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原创 深度学习文献汇总|第50期

Evolving deep convolutional neural networks for image classification

2022-03-21 20:15:17 1296

原创 深度学习文献汇总|第四十九期

AP-CNN: weakly supervised attention pyramid convolutional neural network for fine-grained visual classification

2022-03-15 18:34:09 955

原创 深度学习文献汇总|第48期

2022-03-08 23:36:50 852

原创 深度学习文献汇总|第四十七期

Deep Focus Parallel Convolutional Neural Network for Imbalanced Classification of Machinery Fault Diagnostics

2022-02-28 12:39:14 480

原创 深度学习文献汇总|第四十六期

2022-02-21 14:25:07 635

原创 深度学习文献汇总|第四十五期

2022-02-16 13:24:56 217

原创 深度学习文献汇总|第四十三期

AttentionNet: aggregating weak directions for accurate object detection

2022-02-07 14:07:11 843

原创 深度学习文献汇总|第四十四期

A motor imagery EEG signal classification algorithm based on recurrence plot convolution neural network

2022-02-07 14:04:34 633

原创 深度学习文献汇总|第四十二期

A TSK-type convolutional recurrent fuzzy network for predicting driving fatigue

2022-01-24 13:08:06 700

原创 深度学习文献汇总|第四十一期

AOPDet: Automatic Organized Points Detector for Precisely Localizing Objects in Aerial Imagery

2022-01-17 14:33:28 589

原创 深度学习文献汇总|第四十期

3DSSD: Point-based 3D Single Stage Object Detector

2021-12-24 15:45:53 446

原创 深度学习文献汇总|第三十九期

2021-12-13 23:33:12 766

原创 深度学习文献汇总|第三十八期

2021-12-06 18:43:54 502

原创 深度学习文献汇总|第三十七期

PP-YOLO: An effective and efficient implementation of object detector

2021-11-29 14:08:00 618

原创 深度学习文献汇总|第三十六期

Linking attention-based multiscale CNN with dynamical GCN for driving fatigue detecti

2021-11-26 23:08:16 107

原创 深度学习文献汇总|第三十五期

Multi-level feature enhanced cumulative network for scene text detection

2021-11-15 20:13:54 586

原创 深度学习文献汇总|第三十四期

Domain adversarial graph convolutional network for faultdiagnosis under variable working conditionsDomain adversarial graph convolutional network for fault diagnosis under variable working conditions

2021-11-07 23:59:09 526

原创 深度学习文献汇总|第三十三期

Structural residual learning for single image rain removal

2021-11-01 15:37:02 239

原创 深度学习文献汇总|第三十二期

Subject-independent brain–computer interfaces based on deep convolutional neural networks

2021-10-25 21:26:02 341

原创 深度学习文献汇总|第三十一期

Multi-scale structural kernel representation for object detection

2021-10-25 21:21:26 131

原创 深度学习文献汇总|第28期

2021-10-11 23:12:15 67

原创 深度学习文献汇总|第29期

2021-10-11 23:09:58 83

原创 深度学习文献汇总|第30期

2021-10-11 22:26:12 56

原创 深度学习文献汇总|第十六期

Equipment detection and recognition in electric power room based on faster R-CNN IoU-uniform R-CNN: Breaking through the limitations of RPN

2021-09-12 17:29:45 138

原创 深度学习文献汇总|第十九期

SOLO: Segmenting objects by locations PolarMask++: enhanced polar representation for single-shot instance segmentation and beyond

2021-09-12 17:26:34 74

原创 深度学习文献汇总|第20期

EFNet: Enhancement-fusion network for semantic segmentation A lightweight encoder–decoder path for deep residual networks

2021-09-12 17:24:23 154

原创 深度学习文献汇总|第21期

Skip-connected covariance network for remote sensing scene classification Visual Attention Dehazing Network with Multi-level Features Refinement and Fusion

2021-09-12 17:20:28 78

原创 深度学习文献汇总|第22期

Visual attention dehazing network with multi-level features refinement and fusion Dual self-attention with co-attention networks for visual question answering

2021-09-12 17:18:16 104

原创 深度学习文献汇总|第23期

Skip-connected covariance network for remote sensing sceneDeep energy: task driven training of deep neural networksclassification

2021-09-12 17:14:41 92

原创 深度学习文献汇总|第24期

Fast and efficient implementation of image filtering using a side window convolutional neural network Learning multi-level density maps for crowd counting

2021-09-12 17:11:57 124

原创 深度学习文献汇总|第25期

Hierarchical dense recursive network for image super-resolution A convolutional neural network with sparse representation

2021-09-12 17:08:52 132

原创 深度学习文献汇总|第26期

Rethinking the heatmap regression for bottom-up human pose estimation

2021-09-12 17:01:48 185

原创 深度学习文献汇总|第十七期

本期速递:Hierarchical and interactive refinement network for edge-preservingsalient object detectionEmotion classification using EEG brain signals and the broad learningsystem

2021-08-25 15:06:59 99

原创 深度学习文献汇总|第十八期

2021-08-25 14:59:32 57

原创 深度学习文献汇总|第二期

2021-08-23 12:25:16 94

原创 文献汇总|第一期

2021-08-20 20:28:39 126



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