C++ 的一些免费库

//整理 by RobinKin (王亮)
  • Linear Algebra
    • MTL, the Matrix Template Library. Dense and sparse matrices and vectors; banded, symmetric, triangular matrices; basic algorithms. C++.


    • uBLAS, BLAS in C++ with expression templates.

                表达式模版形式的 C++中的BLAS ,

    • tvmet, a C++ library for "tiny" vectors and matrices with expression templates.


    • GMM++, generic C++ template library for sparse, dense and skyline matrices, with solvers from ITL.
    • MET, a C++ matrix library with expression templates, which eliminates the overhead of overloaded operators.
    • SL++, the Scientific Library project. Will provide matrices, random numbers, complex, quaternions, plotting, and FFTs. C++.


    • Seldon, C++ library for linear algebra with BLAS interface. Many matrix types (sparse, symmetric, hermitian, etc.) are supported.

                BLAS 线性代数接口,支持 稀疏,对称,共轭矩阵

    • ALP, linear and polynomial algebra. Vectors, matrices, polynomials.
    • SVMT: E. Robert Tisdale's proposal for a standard C++ Scalar, Vector, Matrix and Tensor Class Library (with implementation). Note: this is a proposal, not an official standard.
    • GNUSSL [ftp only], the GNU Scientific Software Library. Linear algebra and arrays. C++.
    • CPPLapack, C++ wrapper for BLAS and LAPACK.
    • Lapack++, C++ wrapper for BLAS and LAPACK.
    • IML++ A C++ template library for numerical iterative methods.
    • MV++ Numerical Matrix/Vector Classes in C++
    • SparseLib++ A library for sparse matrix computations, including the Sparse BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms). C++.
    • ISIS++, an object-oriented framework for solving sparse linear systems of equations. C++.
    • ARPACK++, a C++ template library for solving large-scale standard and generalized eigenvalue problems.
    • The Template Numerical Toolkit (TNT) for linear algebra is a successor to the Lapack++, Sparselib++, IML++, and MV++ packages. Its goal is to integrate these ideas into a generic algorithmic library, supporting generic user-defined data types, and increasing its functionality. C++.
    • LinAlg, basic linear algebra and optimization classes. C++.
    • CAM C++ Class Library (Matrix, vector, and graphics classes)
    • Newmat, a C++ matrix library (docs, download)
    • CLHEP includes matrix classes, random number generators for the High Energy Physics (HEP) community. C++.
    • BPKIT, Block Preconditioning Toolkit for iterative solution of linear systems. Callable from C++, C, or FORTRAN.

  • Arrays and Images
    • POOMA II framework for scientific computing on sequential and parallel computers. Provides parallel arrays; fields, meshes, particles to come in version 2.1 (June 1999). C++.
    • The Blitz++ class library: Array and Vector classes which rival Fortran's performance. C++.
    • The AIPS++ Array and Image Classes (Astronomical Information Processing System). C++.
    • Daixtrose, a general-purpose expression template engine.
    • PETE, an expression templates library -- add expression templates to your own array class.
    • SCTL (BlueSail), C++, arrays, matrics, vectors, sparse, rotations.  
    • VIGRA, generic computer vision/image processing library.
    • CPPIMA A C++ image processing library
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