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原创 Installing WRF/Chem on CentOS 7 (update to ver
Update the WRF on the Think Station to new version.After checking the updates and Known Problems of the WRF versions, WRF-ARW, WPS 3.9.1 and WRF-Chem 3.9.1 are finally chosen.http://www2.mmm...
2019-03-19 14:41:07 985
原创 About Intel Product Licensing (ifortran 安装激活)
根据之前程序比较,感觉Intel fortran and icc 比之 gfortran 和 gcc 的效率要高不少,于是申请了教育版 Educator Intel® Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition for Linux*。关于 Intel Product Licensing,注意到有两种 licensed,named-user and floating li...
2019-02-25 10:50:42 1558
原创 Centos 7 挂载新硬盘,设置为XFS文件系统
Centos 7 挂载新硬盘,设置为XFS文件系统开始配置的服务器硬盘容量只有1T,进行 WRF/Chem 数值模拟明显容量不够,于是新增一块2T硬盘,挂载后,设置为XFS文件系统。据说此系统相对于之前的linux EXT3 EXT4等系统更为优秀。Ref.为什么CENTOS 7.0开始选择XFS作为默认的文件系统?XFS相比ext有什么优点? - wangsl的回答 - 知乎https...
2019-02-23 16:57:11 11858
原创 intall WRF on centos
install netcdf-c下载: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/export CC=iccexport CXX=icpcexport CFLAGS='-O3 -xHost -ip -no-prec-div -static-intel'export CXXFLAGS='-O3 -xHost -ip -no-prec-div -...
2018-10-15 19:36:17 579
原创 linux 命令记录 查询
linux 命令记录 查询tar 消耗非常少的CPU及时间,不压缩 tar打包一个目录# tar -cvf archive_name.tar directory_to_compress解包# tar -xvf archive_name.tar.gztar.gz 压缩时不占用太多CPU,可得到理想压缩率 压缩一个目录# tar -zcvf archiv...
2018-03-28 12:31:41 575
原创 WRF compile errors
The errors met in WRF/Chem compile process and solution.Error 1: Situation: ./compile em_real Error: wrf_io.f:(.text 0x16a2): undefined reference to `nf_inq_varid_’ … Solution: vim configure.wrf...
2016-02-07 09:14:14 2150
原创 Installing WRF/Chem on CentOS 7(转载修正)
WRF (Weather Research and Forecast) is a powerful numerical simulation tool in atmospheric science. It is maintained by UCAR, and in continuous development. There has been a lot of official (ARW user ...
2016-01-08 10:56:11 6414
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