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原创 URL Distribution About NodeJS

Long time no see , guys . Been very busy recently . But I didn't stop coding . I just had no time to share with you . Now I have a little time to write this blog .   This time I want to talk about U

2017-08-15 10:46:53 329

原创 Component develop with JavaScript

This is a component library , wrote by myself , include alert , confirm , list , navigationBar , tabBar . The alert component and the confirm component are completed . But I think they are not perfect

2017-04-15 14:07:21 270

原创 The operator of C++ : sizeof

Recently I was reviewing C++ . And I was interested in TYPEOF , this operator . You can use it Like " sizeof( testedVariable ) " to see the size of testedVariable . You might think it is a function

2017-04-13 15:12:40 267

原创 Cross-Browser Event Handlers

Event are certain actions performed either by the users or by the browser itself , like click , load or mouseover . There are four event handlers in JavaScript : HTML event handler , DOM level 0 event

2017-03-29 19:15:59 340

原创 Get element by JavaScript

There are four functions for us to get the document elements , and all of them are the functions of document : getElementById() , getElementByClassName() , getElementByName() , getElementByTagName() .

2017-03-23 22:44:36 861

原创 How to start stop restart mysql on Mac

start mysql : sudo /usr/local/mysql/support_files/mysql.server start    stop mysql : sudo /usr/local/mysql/support_files/mysql.server start    restart mysql : sudo /usr/local/mysql/support_files/m

2017-03-17 21:46:35 465

原创 JavaScript Data Types

There are seven data types in ECMAScript . Six of them are simple data types , you can call them primitive types : Undefined , Null , Boolean , Number , String and Function . One is complex data type

2017-03-17 13:16:29 399

原创 Talk about Jquery Touch

When first time I got to learn about web ,I thought it is just run in browsers .But one day ,I was told to build a web page which can run in mobile browsers .At that moment ,I thought it doesn't make

2016-10-16 00:45:32 363

原创 Talk about the structure of a html page

At the first time I study html to build a web page ,it is not so hard to understand what the tags mean and how to use them .But when the first time I got a project form my mentor ,and my job was not t

2016-09-23 20:46:31 330



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