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ora.LISTENER.lsnr     ora.LISTENER_ASM.lsnr ora.LISTENER_RIM.lsnr   ora.LISTENER_SCAN1.lsnr

2012-05-18 14:10:47 509

原创 TNS-12541: TNS:no listener

TNS-12541: TNS:no listener

2012-05-18 10:33:00 753

原创 ORA-01017


2012-05-17 17:19:00 611

原创 ORA-12516

ORA-12516:TNS:listener could not find available handler with matching protocol stackCause:None of the known and available service handlers for the given SERVICE_NAME support the client's p

2012-05-16 08:40:04 1653 1

原创 cell smart table scan

cell smart table scan

2012-05-15 17:26:29 905

原创 SCN what,why,how?


2012-05-14 15:45:22 441

原创 RAC object remastering ( Dynamic remastering )


2012-05-14 15:41:40 319

原创 cluster_interconnec


2012-05-08 09:52:47 349

原创 ORA-01041

h1-SQL> startup pfile=?/dbs/inith1.oraORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channelORA-01041: internal error. hostdef extension doesn't exist

2012-04-25 10:31:16 521

原创 ora 00240 control file enqueue

ora 00240 control file enqueue

2012-04-25 08:31:30 822

原创 Simple explanation of Wait Event “cursor: pin s”


2012-04-24 15:08:27 436

原创 ORA-12720: operation requires database is in EXCLUSIVE mode

PROBLEMWhen I try to create an controlfile for a RAC database using the CONTROLFILE Trace. I was throw with the below error messageSQL> @c.sqlCREATE CONTROLFILE REUSE DATABASE "XE1" RESE

2012-04-22 22:58:22 4298

转载 关于Exadata

Oracle在今年旧金山的OOW大会上发布了自己和HP合作的第一款硬件产品——Exadata。Exadata包含主机Database Machine和存储Exadata StorageServer两种产品,硬件产品由HP提供,Oracle提供软件支持。Oracle号称该款产品在数据仓库的环境下,相比传统的Oracle数据库有着数量级的性能提升。到底该产品有着怎样的改进和亮点才会让Oracle如此自

2012-04-22 16:08:01 1518

原创 ins 32025 oracle

ins 32025 oracle

2012-04-22 15:51:37 992

原创 ORA-01618: redo thread 2 is not enabled - cannot mount 错误

今天用两台linux red hat 4 搭建RAC(10G)的时候出现此错误,后来解决了,给分享一下。我刚刚建立好RAC,能打开节点1,打开节点2时报此错,查看节点1的日志如下:SQL>select * from v$Log;// 只有节点1的日志,却没有节点2的日志GROUP# THREAD# SEQUENCE# BYTES MEMBERS ARC STATUS FIRST_CHA

2012-04-19 19:12:09 1479

原创 ORA-25141:

Elapsed: 00:00:00.02h1-SQL> create tablespace USERS datafile '+HIGH/h/users01.dbf' size 500M extent autoextend on;create tablespace USERS datafile '+HIGH/h/users01.dbf' size 500M extent autoextend

2012-04-18 20:40:57 2270

原创 tpch


2012-04-18 17:06:18 587

原创 ORA-00304: requested INSTANCE_NUMBER is busy

[oracle@nshexdaj4db01 dbs]$ ls spfileh_ios.ora spfileh_ios.ora[oracle@nshexdaj4db01 dbs]$ sqlplus / as sysdbaSQL*Plus: Release Beta on Wed Apr 18 01:12:44 2012Copyright (c) 1982

2012-04-18 13:22:04 3049

原创 Difference between CSSDAGENT and CSSDMONITOR

CSSDAGENT - This process is spawned by OHASD and is responsible for spawning the OCSSD process, monitoring for node hangs (via oprocd functionality), and monitoring to the OCSSD process for hangs (via

2012-04-16 19:35:49 2584


OHASDIn a cluster, OHASD runsas root; in an Oracle Restart environment, where OHASD manages application resources, itruns as the oracle user.

2012-04-16 18:52:13 662

原创 oracle RACG

oracle RACG is what?

2012-04-16 18:41:42 676

原创 asmcmd error -- clsecho: No such file or directory

Question:when using asmcmd ,encounter the error:[cdccrs@node01 ~]$ asmcmdsh: /u01/app/base/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/bin/clsecho: No such file or directorysh: /u01/app/base/product/12.1.0/db

2012-04-16 18:17:11 11657

原创 srvctl modify the spfile,but db start using old spfile

create spfile='+DATA0411/spfile' from pfile='/u01/app/base/admin/racstr/scripts/init.ora';srvctl modify database -d racstr -p +DATA0411/spfile[cdccrs@rwsaq01 trace]$ sqlplus / as sysdbaSQL*Plu

2012-04-16 18:15:19 855

原创 asmcmd difference between sysdba and sysasm

asmcmd difference between sysdba and sysasm

2012-04-16 10:54:13 1032

原创 asmcmd not execute cp command

ASMCMD [+data0411] > cp spfile +data0411/RACSTR/copying +data0411/spfile -> +data0411/RACSTR/spfileASMCMD-8016: copy source '+data0411/spfile' and target '+data0411/RACSTR/spfile' failedORA-1950

2012-04-16 10:52:28 2562

原创 CRS not update the config file

create spfile='+DATA0411/spfile' from pfile='/u01/app/base/admin/racstr/scripts/init.ora';srvctl modify database -d racstr -p +DATA0411/spfile[cdccrs@node01 trace]$ sqlplus / as sysdbaSQL*Plus

2012-04-16 10:51:49 424

原创 11gR2 Oracle clusterware log files

Oracle Database uses a unified log directory structure to consolidate the Oracle Clusterware component log files. This consolidated structure simplifies diagnostic information collection and assists d

2012-04-15 15:09:08 964

原创 Oracle RAC Clusterware Components

Oracle Clusterware includes the following processes:                                           Link toOracle RAC clusterware startup sequence (11gR2) 1) Cluster Ready Services (CRS)

2012-04-15 15:06:13 524

原创 11gR2 Clusterware and Grid Home - What You Need to Know [ID 1053147.1]

In this Document  Purpose  Scope and Application  11gR2 Clusterware and Grid Home - What You Need to Know     11gR2 Clusterware Key Facts     Clusterware Startup Sequence     Important Log

2012-04-15 14:59:20 1257

原创 Oracle 11gR2 clusterware startup sequence

Metalink:http://blog.csdn.net/microjoey/article/details/7462855ohasd -> orarootagent->ora.cssdmonitor: Monitors CSSD and node health (along with the cssdagent). Try to restart the node i

2012-04-15 14:58:05 975

原创 ASM Command-Line Utility(ASMCMD)

ASMCMD is a command-line utility that you can use to easily view and manipulate files and directories within Automatic Storage Management (ASM) disk groups. It can list the contents of disk groups, pe

2012-04-15 14:44:50 576

原创 ASM

1,what is the asm?ASM is an integrated volume manager for storingOracle database files - includingdatafiles,redo logs,backups,controlfiles and spfiles. ASM allows administrators to add and r

2012-04-15 14:26:19 474

原创 ORA-01031: insufficient privileges

when you encounter the ORA-01031,you can deal with it by the steps.cdccrs@node01 trace]$ sqlplus / as sysasmSQL*Plus: Release Beta on Sat Apr 14 22:15:47 2012Copyright (c) 1982,

2012-04-15 14:22:33 430

原创 Encounter ORA-03113 Error when create spfile from pfile

SQL> create spfile='+DATA0411/spfile' from pfile='/u01/app/base/admin/racstr/scripts/init.ora';create spfile='+DATA0411/spfile' from pfile='/u01/app/base/admin/racstr/scripts/init.ora'*ERROR at

2012-04-15 11:16:22 1060

原创 Introduce srvctl command

1)SRVCTL is used to manage the following resources (components):             Component Abbreviation Descriptionasm asm Oracle ASM instance

2012-04-15 10:44:06 531

原创 Information about ora.OC4J in Rac Environment

You can find the status of oc4j and gsd is offline when you installed Rac,like following info.NAME=ora.oc4jTYPE=ora.oc4j.typeTARGET=OFFLINESTATE=OFFLINENAME=ora.gsdTYPE=or

2012-04-15 09:20:25 2276

原创 Difference for LIOT and SIOT


2012-04-15 08:04:44 389

原创 cluster_database false or ture - ORA-01102

Today,Create one rac db by using scripts,encounter an error:ORA-01102: cannot mount database in EXCLUSIVE modesolution:modify the cluster_database from true to false,the script can run.

2012-04-15 07:32:05 711

原创 why have two heartbeat?

In the rac environment,it have two heartbeat:1)network heartbeat2)disk heartbeatwhat is the difference between them?

2012-04-15 07:25:26 374

原创 Relation between the main stack and agent

if not have main stack,or not it`s task is replaced by agent.

2012-04-15 07:20:44 354



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