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转载 Node of C++ Linker.
code is nothing without data.data segment - the program memory storing initialized global variable.code segment/ text segmemnt - the program memory storing machine code loading from execut...
2018-12-26 23:26:00
转载 [cmake] Basic Tutorial
Basic ProjectThe most basic porject is an executable built from source code file.CMakeLists.txtcmake_minimum_required (version 2.6)project (Tutorial)add_executable(Tutorial tutori...
2018-02-19 13:24:00
转载 spring study
Dependency InjectionThe Inversion of Control(IoC) is a general concept, and it can be expressed in many different way. Dependency Injection is one of concrete exapmle of Inversion of Control....
2017-10-16 00:32:00
转载 [java] jar file
查看 .jar 内的文件jar tf jarfile.jarmaven 项目中, java 读取目标文件运行 mvn package 打包项目是, src/main/resources 下的文件会被拷贝到 jar 的 BOOT-INF/classes/ 目录下。 打包完毕后,可通过 jar tf 查看转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/TonyY...
2017-10-16 00:15:00
转载 Set up classpath in Eclipse
On Eclipse main windowRight click on .java file-> Run As -> Run Configurations...On Run Configurations windowJava Application -> java programe -> classpath -> User Entries -&...
2017-10-14 23:21:00
转载 Java 的 java_home, path, classpath
java_home: 指定 jdk 的安装目录。 第三方软件 Eclipse / Tomcat 在 java_home 指定的目录下查找安装好的 jdk。path: 配置 jdk 的安装目录。在命令行下运行 jdk 程序,如 java/javac,系统会先在当前目录查找,如果找不到,便会到 path 路径查找。在 path 中配置了 jdk 的安装目录,便可以在任何目录下编译 jav...
2017-10-14 16:58:00
转载 gtest
1. Download googletest, which contain googletest and googlemock: https://github.com/google/googletest2. install both googletest and googlemockcd googletest/buildcmake ..sudo make inst...
2017-09-01 16:56:00
转载 Rotation and Transform
A transformation matrix describes the rotation of a coordinate system while an object remains fixed.In contrast, a rotation matrix describes the rotation of an object in a fixed coordinate syst...
2017-08-16 12:24:00
转载 KD Tree
kd-trees allow to efficiently perform searches like "all points at distance lower than R from X" or "k nearest neighbors of X".Kd-trees allow to perform efficient search in low-dimensional spa...
2017-08-14 15:26:00
转载 [ c++] cmake 编译时 undefined reference to `std::cout' 错误的解决方案
cmake .. 和make 之后,出现如下错误Linking CXX executable ../../../bin/ModuleTestCMakeFiles/ModuleTest.dir/tmp.cpp.o: In function `main':/ModuleTest/tmp.cpp:4: undefined reference to `std::cout...
2017-07-03 18:23:00
转载 [Linux] Migrate plugins and setting for vim
Hot tomigrate plugins and setting for vim from one computer to another ?Just copy ~/.vim and ~/.vimrc from original one to the target one.转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/TonyYPZhang/p/7093951.h...
2017-06-29 13:16:00
转载 [C++] Template
Both object oritend programming(OOP) and generic programming deal with types that are not known at the time the program is written. The distinction between the two is that OOP deals with types...
2017-05-18 00:12:00
转载 c++ Dynamic Memory (part 2)
Don't use get to initialize or assign another smart pointer.The code that use the return from get can not delete the pointerAlthough the compiler will not complain, it is an error to build an...
2017-05-14 23:57:00
转载 Image process
Efficiently Implementing Dilate and Erode Image Functions, ostermiller转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/TonyYPZhang/p/6834155.html
2017-05-10 08:43:00
转载 c++ Dynamic Memory (part 1)
1. make_shared<T>(args): return a shared_ptr dynamically allocated object of type T. Use args to initialize the object.shared_ptr<T> p(q): p is a copy of shared_ptr q. Increase the ...
2017-04-30 20:47:00
转载 [Algorithm] A* Search Algorithm Basic
A* is a best-first search, meaning that it solves problems by searching amoung all possible paths to the solution(goal) for the one that incurs the smallest cost(least distance, shortest time, et...
2017-04-14 00:03:00
转载 [C++] Solve "No source available for main()" error when debugging on Eclipse
In Mac,the issue image:1. A existing cmake project on disk2. import this project into Eclipse.3 run cmakecmake "Unix Makefile" .4. Build and Run this project on Eclipse successful...
2017-03-30 08:02:00
转载 [C++] Solve "Cannot run program "gdb": Unknown reason" error
In Mac OSX,The Issue Image:1. Build the project on Eclipse successfully.2. Run gdb on command line successfully. So the gdb has been installed on the Mac.3. To run debug mode on Eclipse, ...
2017-03-30 06:51:00
转载 [C++] Solve "Launch Failed. Binary not found." error on Eclipse
This error is that the default lanch configuration is not being created for this project. To solve it, Need to do:Right click Project -> Run As -> Run ConfigurationsCreate a new confi...
2017-03-29 21:58:00
转载 [Ubuntu] sogou中文输入法安装
I install sogou 中文输入法 successfully, after following below steps:1. install sogou pingyin by deb package, in http://pinyin.sogou.com/linux/2. setup "Input Method Configuration" as fcitx and re...
2017-03-29 09:25:00
转载 [c++] Getting Started - CMake
CMake is an open-source cross platform build system, according to CMake's creator, Kitware.But CMake is not actually a build system. What CMake provides is an easy way to build C/C++ projec...
2017-03-26 17:39:00
转载 [git] Git in Practice
Work flow with git and githubWork with RemotesCheck the current statusgit statusCheck the latest source on remote branchgit fetchgit statusgit log <remote>/<...
2017-03-23 00:19:00
转载 [C++] Copy Control (part 1)
Copy, Assign, and DestroyWhen we define a class, we specify what happens when objects of the class are copied, moved, assigned, and destroyed. A class controls these operations by defining five...
2017-03-21 00:35:00
转载 [C++] OOP - Access Control and Class Scope
Access Control And InheritanceProtected MemberLike private, protected members are unaccessible to users of the classLike public, protected members are accessible to members and friends of c...
2017-03-18 09:49:00
转载 [C++] OOP - Virtual Functions and Abstract Base Classes
Ordinarily, if we do not use a function, we do not need to supply a definition of the function.However, we must define every virtual function, regardless of whether it is used, bacuase comp...
2017-03-16 21:51:00
转载 [C++] OOP - Base and Derived Classes
There is a base class at the root of the hierarchy, from which the other class inherit, directly or indirectly.These inheriting classes are known as derived calsses.The key ideas in Objec...
2017-03-16 21:21:00
转载 [C++] Class (part 2)
Members that are const or reference must be initialized. Similary, members that are of a class type that does not define a default constructor also must be initialized.class ConstRef{public...
2017-03-15 00:35:00
转载 [C++] Class (part 1)
The fundamental ideas behind classes are data abstraction and encapsulation.Data abstraction is a programming technical that relies on the separation of interface(declaration) and implementa...
2017-03-15 00:15:00
转载 [c++] Inline Function
The inline functions are a C++ enhancement feature to increase the execution time of a program. Compiler replace the definition at compile time instead of referring function defination at runtime...
2017-03-12 22:03:00
转载 [C++] in-class initializer
C++11 introduced serveral contructor-related enhancements including:Class member initializersDelegating controctorsThis article discusses about Class member initializers only.Class...
2017-03-12 11:26:00
转载 [LeetCode] 307. Range Sum Query - Mutable 解题思路
Given an integer arraynums, find the sum of the elements between indicesiandj(i≤j), inclusive.Theupdate(i, val)function modifiesnumsby updating the element at indexitoval.Exampl...
2017-03-06 00:31:00
转载 [C++] Fucntions
StatementsA break statements terminate the nearest wile, do while, for or switch statement.A break affect only the nearest enclosing loop or switch.As any block, variables declared inside...
2017-02-25 22:23:00
转载 [C++] Array
Access the elements of an Array unsinged scores = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}; for ( auto i:scores){ cout << i << " "; } cout << endl;Becuase the di...
2017-02-23 23:29:00
转载 [C++] String Basic
Namespace DeclarationsA using declaration let us use a name from a namespace without qualify the name with a namespace_name:: prefix.// using namespace::name using std::vector us...
2017-02-22 21:56:00
转载 [C++] Variables and Basic Types
Getting Startedcompile C++ program source$ g++ -o prog grog1.ccrun C++ program$ ./progThe library, iostream, define four IO object: cin, cout, cerr, clog. std::cout &...
2017-02-19 23:08:00
转载 [TensorFlow] Basic Usage
Install TensorFlow on macInstall pip# Mac OS X$ sudo easy_install pip$ sudo easy_install --upgrade sixInstall tensorflow# Mac OS X, CPU only, Python 2.7:$ export TF_BINARY_U...
2017-02-06 00:28:00
转载 [ML] the notes
"Machine Learning is not who has the best algorithm that wins. It is who has the most data."转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/TonyYPZhang/p/6359837.html
2017-02-01 10:43:00
转载 [Java] 在 jar 文件中读取 resources 目录下的文件
注意两点:1. 将资源目录添加到 build path,确保该目录下的文件被拷贝到 jar 文件中。2. jar 内部的东西,可以当作 stream 来读取,但不应该当作 file 来读取。例子新建一个 maven 目录App.java 用于读取 resources 中的 a.txt 内容。a.txt 是被读取的资源文件。grs@grs App...
2017-01-18 22:50:00
转载 [LeetCode] 53. Maximum Subarray 解题思路
Find the contiguous subarray within an array (containing at least one number) which has the largest sum.For example, given the array[-2,1,-3,4,-1,2,1,-5,4],the contiguous subarray[4,-1,2,1]h...
2017-01-12 23:02:00
转载 [git] git 分支管理和工作流程
分支管理列举本地分支。下面的 * 是 HEAD 所指向的分支,标识当前工作目录所用的分支。其他分支隐藏在 git 仓库中,通过 git checkout 命令才能访问和修改。$ git branch iss53* master testing选项 --merged 显示的分支,已经合并到当前分支,可以被删除。 branch -d 用于删除分支。...
2016-12-25 12:31:00
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