

专业英语(二) —— English for Excellence-Intermediate

一、Career Aspirations(职业抱负)

1.1. Job Hunting(求职)

Career Planing(职业规划)

  1. Konwing yourself skills, likes/dislikes and values;(了解自我能力,爱好,价值观)
  2. Finding out & Exploring what is out there;(对外探索与发现)
  3. Making decisions & Comparing options;(采取决策与比较选择)
  4. Taking action & Working towards your goals.(向你的目标采取行动)

1.2. Exploring different types of Career(探索不同类型的职业)

1.2.1.Common job types for IT(常见的IT行业种类)

  1. APP Developer(应用开发)
    Creating moblie applicatuins on iOS, Android, and other types of phone systems is the preferred choice among most IT professional.
  2. Computer Programmer(固定端程序员)
    Most computer programmers have a bachelor’s degree with a major in computer science or information technology.
  3. Database Administrator(数据库维护员)
    Database administrators contral an organized’s data. They ensure that databases run efficiently and are secure from unauthorized users.
  4. Web Developer(网页开发)
    Web development is a term that is used to refer to the process of creating a website and can range from developing a single simple page to series of complex pages.
  5. Game Developer(游戏开发)
    Game programming, a subset of game development, is the software development of video games.
  6. Software Tester(软件测试)
    As a software tester, you are involved in quality assurance stage of software development and deployment.
  7. Computer Hardware Technician(电脑硬件工程师)
    A computer hardware technician is a person who repairs and maintains computers and servers.
  8. IT Trainers(IT培训师)
    Information technology trainers may teach IT administrative support staff or organization’s non-technical users about how to operate, configure, and maintain new technology.
    (信息技术培训师可以向 IT 管理支持人员或组织的非技术用户传授如何操作、配置和维护新技术。)

1.2.2. Departments to run an IT Company(IT企业部门构成)

  • Administration(管理层)
  • Accounting(财务部门)
  • Marketing & Advertising(市场和研发部门)
  • Sales(销售部门)
  • Human Resource (HR)(人力资源部门)
  • Information Technology (IT)(技术部门)

1.3. Finding the job(寻找一个工作)

The steps of finding a new job:(找一个新的工作的步骤)

  1. Find the Best Job Sites.(寻找一个好的工作地点)
  2. Keep your Job Search Focused.(对找工作保持专注)
  3. Build Your Professional Brand.(建立自我求职特色)
  4. Connect with your Contacts.(保持你的联系方式)

1.4. Preparing your CV(准备你的简历)

  • A CV contains details about your education, professional career, publications, awards, honors, jobs, grants, research fellowships, etc.
  • A Resume is uaually crisp and focuses on your skills in one to two pages. It is alwasys concise and talks only the specifics as necessary.

1.4.1. Some common about CV & Resume(履历和简历的相同点)

  • Are tailored for the specific job/company you are applying to;
  • Should represent you as the best-qualified candidate;
  • Are used to get you an interview;
  • Do not usually include personal interests.

1.4.2. Some differences about CV & Resume(履历和简历的不同之处)

Length(长度)Much longer in length(较长)Maximum uo to 2 pages(最多两页)
Focus(重点)Focus is on career(着重于发展生涯)Focus is on professional skills(着重于个人技能)
Skills(排序)Certifications in chronological order(按时间顺序排列)Skills with highest proficiency are prioritised(以熟练程度排序)

1.4.3. Contents of CV & Resume(履历和简历的内容)

Cover letter(求职信)Summary Statement(摘要说明)
Contact Information(信息内容)Contact Information(信息内容)
Educational Background(教育背景)Education & Certifications(教育和认证)
Work Experience(工作经验)Work Experience(工作经验)
Projects Undertaken(项目背景)Key Skills & Technologies(关键技能和技术)
Honours, Awards, Fellowships, Grants(荣誉、奖项、奖学金、助学金)-
Publications & Presentations(出版物和文章)-
Professional Menberships(专业证书)-

1.4.4. Some points that you should consider while compiling(在简历上要考虑的内容)

  • Decide on a layout;(决定简历的布局)
  • Think about what the job involves;(决定工作的涉及范围)
  • Objective; Write an objecive.(言语积极)
  • Make notes on your education; Summarize your education.(对你的教育经历做出总结)
  • Identify your previous experience;(要提及你以前的经验)
  • Mention your personal details;(确保你的个人信息丰富)
  • Interests;(符合自我利益)
  • References;(引用实例来证明自己)
  • Find suitable language to describe your experence; Be truthful,don’t be afraid to show off your talents.(通过合适的言语来展现你真实的一面)
  • Check your CV for mistakes.(检查简历中的错误)

1.5. Job Interview(工作面试)

1.5.1. Types of Interview(面试种类)

  • Telephonic Interview;(电话面试)
  • Face-To-Face Interview;(线下面谈)
  • Behavioral Interview;(行为访谈)
  • Panel Interview;(群体 面试)
  • Video Conference Interview.(视频会议面试)

1.5.2. Preparing for the Job Interviews(面试的准备工作)

  1. Analyze the job;(分析工作内容)
  2. Research the company;(调查公司背景)
  3. Practice Interviewing;(联系面试技巧)
  4. Interview Etiquette;(注意面试礼仪)
  5. Dress for success.(注意面试着装)
  6. Listen & Ask Question;(学会倾听和提问)
  7. What to bring a job interview.(确定面试所带的资料)

1.5.3. Common Interview Question

  1. Tell me about yourself;(自我介绍)
  2. Why do you want to work for us / Why do you want to this job?(需要这份工作的原因)
  3. Why should we hire you?(雇佣你的原因)
  4. What are your greatest strengths?(你的长处)
  5. What are your greatest weakness?(你的缺点)
  6. What is your salary/wage expectations?(你期望的薪资)
  7. What are your career goals?(你的职业目标)
  8. Do you have any questions?(你对面试单位的问题)

二、E-Commerce Introduction(电子商务的介绍)

2.1. What is E-commece?(什么是电子商务)

2.1.1. Definition of the E-commerce(电子商务的定义)

Ecommerce is a shortened version of the phrase “electronic commerce” which essentially describes any type of exchange of currency for goods or services online.

2.1.2. E-Commerce Examples(电子商务的实例)

  • Amazon(亚马逊)
  • Jingdong (JD.com)(京东)
  • Alibaba Group Holding Ltd(阿里巴巴)

2.1.3. Technological Building Blocks of E-commerce(电子商务的简历基础)

  • Internet(互联网)
  • web(网页)
  • mobile platform(移动平台)

2.1.4. What is M-Commerce?(什么是移动商务)

M-commerce entails the e-commerce transactions done with a mobile phone. It is the use of mobile phones to conduct any type of business transaction.

  • The Advantages of M-commerce:(移动商务的优势)
    Convenient & Easy to use;(便捷和使用简单)
    Have a wide reach;(涉及面广泛)
    Help businesses target customers.(帮助企业锁定潜在客户)

  • The Disadvantages of M-commerce:(移动商务的缺点)
    Expensive & Have a great start-up costs and many cmplication arise;(初始建设成本昂贵)
    In developing countries, it is not most suitable for data transfer;(对于发展中国家,数据传输较难实现)
    The issue of security.(安全问题)

2.1.5. Categories of E-commerce(电子商务的种类)

  • Business to Consumer (B2C)
  • Business to Business (B2B)
  • Consumer to Consumer (C2C)
  • Business to Administration (B2A)
  • Social E-Commerce
  • Local E-commerce

2.2 E-tailing(电子贸易)

Electronic relating is the sale of goods and services through the Internet. E-taiing includes a broad range of companies and industries. And it need strong distribution networks that are prompt and efficient.

2.2.1.Types of E-tailing(电子贸易的种类)

  • B2C E-Tailing
  • B2B E-Tailing

2.2.2. Be an E-Retailer(成为电子零售商)

The steps to start an online business:(开始线上商业的步骤)

  1. Plan your business;(规划你的业务)
  2. Register your business;(注册你的企业)
  3. Register your domain name and set up your website;(注册你的域名和网站)
  4. Get a web hosting service;(获取网络托管服务)
  5. Use search engines to drive targeted buyers to your site;(使用搜索引擎将买家吸引到你的网站)
  6. Use e-mail marketing to turn visitor into buyers;(使用电子邮件营销)
  7. Create a social media presence.(创建社交媒体形象)

2.3.Online Payment Gateway(线上支付)

  • Alipay;
  • Google Pay;
  • Amazon Pay.

2.4. E-Government(电子政务)

  • Citizen and their government; (C2G)
  • Governments and other government agencies; (G2G)
  • Government and citizens; (G2C)
  • Government and employees; (G2E)
  • Government and business/commerce. (G2B)


3.1. What is Entrepreneurship?(什么是创业)

Entrepreneurship is the process of starting a bussiness or other organization.

3.1.1. Becoming an Entrepreneur(成为企业家)

  1. Find the right business for you;(寻找适合你的业务)
  2. Determine if you should get an education;(决定你是否要学习相关知识)
  3. Plan your business;(规划你的业务)
  4. Find your target group / audience;(找到你的目标用户和群体)
  5. Conduct Market Research;(进行市场调研)
  6. Choose the way to sell your product.(选择商品销售方式)

3.2. Start-ups in China(在中国创业)

3.2.1. Crowdfunding(众筹)

  • Reward Crowdfunding;(积累众筹)
  • Debt Crowdfunding;(债务众筹)
  • Equity Crowdfunding;(股权众筹)

3.2.2. Seed Funding(初始资金)

  • Seed funding or seed-stage funding is a very early investment that aims at helping a business grow and generating its own capital.
  • It is a form of securities offering in which an investor invests capital in a startup company in exchange for an equity stake or convertible note stake in the company.

3.2.3. Ways to Find Investors for Your Startup(为企业寻找投资人的方法)

You need to speak to hundreds of investors before you find the right one for your startup.

3.2.4.Business Terms used by Investors(投资者使用的商业术语)

  • Blanced fund;(基金)
  • Bear market;(熊市)
  • Benchmark;(基准)
  • Beta;(实行)
  • Blue-chip;(蓝筹股)
  • Board of Trustees;(董事会)
  • Bond;(债卷)
  • Bond Find;(查找债卷)
  • Breakpoint;(断点)
  • Bull market.(牛市)

四、Cloud Computing(云计算)

4.1. What is Cloud Computing?(什么是云计算)

Could computing is the use of these services by individuals and organizations.

  • Cloud computing is not limited to web applications;
  • Cloud computing, simply means the use of computing resources as a service through networks, typically the Internet;
  • Cloud computing is both, a combination of software and hardware-based computing resources delivered as a networked service.

4.1.1. Advantage of Cloud Computing(云计算的优势)

  • Cost Efficient;(高效益低成本)
  • Almost Unlimited Storage;(几乎无限的内存空间)
  • Backup and Recovery;(可备份和恢复)
  • Automatic Software Integratio;(自动的软件集成化)
  • Easy Access to Information;(信息获取的便捷)
  • Quick Deployment.(部署使用的高速)

4.2. Evolution of Cloud Computing(云计算的发展)

Three basic phases:(三个基本阶段)

  • The Idea Phase;(构思阶段)
  • The Pre-Cloud Phase;(云准备阶段)
  • The Cloud Phase.(云使用阶段)

4.2.1. What is next for Cloud Computing in the coming years?(未来云计算的发展方向)

  • Cloud Storage Capacity;(云存储)
  • Batter Internet Quality and the Rise of 5G;(更高的互联网质量)
  • Security challenges and the cloud.(云空间的安全挑战)

4.3. Needs for Cloud Computing(云计算的需求)

  • Reduced maintenance and administrative costs;(减少维护和管理成本)
  • Better asset utilization;(更好的资源利用率)
  • Backups and other fail-safes are handled by the service providers.(备份和其他故障保险由服务提供商处理)

4.4. Characteristics of Cloud Computing(云计算扮演的角色)

  • Elasticity and Scalability;(弹性和可扩展性)
  • Pay-per-Use;(按需求付费)
  • On-demand;(按需求使用)
  • Resiliency;(高可变性)
  • Multi-Tenancy.(多线程使用)

4.5. Cloud Computing Architecture(云计算的架构)

  • Front End(前端)
    • The front end is the side of the computer user or client.
    • It involves the interfaces and applications that are necessary to access the Cloud Computing system.
  • Back End(后端)
    • The back end is the cloud section of the system.
    • It involves all the resources which are necessary to give Cloud computing services.
    • It includes huge data storage, virtual machines, security mechanism, services, deploymentmodels, servers etc.
    • To give built-in security mechanism, traffic control and protocols is the responsibility of the back end.

4.6. Cloud Computing Environment(云计算的环境)

  • Private Cloud;(私有云)
  • Public Cloud;(公共云)
  • Hybrid Cloud;(混合云)
  • Community Cloud.(社区云)

4.7. Cloud Computing Service Models(云计算的服务模式)

4.7.1. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)(基础架构服务 )

  • Network as a Service (NaaS);(网络服务)
  • Storage as a Service (STaaS);(存储服务)
  • Database as a Service (DBaaS);(数据库服务)
  • Backend as a Service (BaaS);(后端服务)
  • Desktop as a Service (DTaaS).(桌面服务)

4.7.2. Platform as a Service (PaaS)(平台服务)

PaaS provides the users with the ability to develop and deploy an application on the development platformprovided by the service provider.
(PaaS 为用户提供了在服务提供商提供的开发平台上开发和部署应用程序的能力)

4.7.3. Software as a Service (SaaS)(软件服务)

  • Testing as a Service (TaaS);(测试服务)
  • API as a Service (APIaaS);(API服务)
  • Email as a Service (EaaS);(电子邮件服务)

五、Emerging Trends in IT(IT发展趋势)

5.1. Current Trends in Information Technology(IT技术的发展趋势)

  • Cloud Computing;(云计算)
  • Big Data Analytics.(大数据分析)

5.2. Emerging Trends in Information Technology(信息技术的新兴趋势)

1. Artificial Intelligence and Smart Machines;(人工智能和智能机器)
2. Internet of Things;(物联网)
3. Overview of 5G Technology;

5G specifications;(5G标准规格)
5G Mobile Network Architecture.(5G移动网络架构)

  1. Virtual & Augmented Reality。(虚拟和增强显示技术)

—— writing by Pan Qifan(潘琦藩) ——

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