今天用Win8 64位运行战地3时,弹出DirectX Error的对话框,内容大致为“DirectX function "m_dxgiFactory->CreateSwapChain
(m_device,&sd,&m_swapChain.assignGet())" failed weith DXGI_ERROR_INVAILD_CALL:The application has made an erroneous API call
that it had enough information to avoid.This error is intended to denote that the application should be altered to avoid the
error.Use of the debug version of the DXGI.DLL will provide run-time debug output with further information..GPU:"Intel(R) HD
4000 Graphics",Driver:Unknown”,显卡驱动和DirectX均为最新稳定版,基本可以排除这两个导致问题的嫌疑,更奇怪的是昨天明明还可以运行