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转载 如何提高Web应用系统的性能和伸缩性(ZT)
如何提高Web应用系统的性能和伸缩性(ZT)日期:2004年6月12日 星期六 位置:办公室 天气:晴朗 作者:china 一、提高页面文件的性能(@Page指令属性) 1、在不需要试图状态的页面禁用视图状态:enableViewState="False";2、在不需要实时更新的页面采用页面缓存:; 3、在不需要用户会话状态的页面禁用:enableSessionState="False";在
2005-03-24 03:12:00
原创 DataReaders versus DataSets
“When should I use a DataReader and when should I use the DataSet?” The DataReader is a connected reader that provides a forward-only view of data. Because DataReaders are forward only, they are very
2005-03-24 03:09:00
原创 Database performance optimization
1. Using Store-procedure instead of SQL code in the programStore procedures can improve performance. Many tasks are implemented as a series of SQL statements. COndirional logic applied to the resul
2005-03-24 03:02:00
原创 User controls and custom controls
User controls are easy to make, but they can be less convenient to use in advanced scenatios. You can develop user controls almost exactly the same way that you develop web forms pages. Like Web Forms
2005-03-24 02:20:00
原创 Understanding advanced SQL features
Primary key:1. No two rows may have the same primary key value;2. Every row must have a primary key value(NULL is not allowed)3. The column containing primary key values can never be modified or updat
2005-03-24 01:31:00
原创 Using Cursor
Purpose: sometimes there is a need to step through the rows forward or backward and one or more time. By using cursor, applications can scroll or browse up and down through the data as needed.SQL retr
2005-03-24 01:08:00
原创 Validation expression in ASP.NET
Character ClassesCharacter classes are a mini-language within regular expressions, defined by the enclosing hard braces [ ]. The simplest character class is simply a list of characters within these br
2005-03-24 00:53:00
原创 SQL Server 2000 Security - Part 2 (Authentication)
SQL Server 2000 Security - Part 2 (Authentication)By Marcin Policht Access to SQL Server resources is controlled by two separate mechanisms. The first one is authentication, which determines the ident
2005-03-23 22:08:00
原创 ACID rule for transaction
ACID rule for transaction:Atomic: it is one unit of work and doesnot dependent on previous and following transactionsConsistent: data is either commited or roll back, no "in-between" case where someth
2005-03-23 21:53:00
原创 Understanding Stored Procedure
The reasons to use Stored Procedure: simplicity, security, performance1. To simplify complex operations by encapsulating processes into a single easy-to-use unit2. To ensure data consistency by not re
2005-03-23 21:15:00
转载 SQL Transactions with the SqlTransaction Class (ZT)
SQL Transactions with the SqlTransaction Class [ printer friendly ] Stats Rating: 4.69 out of 5 by 29 users Submitted: 05/08/02 Andrew Ma (ajmaonline@hotmail.com) IntroductionTransactions. What
2005-03-23 20:28:00
原创 The type of Authentication
Forms authentication:A system by which unauthenticated requests are redirected so an HTML form using HTTP client-side redirection. The user provides credentials and submits the form. If the applicatio
2005-03-23 15:43:00
原创 ASP.NET中的状态管理
ASP.NET中的状态管理 作者:未知 更新人:Legume 来源:未知 更新时间:2004.08.24 投稿信箱: tg*ddvip.com 我们在ASP中能够通过cookie、查询字符串、应用程序、对话等轻易地解决这些问题。现在到了ASP.NET环境中,我们仍然可以使用这些功能,只是它们的种类更多了,功能也更强大了。 管理互联网网页主要有二种不同的方法:客户端和服务器端。1、客户端的状态
2005-03-23 15:17:00
原创 Managing Application State
Managing Application State Using Application State Using Session State Using Client-Side Cookies Using ViewState Section SummaryUsing Application State This sample illustrates the use of app
2005-03-23 14:47:00
Tutorial - Rainbow Tables and RainbowCrack By Chris Gates, CISSP, CPTS, CEH - The Ethical Hacker Network (2007)
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