

public class DateUtils {

	/** Default locale is CHINA */
	public static final Locale DEFAULT_LOCALE = Locale.CHINA;

	public final static String FORMAT_DATE_DEFAULT = "yyyy-MM-dd";

	public final static String FORMAT_DATE_YYYYMMDD = "yyyyMMdd";

	public final static String FORMAT_DATE_YYYY_MM_DD = "yyyy-MM-dd";

	public final static String FORMAT_DATE_PATTERN_1 = "yyyy/MM/dd";

	public final static String FORMAT_DATE_PATTERN_2 = "yyyy/M/dd";

	public final static String FORMAT_DATE_PATTERN_3 = "yyyy/MM/d";

	public final static String FORMAT_DATE_PATTERN_4 = "yyyy/M/d";

	public final static String FORMAT_DATE_YYYY_MM_DD_HHMMSS = "yyyyMMddHHmmss";
	public final static String FORMAT_DATE_YYYY_MM_DD_HHMMSSSSS = "yyyyMMddHHmmssSSS";

	public final static String FORMAT_DATE_YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";
	public final static String FORMAT_DATE_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS = "MM-dd HH:mm:ss";

	public final static String FORMAT_DATE_YYYY_MM_DD_HHMM = "yyyy-MM-dd HHmm";

	public final static String FORMAT_DATE_YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm";

	public final static String FORMAT_DATE_HH_MM = "HH:mm";

	public final static String FORMAT_DATE_HH_MM_SS = "HH:mm:ss";

	public final static String FORMAT_DATE_HHMM = "HHmm";

	public final static String FORMAT_DATE_HHMMSS = "HHmmss";

	public static final String FORMAT_DATE_YYMMDD = "yyMMdd";

	public static final String FORMAT_WORK_TIME = "yyyy-MM-dd HHmmss";

	public static final String FORMAT_DATE_YYYY_MM_DDHHMMSS = "yyyy-MM-ddHHmmss";

	public static final String FORMAT_DATE_YYYYMMDD_BLANK_HHMMSS = "yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss";
	 * 获取月份
	public static final String FORMAT_DATE_MM = "MM";
	 * 获取年份
	public static final String FORMAT_DATE_YYYY = "yyyy";

	public static final String FORMAT_DATE_YYYY_MM = "yyyy-MM";
	public final static int compareDate(String stringValue1, String stringValue2) throws ParseException {
		Date date1 = tryParse(stringValue1);
		if (date1 == null)
			throw new ParseException("Can not parse " + stringValue1 + " to Date.", 0);
		Date date2 = tryParse(stringValue2);
		if (date2 == null)
			throw new ParseException("Can not parse " + stringValue1 + " to Date.", 0);
		return date1.compareTo(date2);

	 * 给定时间于当期时间的比较,差值为分钟
	public final static long compareDateToMin(String stringValue1) throws ParseException {

		SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
		java.util.Date now = Calendar.getInstance().getTime();
		java.util.Date date = df.parse(stringValue1);
		long l = now.getTime() - date.getTime();

		return l / (60 * 1000);


	 * Returns current system date as formatted string value with default format
	 * pattern.
	 * @return current system date.
	public final static String getCurrentDateAsString() {
		return getCurrentDateAsString(FORMAT_DATE_DEFAULT);

	 * Returns current system date as formatted string value with given format
	 * pattern.
	 * @param formatPattern
	 *            format pattern.
	 * @return current system date.
	public final static String getCurrentDateAsString(String formatPattern) {
		Date date = getCurrentDate();
		return format(date, formatPattern);

	 * Returns current system date.
	 * @return current system date.
	public final static Date getCurrentDate() {
		return Calendar.getInstance().getTime();

	 * Format Date value as string value with default format pattern.
	 * @param date
	 *            Date value.
	 * @return formatted date as string value.
	public final static String format(Date date) {
		if (date == null) {
			return "";
		return format(date, FORMAT_DATE_DEFAULT);

	 * Format Date value as string value with default format pattern.
	 * @param date
	 *            Date value.
	 * @return formatted date as string value.
	public final static String formatDateTime(Date date) {
		if (date == null) {
			return "";
		return format(date, FORMAT_DATE_YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS);

	 * Format Date value as string value with default format pattern.
	 * @param date
	 *            Date value.
	 * @return formatted date as string value.
	public final static String formatTimestamp(Date date) {
		if (date == null) {
			return "";
		return format(date, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS");

	 * Format Date value as string value with default format pattern.
	 * @param date
	 *            Date value.
	 * @return formatted date as string value.
	public final static Date parseTimestamp(String date) {
		if (date == null) {
			return null;
		return parse(date, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS");

	 * Format Date value as string value with given format pattern.
	 * @param date
	 *            Date value.
	 * @param formatPattern
	 *            format pattern.
	 * @return formatted date as string value.
	public final static String format(Date date, String formatPattern) {
		if (date == null) {
			return "";
		return new SimpleDateFormat(formatPattern).format(date);

	 * Parse string value to Date with default format pattern.
	 * @param stringValue
	 *            date value as string.
	 * @return Date represents stringValue.
	public final static Date parse(String stringValue) {
		return parse(stringValue, FORMAT_DATE_DEFAULT);

	 * Parse string value to Date with given format pattern.
	 * @param stringValue
	 *            date value as string.
	 * @param formatPattern
	 *            format pattern.
	 * @return Date represents stringValue, null while parse exception occurred.
	public final static Date parse(String stringValue, String formatPattern) {
		SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(formatPattern);
		try {
			return format.parse(stringValue);
		} catch (ParseException e) {
			// e.printStackTrace();
		return null;

	 * Try to parse string value to date.
	 * @param stringValue
	 *            string value.
	 * @return Date represents stringValue, null while parse exception occurred.
	public final static Date tryParse(String stringValue) {
		Date date = parse(stringValue, FORMAT_DATE_YYYY_MM_DD);
		if (date != null) {
			return date;
		date = parse(stringValue, FORMAT_DATE_YYYYMMDD);
		if (date != null) {
			return date;
		date = parse(stringValue, FORMAT_DATE_YYYY_MM_DD_HHMMSS);
		if (date != null) {
			return date;
		date = parse(stringValue, FORMAT_DATE_YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS);
		if (date != null) {
			return date;
		date = parse(stringValue, FORMAT_DATE_YYYY_MM_DD_HHMM);
		if (date != null) {
			return date;
		date = parse(stringValue, FORMAT_DATE_PATTERN_1);
		if (date != null) {
			return date;
		date = parse(stringValue, FORMAT_DATE_PATTERN_2);
		if (date != null) {
			return date;
		date = parse(stringValue, FORMAT_DATE_PATTERN_3);
		if (date != null) {
			return date;
		date = parse(stringValue, FORMAT_DATE_PATTERN_4);
		if (date != null) {
			return date;
		return date;

	 * get day of week
	 * @param SUN_FST_DAY_OF_WEEK
	 * @return
	public static int getDayOfWeek(int SUN_FST_DAY_OF_WEEK) {
			return 0;
		if (SUN_FST_DAY_OF_WEEK == 1)
			return 7;
		return SUN_FST_DAY_OF_WEEK - 1;

	public static Timestamp parseTimestamp(String stringValue, String formatPattern) {
		return new Timestamp(parse(stringValue, formatPattern).getTime());

	public static Timestamp parseTimestamp(Date d) {
		return new Timestamp(d.getTime());

	// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
	 * Adds a number of milliseconds to a date returning a new object. The
	 * original date object is unchanged.
	 * @param date
	 *            the date, not null
	 * @param amount
	 *            the amount to add, may be negative
	 * @return the new date object with the amount added
	 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
	 *             if the date is null
	public static Date addMilliseconds(Date date, int amount) {
		return add(date, Calendar.MILLISECOND, amount);

	 * Adds a number of milliseconds to a date returning a new object. The
	 * original date object is unchanged.
	 * @param date
	 *            the date, not null
	 * @param amount
	 *            the amount to add, may be negative
	 * @return the new date object with the amount added
	 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
	 *             if the date is null
	public static Date addMilliseconds(Date date, long amount) {
		if (date == null) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("The date must not be null");
		Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
		c.setTimeInMillis(date.getTime() + amount);
		return c.getTime();

	// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
	 * Adds a number of minutes to a date returning a new object. The original
	 * date object is unchanged.
	 * @param date
	 *            the date, not null
	 * @param amount
	 *            the amount to add, may be negative
	 * @return the new date object with the amount added
	 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
	 *             if the date is null
	public static Date addMinutes(Date date, int amount) {
		return add(date, Calendar.MINUTE, amount);

	// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
	 * Adds to a date returning a new object. The original date object is
	 * unchanged.
	 * @param date
	 *            the date, not null
	 * @param calendarField
	 *            the calendar field to add to
	 * @param amount
	 *            the amount to add, may be negative
	 * @return the new date object with the amount added
	 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
	 *             if the date is null
	public static Date add(Date date, int calendarField, int amount) {
		if (date == null) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("The date must not be null");
		Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
		c.add(calendarField, amount);
		return c.getTime();

	 * <p>
	 * Checks if two date objects are on the same day ignoring time.
	 * </p>
	 * <p>
	 * 28 Mar 2002 13:45 and 28 Mar 2002 06:01 would return true. 28 Mar 2002
	 * 13:45 and 12 Mar 2002 13:45 would return false.
	 * </p>
	 * @param date1
	 *            the first date, not altered, not null
	 * @param date2
	 *            the second date, not altered, not null
	 * @return true if they represent the same day
	 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
	 *             if either date is <code>null</code>
	 * @since 2.1
	public static boolean isSameDay(Date date1, Date date2) {
		if (date1 == null || date2 == null) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("The date must not be null");
		Calendar cal1 = Calendar.getInstance();
		Calendar cal2 = Calendar.getInstance();
		return isSameDay(cal1, cal2);

	 * <p>
	 * Checks if two calendar objects are on the same day ignoring time.
	 * </p>
	 * <p>
	 * 28 Mar 2002 13:45 and 28 Mar 2002 06:01 would return true. 28 Mar 2002
	 * 13:45 and 12 Mar 2002 13:45 would return false.
	 * </p>
	 * @param cal1
	 *            the first calendar, not altered, not null
	 * @param cal2
	 *            the second calendar, not altered, not null
	 * @return true if they represent the same day
	 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
	 *             if either calendar is <code>null</code>
	 * @since 2.1
	public static boolean isSameDay(Calendar cal1, Calendar cal2) {
		if (cal1 == null || cal2 == null) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("The date must not be null");
		return (cal1.get(Calendar.ERA) == cal2.get(Calendar.ERA) && cal1.get(Calendar.YEAR) == cal2.get(Calendar.YEAR) && cal1.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR) == cal2.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR));

	 * @Title: getFirstDayOfWeek
	 * @Description: 取得指定日期所在周的第一天
	 * @param date
	 * @return Date
	 * @author yangzhi
	public static Date getFirstDayOfWeek(Date date) {
		Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar();
		c.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, c.getFirstDayOfWeek()); // Monday
		return c.getTime();

	 * @Title: addWeekDayOfWeek
	 * @Description: 在指定的日期上+指定的周
	 * @param currentDate
	 * @param week
	 * @return Date
	 * @author yangzhi
	public static Date addWeekDayOfWeek(Date currentDate, int week) {
		Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar();
		c.add(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR, week);
		return c.getTime();

     * 比较两个日期的差值
     * @param d1
     * @param d2
     * @return
    public static int getDaysBetweenDate(Date date1, Date date2) {
        Calendar d1 = Calendar.getInstance();
        Calendar d2 = Calendar.getInstance();
        if (d1.after(d2)) {
            Calendar swap = d1;
            d1 = d2;
            d2 = swap;
        int days = d2.get(java.util.Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR) - d1.get(java.util.Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR);
        int y2 = d2.get(java.util.Calendar.YEAR);
        if (d1.get(java.util.Calendar.YEAR) != y2) {
            d1 = (java.util.Calendar) d1.clone();
            do {
                days += d1.getActualMaximum(java.util.Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR);
                d1.add(java.util.Calendar.YEAR, 1);
            } while (d1.get(java.util.Calendar.YEAR) != y2);
        return days;
	 * Main method for test.
	 * @param args
	 * @throws ParseException
	public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException {
		String stringValue = "2015-05-22 11:04:55";
		System.out.println("Parse \"" + stringValue + "\" using format pattern \"" + DateUtils.FORMAT_DATE_YYYYMMDD_BLANK_HHMMSS + "\" with method \"DateUtils.parse()\", result: " + DateUtils.parse(stringValue));
		stringValue = "20080506";
		System.out.println("Parse \"" + stringValue + "\" using method \"DateUtils.tryParse()\", result: " + DateUtils.tryParse(stringValue));
		Date d = DateUtils.tryParse(stringValue);
		String s = DateUtils.format(d, DateUtils.FORMAT_DATE_YYYYMMDD_BLANK_HHMMSS);
		System.out.print("--->>>" + s);

	 * 在保人员名单下载
	 * @param
    @RequestMapping(value = "downloadInsuredInfoExcel")
	public void downloadInsuredInfoExcel(String groupPolicyId, HttpServletRequest request, 
			HttpServletResponse response, Model model) throws Exception {
		Map<String, Object> paramMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
		paramMap.put("groupPolicyId", groupPolicyId);
		List<DownloadVo> list = downloadService.findInsuredInfoList(paramMap);
		// poi导出excel
		// SXSSFWorkbook 是专门用来处理大量数据写入 Excel2007的问题
		Workbook wb = new SXSSFWorkbook();
		Sheet sheet1 = wb.createSheet("sheet1");
		createSheetInsuredInfo(list, sheet1);//调用下面方法
        response.setContentType("application/octet-stream; charset=utf-8");
		String downLoadName = new String(("在保人员名单" + DateUtils.format(new Date(),
				DateUtils.FORMAT_DATE_YYYY_MM_DD_HHMMSS) + ".xlsx").getBytes("utf-8"), "iso8859-1");
		response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + downLoadName);


private void createSheetInsuredInfo(List<DownloadVo> list, Sheet sheet) {
		int rowNum = 0;
		String[] title = new String[] { "序号", "工号", "姓名", "证件类型", "证件号码", "性别", "出生日期",
				"投保层级", "生效日期", "到期日期","医保地", "与主被关系", "主被姓名", "主被证件类型", "主被证件号码",
				"银行户名", "开户银行", "银行卡号", "工作地点", "邮箱地址", "手机号码", "保费金额(团)", "保费金额(自)"};
		Row titleRow = sheet.createRow(rowNum++);
		int titleColumn = 0;
		for(String s : title) {

		int column = 0;
		Row dataRow = null;
		int index = 1;
		for (DownloadVo obj : list) {
			column = 0;
			dataRow = sheet.createRow(rowNum++);
			} else {




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