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原创 用Java NIO写HTTP Server记录
花了一个多月用Java NIO写了一个定制的HTTP Server,主要是支持我的WeBuzz.IM网页版聊天服务。 先介绍一下WeBuzz.IM网页聊天服务。 WeBuzz.IM是一款网页版即时聊天工具,用于帮助用户通过网页和朋友聊天。Gtalk(Google Talk)、MSN(Windows Live Messenger)、Yahoo! Messenger
2010-02-08 15:05:00 5570 1
原创 Java2Script Pacemaker体验版发布
开源项目Java2Script(J2S) Pacemaker针对Eclipse3.1.1发布体验版。J2S项目旨在复用已有的Java代码,目前提供将Java代码直接转换成可以在浏览器中运行的JavaScript。该框架提供了最基本的JavaScript模拟Java继承关系的API,同时尝试提供java.util.*和org.eclipse.swt.*的API代码转换。J2S的插件主要是将在Ecli
2005-12-23 18:26:00 2026
原创 CSDN广告清理器
CSDN的新闻有时还是值得一看,但是由于广告太多,令人很是厌烦。近日,发现通过FireFox + GreaseMonkey + User Script就可以轻松地清除CSDN上那些恼人的广告。方法如下:1.安装FireFox:http://www.mozilla.org/2.安装GreaseMonkey:http://greasemonkey.mozdev.org/3.安装清除CSDN广告的Use
2005-10-03 10:35:00 1298
原创 Setup an Email server
Setup an Email server 1. Download the James from Apache http://james.apache.org/2. Unpack it, and go into the bin folder such as Q:/james-2.2.0/bin and "run"3. At this point, you should not get any
2004-09-05 10:28:00 1242
原创 A Try on valid XHTML-strict and CSS-valided website.
My try on my homepage: http://www.whizzideas.com XHTML and CSS are two major standard on WWW. But most of the webpages are not XHTML valided or CSS valided. And for most of webpages displayed correc
2004-08-14 10:42:00 2361
原创 To Read W3C Standards
HTML4.01 & XHTML1.0 & XHTML2.0 XML & XSLT & XSLT(FO) SVG MathML XML Schema RDF CSS1 & CSS2 & CSS2.1 & CSS3 XPath DOM
2004-07-27 11:50:00 1454
原创 Fix a Man-made Mistake in Java Project of Eclipse
.classpath: ====== By mistake, deleting ====== ====== The project displays error! It marks error at the begining of a Java file, and when you delete the Java fil
2004-07-12 18:01:00 1175
原创 To Read
Read 100 standards Read 100 enterprises history Conserve 100 enterprises development Read 100 famous peoples life.
2004-07-12 15:25:00 1285
原创 Always override Object.equals() and Object.hashCode() in the same time
Always override Object.equals() and Object.hashCode() in the same time. I had met with such bugs serveral times and it was a hard time for me to figure out such bug. Quotes: http://www-106.ibm.com/de
2004-07-12 09:52:00 1558
原创 Always Try to Refactoring Rather Than Rewriting Codes
Rewriting codes is something of work while refactoring codes will be something of art. Do not always try to rewrite codes. Refactoring codes helps you working efficiently if you get the spirit of the
2004-07-12 09:47:00 1267
原创 Null Pointer and Cast Exception
Always try to test null pointer and test casting available in the codes. If null, or failed to cast, simply printing out some error message would be much better than the runtime exception thrown by JV
2004-07-09 13:26:00 1302
原创 Comments and the Quality of Code
Note:The frequency of comments sometimes reflects poor quality of code. When you feel compelled to add a comment, consider rewriting the code to make it clearer. http://java.sun.com/docs/codeconv/htm
2004-07-08 10:30:00 1119
原创 Java Interface and Class Hierarchy
public interface IClassUpA { ?? ?public void sayA(); } public interface IClassUpB { ??? public void sayB(); } public interface IClassUp extends IClassUpA, IClassUpB { ??? public void say(); } // Do
2004-07-06 14:37:00 1386
转载 XPCOM LINUX下的组件开发技术
XPCOM--LINUX下的组件开发技术 XPCOM LINUX下的组件开发技术 COM技术作为微软推行的一种组件技术,在WINDOWS平台站有重要地位,在模块重用,跨语言通信等方面都能见到其身影。但今天给我要介绍的是LINUX下的COM实现----XPCOM,这是MOZILLA浏览器项目中所使用的基本技术,我们可以用C++制作XPCOM组件,在C++客户程序或MOZILLA浏览器中通过
2004-07-06 12:37:00 1094
原创 LINUX下挂载U盘方法
#cd /mnt #mkdir usb #mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/us http://www.linuxaid.com.cn/forum/showdoc.jsp?l=1&i=81038
2004-07-05 13:23:00 4093
原创 Sugguestions under Eclipse 3.0 and others
Sugguestions under Eclipse 3.0: ------------------------------- [1]. Use Source -> Format(++F/,+F) to format the codes every time before saving. [2]. Use Source -> Organize Imports(++O) to organize t
2004-07-02 17:30:00 1381
原创 cried foul
some vendors cried foul when IBM broke ranks from the JCP with its SWT.
2004-06-30 10:06:00 1386
原创 My HTML Designer on Mozilla
My HTML Designer on Mozilla document.getElementById("whizzEditor").contentWindow.document.designMode = "on"; document.getElementById("whizzEditor").focus();
2004-06-29 09:13:00 1119
原创 wHizzNote with HTML designer
It seems that later I will use this HTML designer in my whizzNote. Go go go...
2004-06-29 08:44:00 888
原创 IE NC通用的藏鼠标右键一法
首先,对于Internet Explorer的隐藏鼠标右键的方法,可以说只要弄过网页的人可能知道要用 document.oncontextmenu=Function("return false;"); 不过对于Netscape,这个办法就并不能完全行的通。通过实践,我发觉,在Internet Explorer和Netscape这两款浏览器中都存在某些元素,鼠标的右键在上边点击是没有
2002-04-01 15:28:00 1147
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