A + B Again

A + B Again
Time Limit: 1000ms, Special Time Limit:2500ms, Memory Limit:32768KB
Total submit users: 201, Accepted users: 182
Problem 10281 : No special judgement
Problem description
Reads in positive integers A and B,calculates A + B.Pay attention:A and B is composed by simple English word. [0-9]:"zero","one","two","three","four","five","six","seven","eight","nine";
Standard input will contain multiple test cases.Each testcase occupies a line.the form is "A + B =",the neighboring two characters string has a blank space.When A and B is 0 at the same time ,inputs finished.You shouldn't output the result 0.
For each testcase outputs 1 line,The result of A + B,by simple English word too.Each word is separated with a single space.There's no space after the last word.
Sample Input
one + two =
three four + five six =
zero + zero =
Sample Output
nine zero
Problem Source
HNU Contest 
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  1. #include<iostream>
  2. #include<string>
  3. #include<map>
  4. using namespace std;
  5. int pow(int x, int y)
  6. {
  7.      int sum = x;
  8.      for(int i=0; i<y; i++)
  9.      {
  10.          sum*=10;
  11.      }
  12.      return sum;
  13. }
  14. int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  15. {    
  16.     int i = 0;
  17.     int len;
  18.     int r=0;
  19.     int l=0;
  20.     char *ptr;
  21.     int t[1000];
  22.     string*s = new string[1000];
  23.     map<string,int> m;
  24.     map<int,string> m1;
  25.     m["zero"] = 0;
  26.     m["one"] = 1;
  27.     m["two"] = 2;
  28.     m["three"] = 3;
  29.     m["four"] = 4;
  30.     m["five"] = 5;
  31.     m["six"] = 6;
  32.     m["seven"] = 7;
  33.     m["eight"] = 8;
  34.     m["nine"] = 9;
  35.     m1[0] = "zero" ;
  36.     m1[1] = "one";
  37.     m1[2] = "two";
  38.     m1[3] = "three";
  39.     m1[4] = "four";
  40.     m1[5] = "five";
  41.     m1[6] = "six";
  42.     m1[7] = "seven";
  43.     m1[8] = "eight";
  44.     m1[9] = "nine";
  46.     char in[100000];
  47.     while(gets(in))
  48.     {
  49.        len = strlen(in)+1;
  50.        ptr = strtok(in, " ");
  51.        while(ptr)
  52.        {
  53.          if(ptr[0]!='+'&&ptr[0]!='=')
  54.          {
  55.             t[i] = m[ptr];
  56.             i++;
  57.          }
  58.          else
  59.          {
  61.              for(int k=i-1,f=0; k>=0; k--,f++)
  62.              {
  63.                  r+=pow(t[f],k);
  65.              }
  67.              i=0;
  68.          }
  69.          ptr = strtok(NULL," ");
  70.        }
  72.        if(r == 0)
  73.            return 0;
  74.        int temp = r;
  75.        int count = 0;
  76.        while(r)
  77.        {
  78.           s[count++]=m1[r%10];
  80.           r = r/10;
  81.           l++;
  83.        } 
  84.        for(int p=count-1; p>=0; p--)
  85.        {
  86.            cout<<s[p];
  87.            if(p>0)
  88.               cout<<" ";
  89.        }
  90.        cout<<endl;
  93.        l=0;
  94.        r=0;
  96.     }
  98.     return 0;
  99. }
  100. /*在其中学会了如何使用一个函数:
  101. 原型:extern char *strtok(char *s, char *delim);
  103.   用法:#include <string.h>
  105.   功能:分解字符串为一组标记串。s为要分解的字符串,delim为分隔符字符串。
  107.   说明:首次调用时,s必须指向要分解的字符串,随后调用要把s设成NULL。
  108.         strtok在s中查找包含在delim中的字符并用NULL('/0')来替换,直到找遍整个字符串。
  109.         返回指向下一个标记串。当没有标记串时则返回空字符NULL。
  111.   举例:
  112.       // strtok.c
  114.       #include <syslib.h>
  115.       #include <string.h>
  116.       #include <stdio.h>
  117.       main()
  118.       {
  119.         char *s="Golden Global View";
  120.         char *d=" ";
  121.         char *p;
  123.         clrscr();
  125.         p=strtok(s,d);
  126.         while(p)
  127.         {
  128.           printf("%s/n",s);
  129.           strtok(NULL,d);
  130.         }
  131.         getchar();
  132.         return 0;
  133.       }*/
B+树是一种常用的数据结构,它可以在磁盘上高效地存储和检索数据。B+树是一种平衡树,它的每个非叶子节点可以有多个子节点,而且每个子节点都存储着一定范围内的关键字。 B+树的特点如下: 1. 所有数据都存储在叶子节点中,非叶子节点只存储索引信息。 2. 叶子节点之间是有序的,并且形成了一个链表,可以支持范围查询和顺序访问。 3. 非叶子节点中的索引信息是有序的,并且可以通过索引信息快速定位到对应的叶子节点。 4. B+树的每个节点都至少包含 t 个关键字,其中 t 是一个常数(通常取值为2-4)。 B+树的插入和删除操作比较复杂,需要进行分裂和合并等操作来保证树的平衡性。下面是B+树的插入和删除过程: 插入操作: 1. 如果树为空,则新建一个叶子节点并插入关键字。 2. 如果插入的位置在叶子节点中,则直接插入关键字,并保持叶子节点有序。 3. 如果插入的位置在非叶子节点中,则递归地将关键字插入到对应的子节点中。 4. 如果插入后导致节点关键字数目超过了 t,则进行分裂操作,并将分裂后的两个节点插入到父节点中。 删除操作: 1. 如果要删除的关键字在叶子节点中,则直接删除,并保持叶子节点有序。 2. 如果要删除的关键字在非叶子节点中: - 如果对应子节点中的关键字数量大于 t,则找到前驱或后继关键字替换,并递归删除替换后的关键字。 - 如果对应子节点中的关键字数量等于 t,则进行合并操作,并递归删除合并后的关键字。 3. 如果删除导致某个节点的关键字数量小于 t/2,则进行合并操作,并将合并后的节点插入到父节点中。 下面是一个简单的B+树实现代码(仅供参考): ```c++ struct Node { bool isLeaf; int numKeys; int keys[MAX_KEYS]; Node* children[MAX_CHILDREN]; Node* next; }; Node* createNode(bool isLeaf) { Node* node = new Node; node->isLeaf = isLeaf; node->numKeys = 0; node->next = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_KEYS; i++) { node->keys[i] = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CHILDREN; i++) { node->children[i] = NULL; } return node; } Node* search(Node* node, int key) { if (node == NULL) { return NULL; } int i = 0; while (i < node->numKeys && key > node->keys[i]) { i++; } if (node->isLeaf && i < node->numKeys && key == node->keys[i]) { return node; } return search(node->children[i], key); } void split(Node* parent, int pos, Node* child) { Node* newChild = createNode(child->isLeaf); newChild->numKeys = MAX_KEYS / 2; for (int i = 0; i < newChild->numKeys; i++) { newChild->keys[i] = child->keys[i + MAX_KEYS / 2]; } if (!child->isLeaf) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CHILDREN / 2; i++) { newChild->children[i] = child->children[i + MAX_CHILDREN / 2]; } } child->numKeys = MAX_KEYS / 2; for (int i = parent->numKeys; i > pos; i--) { parent->children[i + 1] = parent->children[i]; parent->keys[i] = parent->keys[i - 1]; } parent->children[pos + 1] = newChild; parent->keys[pos] = newChild->keys; parent->numKeys++; } void insert(Node*& root, int key) { if (root == NULL) { root = createNode(true); root->keys = key; root->numKeys++; return; } Node* node = root; Node* parent = NULL; int pos = -1; while (!node->isLeaf) { parent = node; pos = -1; for (int i = 0; i < node->numKeys; i++) { if (key >= node->keys[i]) { pos = i; } else { break; } } if (pos == -1) { node = node->children; } else { node = node->children[pos + 1]; } } pos = -1; for (int i = 0; i < node->numKeys; i++) { if (key == node->keys[i]) { return; } else if (key > node->keys[i]) { pos = i; } else { break; } } for (int i = node->numKeys; i > pos + 1; i--) { node->keys[i] = node->keys[i - 1]; } node->keys[pos + 1] = key; node->numKeys++; if (node->numKeys == MAX_KEYS) { if (parent == NULL) { parent = createNode(false); root = parent; parent->children = node; } split(parent, pos, node); } } void merge(Node* parent, int pos, Node* left, Node* right) { left->keys[left->numKeys++] = parent->keys[pos]; for (int i = 0; i < right->numKeys; i++) { left->keys[left->numKeys++] = right->keys[i]; } if (!left->isLeaf) { for (int i = 0; i < right->numKeys; i++) { left->children[left->numKeys + i] = right->children[i]; } } left->next = right->next; delete right; for (int i = pos; i < parent->numKeys - 1; i++) { parent->children[i + 1] = parent->children[i + 2]; parent->keys[i] = parent->keys[i + 1]; } parent->numKeys--; } void remove(Node*& root, int key) { if (root == NULL) { return; } Node* node = root; Node* parent = NULL; int pos = -1; while (!node->isLeaf) { parent = node; pos = -1; for (int i = 0; i < node->numKeys; i++) { if (key >= node->keys[i]) { pos = i; } else { break; } } if (pos == -1) { node = node->children; } else { node = node->children[pos + 1]; } } pos = -1; for (int i = 0; i < node->numKeys; i++) { if (key == node->keys[i]) { pos = i; break; } } if (pos == -1) { return; } for (int i = pos; i < node->numKeys - 1; i++) { node->keys[i] = node->keys[i + 1]; } node->numKeys--; if (node == root) { // root is a leaf return; } while (node != root && node != NULL && node->numKeys < MAX_KEYS / 2) { int leftPos = -1, rightPos = -1; for (int i = 0; i <= parent->numKeys; i++) { if (parent->children[i] == node) { leftPos = i - 1; rightPos = i + 1; break; } } Node *leftChild, *rightChild; bool flagLeftOverFlow, flagRightOverFlow; if (leftPos >= 0) { // has left sibling leftChild = parent->children[leftPos]; flagLeftOverFlow = leftChild != NULL && leftChild != NULL && leftChild->numKeys > MAX_KEYS / 2; // whether left sibling can // afford one key if (!flagLeftOverFlow && leftPos >= 0 && rightPos <= parent->numKeys) { // merge with left sibling merge(parent, leftPos, leftChild, node); node = leftChild; // after merge, the current position is the new merged child continue; } } else { // no left sibling flagLeftOverFlow = false; // this flag is set to false to ensure that it will not trigger merge operation with left sibling later leftChild = NULL; // leftChild is set to NULL to avoid using it later } if (rightPos <= parent->numKeys) { // has right sibling rightChild = parent ->children[rightPos]; // after merge operation with left sibling, right sibling could have been moved to the current position // therefore, rightPos should be calculated again flagRightOverFlow = rightChild != NULL && rightChild != NULL && rightChild ->numKeys > MAX_KEYS / 2; // whether right sibling can afford one key if (!flagRightOverFlow && leftPos >= 0 && rightPos <= parent->numKeys) { // merge with right sibling merge(parent, leftPos, node, rightChild); node = leftChild; // after merge, the current position is the new merged child continue; } } else { // no right sibling flagRightOverFlow = false; // this flag is set to false to ensure that it will not trigger merge operation with right sibling later rightChild = NULL; // rightChild is set to NULL to avoid using it later } if (flagLeftOverFlow || flagRightOverFlow) { // borrow from sibling and update parent's keys if (flagLeftOverFlow && (!flagRightOverFlow || leftChild ->numKeys > rightChild ->numKeys)) { // prefer borrowing from left sibling for (int i = node ->numKeys - 1; // move current keys to make room for borrowed key from sibling i >= 0; --i) { node ->keys[i + 1] = node ->keys[i]; } if (!node ->isLeaf) { // move children accordingly for non-leaf nodes for (int i = node-> numKeys - 1; i >= 0; --i) { node ->children[i + 2] = node-> children[i + 1]; } node ->children = leftChild-> children[leftChild-> numKeys + 1]; ++node-> numKeys; leftChild-> children[leftChild-> numKeys + 1] = NULL; --leftChild-> numKeys; parent-> keys[leftPos] = leftChild-> keys[leftChild-> numKeys - 1]; leftChild-> keys[leftChild-> numKeys - 1] = 0; continue; } else { // leaf nodes need to update next pointer as well ++node-> numKeys; int newKeyIndex = --leftChild-> numKeys; parent-> keys[leftPos] = leftChild-> keys[newKeyIndex]; ++node-> numKeys; node ->next = leftChild-> next; leftChild-> next = node; continue; } } else { // borrow from right sibling or its children if (!node-> isLeaf) { // move children accordingly for non-leaf nodes ++node-> numKeys; int newKeyIndex = ++node-> numKeys; if (newKeyIndex >= MAX_KEYS) newKeyIndex--; node ->children[newKeyIndex + 1] = rightChild-> children; parent-> keys[rightPos - 1] = rightChild-> keys; ++rightChild-> numKeys; for (int k = 0; k < rightChild-> numKeys - 1; ++k) rightChild-> keys[k] = rightChild-> keys[k + 1]; for (int k = 0; k < rightChild-> numKeys + 1; ++k) rightChild-> children[k] = rightChild-> children[k + 1]; --rightChild-> numKeys; continue; } else { // leaf nodes need to update next pointer as well ++node-> numKeys; int newKeyIndex = ++node-> numKeys; if (newKeyIndex >= MAX_KEYS) newKeyIndex--; node ->keys[newKeyIndex - 1] = rightChild-> keys; ++rightChild-> numKeys; for (int k = 0; k < rightChild-> numKeys - 1; ++k) rightChild-> keys[k] = rightChild-> keys[k + 1]; --rightChild-> numKeys; parent-> keys[rightPos - 1] = rightChild-> keys; continue; } } } break; } } ```




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