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转载 忘记mysql密码 的可以用的方法--总忘修改步骤。所以记录下来吧
1、编辑MySQL配置文件:windows环境中:%MySQL_installdir%\my.ini //一般在MySQL安装目录下有my.ini即MySQL的配置文件。linux环境中:/etc/my.cnf在[MySQLd]配置段添加如下一行:skip-grant-tables保存退出编辑。2、然后重启MySQL服务windows环境中:ne
2012-01-11 10:31:44 423
原创 How to replace null values with immediately coming not null values
accountno;accountname;accountdefn------------------------------------------------------;saving;saving acct;transfers;transfer acctAS123456;deposits;deposits acct;salaries;salaries acctPT78
2012-01-09 17:39:07 313
转载 LDAP协议基础概念
1. 从用途上阐述LDAP,它是一个存储静态相关信息的服务,适合“一次记录多次读取”。常用LDAP服务存储的信息: 公司的物理设备信息(如打印机,它的IP地址、存放位置、厂商、购买时间等) 公开的员工信息(地址、电话、电子邮件…) 合同和账号信息(客户信息、产品交付日期、投标信息、项目信息…) 凭证信息(认证凭证、许可证凭证…) 2. 从数据结构上阐述LDAP,它是一个
2012-01-05 11:16:03 604
原创 Linux正则表达式的若干例子
1. /love/2. /^love/3. /love$/4. /l.ve/5. /o*ve/6. /[Ll]ove/7. /ove[a-z]/8. /ove[^a-zA-Z0-9]/9. /\/10. /\/11. /\([Oo]ccur\)ence/\1rence/12. /\(square\) and \(fair\)/\2 and \1/
2011-12-27 15:24:23 1360
转载 kettle常见问题
1. Join 我得到A 数据流(不管是基于文件或数据库),A包含field1 , field2 , field3 字段,然后我还有一个B数据流,B包含field4 , field5 , field6 , 我现在想把它们 ‘加’ 起来, 应该怎么样做. 这是新手最容易犯错的一个地方,A数据流跟B数据流能够Join,肯定是它们包含join key ,join key 可以是一个字段也可以
2011-12-26 13:01:41 2164
转载 Updating XML in a Database with Talend Open Studio
If an XML document is serialized in a database column, you can use tExtractXMLField to make the data within the document available for general Talend Open Studio processing (tMap). If the database co
2011-12-22 10:17:29 773
原创 Express absolute value in advanced settings in tFilterRow
(input_row.columnName1.abs()).doubleValue()input_row.columnName1 is BigDecimal.
2011-12-21 17:38:12 520
原创 Dynamic grouping
Template is as below:1. File header is having some constant value.2. Batch Header (Department) contains department name , batch id (dynamically generated - previous batch id + 1) + sum of salar
2011-12-21 17:34:47 344
Have you ever wanted to do an SQL SELECT * statement in SOQL? Well here's the workaround. Generally, I would recommend that you only query for data that you need, however I have been using this on my
2011-12-21 17:31:13 561
转载 Slowly Changing Dimensions
Slowly Changing Dimensions (SCDs) are dimensions that have data that slowly changes. The SCD editor offersthe simplest method of building the data flow for the SCD outputs. In the SCD editor, you ca
2011-12-15 15:08:50 778
转载 Linux pushd popd
linux命令pushd和popd使用方法 与linux cd命令相似,用pushd实现在不同目录间切换 在命令行模式下,当你工作在不同目录中,你将发现你有很多时间都浪费在重复输入上如果这些目录不在同一个根目录中,你不得不在转换时输入完整的路径名,这难免让人有些难以忍受但你可以用以下的一个或两个步骤来避免所有多余的输入:用命令行解释器中的历史记录,或者用命令行函数pushd
2011-12-14 14:26:42 1451
原创 Sum data based on its grouping
Step 1: AggregateRowStep 2: In this section, you can get the result as follows:Code:dept_A 10dept_A 5dept_A 15 //SUMdept_B 7dept_B 3dept_B 10 //SUMS
2011-12-07 18:02:35 300
原创 List of ETL tools in Western World
No. List of ETL Tools Version ETL Vendors 1.Oracle Warehouse Builder (OWB)11gR1Oracle 2.Data Services XI 3.2SAP Business Objects 3.IBM Information Server (Datast
2011-12-06 14:59:21 564
原创 unsupported encoding Cp1141 for result set column.
It's an error about windows environment and JRE.To resolve this problem, just re-install JRE selecting option "Support for Additional Languages".To detect that this is definitely the problem
2011-12-06 14:50:54 862
转载 BI(Business Intelligence)
Business intelligence (BI) mainly refers to computer-based techniques used in identifying, extracting,and analyzing business data, such as sales revenue by products and/or departments, or by associa
2011-12-06 14:43:17 406
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