会自动发送show inter和show int status命令给设备,然后回显会各自保存在系统临时目录的临时文件中
#$language = "VBScript"
#$interface = "1.0"
crt.Screen.Synchronous = true
const UserName1 = """MrRight 17""" , PassWord1 = "Michael123!" , EnablePassWD1 = "Michael123!"
const UserName2 = "MrRight 17"
const Read = 1, Write = 2
const waitingForCmd = 5
dim szIntlogFileName
dim szVIDlogFileName
sub Main
IP = InputBox("Enter IP address : ")
dim fso
set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
dim tempfolder
const TemporaryFolder = 2
set tempfolder = fso.GetSpecialFolder(TemporaryFolder)
szIntlogFileName = tempfolder & "\" & IP & ".txt"
szVIDlogFileName = tempfolder & "\" & IP & "-VID.txt"
'MsgBox tempfolder
if Login(IP) then
' 获取桌面地址
dim WshShell, strDesktop
set WshShell = CreateObject("wscript.shell")
strDesktop = WshShell.SpecialFolders("Desktop")
dateTime = date()
dateTime = Replace(dateTime,"/","-")
' 创建excel文件
createExcel strDesktop & "\" & dateTime & "-" & IP & ".xlsx", szIntlogFileName, szVIDlogFileName
dim tmpFile, fso1
set fso1 = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set tmpFile = fso1.GetFile(szIntlogFileName)
set tmpFile = fso1.GetFile(szVIDlogFileName)
MsgBox "Create " & strDesktop & "\" & dateTime & "-" & IP & ".xlsx" & " successful!"
'IP = InputBox("Enter IP address : " & vbcr & "(Quit enter 0)")
MsgBox("Login failed !")
end if
end sub
function Login(IP)
Login = True
Login = SSH2Connect(IP)
if NOT Login then
Login = TelnetConnect(IP)
end if
'MsgBox Login
End function
function SSH2Connect(IP)
SSH2Connect = True
'crt.Session.LogFileName = szlogFileName
On Error Resume Next
crt.Session.Connect("/SSH2 /L " & UserName1 & " /PASSWORD " & PassWord1 & " " & IP)
nError = Err.Number
strErr = Err.Description
' Now, tell the script host that it should handle errors as usual now:
On Error Goto 0
If nError <> 0 Then
' Handle the error (log to a file, etc.)
SSH2Connect = false
' Do work on the remote machine
Select Case Crt.Screen.WaitForStrings(">","#",10)
Case 1
Case 2
Crt.Screen.Send vbCr
End Select
End If
end function
function TelnetConnect(IP)
TelnetConnect = True
On Error Resume Next
crt.Session.Connect("/Telnet" & " " & IP)
nError = Err.Number
strErr = Err.Description
' Now, tell the script host that it should handle errors as usual now:
On Error Goto 0
If nError <> 0 Then
' Handle the error (log to a file, etc.)
TelnetConnect = false
Select Case crt.Screen.WaitForStrings("username",10)
Case 1
Crt.Screen.Send UserName2
crt.Screen.Send vbcr
Crt.Screen.Send(PassWord1 & vbcr)
Crt.Screen.Send vbCr
if (crt.Screen.WaitForStrings(">","#") <> 2) then
Crt.Screen.Send vbCr
end if
end Select
End If
end function
sub SendEnablePasswd()
Crt.Screen.Send "enable" & vbCr
Crt.Screen.WaitForString("assword: ")
Crt.Screen.Send EnablePassWD1 & vbCr
Crt.Screen.Send vbCr
end sub
Sub RunCommand()
crt.Session.LogFileName = szIntlogFileName
crt.Screen.Send "sh int"
crt.Screen.Send vbcr
Do While (crt.Screen.WaitForString("More",waitingForCmd) = True)
crt.Screen.Send(" ")
crt.Sleep 100
crt.Session.LogFileName = szVIDlogFileName
crt.Screen.Send "sh int status"
crt.Screen.Send vbcr
Do While (crt.Screen.WaitForString("More",waitingForCmd) = True)
crt.Screen.Send(" ")
End Sub
' 创建ExcelMain
function createExcel(excelFileName, intlogFileName, VIDlogFileName)
createExcel = true
createExcelHeard excelFileName, intlogFileName, VIDlogFileName
end function
' 创建Excel
' A B C D E F G H
' Interface Link Protocol State Last input Last output VLAN ID
' vlan1 administratively down down notconnect 0:00:00 never
' FastEthernet0/1 down down notconnect never never 59
function createExcelHeard(excelFileName, intlogFileName, VIDlogFileName)
createExcelHeard = true
dim objExcelApp, objExcelBook, objExcelSheet
set objExcelApp = CreateObject("excel.application")
set objExcelBook = objExcelApp.WorkBooks.Add
set objExcelSheet = objExcelBook.ActiveSheet
' 先处理接口普通信息
dim fso, objLogFile
set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set objLogFile = fso.OpenTextFile(intlogFileName,Read,false)
' 生成表头
objExcelSheet.Cells(1,1) = IPADDR
objExcelSheet.Cells(1,2) = "Interface"
objExcelSheet.Cells(1,3) = "Link"
objExcelSheet.Cells(1,4) = "Protocol"
objExcelSheet.Cells(1,5) = "State"
objExcelSheet.Cells(1,6) = "Last input"
objExcelSheet.Cells(1,7) = "Last output"
dim flag, row, column
flag = true
' 行
row = 2
' 列
column = 2
do while objLogFile.AtEndOfStream <> true
szline = objLogFile.ReadLine
if flag then
' interface/Link/Protocol/state 这些信息在一行
if InStr(szline, "protocol") then
tmp = InStr(szline,"drops")
if tmp = 0 then
objExcelSheet.Cells(row,column) = getInterface(szline)
column = column + 1
objExcelSheet.Cells(row,column) = getLink(szline)
column = column + 1
objExcelSheet.Cells(row,column) = getProtocol(szline)
column = column + 1
objExcelSheet.Cells(row,column) = getState(szline)
column = column + 1
flag = not flag
end if
end if
' Last input/Last output 这些信息在一行
if InStr(szline, "Last input") then
objExcelSheet.Cells(row,column) = getLastInput(szline)
column = column + 1
objExcelSheet.Cells(row,column) = getLastOutput(szline)
column = 2
flag = not flag
row = row + 1
end if
end if
' 再处理VLAN ID信息
set objLogFile = fso.OpenTextFile(VIDlogFileName,Read,false)
objExcelSheet.Cells(1,8) = "VLAN ID"
dim NameLk, StatusLK
flag = false
dim flag2
flag2 = false
column = 2
do while objLogFile.AtEndOfStream <> true
szline = objLogFile.ReadLine
'msgbox szline
'msgbox "282"
' 定位标题行,用于计算接口注释位置(为了检测是否有注释)
if NOT flag then
'msgbox "285"
if InStr(szline,"ort") then
NameLk = InStr(szline, "Name")
'msgbox "NameLk: " & NameLk
StatusLK = InStr(szline, "Status")
flag = true
end if
end if
' 关键信息行定位
if keyLine(szline) then
' 定位EXCEL中应该写在什么位置(一次性)
if NOT flag2 then
for row = 2 to 100
' 取出前两个字符 Gi
'msgbox "298"
if InStr(objExcelSheet.cells(row,column), Mid(szline, 1, 2)) = 1 then
flag2 = true
column = 8
exit for
end if
end if
' 检测是否有注释,Gi4/3 To-P2-6500 inactive 1 full 1000 No Gbic
szlineLen = Len(szline)
'msgbox "308"
tmpMid = Mid(szline, NameLk, 1)
if inStr(tmpMid," ") = 1 then ' 没注释
vlanID = vlanIDFunction(szline, szlineLen)
objExcelSheet.cells(row,column) = vlanID(2)
else ' 有注释
vlanID = vlanIDFunction(szline, szlineLen)
objExcelSheet.cells(row,column) = vlanID(3)
end if
row = row + 1
end if
' 行
row = 2
' 列
column = 6
do while objExcelSheet.cells(row,column) <> ""
'MsgBox objExcelSheet.cells(row,column)
if inStr(objExcelSheet.cells(row,column),"never") then
if objExcelSheet.cells(row,column + 1) = "never" then
objExcelSheet.cells(row,column).Interior.color = RGB(255,0,0)
objExcelSheet.cells(row,column + 1).Interior.color = RGB(255,0,0)
objExcelSheet.cells(row, 2).Interior.color = RGB(255,0,0)
end if
end if
row = row + 1
for i = 65 to 90
objExcelSheet.Columns(chr(i)).HorizontalAlignment = 2
end function
' 判断是否有关键信息
function keyLine(szline)
keyLine = true
if InStr(szline,"#") then
keyLine = false
end if
if InStr(szline,"ort") then
keyLine = false
end if
if InStr(szline, " ") = 1 then
keyLine = false
end if
end function
function vlanIDFunction(szline,szlineLen)
for i = szlineLen to 2 step -1
szchars = space(i)
szline = Replace(szline,szchars, " ")
vlanIDFunction = Split(szline," ")
end function
' 词法分析
' 获得Interface
' FastEthernet0/1 is down, line protocol is down (notconnect)
function getInterface(szline)
dim interface
interface = Split(szline," ")
getInterface = interface(0)
end function
' 获得Link
' FastEthernet0/1 is down, line protocol is down (notconnect)
' Vlan999 is up, line protocol is up
' Vlan1 is administratively down, line protocol is down
function getLink(szline)
dim link
tmpLink = Split(szline,",")
link = Split(tmpLink(0),"is ")
getLink = link(UBound(link))
end function
' 获得Protocol
' FastEthernet0/1 is down, line protocol is down (notconnect)
' Vlan999 is up, line protocol is up
' Vlan1 is administratively down, line protocol is down
function getProtocol(szline)
dim protocol
tmpProtocol1 = Split(szline,",")
tmpProtocol2 = Split(tmpProtocol1(1),"is ")
protocol = Split(tmpProtocol2(1),"(")
getProtocol = protocol(0)
end function
' 获得State
' FastEthernet0/1 is down, line protocol is down (notconnect)
' Vlan999 is up, line protocol is up
' Vlan1 is administratively down, line protocol is down
function getState(szline)
dim state
if InStr(szline,"(") then
tmpState1 = Split(szline,"(")
tmpState2 = tmpState1(UBound(tmpState1))
state = Split(tmpState2,")")
getState = state(0)
getState = "N/A"
end if
end function
' 获得Last input
' Last input 00:00:00, output never, output hang never
' Last input 00:00:00, output 00:00:00, output hang never
' Last input never, output never, output hang never
function getLastInput(szline)
dim lastInput
tmpLastInput1 = Split(szline,",")
' 第一段
lastInput = Split(tmpLastInput1(0)," ")
getLastInput = lastInput(UBound(lastInput))
end function
' 获得Last output
' Last input 00:00:00, output never, output hang never
' Last input 00:00:00, output 00:00:00, output hang never
' Last input never, output never, output hang never
function getLastOutput(szline)
dim lastOutput
tmpLastOutput1 = Split(szline,",")
' 第二段
lastOutput = Split(tmpLastOutput1(1)," ")
getLastOutput = lastOutput(UBound(lastOutput))
end function
'其中包含VLAN ID