class Solution:
def isMatch(self, s: str, p: str) -> bool:
def allStars(st: str, left: int, right: int) -> bool:
return all(st[i] == '*' for i in range(left, right))
def charMatch(u: str, v: str) -> bool:
return u == v or v == '?'
sRight, pRight = len(s), len(p)
while sRight > 0 and pRight > 0 and p[pRight - 1] != '*':
if charMatch(s[sRight - 1], p[pRight - 1]):
sRight -= 1
pRight -= 1
return False
if pRight == 0:
return sRight == 0
sIndex, pIndex = 0, 0
sRecord, pRecord = -1, -1
while sIndex < sRight and pIndex < pRight:
if p[pIndex] == '*':
pIndex += 1
sRecord, pRecord = sIndex, pIndex
elif charMatch(s[sIndex], p[pIndex]):
sIndex += 1
pIndex += 1
elif sRecord != -1 and sRecord + 1 < sRight:
sRecord += 1
sIndex, pIndex = sRecord, pRecord
return False
return allStars(p, pIndex, pRight)