Effective C#之7:Prefer Immutable Atomic Value Type

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Item7  Prefer Immutable Atomic Value Type


Immutable types are simple: After they are created, they are constant. If you validate the parameters used to construct the object, you know that it is in a valid state from that point forward. You cannot change the object's internal state to make it invalid. You save yourself a lot of otherwise necessary error checking by disallowing any state changes after an object has been constructed. Immutable types are inherently thread safe: Multiple readers can access the same contents. If the internal state cannot change, there is no chance for different threads to see inconsistent views of the data. Immutable types can be exported from your objects safely. The caller cannot modify the internal state of your objects. Immutable types work better in hash-based collections. The value returned by Object.GetHashCode() must be an instance invariant (see Item 10); that's always true for immutable types.


Not every type can be immutable. If it were, you would need to clone objects to modify any program state. That's why this recommendation is for both atomic and immutable value types. Decompose your types to the structures that naturally form a single entity. An Address type does. An address is a single thing, composed of multiple related fields. A change in one field likely means changes to other fields. A customer type is not an atomic type. A customer type will likely contain many pieces of information: an address, a name, and one or more phone numbers. Any of these independent pieces of information might change. A customer might change phone numbers without moving. A customer might move, yet still keep the same phone number. A customer might change his or her name without moving or changing phone numbers. A customer object is not atomic; it is built from many different immutable types using composition: an address, a name, or a collection of phone number/type pairs. Atomic types are single entities: You would naturally replace the entire contents of an atomic type. The exception would be to change one of its component fields.

并非所有的类型都可以是不可变的。如果那样的话,你就得复制对象来修改任何程序状态,这就是为什么该建议同时适用于原子性的和不可变性质的值类型。将你的类型分解成可以自然形成单个实体的结构。Address类型就是这样的,一个address就是一个单一的东西,由多个相关的字段组成,对一个字段的修改很可能意味着要对其他字段进行修改customer类型就不是原子性的类型,可能含有很多条信息:addressname,一个或者多个phone number。任何这些独立的信息都可能改变。一个customer可能变更了电话号码,但是不需要更改地址。一个customer也可能变更了地址,但仍保留了原来的电话号码。一个customer也可能既没有变更地址也没有换电话号码,但是却修改了名字。Customer对象不是原子性的,它由很多不同的不可变类型通过组合形成:addressname,或者一组phone/type对儿的集合。原子类型是单个实体:你可以自然的替换原子类型的整个内容,但有时也有特例,可能改变其中的一个组成字段。

Here is a typical implementation of an address that is mutable:


  1. //Multable Address structure
  2. public struct Address
  3. {
  4.     private String line1;
  5.     private String line2;
  6.     private String city;
  7.     private String state;
  8.     private Int32 zipCode;
  10.     //Rely on the default system-generated
  11.     //constructor
  12.     public String Line1
  13.     {
  14.         get { return line1; }
  15.         set { line1 = value; }
  16.     }
  17.     public String Line2
  18.     {
  19.         get { return line2; }
  20.         set { line2 = value; }
  21.     }
  22.     public String City
  23.     {
  24.         get { return city; }
  25.         set { city = value; }
  26.     }
  27.     public String State
  28.     {
  29.         get { return state; }
  30.         set
  31.         {
  32.             ValidateState(value);
  33.             state = value;
  34.         }
  35.     }
  36.     public String ZipCode
  37.     {
  38.         get { return zipCode; }
  39.         set
  40.         {
  41.             ValidateZip(value);
  42.             zipCode = value;
  43.         }
  44.     }
  45. }
  47. //Example usage
  48. Address a1 = new Address();
  49. a1.Line1 = "111 S. Main";
  50. a1.City = "Anytown";
  51. a1.State = "IL";
  52. a1.ZipCode = 61111;
  53. //Modify:
  54. a1.City = "Ann Arbor";//zip,state invalid now
  55. a1.ZipCode = 48103;//state still invalid now
  56. a1.State = "MI";//Now fine

Internal state changes means that it's possible to violate object invariants, at least temporarily. After you have replaced the City field, you have placed a1 in an invalid state. The city has changed and no longer matches the state or ZIP code fields. The code looks harmless enough, but suppose that this fragment is part of a multithreaded program. Any context switch after the city changes and before the state changes would leave the potential for another thread to see an inconsistent view of the data.

内部状态的改变意味着,违背对象的不可变性是可能的,至少暂时的改变是可能的。在你已经替换了City字段后,就将a1置于了无效状态。City字段变化了,和state以及zip code字段就不再匹配了。代码看起来是无害的,但是假设这段代码是一个多线程程序的一部分,在city改变后,任何上下文交换中,在state改变前,这时,如果另外一个线程也在访问的话,就会有潜在的危险,可能会看到不一致的数据。

Okay, so you're not writing a multithreaded program. You can still get into trouble. Imagine that the ZIP code was invalid and the set threw an exception. You've made only some of the changes you intended, and you've left the system in an invalid state. To fix this problem, you would need to add considerable internal validation code to the address structure. That validation code would add considerable size and complexity. To fully implement exception safety, you would need to create defensive copies around any code block in which you change more than one field. Thread safety would require adding significant thread-synchronization checks on each property accessor, both sets and gets. All in all, it would be a significant undertaking and one that would likely be extended over time as you add new features.


Instead, make the Address structure an immutable type.Start by changing all instance fields to read-only:


  1.         public struct Address
  2.         {
  3.             private readonly String line1;
  4.             private readonly String line2;
  5.             private readonly String city;
  6.             private readonly String state;
  7.             private readonly Int32 zipCode;
  8.         }

You'll also want to remove all set accessors to each property:


  1. public String Line1
  2. {
  3.     get { return line1; }
  4. }
  5. public String Line2
  6. {
  7.     get { return line2; }
  8. }
  9. public String City
  10. {
  11.     get { return city; }
  12. }
  13. public String State
  14. {
  15.     get { return state; }
  16. }
  17. public String ZipCode
  18. {
  19.     get { return zipCode; }
  20. }

Now you have an immutable type. To make it useful, you need to add all necessary constructors to initialize the Address structure completely. The Address structure needs only one additional constructor, specifying each field. A copy constructor is not needed because the assignment operator is just as efficient. Remember that the default constructor is still accessible. There is a default address where all the strings are null, and the ZIP code is 0:


  1. public struct Address
  2. {
  3.     private readonly String line1;
  4.     private readonly String line2;
  5.     private readonly String city;
  6.     private readonly String state;
  7.     private readonly Int32 zipCode;
  9.     public Address(String line1, String line2, String city, String state, String zipCode)
  10.     {
  11.         this.line1 = line1;
  12.         this.line2 = li2;
  13.         this.city = city;
  14.         this.state = state;
  15.         this.zipCode = zipCode;
  16.     }
  17. }


  1. //create an address
  2. Address a1 = new Address("111 S. Main","","Anytown","IL",61111);
  3. //To change,re-initialize
  4. a1 = new Address(a1.Line1, a1.Line2, "Ann Arbor""MI", 48103);

The value of a1 is in one of two states: its original location in Anytown, or its updated location in Ann Arbor. You do not modify the existing address to create any of the invalid temporary states from the previous example. Those interim states exist only during the execution of the Address constructor and are not visible outside of that constructor. As soon as a new Address object is constructed, its value is fixed for all time. It's exception safe: a1 has either its original value or its new value. If an exception is thrown during the construction of the new Address object, the original value of a1 is unchanged.

a1的值处于两种状态中的一个:在Anytown的原来的位置,或在Ann Arbor的新位置。不可能像前面的例子那样将现存的地址修改成任何无效的临时状态。这些临时状态仅仅存在于Address构造器的执行过程中,不会出现在构造器以外。一旦一个新的Address对象被构建,它的值就一直是固定的。它对异常来说是安全的:a1或者是原来的值或者是新的值。如果在一个新的Address对象被构建的过程中发生了异常,a1将保持原来的值。

To create an immutable type, you need to ensure that there are no holes that would allow clients to change your internal state. Value types do not support derived types, so you do not need to defend against derived types modifying fields. But you do need to watch for any fields in an immutable type that are mutable reference types. When you implement your constructors for these types, you need to make a defensive copy of that mutable type. All these examples assume that Phone is an immutable value type because we're concerned only with immutability in value types:


  1. //Almost immutable: there are holes that would
  2. //allow state changes
  3.     public struct PhoneList
  4.     {
  5.         private readonly Phone[] phones;
  6.         public PhoneList(Phone[] ph)
  7.         {
  8.             phones = ph;
  9.         }
  10.         public IEnumerator Phones
  11.         {
  12.             get
  13.             {
  14.                 return phones.GetEnumerator();
  15.             }
  16.         }
  17.   }
  19. Phone[] phones = new Phone[10];
  20. //initialize phones
  21. PhoneList pl = new PhoneList(phones);
  23. //modify the phone list
  24. //also modifies the internals of the (supposedly)
  25. //immutable object.
  26. phones[5] = Phone.GeneratePhoneNumber();

The array class is a reference type. The array referenced inside the PhoneList structure refers to the same array storage (phones) allocated outside of the object. Developers can modify your immutable structure through another variable that refers to the same storage. To remove this possibility, you need to make a defensive copy of the array. The previous example shows the pitfalls of a mutable collection. Even more possibilities for mischief exist if the Phone type is a mutable reference type. Clients could modify the values in the collection, even if the collection is protected against any modification. This defensive copy should be made in all constructors whenever your immutable type contains a mutable reference type:


  1.     //Immutable : A copy is made at construction
  2.     public struct PhoneList
  3.     {
  4.         private readonly Phone[] phones;
  5.         public PhoneList(Phone[] ph)
  6.         {
  7.             phones = new Phone[ph.Length];
  8.             //copies values because Phone is a value type
  9.             ph.CopyTo(phones, 0);
  10.         }
  11.         public IEnumerator Phones
  12.         {
  13.             get
  14.             {
  15.                 return phones.GetEnumerator();
  16.             }
  17.         }
  18.   }
  20. Phone[] phones = new Phone[10];
  21. //initialize phones
  22. PhoneList pl = new PhoneList(phones);
  24. //modify the phone list
  25. //Does not modify the copy in pl
  26. phones[5] = Phone.GeneratePhoneNumber();

You need to follow the same rules when you return a mutable reference type. If you add a property to retrieve the entire array from the PhoneList struct, that accessor would also need to create a defensive copy. See Item 23 for more details.


The complexity of a type dictates which of three strategies you will use to initialize your immutable type. The Address structure defined one constructor to allow clients to initialize an address. Defining the reasonable set of constructors is often the simplest approach.


You can also create factory methods to initialize the structure. Factories make it easier to create common values. The .NET Framework Color type follows this strategy to initialize system colors. The static methods Color.FromKnownColor() and Color.FromName() return a copy of a color value that represents the current value for a given system color.


Third, you can create a mutable companion class for those instances in which multistep operations are necessary to fully construct an immutable type. The .NET string class follows this strategy with the System.Text.StringBuilder class. You use the StringBuilder class to create a string using multiple operations. After performing all the operations necessary to build the string, you retrieve the immutable string from the StringBuilder.


Immutable types are simpler to code and easier to maintain. Don't blindly create get and set accessors for every property in your type. Your first choice for types that store data should be immutable, atomic value types. You easily can build more complicated structures from these entities.






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