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转载 Torah 漩涡节点部署教程 来自翻译

1.安装MetaMask,添加Matic网络,打开网站Polygon (MATIC) Blockchain Explorer拉到底部:2.添加后,切换到matic网络:3. 检查您的合约地址并将代币转至 matic 地址:4.进入https://github.com/Torahserve,下载Torah农夫程序和文档等;5、双击Torah Setup.exe,根据提示安装农夫组合程序;6、...

2021-11-27 18:41:57 357

转载 Torah vortex node deployment tutorial

1. Install MetaMask, add Matic network, and open the websitePolygon (MATIC) Blockchain ExplorerPull to the bottom:2. After adding, switch to matic network:3. Check your contract address and refer the coin to the matic address:4. Enterhttp...

2021-11-27 18:37:40 144

转载 Torah主网上线,利好不断,分析测试币与主网币的区别

洛杉矶时间11月18日10:00 Torah官方宣布主网上线,并公告将在2021年11月20日10点正式启动漩涡节点的数据交互。

2021-11-20 16:59:39 813

转载 Torah POC存储内测教程

1、浏览器进入https://github.com/Torahserve下载Torah采矿计划和文档等,安装torah挖矿组合程序。2、点击Setup,填写相关数据。3、location,选择节点部署到哪个数据盘,测试选择C盘4、Number,填写需要部署生成的节点数量,测试填选10个5、Password,设置节点密码,6、boot-node, 设定节点链接,(https://github.com/Torahserve/bootnode),复制所在位置的链接,并粘贴为启动节点

2021-09-28 15:55:20 240

转载 Torah 领取RETH教程

1. 使用Google Chrome、Firefox、Brave browser、Microsoft Edge等浏览器打开https://metamask.io ,安装Metamsk钱包;2. 根据提示创建您的钱包,选择Rinkeby测试网络,复制您的钱包收币地址;3. 通过浏览器进入https://www.rinkeby.io/#faucet,转发推文;4. 将0000...000替换成复制的钱包地址,以接收RETH;5. 复制推特的URL,例如...

2021-09-28 15:51:47 270

转载 Torah 导出部署在硬件中的漩涡节点的私钥方法

1. 点Tools选择Exportkey;2. 在部署的漩涡节点文件夹中找到您的keys的目录;3. 输入部署漩涡节点时设置的密码;4. 点击Export key显示漩涡节点私钥,可以点击Copy 复制私钥;5. 打开MateMask 选择Import Account 导入私钥;...

2021-09-27 23:03:39 102

转载 Torah 漩涡节点激励层奖励获取说明

下载最新版Torah漩涡节点程序并按提示安装,如已经安装旧版本,请在控制面板卸载后再安装。https://github.com/Torahserve/Torah-setup-windows-amd64.exe/releases/tag/v0.0.61. 保持节点正常运行,进入Run-node;2. 如图所示状态,说明节点已正常运行;3. 进入Active-node4. 点击Refresh获取漩涡节点运行数据;5. Status 状态为run ,说明节点已经正常运行;

2021-09-26 19:20:16 347

转载 Torah-领取RVP教程

1. 浏览器打开https://matemask.io,选择Rinkeby Test Network ,确保地址中有rETH余额(rETH仅用于gas,可免费领取);2. 浏览器打开https://space.torah.ink/进入领取页,点击Receive ;3. 在MetaMask中关联Torah领取页,点击Confirm,完成数据区块同步,即完成RVP的领取;备注:为保障参与的公平性。每个漩涡节点地址仅限领取一次每次一枚RVP。非官方公布的领取时间段领取为无效,地址将会...

2021-09-26 16:25:13 203

转载 Torah Vortex Node Reward Instruction

Download the latest version of the Torah Vortex Node application and follow the prompts. If you have installed an older version, uninstall it in the Control Panel and reinstall it. The download link ishttps://github.com/Torahserve/Torah-setup-windows-amd

2021-09-25 14:23:05 89

转载 Key Acquisition-Torah

1. Select “Tools” and click “Exportkey”;2. Find your “keys” directory in the deployed Vortex node folder;3. Enter the password set when deploying the vortex node;4. Click “Export key” to display the private key of the Vortex node, you can cl.

2021-09-25 14:16:58 66

转载 Get free RETH tutorial -Torah

1. Use browsers such as Google Chrome, Firefox, Brave browser, Microsoft Edge, etc. to openhttps://metamask.ioand install Metamsk Wallet;2. Create your wallet according to the prompt, select the Rinkeby test network, copy your wallet collection ad...

2021-09-25 12:12:17 52

转载 Torah RVP Claiming Tutorial

1. Openhttps://metamask.iowith browser, select Rinkeby Test Network, and make sure there is $rETH balance in the address (rETH is a gas, you can claim them for free);2. openhttps://space.torah.ink/and go to the Receival Page, click “Receive”;3....

2021-09-23 22:47:36 97

转载 How to Run a Torah Node and earn RVP (Tutorial)

As we head towards the Torah TestNetwork launch, we’ve been dedicated on our technology to make sure this is the network, and we will expand the network across the globe. We will push hard to move the decentralized world computer to the next level.Why sho

2021-09-23 21:20:55 103



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