官网spring boot配置大全(三)

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SECURITY (SecurityProperties)

spring.security.filter.order=-100 # Security filter chain order.
spring.security.filter.dispatcher-types=async,error,request # Security filter chain dispatcher types.
spring.security.user.name=user # Default user name.
spring.security.user.password= # Password for the default user name.
spring.security.user.roles= # Granted roles for the default user name.

SECURITY OAUTH2 CLIENT (OAuth2ClientProperties)

spring.security.oauth2.client.provider.= # OAuth provider details.
= # OAuth client registrations.

SECURITY OAUTH2 RESOURCE SERVER (OAuth2ResourceServerProperties)

spring.security.oauth2.resourceserver.jwt.jwk-set-uri= # JSON Web Key URI to use to verify the JWT token.
spring.security.oauth2.resourceserver.jwt.issuer-uri= # URI that an OpenID Connect Provider asserts as its Issuer Identifier.




FLYWAY (FlywayProperties)

spring.flyway.baseline-description=<< Flyway Baseline >> # Description to tag an existing schema with when applying a baseline.
spring.flyway.baseline-on-migrate=false # Whether to automatically call baseline when migrating a non-empty schema.
spring.flyway.baseline-version=1 # Version to tag an existing schema with when executing baseline.
spring.flyway.check-location=true # Whether to check that migration scripts location exists.
spring.flyway.clean-disabled=false # Whether to disable cleaning of the database.
spring.flyway.clean-on-validation-error=false # Whether to automatically call clean when a validation error occurs.
spring.flyway.connect-retries=0 # Maximum number of retries when attempting to connect to the database.
spring.flyway.enabled=true # Whether to enable flyway.
spring.flyway.encoding=UTF-8 # Encoding of SQL migrations.
spring.flyway.group=false # Whether to group all pending migrations together in the same transaction when applying them.
spring.flyway.ignore-future-migrations=true # Whether to ignore future migrations when reading the schema history table.
spring.flyway.ignore-ignored-migrations=false # Whether to ignore ignored migrations when reading the schema history table.
spring.flyway.ignore-missing-migrations=false # Whether to ignore missing migrations when reading the schema history table.
spring.flyway.ignore-pending-migrations=false # Whether to ignore pending migrations when reading the schema history table.
spring.flyway.init-sqls= # SQL statements to execute to initialize a connection immediately after obtaining it.
spring.flyway.installed-by= # Username recorded in the schema history table as having applied the migration.
spring.flyway.locations=classpath:db/migration # Locations of migrations scripts. Can contain the special “{vendor}” placeholder to use vendor-specific locations.
spring.flyway.mixed=false # Whether to allow mixing transactional and non-transactional statements within the same migration.
spring.flyway.out-of-order=false # Whether to allow migrations to be run out of order.
spring.flyway.password= # Login password of the database to migrate.
spring.flyway.placeholder-prefix=${ # Prefix of placeholders in migration scripts.
spring.flyway.placeholder-replacement=true # Perform placeholder replacement in migration scripts.
spring.flyway.placeholder-suffix=} # Suffix of placeholders in migration scripts.
spring.flyway.placeholders= # Placeholders and their replacements to apply to sql migration scripts.
spring.flyway.repeatable-sql-migration-prefix=R # File name prefix for repeatable SQL migrations.
spring.flyway.schemas= # Scheme names managed by Flyway (case-sensitive).
spring.flyway.skip-default-callbacks=false # Whether to skip default callbacks. If true, only custom callbacks are used.
spring.flyway.skip-default-resolvers=false # Whether to skip default resolvers. If true, only custom resolvers are used.
spring.flyway.sql-migration-prefix=V # File name prefix for SQL migrations.
spring.flyway.sql-migration-separator=__ # File name separator for SQL migrations.
spring.flyway.sql-migration-suffixes=.sql # File name suffix for SQL migrations.
spring.flyway.table=flyway_schema_history # Name of the schema schema history table that will be used by Flyway.
spring.flyway.target= # Target version up to which migrations should be considered.
spring.flyway.url= # JDBC url of the database to migrate. If not set, the primary configured data source is used.
spring.flyway.user= # Login user of the database to migrate.
spring.flyway.validate-on-migrate=true # Whether to automatically call validate when performing a migration.

LIQUIBASE (LiquibaseProperties)

spring.liquibase.change-log=classpath:/db/changelog/db.changelog-master.yaml # Change log configuration path.
spring.liquibase.check-change-log-location=true # Whether to check that the change log location exists.
spring.liquibase.contexts= # Comma-separated list of runtime contexts to use.
spring.liquibase.database-change-log-lock-table=DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK # Name of table to use for tracking concurrent Liquibase usage.
spring.liquibase.database-change-log-table=DATABASECHANGELOG # Name of table to use for tracking change history.
spring.liquibase.default-schema= # Default database schema.
spring.liquibase.drop-first=false # Whether to first drop the database schema.
spring.liquibase.enabled=true # Whether to enable Liquibase support.
spring.liquibase.labels= # Comma-separated list of runtime labels to use.
spring.liquibase.liquibase-schema= # Schema to use for Liquibase objects.
spring.liquibase.liquibase-tablespace= # Tablespace to use for Liquibase objects.
spring.liquibase.parameters.*= # Change log parameters.
spring.liquibase.password= # Login password of the database to migrate.
spring.liquibase.rollback-file= # File to which rollback SQL is written when an update is performed.
spring.liquibase.test-rollback-on-update=false # Whether rollback should be tested before update is performed.
spring.liquibase.url= # JDBC URL of the database to migrate. If not set, the primary configured data source is used.
spring.liquibase.user= # Login user of the database to migrate.

COUCHBASE (CouchbaseProperties)

spring.couchbase.bootstrap-hosts= # Couchbase nodes (host or IP address) to bootstrap from.
spring.couchbase.bucket.name=default # Name of the bucket to connect to.
spring.couchbase.bucket.password= # Password of the bucket.
spring.couchbase.env.endpoints.key-value=1 # Number of sockets per node against the key/value service.
spring.couchbase.env.endpoints.queryservice.min-endpoints=1 # Minimum number of sockets per node.
spring.couchbase.env.endpoints.queryservice.max-endpoints=1 # Maximum number of sockets per node.
spring.couchbase.env.endpoints.viewservice.min-endpoints=1 # Minimum number of sockets per node.
spring.couchbase.env.endpoints.viewservice.max-endpoints=1 # Maximum number of sockets per node.
spring.couchbase.env.ssl.enabled= # Whether to enable SSL support. Enabled automatically if a “keyStore” is provided unless specified otherwise.
spring.couchbase.env.ssl.key-store= # Path to the JVM key store that holds the certificates.
spring.couchbase.env.ssl.key-store-password= # Password used to access the key store.
spring.couchbase.env.timeouts.connect=5000ms # Bucket connections timeouts.
spring.couchbase.env.timeouts.key-value=2500ms # Blocking operations performed on a specific key timeout.
spring.couchbase.env.timeouts.query=7500ms # N1QL query operations timeout.
spring.couchbase.env.timeouts.socket-connect=1000ms # Socket connect connections timeout.
spring.couchbase.env.timeouts.view=7500ms # Regular and geospatial view operations timeout.

DAO (PersistenceExceptionTranslationAutoConfiguration)

spring.dao.exceptiontranslation.enabled=true # Whether to enable the PersistenceExceptionTranslationPostProcessor.

CASSANDRA (CassandraProperties)

spring.data.cassandra.cluster-name= # Name of the Cassandra cluster.
spring.data.cassandra.compression=none # Compression supported by the Cassandra binary protocol.
spring.data.cassandra.connect-timeout= # Socket option: connection time out.
spring.data.cassandra.consistency-level= # Queries consistency level.
spring.data.cassandra.contact-points=localhost # Cluster node addresses.
spring.data.cassandra.fetch-size= # Queries default fetch size.
spring.data.cassandra.jmx-enabled=false # Whether to enable JMX reporting.
spring.data.cassandra.keyspace-name= # Keyspace name to use.
spring.data.cassandra.port= # Port of the Cassandra server.
spring.data.cassandra.password= # Login password of the server.
spring.data.cassandra.pool.heartbeat-interval=30s # Heartbeat interval after which a message is sent on an idle connection to make sure it’s still alive. If a duration suffix is not specified, seconds will be used.
spring.data.cassandra.pool.idle-timeout=120s # Idle timeout before an idle connection is removed. If a duration suffix is not specified, seconds will be used.
spring.data.cassandra.pool.max-queue-size=256 # Maximum number of requests that get queued if no connection is available.
spring.data.cassandra.pool.pool-timeout=5000ms # Pool timeout when trying to acquire a connection from a host’s pool.
spring.data.cassandra.read-timeout= # Socket option: read time out.
spring.data.cassandra.repositories.type=auto # Type of Cassandra repositories to enable.
spring.data.cassandra.serial-consistency-level= # Queries serial consistency level.
spring.data.cassandra.schema-action=none # Schema action to take at startup.
spring.data.cassandra.ssl=false # Enable SSL support.
spring.data.cassandra.username= # Login user of the server.

DATA COUCHBASE (CouchbaseDataProperties)

spring.data.couchbase.auto-index=false # Automatically create views and indexes.
spring.data.couchbase.consistency=read-your-own-writes # Consistency to apply by default on generated queries.
spring.data.couchbase.repositories.type=auto # Type of Couchbase repositories to enable.

ELASTICSEARCH (ElasticsearchProperties)

spring.data.elasticsearch.cluster-name=elasticsearch # Elasticsearch cluster name.
spring.data.elasticsearch.cluster-nodes= # Comma-separated list of cluster node addresses.
spring.data.elasticsearch.properties.*= # Additional properties used to configure the client.
spring.data.elasticsearch.repositories.enabled=true # Whether to enable Elasticsearch repositories.


spring.data.jdbc.repositories.enabled=true # Whether to enable JDBC repositories.


spring.data.ldap.repositories.enabled=true # Whether to enable LDAP repositories.

MONGODB (MongoProperties)

spring.data.mongodb.authentication-database= # Authentication database name.
spring.data.mongodb.database= # Database name.
spring.data.mongodb.field-naming-strategy= # Fully qualified name of the FieldNamingStrategy to use.
spring.data.mongodb.grid-fs-database= # GridFS database name.
spring.data.mongodb.host= # Mongo server host. Cannot be set with URI.
spring.data.mongodb.password= # Login password of the mongo server. Cannot be set with URI.
spring.data.mongodb.port= # Mongo server port. Cannot be set with URI.
spring.data.mongodb.repositories.type=auto # Type of Mongo repositories to enable.
spring.data.mongodb.uri=mongodb://localhost/test # Mongo database URI. Cannot be set with host, port and credentials.
spring.data.mongodb.username= # Login user of the mongo server. Cannot be set with URI.


spring.data.redis.repositories.enabled=true # Whether to enable Redis repositories.

NEO4J (Neo4jProperties)

spring.data.neo4j.auto-index=none # Auto index mode.
spring.data.neo4j.embedded.enabled=true # Whether to enable embedded mode if the embedded driver is available.
spring.data.neo4j.open-in-view=true # Register OpenSessionInViewInterceptor. Binds a Neo4j Session to the thread for the entire processing of the request.
spring.data.neo4j.password= # Login password of the server.
spring.data.neo4j.repositories.enabled=true # Whether to enable Neo4j repositories.
spring.data.neo4j.uri= # URI used by the driver. Auto-detected by default.
spring.data.neo4j.username= # Login user of the server.

DATA REST (RepositoryRestProperties)

spring.data.rest.base-path= # Base path to be used by Spring Data REST to expose repository resources.
spring.data.rest.default-media-type= # Content type to use as a default when none is specified.
spring.data.rest.default-page-size= # Default size of pages.
spring.data.rest.detection-strategy=default # Strategy to use to determine which repositories get exposed.
spring.data.rest.enable-enum-translation= # Whether to enable enum value translation through the Spring Data REST default resource bundle.
spring.data.rest.limit-param-name= # Name of the URL query string parameter that indicates how many results to return at once.
spring.data.rest.max-page-size= # Maximum size of pages.
spring.data.rest.page-param-name= # Name of the URL query string parameter that indicates what page to return.
spring.data.rest.return-body-on-create= # Whether to return a response body after creating an entity.
spring.data.rest.return-body-on-update= # Whether to return a response body after updating an entity.
spring.data.rest.sort-param-name= # Name of the URL query string parameter that indicates what direction to sort results.

SOLR (SolrProperties)

spring.data.solr.host= # Solr host. Ignored if “zk-host” is set.
spring.data.solr.repositories.enabled=true # Whether to enable Solr repositories.
spring.data.solr.zk-host= # ZooKeeper host address in the form HOST:PORT.

DATA WEB (SpringDataWebProperties)

spring.data.web.pageable.default-page-size=20 # Default page size.
spring.data.web.pageable.max-page-size=2000 # Maximum page size to be accepted.
spring.data.web.pageable.one-indexed-parameters=false # Whether to expose and assume 1-based page number indexes.
spring.data.web.pageable.page-parameter=page # Page index parameter name.
spring.data.web.pageable.prefix= # General prefix to be prepended to the page number and page size parameters.
spring.data.web.pageable.qualifier-delimiter=_ # Delimiter to be used between the qualifier and the actual page number and size properties.
spring.data.web.pageable.size-parameter=size # Page size parameter name.
spring.data.web.sort.sort-parameter=sort # Sort parameter name.

DATASOURCE (DataSourceAutoConfiguration & DataSourceProperties)

spring.datasource.continue-on-error=false # Whether to stop if an error occurs while initializing the database.
spring.datasource.data= # Data (DML) script resource references.
spring.datasource.data-username= # Username of the database to execute DML scripts (if different).
spring.datasource.data-password= # Password of the database to execute DML scripts (if different).
spring.datasource.dbcp2.= # Commons DBCP2 specific settings
spring.datasource.driver-class-name= # Fully qualified name of the JDBC driver. Auto-detected based on the URL by default.
spring.datasource.generate-unique-name=false # Whether to generate a random datasource name.
= # Hikari specific settings
spring.datasource.initialization-mode=embedded # Initialize the datasource with available DDL and DML scripts.
spring.datasource.jmx-enabled=false # Whether to enable JMX support (if provided by the underlying pool).
spring.datasource.jndi-name= # JNDI location of the datasource. Class, url, username & password are ignored when set.
spring.datasource.name= # Name of the datasource. Default to “testdb” when using an embedded database.
spring.datasource.password= # Login password of the database.
spring.datasource.platform=all # Platform to use in the DDL or DML scripts (such as schema- p l a t f o r m . s q l o r d a t a − {platform}.sql or data- platform.sqlordata{platform}.sql).
spring.datasource.schema= # Schema (DDL) script resource references.
spring.datasource.schema-username= # Username of the database to execute DDL scripts (if different).
spring.datasource.schema-password= # Password of the database to execute DDL scripts (if different).
spring.datasource.separator=; # Statement separator in SQL initialization scripts.
spring.datasource.sql-script-encoding= # SQL scripts encoding.
spring.datasource.tomcat.*= # Tomcat datasource specific settings
spring.datasource.type= # Fully qualified name of the connection pool implementation to use. By default, it is auto-detected from the classpath.
spring.datasource.url= # JDBC URL of the database.
spring.datasource.username= # Login username of the database.
spring.datasource.xa.data-source-class-name= # XA datasource fully qualified name.
spring.datasource.xa.properties= # Properties to pass to the XA data source.

JEST (Elasticsearch HTTP client) (JestProperties)

spring.elasticsearch.jest.connection-timeout=3s # Connection timeout.
spring.elasticsearch.jest.multi-threaded=true # Whether to enable connection requests from multiple execution threads.
spring.elasticsearch.jest.password= # Login password.
spring.elasticsearch.jest.proxy.host= # Proxy host the HTTP client should use.
spring.elasticsearch.jest.proxy.port= # Proxy port the HTTP client should use.
spring.elasticsearch.jest.read-timeout=3s # Read timeout.
spring.elasticsearch.jest.uris=http://localhost:9200 # Comma-separated list of the Elasticsearch instances to use.
spring.elasticsearch.jest.username= # Login username.

Elasticsearch REST clients (RestClientProperties)

spring.elasticsearch.rest.password= # Credentials password.
spring.elasticsearch.rest.uris=http://localhost:9200 # Comma-separated list of the Elasticsearch instances to use.
spring.elasticsearch.rest.username= # Credentials username.

H2 Web Console (H2ConsoleProperties)

spring.h2.console.enabled=false # Whether to enable the console.
spring.h2.console.path=/h2-console # Path at which the console is available.
spring.h2.console.settings.trace=false # Whether to enable trace output.
spring.h2.console.settings.web-allow-others=false # Whether to enable remote access.

InfluxDB (InfluxDbProperties)

spring.influx.password= # Login password.
spring.influx.url= # URL of the InfluxDB instance to which to connect.
spring.influx.user= # Login user.

JOOQ (JooqProperties)

spring.jooq.sql-dialect= # SQL dialect to use. Auto-detected by default.

JDBC (JdbcProperties)

spring.jdbc.template.fetch-size=-1 # Number of rows that should be fetched from the database when more rows are needed.
spring.jdbc.template.max-rows=-1 # Maximum number of rows.
spring.jdbc.template.query-timeout= # Query timeout. Default is to use the JDBC driver’s default configuration. If a duration suffix is not specified, seconds will be used.

JPA (JpaBaseConfiguration, HibernateJpaAutoConfiguration)

spring.data.jpa.repositories.bootstrap-mode=default # Bootstrap mode for JPA repositories.
spring.data.jpa.repositories.enabled=true # Whether to enable JPA repositories.
spring.jpa.database= # Target database to operate on, auto-detected by default. Can be alternatively set using the “databasePlatform” property.
spring.jpa.database-platform= # Name of the target database to operate on, auto-detected by default. Can be alternatively set using the “Database” enum.
spring.jpa.generate-ddl=false # Whether to initialize the schema on startup.
spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto= # DDL mode. This is actually a shortcut for the “hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto” property. Defaults to “create-drop” when using an embedded database and no schema manager was detected. Otherwise, defaults to “none”.
spring.jpa.hibernate.naming.implicit-strategy= # Fully qualified name of the implicit naming strategy.
spring.jpa.hibernate.naming.physical-strategy= # Fully qualified name of the physical naming strategy.
spring.jpa.hibernate.use-new-id-generator-mappings= # Whether to use Hibernate’s newer IdentifierGenerator for AUTO, TABLE and SEQUENCE.
spring.jpa.mapping-resources= # Mapping resources (equivalent to “mapping-file” entries in persistence.xml).
spring.jpa.open-in-view=true # Register OpenEntityManagerInViewInterceptor. Binds a JPA EntityManager to the thread for the entire processing of the request.
spring.jpa.properties.*= # Additional native properties to set on the JPA provider.
spring.jpa.show-sql=false # Whether to enable logging of SQL statements.

JTA (JtaAutoConfiguration)

spring.jta.enabled=true # Whether to enable JTA support.
spring.jta.log-dir= # Transaction logs directory.
spring.jta.transaction-manager-id= # Transaction manager unique identifier.

ATOMIKOS (AtomikosProperties)

spring.jta.atomikos.connectionfactory.borrow-connection-timeout=30 # Timeout, in seconds, for borrowing connections from the pool.
spring.jta.atomikos.connectionfactory.ignore-session-transacted-flag=true # Whether to ignore the transacted flag when creating session.
spring.jta.atomikos.connectionfactory.local-transaction-mode=false # Whether local transactions are desired.
spring.jta.atomikos.connectionfactory.maintenance-interval=60 # Time, in seconds, between runs of the pool’s maintenance thread.
spring.jta.atomikos.connectionfactory.max-idle-time=60 # Time, in seconds, after which connections are cleaned up from the pool.
spring.jta.atomikos.connectionfactory.max-lifetime=0 # Time, in seconds, that a connection can be pooled for before being destroyed. 0 denotes no limit.
spring.jta.atomikos.connectionfactory.max-pool-size=1 # Maximum size of the pool.
spring.jta.atomikos.connectionfactory.min-pool-size=1 # Minimum size of the pool.
spring.jta.atomikos.connectionfactory.reap-timeout=0 # Reap timeout, in seconds, for borrowed connections. 0 denotes no limit.
spring.jta.atomikos.connectionfactory.unique-resource-name=jmsConnectionFactory # Unique name used to identify the resource during recovery.
spring.jta.atomikos.connectionfactory.xa-connection-factory-class-name= # Vendor-specific implementation of XAConnectionFactory.
spring.jta.atomikos.connectionfactory.xa-properties= # Vendor-specific XA properties.
spring.jta.atomikos.datasource.borrow-connection-timeout=30 # Timeout, in seconds, for borrowing connections from the pool.
spring.jta.atomikos.datasource.concurrent-connection-validation=true # Whether to use concurrent connection validation.
spring.jta.atomikos.datasource.default-isolation-level= # Default isolation level of connections provided by the pool.
spring.jta.atomikos.datasource.login-timeout=0 # Timeout, in seconds, for establishing a database connection.
spring.jta.atomikos.datasource.maintenance-interval=60 # Time, in seconds, between runs of the pool’s maintenance thread.
spring.jta.atomikos.datasource.max-idle-time=60 # Time, in seconds, after which connections are cleaned up from the pool.
spring.jta.atomikos.datasource.max-lifetime=0 # Time, in seconds, that a connection can be pooled for before being destroyed. 0 denotes no limit.
spring.jta.atomikos.datasource.max-pool-size=1 # Maximum size of the pool.
spring.jta.atomikos.datasource.min-pool-size=1 # Minimum size of the pool.
spring.jta.atomikos.datasource.reap-timeout=0 # Reap timeout, in seconds, for borrowed connections. 0 denotes no limit.
spring.jta.atomikos.datasource.test-query= # SQL query or statement used to validate a connection before returning it.
spring.jta.atomikos.datasource.unique-resource-name=dataSource # Unique name used to identify the resource during recovery.
spring.jta.atomikos.datasource.xa-data-source-class-name= # Vendor-specific implementation of XAConnectionFactory.
spring.jta.atomikos.datasource.xa-properties= # Vendor-specific XA properties.
spring.jta.atomikos.properties.allow-sub-transactions=true # Specify whether sub-transactions are allowed.
spring.jta.atomikos.properties.checkpoint-interval=500 # Interval between checkpoints, expressed as the number of log writes between two checkpoints.
spring.jta.atomikos.properties.default-jta-timeout=10000ms # Default timeout for JTA transactions.
spring.jta.atomikos.properties.default-max-wait-time-on-shutdown=9223372036854775807 # How long should normal shutdown (no-force) wait for transactions to complete.
spring.jta.atomikos.properties.enable-logging=true # Whether to enable disk logging.
spring.jta.atomikos.properties.force-shutdown-on-vm-exit=false # Whether a VM shutdown should trigger forced shutdown of the transaction core.
spring.jta.atomikos.properties.log-base-dir= # Directory in which the log files should be stored.
spring.jta.atomikos.properties.log-base-name=tmlog # Transactions log file base name.
spring.jta.atomikos.properties.max-actives=50 # Maximum number of active transactions.
spring.jta.atomikos.properties.max-timeout=300000ms # Maximum timeout that can be allowed for transactions.
spring.jta.atomikos.properties.recovery.delay=10000ms # Delay between two recovery scans.
spring.jta.atomikos.properties.recovery.forget-orphaned-log-entries-delay=86400000ms # Delay after which recovery can cleanup pending (‘orphaned’) log entries.
spring.jta.atomikos.properties.recovery.max-retries=5 # Number of retry attempts to commit the transaction before throwing an exception.
spring.jta.atomikos.properties.recovery.retry-interval=10000ms # Delay between retry attempts.
spring.jta.atomikos.properties.serial-jta-transactions=true # Whether sub-transactions should be joined when possible.
spring.jta.atomikos.properties.service= # Transaction manager implementation that should be started.
spring.jta.atomikos.properties.threaded-two-phase-commit=false # Whether to use different (and concurrent) threads for two-phase commit on the participating resources.
spring.jta.atomikos.properties.transaction-manager-unique-name= # The transaction manager’s unique name.


spring.jta.bitronix.connectionfactory.acquire-increment=1 # Number of connections to create when growing the pool.
spring.jta.bitronix.connectionfactory.acquisition-interval=1 # Time, in seconds, to wait before trying to acquire a connection again after an invalid connection was acquired.
spring.jta.bitronix.connectionfactory.acquisition-timeout=30 # Timeout, in seconds, for acquiring connections from the pool.
spring.jta.bitronix.connectionfactory.allow-local-transactions=false # Whether the transaction manager should allow mixing XA and non-XA transactions.
spring.jta.bitronix.connectionfactory.apply-transaction-timeout=false # Whether the transaction timeout should be set on the XAResource when it is enlisted.
spring.jta.bitronix.connectionfactory.automatic-enlisting-enabled=true # Whether resources should be enlisted and delisted automatically.
spring.jta.bitronix.connectionfactory.cache-producers-consumers=true # Whether producers and consumers should be cached.
spring.jta.bitronix.connectionfactory.class-name= # Underlying implementation class name of the XA resource.
spring.jta.bitronix.connectionfactory.defer-connection-release=true # Whether the provider can run many transactions on the same connection and supports transaction interleaving.
spring.jta.bitronix.connectionfactory.disabled=false # Whether this resource is disabled, meaning it’s temporarily forbidden to acquire a connection from its pool.
spring.jta.bitronix.connectionfactory.driver-properties= # Properties that should be set on the underlying implementation.
spring.jta.bitronix.connectionfactory.ignore-recovery-failures=false # Whether recovery failures should be ignored.
spring.jta.bitronix.connectionfactory.max-idle-time=60 # Time, in seconds, after which connections are cleaned up from the pool.
spring.jta.bitronix.connectionfactory.max-pool-size=0 # Maximum size of the pool. 0 denotes no limit.
spring.jta.bitronix.connectionfactory.min-pool-size=0 # Minimum size of the pool.
spring.jta.bitronix.connectionfactory.password= # Password to use to connect to the JMS provider.
spring.jta.bitronix.connectionfactory.share-transaction-connections=false # Whether connections in the ACCESSIBLE state can be shared within the context of a transaction.
spring.jta.bitronix.connectionfactory.test-connections=false # Whether connections should be tested when acquired from the pool.
spring.jta.bitronix.connectionfactory.two-pc-ordering-position=1 # Position that this resource should take during two-phase commit (always first is Integer.MIN_VALUE, always last is Integer.MAX_VALUE).
spring.jta.bitronix.connectionfactory.unique-name=jmsConnectionFactory # Unique name used to identify the resource during recovery.
spring.jta.bitronix.connectionfactory.use-tm-join=true # Whether TMJOIN should be used when starting XAResources.
spring.jta.bitronix.connectionfactory.user= # User to use to connect to the JMS provider.
spring.jta.bitronix.datasource.acquire-increment=1 # Number of connections to create when growing the pool.
spring.jta.bitronix.datasource.acquisition-interval=1 # Time, in seconds, to wait before trying to acquire a connection again after an invalid connection was acquired.
spring.jta.bitronix.datasource.acquisition-timeout=30 # Timeout, in seconds, for acquiring connections from the pool.
spring.jta.bitronix.datasource.allow-local-transactions=false # Whether the transaction manager should allow mixing XA and non-XA transactions.
spring.jta.bitronix.datasource.apply-transaction-timeout=false # Whether the transaction timeout should be set on the XAResource when it is enlisted.
spring.jta.bitronix.datasource.automatic-enlisting-enabled=true # Whether resources should be enlisted and delisted automatically.
spring.jta.bitronix.datasource.class-name= # Underlying implementation class name of the XA resource.
spring.jta.bitronix.datasource.cursor-holdability= # Default cursor holdability for connections.
spring.jta.bitronix.datasource.defer-connection-release=true # Whether the database can run many transactions on the same connection and supports transaction interleaving.
spring.jta.bitronix.datasource.disabled=false # Whether this resource is disabled, meaning it’s temporarily forbidden to acquire a connection from its pool.
spring.jta.bitronix.datasource.driver-properties= # Properties that should be set on the underlying implementation.
spring.jta.bitronix.datasource.enable-jdbc4-connection-test=false # Whether Connection.isValid() is called when acquiring a connection from the pool.
spring.jta.bitronix.datasource.ignore-recovery-failures=false # Whether recovery failures should be ignored.
spring.jta.bitronix.datasource.isolation-level= # Default isolation level for connections.
spring.jta.bitronix.datasource.local-auto-commit= # Default auto-commit mode for local transactions.
spring.jta.bitronix.datasource.login-timeout= # Timeout, in seconds, for establishing a database connection.
spring.jta.bitronix.datasource.max-idle-time=60 # Time, in seconds, after which connections are cleaned up from the pool.
spring.jta.bitronix.datasource.max-pool-size=0 # Maximum size of the pool. 0 denotes no limit.
spring.jta.bitronix.datasource.min-pool-size=0 # Minimum size of the pool.
spring.jta.bitronix.datasource.prepared-statement-cache-size=0 # Target size of the prepared statement cache. 0 disables the cache.
spring.jta.bitronix.datasource.share-transaction-connections=false # Whether connections in the ACCESSIBLE state can be shared within the context of a transaction.
spring.jta.bitronix.datasource.test-query= # SQL query or statement used to validate a connection before returning it.
spring.jta.bitronix.datasource.two-pc-ordering-position=1 # Position that this resource should take during two-phase commit (always first is Integer.MIN_VALUE, and always last is Integer.MAX_VALUE).
spring.jta.bitronix.datasource.unique-name=dataSource # Unique name used to identify the resource during recovery.
spring.jta.bitronix.datasource.use-tm-join=true # Whether TMJOIN should be used when starting XAResources.
spring.jta.bitronix.properties.allow-multiple-lrc=false # Whether to allow multiple LRC resources to be enlisted into the same transaction.
spring.jta.bitronix.properties.asynchronous2-pc=false # Whether to enable asynchronously execution of two phase commit.
spring.jta.bitronix.properties.background-recovery-interval-seconds=60 # Interval in seconds at which to run the recovery process in the background.
spring.jta.bitronix.properties.current-node-only-recovery=true # Whether to recover only the current node.
spring.jta.bitronix.properties.debug-zero-resource-transaction=false # Whether to log the creation and commit call stacks of transactions executed without a single enlisted resource.
spring.jta.bitronix.properties.default-transaction-timeout=60 # Default transaction timeout, in seconds.
spring.jta.bitronix.properties.disable-jmx=false # Whether to enable JMX support.
spring.jta.bitronix.properties.exception-analyzer= # Set the fully qualified name of the exception analyzer implementation to use.
spring.jta.bitronix.properties.filter-log-status=false # Whether to enable filtering of logs so that only mandatory logs are written.
spring.jta.bitronix.properties.force-batching-enabled=true # Whether disk forces are batched.
spring.jta.bitronix.properties.forced-write-enabled=true # Whether logs are forced to disk.
spring.jta.bitronix.properties.graceful-shutdown-interval=60 # Maximum amount of seconds the TM waits for transactions to get done before aborting them at shutdown time.
spring.jta.bitronix.properties.jndi-transaction-synchronization-registry-name= # JNDI name of the TransactionSynchronizationRegistry.
spring.jta.bitronix.properties.jndi-user-transaction-name= # JNDI name of the UserTransaction.
spring.jta.bitronix.properties.journal=disk # Name of the journal. Can be ‘disk’, ‘null’, or a class name.
spring.jta.bitronix.properties.log-part1-filename=btm1.tlog # Name of the first fragment of the journal.
spring.jta.bitronix.properties.log-part2-filename=btm2.tlog # Name of the second fragment of the journal.
spring.jta.bitronix.properties.max-log-size-in-mb=2 # Maximum size in megabytes of the journal fragments.
spring.jta.bitronix.properties.resource-configuration-filename= # ResourceLoader configuration file name.
spring.jta.bitronix.properties.server-id= # ASCII ID that must uniquely identify this TM instance. Defaults to the machine’s IP address.
spring.jta.bitronix.properties.skip-corrupted-logs=false # Skip corrupted transactions log entries.
spring.jta.bitronix.properties.warn-about-zero-resource-transaction=true # Whether to log a warning for transactions executed without a single enlisted resource.

EMBEDDED MONGODB (EmbeddedMongoProperties)

spring.mongodb.embedded.features=sync_delay # Comma-separated list of features to enable.
spring.mongodb.embedded.storage.database-dir= # Directory used for data storage.
spring.mongodb.embedded.storage.oplog-size= # Maximum size of the oplog.
spring.mongodb.embedded.storage.repl-set-name= # Name of the replica set.
spring.mongodb.embedded.version=3.5.5 # Version of Mongo to use.

REDIS (RedisProperties)

spring.redis.cluster.max-redirects= # Maximum number of redirects to follow when executing commands across the cluster.
spring.redis.cluster.nodes= # Comma-separated list of “host:port” pairs to bootstrap from.
spring.redis.database=0 # Database index used by the connection factory.
spring.redis.url= # Connection URL. Overrides host, port, and password. User is ignored. Example: redis://user:password@example.com:6379
spring.redis.host=localhost # Redis server host.
spring.redis.jedis.pool.max-active=8 # Maximum number of connections that can be allocated by the pool at a given time. Use a negative value for no limit.
spring.redis.jedis.pool.max-idle=8 # Maximum number of “idle” connections in the pool. Use a negative value to indicate an unlimited number of idle connections.
spring.redis.jedis.pool.max-wait=-1ms # Maximum amount of time a connection allocation should block before throwing an exception when the pool is exhausted. Use a negative value to block indefinitely.
spring.redis.jedis.pool.min-idle=0 # Target for the minimum number of idle connections to maintain in the pool. This setting only has an effect if it is positive.
spring.redis.lettuce.pool.max-active=8 # Maximum number of connections that can be allocated by the pool at a given time. Use a negative value for no limit.
spring.redis.lettuce.pool.max-idle=8 # Maximum number of “idle” connections in the pool. Use a negative value to indicate an unlimited number of idle connections.
spring.redis.lettuce.pool.max-wait=-1ms # Maximum amount of time a connection allocation should block before throwing an exception when the pool is exhausted. Use a negative value to block indefinitely.
spring.redis.lettuce.pool.min-idle=0 # Target for the minimum number of idle connections to maintain in the pool. This setting only has an effect if it is positive.
spring.redis.lettuce.shutdown-timeout=100ms # Shutdown timeout.
spring.redis.password= # Login password of the redis server.
spring.redis.port=6379 # Redis server port.
spring.redis.sentinel.master= # Name of the Redis server.
spring.redis.sentinel.nodes= # Comma-separated list of “host:port” pairs.
spring.redis.ssl=false # Whether to enable SSL support.
spring.redis.timeout= # Connection timeout.

TRANSACTION (TransactionProperties)

spring.transaction.default-timeout= # Default transaction timeout. If a duration suffix is not specified, seconds will be used.
spring.transaction.rollback-on-commit-failure= # Whether to roll back on commit failures.





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