Effective C#之12:Prefer Variable Initializers to Assignment Statements

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Item 12: Prefer Variable Initializers to Assignment Statements


Classes often have more than one constructor. Over time, it's easy for the member variables and the constructors to get out of synch. The best way to make sure this doesn't happen is to initialize variables where you declare them instead of in the body of every constructor. You should utilize the initializer syntax for both static and instance variables.


Constructing member variables when you declare that variable is natural in C#. Just assign a value:


  1.     public class MyClass
  2.     {
  3.         // declare the collection, and initialize it.
  4.         private ArrayList coll = new ArrayList();
  5.     }

Regardless of the number of constructors you eventually add to the MyClass type, _coll will be initialized properly. The compiler generates code at the beginning of each constructor to execute all the initializers you have defined for your instance member variables. When you add a new constructor, _coll gets initialized. Similarly, if you add a new member variable, you do not need to add initialization code to every constructor; initializing the variable where you define it is sufficient. Equally important, the initializers are added to the compiler-generated default constructor. The C# compiler creates a default constructor for your types whenever you don't explicitly define any constructors.


Initializers are more than a convenient shortcut for statements in a constructor body. The statements generated by initializers are placed in object code before the body of your constructors. Initializers execute before the base class constructor for your type executes, and they are executed in the order the variables are declared in your class.


Using initializers is the simplest way to avoid uninitialized variables in your types, but it's not perfect. In three cases, you should not use the initializer syntax. The first is when you are initializing the object to 0, or null. The default system initialization sets everything to 0 for you before any of your code executes. The system-generated 0 initialization is done at a very low level using the CPU instructions to set the entire block of memory to 0. Any extra 0 initialization on your part is superfluous. The C# compiler dutifully adds the extra instructions to set memory to 0 again. It's not wrong. it's just inefficient. In fact, when value types are involved, it's very inefficient.


  1. MyValType myVal1;  // initialized to 0
  2. MyValType myVal2 = new MyValType(); // also 0

Both statements initialize the variable to all 0s. The first does so by setting the memory containing MyVal1 to 0. The second uses the IL instruction initobj, which causes both a box and an unbox operation on the _MyVal2 variable. This takes quite a bit of extra time (see Item 17).

两条语句都将变量设置成全0。第一个,将含有myVal1的内存设置为0;第二个,使用了IL指令 init obj,这在myVal2上会同时引发装箱和拆箱,会花费相当多额外时间(Item 17)

The second inefficiency comes when you create multiple initializations for the same object. You should use the initializer syntax only for variables that receive the same initialization in all constructors. This version of MyClass has a path that creates two different ArrayList objects as part of its construction:


  1.     public class MyClass
  2.     {
  3.         // declare the collection, and initialize it.
  4.         private ArrayList coll = new ArrayList();
  5.         MyClass()
  6.         {
  7.         }
  8.         MyClass(Int32 size)
  9.         {
  10.             coll = new ArrayList(size);
  11.         }
  12.     }

When you create a new MyClass, specifying the size of the collection, you create two array lists. One is immediately garbage. The variable initializer executes before every constructor. The constructor body creates the second array list. The compiler creates this version of MyClass, which you would never code by hand. (For the proper way to handle this situation, see Item 14.)

当你创建一个新的MyClass时,指定集合的大小,就创建了2个数组列表。一个很快成为了垃圾。变量初始化器在每个构造函数前被执行,构造函数体创建了第二个数组列表。编译器为你创建了MyClass的这个版本,你可能从没有手工编写过(如何恰当的处理这种情况,请看Item 14)

  1.     public class MyClass
  2.     {
  3.         // declare the collection, and initialize it.
  4.         private ArrayList coll;
  5.         MyClass()
  6.         {
  7.             coll = new ArrayList();
  8.         }
  9.         MyClass(int size)
  10.         {
  11.             coll = new ArrayList();
  12.             coll = new ArrayList(size);
  13.         }
  14.     }

The final reason to move initialization into the body of a constructor is to facilitate exception handling. You cannot wrap the initializers in a Try block. Any exceptions that might be generated during the construction of your member variables get propagated outside of your object. You cannot attempt any recovery inside your class. You should move that initialization code into the body of your constructors so that you implement the proper recovery code to create your type and gracefully handle the exception (see Item 45).

将初始化移到构造函数体内部的最后一个原因是,便于处理异常。你不能将初始化器放到Try代码块里面。在你的成员变量给生成的期间,在对象外部可能发生任何异常。在类的内部你不能尝试任何修复。你应该将初始化代码移到构造函数内部,那样的话就可以实现合适的修复代码来创建你的类型,并且比较优雅的处理异常(Item 45)

Variable initializers are the simplest way to ensure that the member variables in your type are initialized regardless of which constructor is called. The initializers are executed before each constructor you make for your type. Using this syntax means that you cannot forget to add the proper initialization when you add new constructors for a future release. Use initializers when all constructors create the member variable the same way; it's simpler to read and easier to maintain.







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