MASM和英特尔处理器架构(MASM & Intel Architecture Docs)绝对的牛书
A book is rarely written alone; although a title might have one author, there are a host of midwives who help it into being. First and foremost, thanks go to the Microsoft DirectShow team, who created this technology, and especially to the following members who contributed specifically to this project: Syon Bhattacharya, John Carothers, Alok Chakrabarti, Ben Ellett, Glenn Evans, Dennis Evseev, Stephen Estrop, Dennis Flanagan, Matthijs Gates, David Goll, Jay Kapur, Tuan Le, Danny Miller, Stan Pennington, Michael Savage, Robin Speed, Gary Sullivan, and E-Zu Wu.<br><br>Michael Blome and Mike Wasson of the DirectShow Documentation team at Microsoft provided vital input into the design of the book, and their timely and thoughtful review of each chapter helped immeasurably. (They also contributed several of the sample programs discussed in the text.) Jay Loomis on their team provided helpful input on the Microsoft Windows Media chapter, and their manager, Peter Turcan, deserves a tip of the hat as well, for giving them the resources and time they needed to assist me in this project. Ross Cutler from Microsoft Research contributed the filter wizards—many thanks to him for those.<br><br>At Microsoft Press, Barbara Moreland and Juliana Aldous Atkinson were patient, tireless, and hard workers who kept me well informed throughout the whole process of making this book happen, and they were responsive to my needs as they developed. Everyone at Microsoft Press did a wonderful job: from the art design, through the editing, and to production, everything went smoothly. The big boss, publisher Don Fowley, deserves a big “thank you” for managing such a great team.<br><br>This book required a few media samples. I’d like to thank Brian Tibbetts and Liam Gowing of John Boy 9 for their song, “Foggy Day,” which is included on the CD (and used in several of the examples). The “Sunset” movie was shot with the help of the peerless Steven Piasecki. Finally, I’d like to thank Jeff Cain, who put up with my 20-hour days as this book neared deadline.<br>
本文对Spring框架中所包含的AOP思想以及事务管理进行了分析,并通过对一个业务对象实现加锁/解锁的操作,说明<br>了动态代理模式的可行性与有效性。<br> Aspect Oriented Programming(AOP)是近年来计算机技术中比较热门的话题之一。其发展历史从学术领域和研发机构<br>的运用开始,目前流行的Spring应用程序框架将AOP思想融入了整个框架的设计开发与应用当中。使用Spring框架固然给<br>我们的编程带来了好处与便利,但是同时存在着一个问题,对于初学者来说,所谓的“控制反转”,不是一个能够望文生义的<br>好名称,“依赖注入”也是一样,也正是因为这样,不少初学者很难在短时间内理解和掌握这些名字和他们的用法,而要使用<br>AOP的功能也需要理解AOP,也比较难。基于以上原因,我们就会想到,能否简单地将Spring框架中运用到的优秀的理念,<br>巧妙的运用到我们需要使用的地方,而又绕过不容易上手的Spring框架,做到一举两得呢?本文就将围绕着上述提出的问题<br>给出作者的看法和观点。