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转载 利用svn钩子hooks/post-commit实现邮件通知功能

svn可以实现在commit提交时,使用hook钩子功能,向指定的邮箱发送提交注释comment/log及内容变化的邮件,以方便对之进行监控。1、  需要一个能用stmp发邮件的邮箱。2、  在svn服务器上安装python https://www.python.org/downloads/3、  接下来在svn服务器,进入svn库的hooks文件夹F:\svn_server\MyProject\...

2018-05-15 11:19:27 4227 1

原创 使用svn的hook机制

一、什么是钩子所谓svn的hook机制,就是用户在管理数据仓库的时候,当特定的事件发生时,相应的hook会被调用,hook 其实就相当于特定事件的处理函数。当前 Subversion 提供了5种可以安装的 hook :事件名时机与hook交互一般用途start-commit事务创建之前。传给 hook 的 参数:-         参 数 1 , 代码库路径。-         参 数 2 , 试...

2018-05-15 10:22:32 1485

原创 使用python求字符串或文件的MD5

#字符串md5,用你的字符串代替’字符串’中的内容。import hashlibmd5=hashlib.md5(‘字符串’.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()print(md5)#求文件md5import hashlib#文件位置中的路径,请用双反斜杠,如’D:\\abc\\www\\b.msi’file=’[文件位置]‘md5file=open

2015-07-27 17:06:51 393

原创 Add Python in WinPE Environment


2014-11-18 16:12:22 1698

原创 Windows平台安装Django

Django一个可以使Web开发工作愉快并且高效的Web开发框架。 使用Django,使你能够以最小的代价构建和维护高质量的Web应用。

2014-11-18 14:54:53 390

原创 Python的安装 - Windows

我们现在来聊聊Python for Windows首先来到Python的主页,下载an'zPython2

2014-11-18 10:37:18 325

Programming Python, 4th Edition

Programming Python, 4th Edition Powerful Object-Oriented Programming By Mark Lutz Publisher: O'Reilly Media Final Release Date: December 2010 Pages: 1632 If you've mastered Python's fundamentals, you're ready to start using it to get real work done. Programming Python will show you how, with in-depth tutorials on the language's primary application domains: system administration, GUIs, and the Web. You'll also explore how Python is used in databases, networking, front-end scripting layers, text processing, and more. This book focuses on commonly used tools and libraries to give you a comprehensive understanding of Python’s many roles in practical, real-world programming. You'll learn language syntax and programming techniques in a clear and concise manner, with lots of examples that illustrate both correct usage and common idioms. Completely updated for version 3.x, Programming Python also delves into the language as a software development tool, with many code examples scaled specifically for that purpose. Topics include: Quick Python tour: Build a simple demo that includes data representation, object-oriented programming, object persistence, GUIs, and website basics System programming: Explore system interface tools and techniques for command-line scripting, processing files and folders, running programs in parallel, and more GUI programming: Learn to use Python’s tkinter widget library Internet programming: Access client-side network protocols and email tools, use CGI scripts, and learn website implementation techniques More ways to apply Python: Implement data structures, parse text-based information, interface with databases, and extend and embed Python


Learning Python, 5th Edition

Learning Python, 5th Edition Powerful Object-Oriented Programming By Mark Lutz Publisher: O'Reilly Media Final Release Date: June 2013 Pages: 1600 Get a comprehensive, in-depth introduction to the core Python language with this hands-on book. Based on author Mark Lutz’s popular training course, this updated fifth edition will help you quickly write efficient, high-quality code with Python. It’s an ideal way to begin, whether you’re new to programming or a professional developer versed in other languages. Complete with quizzes, exercises, and helpful illustrations, this easy-to-follow, self-paced tutorial gets you started with both Python 2.7 and 3.3— the latest releases in the 3.X and 2.X lines—plus all other releases in common use today. You’ll also learn some advanced language features that recently have become more common in Python code. Explore Python’s major built-in object types such as numbers, lists, and dictionaries Create and process objects with Python statements, and learn Python’s general syntax model Use functions to avoid code redundancy and package code for reuse Organize statements, functions, and other tools into larger components with modules Dive into classes: Python’s object-oriented programming tool for structuring code Write large programs with Python’s exception-handling model and development tools Learn advanced Python tools, including decorators, descriptors, metaclasses, and Unicode processing


Data Structures and Algorithms with JavaScript

If you’re using JavaScript on the server-side, you need to implement classic data structures that conventional object-oriented programs (such as C# and Java) provide. This practical book shows you how to use linked lists, stacks, queues, and graphs, as well as classic algorithms for sorting and searching data in your JavaScript programs. Each chapter includes at least one real-world application of the data structure or data structures discussed, along with exercises that help you further explore the practical application of various data structures and algorithms. Implement data structures and algorithms within the constraints of JavaScript Explore real-world applications to learn how JavaScript uses these data structures Get a helpful JavaScript programming overview Learn methods for handling advanced algorithms


Data Structures and Algorithms Using Python

Data Structures and Algorithms Using Python


Algorithms, 4th Edition

Algorithms, 4th Edition



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