The different types of polymorphism in OOP-面向对象程序设计中的多态类型

There are four kinds of polymorphism at the computer-language level:      

coercion, overloading, parametric, and inclusion. 

Coercion polymorphism refers to a single operation serving several types through implicit type conversion. For example, the subtraction operation manifests itself in source code through the subtraction operator (-). That operator allows you to subtract an integer from another integer and a floating-point value from another floating-point value. However, if one operand is an integer and the other operand a floating-point value, the compiler must convert the integer's operand type to floating-point. Otherwise, a type error occurs -- because Java's subtraction operation does not subtract integers from floating-point values, or vice versa. Another example of coercion polymorphism involves method calls. If a subclass declares a method with a superclass parameter, and if a call is made to that method with a subclass object reference, the compiler implicitly converts the subclass reference type to the superclass reference type. That way, only superclass-defined operations are legal (without explicit type casts) in the method.

Overloading polymorphism refers to using a single identifier for different operations. For example, the + identifier -- I use the term identifier in a general sense -- signifies any one of several operations based on its operands' types. If both operands have integer types, the integer addition operation occurs. Similarly, if both operands have floating-point types, a floating-point operation occurs. Finally, if those operands are strings, string concatenation is guaranteed to be the operation.Along with its language-defined operator overloading, Java also permits method names to overload -- as long as the number and/or types of each method's parameters differ. That way, the same method-name identifier can apply to different operations. 

Parametric polymorphism refers to a class declaration that allows the same field names and method signatures to associate with a different type in each instance of that class. For example, you might create a LinkedList class with a data field that holds any type of data. To allow for proper type checking at compile time, you do not want to give that field Object type (as in Object data;) as the compiler cannot inform you if the code attempts to perform invalid operations on data, because only the JVM knows the actual type of data at runtime. However, you do not want to tie data to a specific type in your source code, because you lose the benefit of being able to store different object types in your LinkedList objects. To achieve the best of both worlds, parametric polymorphism gives you the benefits of static type checking -- which alerts you to attempts that perform invalid operations on data -- and allows data to hold different object types. Probably the best-known example of parametric polymorphism is the C++ template language feature. Although Java does not officially support parametric polymorphism, developers expect Sun to add that support to version 1.5 of the SDK, which is scheduled for a 2003 release.

Inclusion polymorphism refers to a situation in which a type can be another type's subtype. Every subtype value can appear in a supertype context, where the execution of the supertype's operations (on that value) results in the execution of the subtype's equivalent operations. For that reason, inclusion polymorphism is also known as subtype polymorphism. To understand inclusion (or subtype) polymorphism, you must understand how Java binds method calls to classes and objects.

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