『LCA·树形DP换根』CF629E Famil Door and Roads

P r o b l e m \mathrm{Problem} Problem

Famil Door’s City map looks like a tree (undirected connected acyclic graph) so other people call it Treeland. There are n n n intersections in the city connected by n − 1 n-1 n1 bidirectional roads.

There are m m m friends of Famil Door living in the city. The i i i -th friend lives at the intersection u i u_{i} ui and works at the intersection v i v_{i} vi . Everyone in the city is unhappy because there is exactly one simple path between their home and work.

Famil Door plans to construct exactly one new road and he will randomly choose one among n ⋅ ( n − 1 ) / 2 n·(n-1)/2 n(n1)/2 possibilities. Note, that he may even build a new road between two cities that are already connected by one.

He knows, that each of his friends will become happy, if after Famil Door constructs a new road there is a path from this friend home to work and back that doesn't visit the same road twice. Formally, there is a simple cycle containing both u i u_{i} ui and v i v_{i} vi .

Moreover, if the friend becomes happy, his pleasure is equal to the length of such path (it's easy to see that it's unique). For each of his friends Famil Door wants to know his expected pleasure, that is the expected length of the cycle containing both u i u_{i} ui and$ v_{i}$ if we consider only cases when such a cycle exists.

T r a n s l a t i o n \mathrm{Translation} Translation

给出一棵 n n n 个节点的树。

m m m 个询问,每一个询问包含两个数 a 、 b a、b ab


并且使得加上这条边后 a , b a,b ab 处在一个环内。


S o l u t i o n \mathrm{Solution} Solution


当询问节点 u u u v v v 无祖先关系时。

那个方案数为 s i z e u × s i z e v \mathrm{size_u}\times \mathrm{size_v} sizeu×sizev,那么我们包含的答案为: ( d i s ( u , v ) + 1 ) × s i z e x × s i z e v (\mathrm{dis}(u,v)+1)\times \mathrm{size_x} \times \mathrm{size_v} (dis(u,v)+1)×sizex×sizev


s i z e y ∑ x ∈ s o n u d i s x + s i z e x ∑ x ∈ s o n v d i s x \mathrm{size_y}\sum_{x∈son_u}dis_x+\mathrm{size_x}\sum_{x∈son_v}dis_x sizeyxsonudisx+sizexxsonvdisx

我们现在考虑如何计算出 f x = ∑ i ∈ s o n ( x ) d i s i f_x=\sum_{i∈son(x)}dis_i fx=ison(x)disi,很容易发现有状态转移方程:

f x = ∑ ( f y + s i z e y ) f_x=\sum (f_y+\mathrm{size_y}) fx=(fy+sizey)

u u u v v v 存在祖先关系时(假设 u u u v v v 的祖先)
u u u选择上面以及不是 v v v所在子树的任意节点。 v v v选择子树。

l e s s less less v v v u u u 路径中的倒数第二个点。则方案数可以表示为:
c n t = ( n − s i z e l e s s ) × s i z e v \mathrm{cnt}=(n-\mathrm{size_{less}})\times \mathrm{size_v} cnt=(nsizeless)×sizev
而且我们 u u u上面和其他子树的深度贡献,我们可以设 g x g_x gx表示所有节点到 x x x的深度之和,这是树形DP换根的基础操作,再用 g x − s i z e y − f y g_x-\mathrm{size_y}-f_y gxsizeyfy即为答案。


C o d e \mathrm{Code} Code

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define int long long
#define LL long long

using namespace std;
const int N = 2e5;

int n, m;
int fa[N], dep[N], top[N], size[N], son[N], f[N], g[N], up[N][30];
vector < int > a[N];

int read(void)
	int s = 0, w = 0; char c = getchar();
	while (c < '0' || c > '9') w |= c == '-', c = getchar();
	while (c >= '0' && c <= '9') s = s*10+c-48, c = getchar();
	return w ? -s : s;

void Dfs1(int x, int father)
	int Max = 0;
	size[x] = 1;
	fa[x] = up[x][0] = father;
	dep[x] = dep[father] + 1;
	for (int i=0;i<a[x].size();++i)
		int y = a[x][i];
		if (y == father) continue;
		Dfs1(y, x);
		size[x] += size[y];
		f[x] += f[y] + size[y];
		if (size[y] > Max) Max = size[son[x] = y];

void Dfs2(int x,int cur)
	top[x] = cur;
	if (son[x]) {
		g[son[x]] = g[x] - size[son[x]] + (n - size[son[x]]);
		Dfs2(son[x], cur);
	for (int i=0;i<a[x].size();++i)
		int y = a[x][i];
		if (y == fa[x] || y == son[x]) continue;
		g[y] = g[x] - size[y] + (n - size[y]);
		Dfs2(y, y);

int LCA(int x, int y)
	while (top[x] ^ top[y])
		if (dep[top[x]] < dep[top[y]]) swap(x, y);
		x = fa[top[x]];
	return dep[x] < dep[y] ? x : y;

void DP(void)
	for (int j=1;j<=20;++j)
		for (int i=1;i<=n;++i)
			up[i][j] = up[up[i][j-1]][j-1];

int Get(int u,int v)
	for (int i=20;i>=0;--i)
		if (up[u][i] == 0) continue;
		if (dep[up[u][i]] > dep[v]) u = up[u][i];
	return u;

void work(void)
	int u = read(), v = read();
	int P = LCA(u, v);
	if (u != P and v != P)
		LL cnt = 1LL * size[u] * size[v];
		LL sum = 1LL * size[v] * f[u] + 1LL * size[u] * f[v];
		sum += cnt * (dep[u] + dep[v] - 2 * dep[P] + 1);
		printf("%.8lf\n", 1.0 * sum / cnt);
	if (dep[u] < dep[v]) swap(u, v);
	int less = Get(u, v);
	LL cnt = 1LL * size[u] * (n - size[less]);
	LL sum = 1LL * (n - size[less]) * f[u] + size[u] * (g[v] - f[less] - size[less]);
	sum += 1LL * cnt * (dep[u] - dep[v] + 1);
	printf("%.8lf\n", 1.0 * sum / cnt);

signed main(void)
	n = read(), m = read();
	for (int i=1;i<n;++i)
		int x = read(), y = read();
	Dfs1(1, 0), g[1] = f[1];
	Dfs2(1, 1), DP();
	while (m --) work(); 
	return 0;
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