
Extend your .NET application with Excel


by Tony Patton
作者:Tony Patton
翻译:Purple Endurer

Keywords:.Net | Microsoft Office | Office suites | Programming languages | Software engineering/development
关键字:.Net | Microsoft Office | Office suites | 程序设计语言 | 软件工程/开发


A .NET application may be greatly enhanced by providing additional functional via Excel integration. This includes the number-crunching capabilities inherent in Excel, as well as charting and much more. Learn more about Excel and .NET integration.


In a recent column, we explored the process of integrating Microsoft Word with the .NET Framework. There are numerous integration possibilities as the full power of the Microsoft Office Suite is available. In this article, we examine another scenario involving Microsoft Excel.

在近期专栏里,我们浏览了微软Word与.NET Framework集成的过程。当有微软OFFICE套件的全部功能可用时有许多的集成可能性,在这篇文章里,我们检验其他涉及微软Excel的情况。

VBA persists

We must point out that the Microsoft Office product suite utilizes the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), so a little knowledge of the Component Object Model (COM) object is helpful. However, the .NET COM interop feature makes it easy to utilize COM objects within a .NET application. Let's begin with an overview of the Excel object model.

我们必须指出微软OFFICE产品套件使用了VBA,所以略知组件对象模型(COM)是有帮助的。然而.NET COM互操作特性使它易于利用.NET应用程序内的COM对象。

Excel object model

Microsoft Excel provides literally hundreds of objects for programmatically working within its environment. The whole set is beyond the scope of this article, so let's examine a few objects to get up and running. Here are four common objects:


  • Application: Represents the entire Excel application. It exposes a great deal of information about the running application, the options applied to that instance, and the current user objects open within the instance.
  • Workbook: A single Excel workbook that may contain one or more worksheets. Workbook(工作簿):一个单一Excel 工作簿(workbook)可能包含一个或更多工作表(worksheets)。
  • Worksheet: An individual Excel worksheet. Most of the properties, methods, and events of the Worksheet object are identical or similar to members provided by the Application and/or Workbook classes.
  • Range: A range of cells within a worksheet. A Range object represents a cell, a row, a column, a selection of cells containing one or more blocks of cells, or even a group of cells on multiple sheets.

The object model begins with the Application class at the top, since it is the starting point for accessing Excel. Before you can begin working with the Excel object model via .NET COM interop, you must make it available to your project.

对象模式从顶端的Application类开始,因为这是访问Excel的起点。在你可能通过.NET COM互操作开始与Excel对像模型工作前,你必须使它对你的项目可用。

Using Microsoft Excel

The Microsoft Excel Object Library must be made available to your .NET project. If using Visual Studio .NET, a reference may be added to a project via the Project | Add Reference menu selection. The COM tab within the Add Reference window provides access to COM libraries installed on the system. Excel is listed as Microsoft.Excel, and the specific name will depend on the Excel version installed. I have Excel 2003 on my system, so the COM library is listed as Microsoft.Excel 11.0 Object Library. In addition, two namespaces are necessary:

必须使微软Excel对象库对你的.NET工程可用。如果使用Visual Studio .NET,必须通过选择菜单:工程(Project) | 添加引用(Add Reference)来 添加一个引用。添加引用窗口中的COM选项卡提供了对系统中安装的COM库的访问。Excel被列为Microsoft.Excel,specific name将依赖于你安装的Excel版本。我的系统有Excel 2003,所以COM库列为Microsoft.Excel 11.0对象库。另外,两个名空间是必需的:

  • Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel: Allows you to work with Excel objects via .NET interop.
  • System.Runtime.InteropServices: Includes the COMException class, allowing you to properly handle COM-related exceptions.

The code snippet in Listing A loads and opens an Excel file from the local file system.


Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application excel = null;
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook wb = null;

object  missing  = Type.Missing;

try  {

excel = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application();
wb = excel.Workbooks.Open("c://test.xls", missing, missing, missing, missing, missing, missing, missing, missing, missing, missing, missing, missing, missing, missing);
excel.Visible = true;

}  catch (COMException ex) {
MessageBox.Show("Error accessing Excel: " + ex.ToString());

} catch (Exception ex) {
MessageBox.Show("Error: " + ex.ToString());


( Listing B contains the equivalent VB.NET code.)

Dim excel As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application
Dim wb As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook
excel = New Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application
wb = excel.Workbooks.Open("c://test.xls")
excel.Visible = True
Catch ex As COMException
MessageBox.Show("Error accessing Excel: " + ex.ToString())
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show("Error: " + ex.ToString())
End Try

Here are a few notes on the code:


  • The Open method of the Workbooks object (accessed via the Application object) allows you to access an existing Excel file. Note: As a C# developer, the Type.Missing value is necessary since the Excel VBA object model accepts numerous optional parameters. The Type.Missing value allows you to pass nothing to the parameter, but still recognize it. VB.NET supports optional parameters to this approach.
    Workbooks对象(通过Application对象访问)的Open方法允放你访问一个存在的Excel文件。注意:作为C#开发者,Type.Missing值是必要的,因为 Excel VBA对像模型接收大量可选参数。Type.Missing值允许你不传送参数,但仍能识别。VB.NET支持可选参数。
  • The Application object is set to visible and the Workbook object is activated to make it show on the screen.
  • The catch blocks handle specific COM-related exceptions as well as general exceptions.

The previous code does not encompass a complete application, but demonstrates how Excel may be used in both C# and VB.NET. Let's take it a step further by manipulating the data within a worksheet.


The VB.NET code in Listing C creates a new Excel sheet, inserts numbers, and performs a calculation.


Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

Dim excel As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application

Dim wb As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook

Dim ws As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet

Dim rng As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range


excel = New Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application
wb = excel.Workbooks.Add()
ws = wb.ActiveSheet()
rng = ws.Range("A1")
rng.Value = "Techrepublic.com"
rng = ws.Range("A3")
rng.Value = "Quarter"
rng = ws.Range("B3")
rng.Value = "Sales"
rng = ws.Range("A5")
rng.Value = "First"
rng = ws.Range("B5")
rng.Value = 1000.0
rng = ws.Range("A6")
rng.Value = "Second"
rng = ws.Range("B6")
rng.Value = 2000.0
rng = ws.Range("A7")
rng.Value = "Third"
rng = ws.Range("B7")
rng.Value = 4500.0
rng = ws.Range("A8")
rng.Value = "Fourth"
rng = ws.Range("B8")
rng.Value = 4000.0
rng = ws.Range("A10")
rng.Value = "Total"
rng = ws.Range("B10")
rng.Formula = "=@Sum(B5..B8)"
excel.Visible = True

Catch ex As COMException
MessageBox.Show("Error accessing Excel: " + ex.ToString())

Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show("Error: " + ex.ToString())

End Try

End Sub

Only the code for a button is included. ( Listing D contains the equivalent C# code.)

private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) {
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application excel = null;
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook wb = null;
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet ws = null;
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range rng = null;
object  missing  = Type.Missing;
try {
excel = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application();
wb = excel.Workbooks.Add(missing);
ws = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet)wb.ActiveSheet;
rng = ws.get_Range("A1", missing);
rng.Value2 = "Techrepublic.com";
rng = ws.get_Range("A3", missing);
rng.Value2 = "Quarter";
rng = ws.get_Range("B3", missing);
rng.Value2 = "Sales";
rng = ws.get_Range("A5", missing);
rng.Value2 = "First";
rng = ws.get_Range("B5", missing);
rng.Value2 = 1000.0;
rng = ws.get_Range("A6", missing);
rng.Value2 = "Second";
rng = ws.get_Range("B6", missing);
rng.Value2 = 2000.0;
rng = ws.get_Range("A7", missing);
rng.Value2 = "Third";
rng = ws.get_Range("B7", missing);
rng.Value2 = 4500.0;
rng = ws.get_Range("A8", missing);
rng.Value2 = "Fourth";
rng = ws.get_Range("B8", missing);
rng.Value2 = 4000.0;
rng = ws.get_Range("A10", missing);
rng.Value2 = "Total";
rng = ws.get_Range("B10", missing);
rng.Formula = "=@Sum(B5..B8)";
excel.Visible = true;
} catch (COMException ex) {
MessageBox.Show("Error accessing Excel: " + ex.ToString());
} catch (Exception ex) {
MessageBox.Show("Error: " + ex.ToString());
} }

Here are a few notes on the code:

  • A new Excel Workbook is created with the Add method of the Workbook's property of the Application object. This creates a workbook with one blank worksheet.
  • The current sheet is accessed via the ActiveSheet property of the Worksheet object.
  • A Range object is used to work with individual cells. The cell is accessed via its location on the sheet. For example, a title for the sheet (Techrepublic.com) is inserted at the first cell (A1 = column A and row 1). The Value property of the Range object is used to populate the cell.
    一个Range对象用于与单独的单元格工作。单元格可以通过它在工作表的位置来访问。例如,工作表标题(Techrepublic.com) 被插入到第一个单元格(A1 = 列 A 行 1)。
  • The Formula property of the Range object allows you to assign a formula to a cell or group of cells. In this example, the total of the second column of values is displayed.
  • The Calculate method of the Range object processes the formula.

You may notice some differences between the C# and VB.NET versions. The get_Range method of the Worksheet class is used to instantiate the Range object in C#. In addition, the get_Range method features a second optional parameter so the Type.Missing value is used. Finally, the ActiveSheet object must be cast to the Worksheet class to use it. You should be prepared for such differences when using C# to utilize VBA COM objects.

你可能注意到C#和VB.NET版本的一些不同。在C#中,Worksheet类的get_Range方法用来实例化Range对像,get_Range方法使用了第二个可选参数,所以用到了Type.Missing。最后,ActiveSheet对象必须被放到Worksheet类使用。当你使用C#来利用VBA COM对象时,你需要为这些不同作准备。

The environment

Some readers have questioned the vulnerability of a user's system when working with Excel, but the examples in this article are built as Windows Form-based applications. The environment envisioned is an internal application, so security should not be as big an issue as if it is opened to the world. Using Excel via ASP.NET provides its own set of issues, and it is beyond the scope of this article.



Extending functionality

Integrating Excel with a .NET application allows you to easily and quickly provide powerful functionality within an application. The calculation and presentation features of Excel offer a wealth of options.



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