[SG] Atmosphere

General influence of atmosphere refraction

  • Two velocity in atmosphere: phase and group velocity
    • Background: a simple harmonic wave propagating in air looks like u(x,t)=A0sin(ωtkx+ϕ0) u ( x , t ) = A 0 ∗ s i n ( ω t − k x + ϕ 0 ) , where ω ω is angular frequency, represented in radians per second, k is angular wavenumber, represented in radians per meter.
    • group velocity is the propagating speed of an evenlope wave, which is modulated(overlap several waves) to carry information. On the contrary, a simple harmonic wave(showed before) can not carry any information.
    • Phase velocity:
      vph=ω/k=λ/T v p h = ω / k = λ / T
    • Relationship between group velocity and phase velocity:
      vgr=vphωdvphdω v g r = v p h − ω ∗ d v p h d ω
    • This means when vph v p h is independent with the wavelength(no dispersion), then vgr=vph v g r = v p h .
  • Structure of atmosphere: troposphere and ionosphere
    • troposphere: ranging from 0km to 10 km above the ground
      • Note that for microwave the tropospheric refraction is non-dispersive. This means the signal delay caused in troposphere in this frequency range is irrelevant with the frequency.
      • While for optical range the tropospheric refraction is frequency-dependent and non-dispersive.
    • ionosphere: range from 50km to 1000km above the ground
      • the free electrons and ions in ionosphere is related to the solar radiation.
  • The signal delay δρatm=L(n(s)1)ds+(SG) δ ρ a t m = ∫ L ( n ( s ) − 1 ) d s + ( S − G )
    • Here, S is the curved path of propagating light, while G is the geometric distance.
    • The first term can achieved highly at 200m, while the latter is negilible (excepet for low zenith angle) , 1 to 2 centimeter.
    • Generally speaking the refractive index depends on frequency. By definition nph=c/vph n p h = c / v p h and ngr=c/vgr n g r = c / v g r .

Ionospheric refraction correction

  • Ionospheric Refraction: phase advance, group delay
    • For frequency bigger than 100MHz, the mathematical model of Ionospheric refraction: nph=1aNef2 n p h = 1 − a ∗ N e f 2 and ngr=1+aNef2 n g r = 1 + a ∗ N e f 2 Dispersive!!: depends on the frequency
    • a is constant: a=a=40.3m3s2 a = a = 40.3 m 3 s − 2 ; Ne N e refers to the free electrons density along signal path.
    • Correction for ionospheric refraction:
      δρph=aEf2 δ ρ p h = − a ∗ E f 2

      δρgr=aEf2 δ ρ g r = a ∗ E f 2

      Here E denotes the Total Electron Content: E=Ne(s)ds E = ∫ N e ( s ) d s
    • ionospheric refraction correction is negative for phase measurement (phase advance), while positive for code/pseudorange measurement(group delay).
    • Mostly only the VTEC (Vertical Total Electrons Content) EV E V is provided, to get E in a specific direction we need a map function.(See page 101)
    • Final formula:
      δρph=amion(z)EVf2=a1coszEVf2 δ ρ p h = − a ∗ m i o n ( z ) E V f 2 = − a ∗ 1 c o s z ∗ E V f 2
    • Using the above formula, we assume all electron concentrated in an infinitesimally thin layer above the earth surface.
    • The smaller the frequency, the bigger the inonspheric correction. So for GNSS (L-Band) is 1 - 15m. For VLBI using X-Band is much smaller: 4cm - 60cm. For Altimetry (X or Ku-Band) is 1 cm - 15 cm.
    • For SLR/LLR which employ optical wave (frequency: 51014 5 ∗ 10 14 ) the delay casued by ionospheric refraction is negilible.
    • Ionospheric-free linear combination to eliminate the ionospheric delay.

Tropospheric delay for radio wave: Dry part or Wet part

  • For radio waves range from 100MHz to 15GHz the tropospheric delay is non-disperive. While for optical signal is dispersive.
  • Tropospheric delay can still be modelled as δρtro=(n(s)1)ds δ ρ t r o = ∫ ( n ( s ) − 1 ) d s . Here we introduce refractivity N=106(n1) N = 10 6 ∗ ( n − 1 ) . So δρtro=106N(s)ds δ ρ t r o = 10 − 6 ∫ N ( s ) d s
  • Model of refractivity:
    N=Nd+Nw=k1PdTZ(1)d+k2eTZ(1)w+k3eT2Z(1)w N = N d + N w = k 1 ∗ P d T ∗ Z d ( − 1 ) + k 2 ∗ e T ∗ Z w ( − 1 ) + k 3 ∗ e T 2 ∗ Z w ( − 1 )

    • Refractivity not only depends on pressure and compressibility of air, but also depends on electrical characterstics of molecules, where N2 N 2 or O2 O 2 are different with H2O H 2 O .
    • e : partial pressure of water vapour, a function of relative humidity
    • Total delay amounts to 2.3m in zenith direction, and about 25 at an elevation of 5 degree.
    • Dry part contributes to 90% of tropospheric delay, and can be modelled quite well based on the pressure measurment on the ground, and changes rather slowly.
    • Wet part amounts to maximum about 40 cm, but is highly variable in time and space.
  • Tropospheric delay can be writen as the product of zenith delay and map function mtrp(z) m t r p ( z ) . Normally the mapping function for dry part and wet part is different. So the following formular is given:
    δρtro=mtrp,d(z)δρ0tro,d+mtrp,w(z)δρ0tro,w δ ρ t r o = m t r p , d ( z ) ∗ δ ρ t r o , d 0 + m t r p , w ( z ) ∗ δ ρ t r o , w 0
  • Tropospheric correction can be modelled based on meterological data including air pressure P, temperature T and relative humidity H(Using water vapor radiometry). You can also based on standard meterologival model, but is not accurate enough.

Tropospheric delay for optical part of spectrum (SLR/LLR)

  • As for tropospheric delay for optic wave, the contribution of dry part (partial pressure of dir air) is one order higher than the wet part(partial pressure of water vapour)
  • The distance correction at normal condition in zenith direction amounts to 2.45m and 7m at the elevation angle of 20 degree.
  • The magnitude of tropospheric correction of dry part for optical and radio wave are similar(2.3 -2.4m). While for wet part, optical is much smaller(up to 5mm).
  • a change of meterological condition result in a change of tropospheric correction at several mm level, due to the low coefficient of wet air pressure. Tropospheric correction for optical wave is less variable.
  • Thus troposhperic delay can be modelled sufficiently accurately based on the meterological measurement at station.
  • By contrast, for VLBI or GPS, the change of meterological condition result in significant change of tropospheric correction(up to 40cm).

Estimation of troposphere Parameter: zenith troposphere delay

  • Normally ZTD is estimated for every station involved and is valid for 30mins to 120mins.
    • By contrast, for the influence of dry part of tro towards radio waves the pressure measurment is valid 12hours, with a resulting error less than 2cm.
  • The main problem of tro parameter estimation is the correlation between the parameters, because they all change with the change of zenith angle
    • station height
    • receiver clock correction
    • troposphere delay
    • phase ambiguities
    • offset and variation of antenna phase centers
  • Ways to eliminate correlation:
    • at least 1-2 hours observation
    • in static mode
    • open sky(good satellite geometry)
    • Typically estimate one ZTD per hour
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