
use master

if exists(select * from sysdatabases where name='library')

drop database library

create database Library


use Library



if exists(select *from sysobjects where name='card')

drop table card

create table card


 cNo int identity(1000,1), --卡号

 Name char(20) not null,   --姓名

 class char(20)            --班级


alter table card add constraint PK_CNO primary key(cNO) --主键

--select * from card

insert into card values ('jane','s')

insert into card values ('whisht','y')

insert into card values ('yehoo','z')




if exists (select *from sysobjects where name='books')

drop table books

create table books


 Bno int identity(1,1),    --书号

 Bname char(20) not null,  --书名

 Author char(20) not null, --作者

 Price money not null,     --单价

 Quantity int not null     --库存册数


alter table books add constraint PK_Bno primary key(Bno)       --主键

alter table books add constraint CK_Quantity check(Quantity>0) --库存册数必须大于


insert into books values('追忆似水年华','马塞尔.普鲁斯特',38,12)

insert into books values ('老人与海','海明威',50,20)

insert into books values ('雷雨','曹禺',45,8)

insert into books values ('复活','列夫.托尔斯泰',45,13)

insert into books values('堂吉诃德','塞万提斯',80,30)

insert into books values ('鲁滨逊漂流记','笛福',60,3)

insert into books values('生命中不能承受之轻','托马斯',50,1)

insert into books values('汤姆叔叔的小屋','斯陀夫人',75,10)

insert Books values('计算方法','Math',40,20)

insert Books values('计算方法习题集','Math',40,20)

insert into books values('小屋的主人','爱尔历',30,3)

insert into books values('组合数学','math',42,10)


select * from books



if exists(select* from sysobjects where name='borrow')

drop table borrow

create table borrow


 Cno int ,                --借书卡号

 Bno int,                 --书号

 Rdate datetime not null, --还书日期


alter table borrow add constraint FK_Cno foreign key(CNO) references card(cNO)

alter table borrow add constraint FK_Bno foreign key (BNo) references books(BNO)


insert borrow values(1000,2,'2008/9/12')

insert borrow values(1000,1,'2008/9/20')

insert borrow values(1001,12,'2008/3/5')

insert borrow values(1002,1,'2008/9/6')

insert borrow values(1001,8,'2008/9/10')

insert borrow values(1002,3,'2008/5/8')

insert borrow values(1000,9,'2008/9/12')

insert borrow values(1000,1,'2008/9/12')

insert borrow values (1002,9,'2008-5-06')

insert borrow values(1000,8,'2008-8-15')

insert borrow values(1000,1,'2008-7-26')

insert borrow values(1002,10,'2008-8-24')

insert borrow values(1001,9,'2008-8-8')

insert borrow values (1002,12,'2008-8-8')

--select cno ,bno from borrow where cno=1000

select * from borrow




--找出借书超过本书的读者,输出借书卡号及所借图书册数-------(group by ..having的用法)

select 卡号=cno,所借册数=count(*)from borrow group by cno having count(*)>5



select 姓名=Name,班级=Class from card join borrow on card.CNo=borrow.CNo join Books on borrow.BNo=Books.BNo where BName='老人与海'



select 卡号=cno,书号=bno,还书日期=Rdate from borrow where Rdate<getdate()



select 书号=bno,书名=Bname,作者=Author from books where bname like '%小屋%'



select 书名=bname,作者=author from books group by bname,author having max(price)=(select max(price)from books)





select 学号=cno from borrow inner join Books

on borrow.bno=Books.bno

where borrow.cno in(select cno from card where bname='计算方法')

and cno not in(select cno from borrow inner join Books on borrow.bno=Books.bno where cno in(select cno from card where bname='计算方法习题集'))

order by cno desc



select c.cno as 卡号from card as c

inner join borrow as bor on(c.cno=bor.cno)

inner join books as b on(bor.bno=b.bno)

where b.bname like '计算方法%'

group by c.cno

having count(c.cno)=1

order by c.cno desc


select cno from borrow

where bno in(select bno from books where bname='计算方法')

or bno in(select bno from books where bname='计算方法集')

group by cno

having count(cno)<2

order by cno desc






update borrow set Rdate=dateadd(wk,1,Rdate) where cno in (select cno from card where class='s')

--update borrow set Rdate=Rdate-7 (select Rdate  from borrow join card on borrow.cno=card.cno where class='s')--每操作一次加天


-- BOOKS表中删除当前无人借阅的图书记录

delete from  books where  bno not in(select bno from borrow where books.bno=borrow.bno )


delete from books where bno not in(select bno from borrow)


create nonclustered index IX_books_bno on books(bno) with fillfactor=30

--select * from books where bno=1



select 卡号=cno from borrow where bno in(select bno from books where bname='计算方法' or  bname='组合数学') group by Cno having count(*)=2  order by CNo asc






    a. NAME最大列宽增加到个字符(假定原为个字符)。

--alter table bb alter column score decimal(5,1)--更改已有字段的数据类型

  alter table card alter column name char(10)


    b. 为该表增加列NAME(系名),可变长,最大个字符。

  alter table card add h varchar(20) null ;--新增一列'hopy'

select * from card

 alter table card drop column h




if exists (select * from sysobjects where name='view_card_books')

   drop view view_card_books


create view view_card_books as select 姓名=name,书名=bname from card join borrow on card.cno=borrow.cno join books on borrow.bno=books.bno where class='z'


select * from view_card_books




















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