Effective C#之Item 43:Don't Overuse Reflection

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Item 43: Don't Overuse Reflection


Building binary components sometimes means utilizing late binding and reflection to find the code with the particular functionality you need. Reflection is a powerful tool, and it enables you to write software that is much more dynamic. Using reflection, an application can be upgraded with new capabilities by adding new components that were not available when the application was deployed. That's the upside.


With this flexibility comes increased complexity, and with increased complexity comes increased chance for many problems. When you use reflection, you circumvent C#'s type safety. Instead, the Invoke members use parameters and return values typed as System.Object. You must make sure the proper types are used at runtime. In short, using reflection makes it much easier to build dynamic programs, but it is also much easier to build broken programs. Often, with a little thought, you can minimize or remove the need for reflection by creating a set of interface definitions that express your assumptions about a type.


Reflection gives you the capability to create instances of objects, invoke members on those objects, and access data members in those objects. Those sound like normal everyday programming tasks. They are. There is nothing magic about reflection: It is a means of dynamically interacting with other binary components. In most cases, you don't need the flexibility of reflection because other alternatives are more maintainable.


Let's begin with creating instances of a given type. You can often accomplish the same result using a class factory. Consider this code fragment, which creates an instance of MyType by calling the default constructor using reflection:


  1. // Usage:Create a new object using reflection:
  2. Type t = typeof( MyType );
  3. MyType obj = NewInstance( t ) as MyType;
  5. // Example factory function, based on Reflection:
  6. object NewInstance( Type t )
  7. {
  8.   // Find the default constructor:
  9.   ConstructorInfo ci = t.GetConstructor( new Type[ 0 ] );
  10.   if ( ci != null )
  11.     // Invoke default constructor, and return
  12.     // the new object.
  13.     return ci.Invoke( null );
  15.   // If it failed, return null.
  16.   return null;
  17. }

The code examines the type using reflection and invokes the default constructor to create the object. If you need to create a type at runtime without any previous knowledge of the type, this is the only option. This is brittle code that relies on the presence of a default constructor. It still compiles if you remove the default constructor from MyType. You must perform runtime testing to catch any problems that arise. A class factory function that performed the same operations would not compile if the default constructor was removed:


  1. public MyType NewInstance( )
  2. {
  3.   return new MyType();
  4. }

You should create static factory functions instead of relying on reflection to instantiate objects. If you need to instantiate objects using late binding, create factory functions and tag them as such with attributes (see Item 42).


Another potential use of reflection is to access members of a type. You can use the member name and the type to call a particular function at runtime:


  1. // Example usage:
  2. Dispatcher.InvokeMethod( AnObject, "MyHelperFunc" );
  4. // Dispatcher Invoke Method:
  5. public void InvokeMethod ( object o, string name )
  6. {
  7.   // Find the member functions with that name.
  8.   MemberInfo[] myMembers = o.GetType( ).GetMember( name );
  9.   foreach( MethodInfo m in myMembers )
  10.   {
  11.     // Make sure the parameter list matches:
  12.     if ( m.GetParameters( ).Length == 0 )
  13.       // Invoke:
  14.      m.Invoke( o, null );
  15.   }
  16. }


Runtime errors are lurking in the previous code. If the name is typed wrong, the method won't be found. No method will be called.


It's also a simple example. Creating a more robust version of InvokeMethod would need to check the types of all proposed parameters against the list of all parameters returned by the GetParameters() method. That code is lengthy enough and ugly enough that I did not even want to waste the space to show it to you. It's that bad.


The third use of reflection is accessing data members. The code is similar to accessing member functions:


  1. // Example usage:
  2. object field = Dispatcher.RetrieveField ( AnObject, "MyField" );
  4. // elsewhere in the dispatcher class:
  5. public object RetrieveField ( object o, string name )
  6. {
  7.   // Find the field.
  8.   FieldInfo myField = o.GetType( ).GetField( name );
  9.   if ( myField != null )
  10.     return myField.GetValue( o );
  11.   else
  12.     return null;
  13. }

As with the method invocation, using reflection to retrieve a data member involves querying the type for a field with a name that matches the requested field. If one is found, the value can be retrieved using the FieldInfo structure. This construct is rather common in the framework. DataBinding makes use of reflection to find the properties that are the targets of binding operation. In those cases, the dynamic nature of data binding outweighs the possible costs.


So, if reflection is such a painful process, you need to look for better and simpler alternatives. You have three options. The first is interfaces. You can define interfaces for any contract that you expect classes or structs to implement (see Item 19). That would replace all the reflection code with a few far clearer lines of code:


  1. IMyInterface foo = obj as IMyInterface;
  2. if ( foo != null)
  3. {
  4.   foo.DoWork( );
  5.   foo.Msg = "work is done.";
  6. }


If you combine interfaces with a factory function tagged with an attribute, almost any system you thought deserved a solution based on reflection gets much more simple:


  1. public class MyType : IMyInterface
  2. {
  3.   [FactoryFunction]
  4.   public static IMyInterface CreateInstance( )
  5.   {
  6.     return new MyType( );
  7.   }
  9.   #region IMyInterface
  10.   public string Msg
  11.   {
  12.     get
  13.     {
  14.       return _msg;
  15.     }
  16.     set
  17.     {
  18.       _msg = value;
  19.     }
  20.   }
  21.   public void DoWork( )
  22.   {
  23.     // details elided.
  24.   }
  25.   #endregion
  26. }


Contrast this code with the reflection-based solution shown earlier. Even these simple examples have glossed over some of the weakly typed issues common to all the reflection APIs: The return values are all typed as objects. If you want to get the proper type, you need to cast or convert the type. Those operations could fail and are inherently dangerous. The strong type checking that the compiler provides when you create interfaces is much clearer and more maintainable.


Reflection should be used only when the invocation target can't be cleanly expressed using an interface. .NET data binding works with any public property of a type. Limiting it to an interface definition would greatly limit its reach. The menu handler sample allows any function (either instance or static) to implement the command handler. Using an interface would limit that functionality to instance methods only. Both FxCop and NUnit (see Item 48) make extensive use of reflection. They use reflection because the nature of the problems they address are best handled using it. FxCop examines all your code to evaluate it against a set of known rules. That requires reflection. NUnit must call test code you've written. It uses reflection to determine what code you've written to unit test your code. An interface cannot express the full set of methods used to test any code you might write. NUnit does use attributes to find tests and test cases to make its job easier (see Item 42).

只有当被调用的目标在使用接口不能被清晰的表述时,才应该使用反射。.Net数据绑定与类型的任何公开属性一起工作。将其限制在接口里,将大大的限制它的使用。菜单句柄的例子允许任何方法(实例或者静态)实现命令句柄。使用接口将限制那个功能,使其只能作用于实例方法。FxCop NUnit (Item 48)都充分利用了反射。它们使用反射是因为它们描述的问题本身使用反射来解决最好。FxCop检查你所有的代码,用一系列已知的规则进行评估。这都需要反射。NUnit应该调用你已经编写的代码。它使用反射来决定你写得哪些代码要进行单元测试。接口不能表述要用来进行测试的完整的方法集合。NUnit使用了特性来发现测试以及测试用例来使它的工作更简单(Item42)

When you can factor out the methods or properties that you intend to invoke using interfaces, you'll have a cleaner, more maintainable system. Reflection is a powerful late-binding mechanism. The .NET Framework uses it to implement data binding for both Windows- and web-based controls. However, in many less general uses, creating code using class factories, delegates, and interfaces will produce more maintainable systems.


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