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原创 .dir_colors

# Configuration file for dircolors, a utility to help you set the# LS_COLORS environment variable used by GNU ls with the --color option.# Copyright (C) 1996-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.#

2016-12-09 10:15:12 650

原创 Linux

第二部分 Linux 文件、目录与磁盘格式第 6 章 Linux 的文件权限与目录配置6.1 用户与用户组/etc/passwd:记录所有账号相关的信息。/etc/shadow:记录所有密码相关的信息。/etc/group:记录所有组名相关的信息。6.2 Linux 文件权限概念6.2.1 Linux 文件属性[d]:目录。[-]:文件。[l]:连接文件(linkfile)。[b]:

2016-12-09 00:15:06 378

原创 文章标题

Java Concurrency in Pratice

2016-12-09 00:09:44 463

转载 Google面经

# 面经> [一亩三分地](http://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=forumdisplay&fid=145&filter=sortid&sortid=311)、[知乎](https://www.zhihu.com/)、[Quora](https://www.quora.com/)***- 第一轮是个典型白人大

2016-12-09 00:08:32 732

原创 欢迎使用CSDN-markdown编辑器

Design PrincipleIdentify the aspects of your application that vary and separate them from what stays the same. (Take the parts that vary and encapsulate them, so that later you can alter or extend the

2016-12-09 00:07:03 290

原创 Spring

Spring Web MVC:2、在 STS 的 Package Explorer 右击项目名称,选择 Properties, 选择 Deployment Assembly, 点击 Add, 选择 java 那个选项,然后增加 Maven Dependencies3、在 STS 工程项目根目录下输入:mvn clean assembly:assembly 出现 build failure

2016-12-09 00:00:58 359

原创 Spark

Matei Zaharia -> http://people.csail.mit.edu/matei/#opensourceSpark RDD shell 操作:1、http://www.iteblog.com/archives/10402、http://book.51cto.com/art/201408/448477.htmSparkNet:https://g

2016-12-08 23:58:32 305

原创 DL平台


2016-12-08 00:08:17 7795

转载 Linux经典书籍

Linux经典书籍工作几年来,一直从事Linux内核驱动方面的开发。从接触Linux到现在,读过不少Linux方面的书籍,现把认为很不错的一部分列出来和大家分享一下。入门类     一直认为,在一个系统上学习开发之前,首先需要熟悉这个系统的使用。鉴于天朝的国情,绝大部分人第一个接触的操作系统就是Windows,因此对于这绝大部分人来说,如果要学习Linux开发,学会使用这个系统都是

2016-12-08 00:05:22 10961

转载 关于Linux和Shell的相关书籍

入门类     一直认为,在一个系统上学习开发之前,首先需要熟悉这个系统的使用。鉴于天朝的国情,绝大部分人第一个接触的操作系统就是Windows,因此对于这绝大部分人来说,如果要学习Linux开发,学会使用这个系统都是必不可少的一个环节。    现在的Linux初学者是幸福的,随着Linux桌面环境越来越易用,入门一个新的系统是非常容易的事情。虽然命令行对于提高工作效率更加有效,但我们完

2016-12-08 00:01:19 3692

原创 Books

1、软件工程编程珠玑(第2版)、代码大全、人月神话、设计原本、Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs、构建之法:现代软件工程.pdf、敏捷开发(测试驱动开发、极限编程、Agile Software Development - Principles, Patterns and Practices、Refactoring - Improv

2016-12-07 23:32:24 479


1、Checkout LLVM:cd where-you-want-llvm-to-livesvn co http://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/llvm/trunk llvm2、Checkout Clang:cd where-you-want-llvm-to-livecd llvm/toolssvn co http://llvm.org/

2016-12-07 22:55:45 397

原创 Shell

Shell 学习网址:1、Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide: http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/2、Shell 参数输入:http://blog.csdn.net/henriezhang/article/details/8548206http://blog.chinaunix.net/uid-22714685-id-3940250.

2016-12-05 19:30:15 291

原创 Scala

Scala 经典书籍:《Programming in Scala: A Comprehensive step-by-step guide, 2nd edition》:http://www.artima.com/pins1ed/《Programming Scala》:http://www.oreilly.com/ofps/《Exploring Lift》:http://exploring

2016-12-05 19:15:54 404

原创 日常笔记

iTerm2, Chrome, Firefox, 有道词典,阿里内外,outlook,钉钉,TextMate,Sublime Text,IntelliJ IDEA 15,STS, SecureCRT,iZip,MacTeX,CAJViewer,iStat Menusu01: maven -> apache-maven-3.3.9-bin, tomcat -> apache-tomcat

2016-12-05 18:49:19 919

Beginning Hibernate For Hibernate 5 (4th Edition) + Source Code

Beginning Hibernate For Hibernate 5 英文原版第 4 版且包含了全部源代码!


An Introduction to Statistical Learning



Head First Design Patterns-英文高清原版

设计模式的经典图,样例丰富且采用最流行的 Java 语言编写,可直接在机器上调试运行!


EPIMap: Using Epimorphism to Map Applications on CGRAs

Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Architectures (CGRAs) are an at- tractive platform that promise simultaneous high-performance and high power-efficiency. One of the primary challenges in using CGRAs is to develop efficient compilers that can automatically and efficiently map applications to the CGRA. To this end, this paper makes several contributions: i) Using Re-computation for Resource Limitations: For the first time in CGRA compilers, we propose the use of re-computation as a solution for resource limita- tion problem. This extends the solutions space, and enables better mappings, ii) General Problem Formulation: A precise and gen- eral formulation of the application mapping problem on a CGRA is presented, and its computational complexity is established. iii) Ex- tracting an Efficient Heuristic: Using the insights from the problem formulation, we design an effective global heuristic called EPIMap. EPIMap transforms the input specification (a directed graph) to an Epimorphic equivalent graph that satisfies the necessary conditions for mapping on to a CGRA, reducing the search space. Experi- mental results on 14 important kernels extracted from well known benchmark programs show that using EPIMap can improve the per- formance of the kernels on CGRA by more than 2.8X on average, as compared to one of the best existing mapping algorithm, EMS. EPIMap was able to achieve the theoretical best performance for 9 out of 14 benchmarks, while EMS could not achieve the theoreti- cal best performance for any of the benchmarks. EPIMap achieves better mappings at acceptable increase in the compilation time.



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