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原创 MT7688板上安装OpenWrt成为无线AP


2017-10-25 14:38:20 2311

原创 OpenWRT学习资料

OpenWrt on ESXihttps://www.dommyet.me/openwrt-on-esxiOpenWrt x86 磁盘扩容https://www.dommyet.me/expand-openwrt-disk

2016-12-27 16:39:21 1069

原创 阅读Sofia-SIP源码 - su模块 - su_alloc.c/h

阅读Sofia-SIP源码 - su模块 - su_alloc.c/h

2016-08-11 10:23:12 1114

原创 阅读Sofia-SIP源码 - su模块 - su_default_log.c/su_global_log.c

之前一直提到:未看到过任何详细初始化su_log_t结构体变量的代码。可以说,su_default_log.h代码向我们展示了如何详细初始化su_log文件中申明的su_log_default变量。su_log_t su_log_default[1] = {{ sizeof(su_log_t), "sofia", /* Log name */ "SOFIA_DEBUG",

2016-08-06 10:26:10 949

原创 阅读Sofia-SIP源码 - su模块 - su_debug.h/su_module_debug.h

#ifndef SU_DEBUG_MAX/** The maximum debugging level. */#define SU_DEBUG_MAX 9#endif#define SU_LOG_LEVEL \((SU_LOG != NULL && SU_LOG->log_init) == 0 ? 9 : \((SU_LOG != NULL && SU_LOG->log_init >

2016-08-04 22:58:40 1019

原创 阅读Sofia-SIP源码 - su模块 - su.c

现在进入到su.c文件内看看具体如何做到跨平台效果的。在su.h头文件内为了跨平台目的而重新定义了一套api,通用的socket描述符类,以及相应的结构体。su_init/su_deinitint su_init(void){#if HAVE_OPEN_C char apname[60]; su_socket_t s;#endif su_home_threa

2016-07-23 17:52:25 1861

原创 阅读Sofia-SIP源码 - su模块 - su_log.c/su_log.h

现在进入到su.c文件内看看具体如何做到跨平台效果的。在su.h头文件内为了跨平台目的而重新定义了一套api,通用的socket描述符类,以及相应的结构体。su_init/su_deinitint su_init(void){#if HAVE_OPEN_C char apname[60]; su_socket_t s;#endif su_home_threads

2016-07-21 17:34:06 883

原创 阅读Sofia-SIP源码 - su模块 - su.h


2016-07-19 15:59:20 1283

原创 阅读Sofia-SIP源码五 源码文件文档化的注释

偶然看到Sofia wiki中某一个头文件的文档页面时,突然觉得像是明白了如何在头文件中写那些Doxygen可以使用的注释内容了。就以sofia-sip/su_types.h头文件为例说明。#ifndef SU_TYPES_H/** Defined when has been included */#define SU_TYPES_H上面那张图对应的是上面这段代码。这是介

2016-07-18 23:24:05 1043

原创 Sofia-SIP辅助文档二四 - Sofia SIP用户代理库 - "features"特性模块

http://sofia-sip.sourceforge.net/refdocs/features/index.html,翻译自官网的这张网页。Module Meta InformationThe features module provides application information about the various features possibly av

2016-06-25 09:20:27 1016

原创 Sofia-SIP辅助文档二三 - Sofia SIP用户代理库 - "stun" - STUN客户端和服务端模块

http://sofia-sip.sourceforge.net/refdocs/stun/index.html,翻译自官网的这张网页。Module Meta InformationThe Sofia stun module contains macros and functions for STUN server and client library.Cont

2016-06-25 09:19:28 772

原创 Sofia-SIP辅助文档二二 - Sofia SIP用户代理库 - "sdp" - SDP模块

http://sofia-sip.sourceforge.net/refdocs/sdp/index.html,翻译自官网的这张网页。Module Meta InformationThe sdp module provides a simple "C" parser interface for SDP [RFC 2327], Session Description

2016-06-25 09:17:56 1042

原创 Sofia-SIP辅助文档二一 - Sofia SIP用户代理库 - "soa" - SDP提议/响应引擎模块

http://sofia-sip.sourceforge.net/refdocs/soa/index.html,翻译自官网的这张网页。Module InformationThe Sofia SIP soa module consists of an asynchronous SDP Offer/Answer engine library. The interface t

2016-06-25 09:17:11 1187

原创 Sofia-SIP辅助文档二十 - Sofia SIP用户代理库 - "http" - HTTP解析模块

http://sofia-sip.sourceforge.net/refdocs/http/index.html,翻译自官网的这张网页。Module Meta InformationThe http module contains interface to the HTTP parser and the header and message objects.

2016-06-25 09:16:05 636

原创 Sofia-SIP辅助文档十九 - Sofia SIP用户代理库 - "nth" - HTTP事务模块

http://sofia-sip.sourceforge.net/refdocs/nth/index.html,翻译自官网的这张网页。Module Meta InformationNTH provides interface to simple HTTP transaction engines for both HTTP servers and clients. The

2016-06-25 09:15:20 509

原创 Sofia-SIP辅助文档十八 - Sofia SIP用户代理库 - "bnf" - 字符串解析模块

http://sofia-sip.sourceforge.net/refdocs/bnf/index.html,翻译自官网的这张网页。Module Meta InformationThe Sofia bnf module contains macros and functions for parsing text-based formats, for example,

2016-06-25 09:14:33 564

原创 Sofia-SIP辅助文档十七 - Sofia SIP用户代理库 - "url" - URL模块

http://sofia-sip.sourceforge.net/refdocs/url/index.html,翻译自官网的这张网页。Module Meta InformationThe Sofia url module contains macros and functions for using URL datatype url_t, parsing and pri

2016-06-25 09:13:56 795

原创 Sofia-SIP辅助文档十六 - Sofia SIP用户代理库 - "msg" - 消息解析模块

http://sofia-sip.sourceforge.net/refdocs/msg/index.html,翻译自官网的这张网页。Module Meta InformationThis module contains parser and functions for manipulating messages and headers for text-based p

2016-06-25 09:12:04 1443

原创 Sofia-SIP辅助文档十五 - Sofia SIP用户代理库 - "sip" - SIP解析模块

http://sofia-sip.sourceforge.net/refdocs/sip/index.html,翻译自官网的这张网页。Module Meta InformationThe Sofia sip module contains interface to the SIP parser and the header and message objects.

2016-06-25 09:11:08 1297

原创 Sofia-SIP辅助文档十四 - Sofia SIP用户代理库 - "tport" - 传输模块

http://sofia-sip.sourceforge.net/refdocs/tport/index.html,翻译自官网的这张网页。Module InformationThe tport module contains a generic transport interface used by SIP, RTSP, and HTTP protocols. It i

2016-06-25 09:10:14 1418

原创 Sofia-SIP辅助文档十三 - Sofia SIP用户代理库 - "nta" - SIP事务模块

http://sofia-sip.sourceforge.net/refdocs/nta/index.html,翻译自官网的这张网页。Module Meta InformationSofia SIP Transaction API (nta) provides simple interface to the SIP transaction, transport and

2016-06-25 09:09:11 1873

原创 Sofia-SIP辅助文档十二 - Sofia SIP用户代理库 - "iptsec" - 认证模块

http://sofia-sip.sourceforge.net/refdocs/iptsec/index.html,翻译自官网的这张网页。Module Meta InformationThe iptsec module currently provides interfaces to HTTP Basic and Digest authentication, used

2016-06-25 09:07:35 719

原创 Sofia-SIP辅助文档十一 - Sofia SIP用户代理库 - "nea" - SIP事件模块

http://sofia-sip.sourceforge.net/refdocs/nea/index.html,翻译自官网的这张网页。Module Meta InformationSofia Event API provides an interface to different events used in SIP presence and conferencing.

2016-06-25 09:06:43 1060

原创 Sofia-SIP辅助文档十 - Sofia SIP用户代理库 - "nua" - 高层用户代理模块

http://sofia-sip.sourceforge.net/refdocs/nua/index.html,翻译自官网的这张网页。Module Meta InformationThe nua module contains the user-agent library taking care of basic SIP User Agent functions. It

2016-06-25 09:05:47 2669

原创 Sofia-SIP辅助文档九 - Sofia SIP用户代理库 - "ipt" - 工具模块

http://sofia-sip.sourceforge.net/refdocs/ipt/index.html,翻译自官网的这张网页。Module Meta InformationUtility library for IP Telephony applications.Contact:Pekka Pessi Pekka.Pessi@nokia-email.ad

2016-06-25 09:03:27 756

原创 Sofia-SIP辅助文档八 - Sofia SIP用户代理库 - "sresolv" - 异步DNS解析


2016-06-25 09:02:29 822

原创 阅读Sofia-SIP源码 - su模块 - su_configure.h/su_config.h/su_types.h

从Visual Studio 2010中打开SofiaSIP解决方案。在libsofia_sip_ua工程下的Header Files/win32 headers子目录下可以看到su_configure.h文件。我本来想选取su_types.h头文件来先分析。但我在su_types.h头文件的开始处看到了su_configure.h头文件。这让我想到任何一个工程,照理说都应该有一个初始确定环境信息

2016-06-24 16:17:35 1061

原创 Sofia-SIP辅助文档七 - Sofia SIP用户代理库 - "su" - 操作系统功能和工具

http://sofia-sip.sourceforge.net/refdocs/su/index.html,翻译自官网的这张网页。模块信息su模块内包含了一些供Sofia通信软件使用的简单、可移植的socket/时间/同步库。联系人:Pekka Pessi Pekka.Pessi@nokia-email.address.hidden>状态:Sofi

2016-06-24 15:14:14 951



2016-05-29 22:05:48 710

原创 EMIPLIB库分析二


2016-05-29 22:05:03 6798

原创 EMIPLIB库分析一


2016-05-29 22:04:29 6881

原创 正则表达式示例

日志查询REV[ |{0-9}]+HeartbeatV2[ ]+[^(agent not )]查找  代码替换^6([0-9]+)INSERT INTO t_station\(ID, NAME\) VALUES\(UUID\(\), '6\1'\);查找以6开头的行后跟若干个数字字符。替换成一条SQL INSERT语句。 ^m_([a-zA-Z]+);(\s

2015-10-24 11:40:49 553

原创 windows command

压缩/解压缩makecab .\debug\zguv.exe .\debug\zguv.cabexpand -r c:\abc.cab c:\启动/关闭服务C:\Windows\System32\net start ZhouGongC:\Windows\System32\net stop ZhouGong

2015-10-24 11:31:56 473

原创 FreeSWITCH - mod_xml_rpc源码分析九session.c

_TSessionstruct _TSession { bool validRequest; /* Client has sent, and server has recognized, a valid HTTP request. This is false when the session is new. If and when the ser

2015-10-08 23:08:43 910

原创 FreeSWITCH - mod_xml_rpc源码分析八conn.c

TConnstruct _TConn { struct _TConn * nextOutstandingP; /* Link to the next connection in the list of outstanding connections */ TServer * server; uint32_t buff

2015-10-07 17:09:33 880

原创 FreeSWITCH - mod_xml_rpc源码分析七server.c


2015-10-07 10:15:35 1467

原创 FreeSWITCH - mod_xml_rpc源码分析六thread_windows.c

struct abyss_thread { HANDLE handle; void * userHandle; TThreadProc * func; TThreadDoneFn * threadDone;};

2015-09-06 20:40:13 871

原创 FreeSWITCH - mod_xml_rpc源码分析五init.c


2015-09-05 19:04:11 762

原创 FreeSWITCH - mod_xml_rpc源码分析四data.c

这个文件内有五个类型:TBuffer、TString、TList、TTable和TPool。TBuffertypedef struct{ void *data; xmlrpc_uint32_t size; xmlrpc_uint32_t staticid;} TBuffer;BufferAlloc函数不复杂。函数的作用就是申请memsize个字节的空间,

2015-09-05 15:32:33 1076

原创 FreeSWITCH - mod_xml_rpc源码分析三chanswitch.c


2015-09-03 22:24:55 829



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