机会。通过学习和运行这些源码,你可以掌握各平台开发的基础知识,提升编程能力和项目实战经验。 使用场景及目标: 在学习阶段,你可以利用这些源码资源进行课程实践、课外项目或毕业设计。通过分析和运行源码,你将深入了解各平台开发的技术细节和最佳实践,逐步培养起自己的项目开发和问题解决能力。此外,在求职或创业过程中,具备跨平台开发能力的大学生将更具竞争力。 其他说明: 为了确保源码资源的可运行性和易用性,特别注意了以下几点:首先,每份源码都提供了详细的运行环境和依赖说明,确保用户能够轻松搭建起开发环境;其次,源码中的注释和文档都非常完善,方便用户快速上手和理解代码;最后,我会定期更新这些源码资源,以适应各平台技术的最新发展和市场需求。 所有源码均经过严格测试,可以直接运行,可以放心下载使用。有任何使用问题欢迎随时与博主沟通,第一时间进行解答!


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