2017World Final 签到题

本文介绍了2017年ACM-ICPC世界决赛的两道签到题,包括I.Secret Chamber at Mount Rushmore和E.Need for Speed。题目涉及字符串转换和速度校正问题,分别需要通过建立字母转换图并使用Floyd算法检查字符串匹配,以及通过二分法计算速度常数。

2017 World Final落下了帷幕,虽然没有机会去现场,但一边看直播,一边场外做题还是 蛮有感觉的,水了两道签到题,感觉挺好。那就让我们来看一下这两道签到题吧


I.Secret Chamber at Mount Rushmore


By now you have probably heard that there is a spectacular stone sculpture featuring four famous U.S. presidents at Mount Rushmore. However, very few people know that this monument contains a secret chamber. This sounds like something out of a plot of a Hollywood movie, but the chamber really exists. It can be found behind the head of Abraham Lincoln and was designed to serve as a Hall of Records to store important historical U.S. documents and artifacts. Historians claim that the construction of the hall was halted in 1939 and the uncompleted chamber was left untouched until the late 1990s, but this is not the whole truth.

In 1982, the famous archaeologist S. Dakota Jones secretly visited the monument and found that the chamber actually was completed, but it was kept confidential. This seemed suspicious and after some poking around, she found a hidden vault and some documents inside. Unfortunately, these documents did not make any sense and were all gibberish. She suspected that they had been written in a code, but she could not decipher them despite all her efforts.

Earlier this week when she was in the area to follow the ACM-ICPC World Finals, Dr. Jones finally discovered the key to deciphering the documents, in Connolly Hall of SDSM&T. She found a document that contains a list of translations of letters. Some letters may have more than one translation, and others may have no translation. By repeatedly applying some of these translations to individual letters in the gibberish documents, she might be able to decipher them to yield historical U.S. documents such as the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. She needs your help.

You are given the possible translations of letters and a list of pairs of original and deciphered words. Your task is to verify whether the words in each pair match. Two words match if they have the same length and if each letter of the first word can be turned into the corresponding letter of the second word by using the available translations zero or more times.




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