关于App Sandbox in Depth自己的翻译


App Sandbox in Depth深层次的应用程序沙盒

The access control mechanisms used by App Sandbox to protect user data are small in number and easy to understand. But the specific steps for you to take, as you adopt App Sandbox, are unique to your app. To determine what those steps are, you must understand the key concepts for this technology.
/*这里的意思就是一个应用程序对应了自己独有的沙盒*/  为了理解这些步骤是啥,你必须理解这项技术的关键概念//
The Need for a Last Line of Defense  最后一道防线的必要
You secure your app against attack from malware by following the practices recommended in Secure Coding Guide. But despite your best efforts to build an invulnerable barrier—by avoiding buffer overflows and other memory corruptions, preventing exposure of user data, and eliminating other vulnerabilities—your app can be exploited by malicious code. An attacker needs only to find a single hole in your defenses, or in any of the frameworks and libraries that you link against, to gain control of your app’s interactions with the system.

App Sandbox is designed to confront this scenario head on by letting you describe your app’s intended interactions with the system. The system then grants your app only the access your app needs to get its job done. If malicious code gains control of a properly sandboxed app, it is left with access to only the files and resources in the app’s sandbox.


To successfully adopt App Sandbox, use a different mindset than you might be accustomed to, as suggested in Table 2-1.


Table 2-1  The App Sandbox mindset//应用程序沙盒的心态

when developing...when adopting App Sandbox
Add featuresMinimize system resource use
take advantage of access through you appPartition functionality,then distrust each part
Use the most convenient APIUse the most secure API
View restrictions as limitationsView restrictions as safeguards


When designing for App Sandbox, you are planning for the following worst-case scenario: Despite your best efforts, malicious code breaches an unintended security hole—either in your code or in a framework you’ve linked against. Capabilities you’ve added to your app become capabilities of the hostile code. Keep this in mind as you read the rest of this document.


Entitlements and System Resource Access//权利和系统资源的访问

An app that is not sandboxed has access to all user-accessible system resources—including the built-in camera and microphone, network sockets, printing, and most of the file system. If successfully attacked by malicious code, such an app can behave as a hostile agent with wide-ranging potential to inflict harm.

When you enable App Sandbox for your app, you remove all but a minimal set of privileges and then deliberately restore them, one-by-one, using entitlements. An entitlement is a key-value pair that identifies a specific capability, such as the capability to open an outbound network socket.

One special entitlement—Enable App Sandboxing—turns on App Sandbox. When you enable sandboxing, Xcode creates a .entitlements

property list file and shows it in the project navigator.


If your app requires a capability, request it by adding the corresponding entitlement to your Xcode project using the Summary tab of the target editor. If you don’t require a capability, take care to not include the corresponding entitlement


You request entitlements on a target-by-target basis. If your app has a single target—the main application—you request entitlements only for that target. If you design your app to use a main application along with helpers (in the form of XPC services), you request entitlements individually, and as appropriate, for each target. You learn more about this in  External Tools, XPC Services, and Privilege Separation .

You may require finer-grained control over your app’s entitlements than is available in the Xcode target editor. For example, you might request a temporary exception entitlement because App Sandbox does not support a capability your app needs, such as the ability to send an Apple event to an app that does not yet provide any scripting access groups. To work with temporary exception entitlements, use the Xcode property list editor to edit a target’s .entitlements property list file directly.
//你可能需要更细粒度的控制你的应用程序的权力比可以在Xcode目标编辑器是可用的.比如,你可能 请求一个临时的异常权利因为应用程序沙盒不支持你的应用需要的一个功能,比如发送一个不提供任何脚本访问组的苹果事件给应用程序的功能.为了和临时异常权利一起工作,使用Xcode属性列表编辑器来直接编辑一个目标的权利属性列表文件.





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