a,PL/SQL is case-insensitive with regard to identifiers. 通常的做法是关键字大写,变量名等使用小写且用下划线分割。
b,Unless you put double quotation marks around the names of those database objects(tables, indexes etc), Oracle Database will store them as uppercase.
1, string variable
Oracle支持的数据类型很多(可参考官方文档),这里只解释一下string数据类型。To declare a string variable, you must select from one of the many string datatypes Oracle Database offers, including CHAR, NCHAR, VARCHAR2, NVARCHAR2, CLOB, and NCLOB. The datatypes that are prefixed with an ”N” are “national character set” datatypes, which means they are used to store Unicode character data. 其中最常用的就是VARCHAR2。