谷歌浏览器Google Chrome快捷键大全

谷歌浏览器Google Chrome快捷键大全

投递人 Ψιζσεα.  发布于 2008-09-03 19:17  评论(5)  有6672人阅读  [收藏]


Google Chrome,看到一些快捷键方便喜欢快捷键的朋友使用



键入搜索字词 使用默认搜索引擎进行搜索

键入网址中"www."和 ".com"之间的部分,然后按 Ctrl+Enter 为您在地址栏中输入的内容添加"www."和".com",然后打开网址

键入搜索引擎关键字或网址,按 Tab 键,然后键入搜索字词 使用与关键字或网址相关联的搜索引擎进行搜索 如果谷歌浏览器可以识别您要使用的搜索引擎,将会提示您按 Tab 键。

F6 或 Ctrl+L 突出显示网址区域中的内容

输入网址,然后按 Alt+Enter 在新标签页中打开网址


Ctrl+N 打开新窗口

按住 Ctrl‎ 键,然后点击链接 在新标签页中打开链接

按住 Shift 键,然后点击链接 在新窗口中打开链接

Alt+F4 关闭当前窗口

Ctrl+T 打开新标签页

Ctrl+Shift+T 重新打开上次关闭的标签页。 谷歌浏览器可记住您关闭的最后 10 个标签页。

将链接拖动到标签页内 在指定标签页中打开链接

将链接拖动到两个标签页之间 在新标签页横条上的指定位置打开链接

Ctrl+1 到 Ctrl+8 切换到指定位置编号的标签页。 您按下的数字代表标签页横条上的位置。

Ctrl+9 切换到最后一个标签页

Ctrl+Tab 切换到下一个标签页

Ctrl+Shift+Tab 切换到上一个标签页

Ctrl+W 或 Ctrl+F4 关闭当前标签页或弹出式窗口


Ctrl+B 打开和关闭书签栏

Ctrl+H 查看历史记录页

Ctrl+J 查看下载页

Shift+Escape 查看任务管理器

Shift+Alt+T 将键盘焦点设置在谷歌浏览器工具栏上。 使用键盘上的向右和向左箭头,导航至工具栏的不同区域。


Ctrl+P 打印当前页

F5 重新加载当前页

Ctrl+F5 或 Shift+F5 重新加载当前页,但忽略缓存内容

按住 Alt 键,然后点击链接 下载链接

Ctrl+F 打开"在网页上查找"框

Ctrl+G 或 F3 查找与您在"在网页上查找"框中输入的内容相匹配的下一个匹配项

Ctrl+Shift+G 或 Shift+F3 查找与您在"在网页上查找"框中输入的内容相匹配的上一个匹配项

Ctrl+U 查看源代码

将链接拖动到书签栏 将链接加入书签

Ctrl+D 将当前网页加入书签

Ctrl++ 放大文字

Ctrl+- 缩小文字

Ctrl+0 还原到正常文字大小


突出显示内容,然后按 Ctrl+C 将内容复制到剪贴板

将光标置于文字字段中,然后按 Ctrl+V 从剪贴板粘贴当前内容

将光标置于文字字段中,然后按 Ctrl+Shift+V 从剪贴板粘贴当前内容的纯文字部分

突出显示文字字段的内容,然后按 Ctrl+X 删除内容


Window and Tab Shortcus

» Ctrl+N: Open a new window

» Ctrl+Shift+N: Open a new window in incognito mode

» Press Ctrl, and click a link: Open link in a new tab

» Press Shift, and click a link: Open link in a new window

» Alt+F4: Close current window

» Ctrl+T: Open a new tab

» Ctrl+Shift+T: Reopen the last tab you’ve closed. Google Chrome remembers the last 10 tabs you’ve closed.

» Drag link to tab: Open link in specified tab

» Drag link to space between tabs: Open link in a new tab in the specified position on the tab strip

» Ctrl+1 through Ctrl+8: Switch to the tab at the specified position number. The number you press represents a position on the tab strip.

» Ctrl+9: Switch to the last tab

» Ctrl+Tab or Ctrl+PgDown: Switch to the next tab

» Ctrl+Shift+Tab or Ctrl+PgUp: Switch to the previous tab

» Ctrl+W or Ctrl+F4: Close current tab or pop-up

» Alt+Home: Open your homepage

» Ctrl+O, then select file: Open a file from your computer in Google Chrome

Address Bar Shortcuts

Do one of the following actions in the address bar:

» Type a search term: Perform a search using your default search engine

» Type the part of the web address that’s between ‘www.’ and ‘.com’, then press Ctrl+Enter: Add www.and .com to your input in the address bar and open the web address

» Type a search engine keyword or URL, press Tab, then type a search term: Perform a search using the search engine associated with the keyword or the URL. Google Chrome prompts you to press Tab if it recognizes the search engine you’re trying to use.

» F6 or Ctrl+L or Alt+D: Highlight content in the web address area

» Type a web address, then press Alt+Enter: Open your web address in a new tab

Shortcuts to Google Chrome Features

» Ctrl+B: Toggle bookmarks bar on and off

» Ctrl+H: View the History page

» Ctrl+J: View the Downloads page

» Shift+Escape: View the Task manager

Webpage Shortcuts

» Ctrl+P: Print your current page

» F5: Reload current page

» Esc: Stop page loading

» Ctrl+F5 or Shift+F5: Reload current page, ignoring cached content

» Press Alt, and click a link: Download link

» Ctrl+F: Open find-in-page box

» Ctrl+G or F3: Find next match for your input in the find-in-page box

» Ctrl+Shift+G or Shift+F3: Find previous match for your input in the find-in-page box

» Ctrl+U: View source

» Drag link to bookmarks bar: Bookmark the link

» Ctrl+D: Bookmark your current webpage

» Ctrl++: Make text larger

» Ctrl+-: Make text smaller

» Ctrl+0: Return to normal text size

Text Shortcuts

» Highlight content, then press Ctrl+C: Copy content to the clipboard

» Place your cursor in a text field, then press Ctrl+V or Shift+Insert: Paste current content from the clipboard

» Place your cursor in a text field, then press Ctrl+Shift+V: Paste current content from the clipboard without formatting

» Highlight content in a text field, then press Ctrl+X or Shift+Delete: Delete the content and copy it to the clipboard

Some More Shortcuts

» Backspace, or press Alt and the left arrow together: Go to the previous page in your browsing history for the tab

» Shift+Backspace, or press Alt and the right arrow together: Go to the next page in your browsing history for the tab

» Ctrl+K or Ctrl+E: Places a ‘?’ in the address bar. Type a search term after the ‘?’ to perform a search using your default search engine.

» Place your cursor in the address bar, then press Ctrl and the left arrow together: Jump to the previous word in the address bar

» Place your cursor in the address bar, then press Ctrl and the right arrow together: Jump to the next word in the address bar

» Place your cursor in the address bar, then press Ctrl+Backspace: Delete the previous word in the address bar

» Space bar: Scroll down the web page

» Home: Go to the top of the page

» End: Go to the bottom of the page





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