





/*	file name: 		sort.h
 * 	Copyright (c) Colorado School of Mines, 2011.

#ifndef _T_COM_MATH_SORT_H__
#define _T_COM_MATH_SORT_H__

#ifndef T_NSTACK 
#define T_NSTACK 50	/* maximum sort length is 2^T_NSTACK */

#ifndef T_NSMALL
#define T_NSMALL 7	/* size of array for which insertion sort is T_FAst */
#ifndef T_FM
#define T_FM 7875		/* constants used to generate random pivots */
#ifndef T_FA
#define T_FA 211
#ifndef T_FC
#define T_FC 1663

void t_hpsort (int n, float a[]);
void t_qkisort (int n, float a[], int i[]);
void t_qkifind (int m, int n, float a[], int i[]);
void t_qksort (int n, float a[]);
void t_qkfind (int m, int n, float a[]);

#endif /*<_T_COM_MATH_SORT_H__>*/


/*	file name: 		sort.c
 * 	Copyright (c) Colorado School of Mines, 2011.

SORT - Functions to sort arrays of data or arrays of indices

t_hpsort		sort an array of floats by the heap sort method
t_qkisort		sort an array of indices i[] so that 
		a[i[0]] <= a[i[1]] <= ... <= a[i[n-1]]
		uses the "quick sort" method
t_qkifind		partially sort an array of indices i[] so that the 
		index i[m] has the value it would have if the entire
		array of indices were sorted such that 
		a[i[0]] <= a[i[1]] <= ... <= a[i[n-1]]
		uses the "quick sort" method
t_qksort		sort an array of floats such that a[0] <= a[1] <= ... <= a[n-1]
		uses the "quick sort" method
t_qkfind		partially sort an array of floats  so that the element a[m] has
		the value it would have if the entire array were sorted
		such that a[0] <= a[1] <= ... <= a[n-1]
		uses the "quick sort" method

Function Prototypes:
void t_hpsort (int n, float a[]);
void t_qkisort (int n, float a[], int i[]);
void t_qkifind (int m, int n, float a[], int i[]);
void t_qksort (int n, float a[]);
void t_qkfind (int m, int n, float a[]);

n		number of elements in a
a		array[n] to be sorted

a		array[n] sorted

n		number of elements in array a
a		array[n] elements
i		array[n] indices to be sorted

i		array[n] indices sorted

m		index of element to be found
n		number of elements in array a
a		array[n] elements
i		array[n] indices to be partially sorted

i		array[n] indices partially sorted sorted

n		number of elements in array a
a		array[n] containing elements to be sorted

a		array[n] containing sorted elements

m		index of element to be found
n		number of elements in array a
a		array[n] to be partially sorted

a		array[n] partially sorted

The heap sort algorithm is, at worst, N log_2 N, and in most cases
is 20% T_FAster.  Adapted from Standish.

t_qkisort, t_qkifind, t_qksort, t_qkfind:
n must be less than 2^T_NSTACK, where T_NSTACK is defined above.

This function is adapted from procedure quicksort by
Hoare, C.A.R., 1961, Communications of the ACM, v. 4, p. 321;
the main difference is that recursion is accomplished
explicitly via a stack array for efficiency; also, a simple
insertion sort is used to sort subarrays too small to be
partitioned efficiently.

This function is adapted from procedure find by
Hoare, C.A.R., 1961, Communications of the ACM, v. 4, p. 321.

This function is adapted from procedure quicksort by
Hoare, C.A.R., 1961, Communications of the ACM, v. 4, p. 321;
the main difference is that recursion is accomplished
explicitly via a stack array for efficiency; also, a simple
insertion sort is used to sort subarrays too small to be
partitioned efficiently.

This function is adapted from procedure find by Hoare 1961.

Standish, T. A., Data Structure Techniques, p. 91.
See also Press, W. A., et al., Numerical Recipes in C.

quick sort:
Hoare, C.A.R., 1961, Communications of the ACM, v. 4, p. 321.

Author:  Dave Hale, Colorado School of Mines, 12/26/89
/**************** end self doc ********************************/

//#include "cwp.h"

t_hpsort (int n, float a[])
sort an array so that a[0] <= a[1] <= ... <= a[n-1]
n		number of elements in a
a		array[n] to be sorted

a		array[n] sorted
Adapted from Standish, T. A., Data Structure Techniques, p. 91.
Author:  Dave Hale, Colorado School of Mines, 12/26/89
	int kroot,klast,kparent,kchild;
	float aparent;
	/* initialize indices of root node and last node in heap */
	kroot = n/2-1;
	klast = n-1;
	/* loop until array is sorted */
	while (klast>0) {
		/* if in the heap building phase */
		if (kroot>=0) {
			/* set index of parent to be added to the heap */
			kparent = kroot;

			/* set value of parent to be added to the heap */
			aparent = a[kroot--];
		/* else, the tree is a heap and in the sorting phase */
		} else {
			/* set index of parent at which to begin sifting */
			kparent = 0;
			/* set parent value to last value in heap */
			aparent = a[klast];
			/* copy top of heap to sorted elements at end */
			a[klast--] = a[0];

		/* sift parent down until greater than both children */
		for (kchild=kparent*2+1; kchild<=klast; kchild=kparent*2+1) {

			/* get index of greater of two children */
			if (kchild<klast && a[kchild+1]>a[kchild]) kchild++;

			/* if greater child is greater than parent */
			if (a[kchild]>aparent) {
				/* promote the greater child */
				a[kparent] = a[kchild];

				/* demote the parent */
				kparent = kchild;
			/* else, if parent is greater than children, break */
			} else 
		/* set value of parent (which may have been demoted) */
		a[kparent] = aparent;

static void
t_qkipart (float a[], int i[], int p, int q, int *j, int *k)
quicksort partition (FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY):
take the value x of a random element from the subarray a[p:q] of
a[0:n-1] and rearrange indices in the subarray i[p:q] in such a way
that there exist integers j and k with the following properties:
  p <= j < k <= q, provided that p < q
  a[i[l]] <= x,  for p <= l <= j
  a[i[l]] == x,  for j < l < k
  a[i[l]] >= x,  for k <= l <= q
note that this effectively partitions the subarray with bounds
[p:q] into lower and upper subarrays with bounds [p:j] and [k:q]
a		array[p:q]
i		array[p:q] of indices to be rearranged
p		lower bound of subarray; must be less than q
q		upper bound of subarray; must be greater then p

i		array[p:q] of indices rearranged
j		upper bound of lower output subarray
k		lower bound of upper output subarray
This function is adapted from procedure partition by
Hoare, C.A.R., 1961, Communications of the ACM, v. 4, p. 321.
Author:  Dave Hale, Colorado School of Mines, 01/13/89
	int pivot,left,right,temp;
	float apivot;
	static long int seed=0L;
	/* choose random pivot element between p and q, inclusive */
	seed = (seed*T_FA+T_FC)%T_FM;
	pivot = p+(q-p)*(float)seed/(float)T_FM;
	if (pivot<p) pivot = p;
	if (pivot>q) pivot = q;
	apivot = a[i[pivot]];

	/* initialize left and right pointers and loop until break */
	for (left=p,right=q;;) {
		 * increment left pointer until either
		 * (1) an element greater than the pivot element is found, or
		 * (2) the upper bound of the input subarray is reached
		while (a[i[left]]<=apivot && left<q) left++;
		 * decrement right pointer until either
		 * (1) an element less than the pivot element is found, or
		 * (2) the lower bound of the input subarray is reached
		while (a[i[right]]>=apivot && right>p) right--;
		/* if left pointer is still to the left of right pointer */
		if (left<right) {

			/* exchange left and right indices */
			temp = i[left];
			i[left++] = i[right];
			i[right--] = temp;
		/* else, if pointers are equal or have crossed, break */
		else break;
	/* if left pointer has not crossed pivot */
	if (left<pivot) {

		/* exchange indices at left and pivot */
		temp = i[left];
		i[left++] = i[pivot];
		i[pivot] = temp;
	/* else, if right pointer has not crossed pivot */
	else if (pivot<right) {

		/* exchange indices at pivot and right */
		temp = i[right];
		i[right--] = i[pivot];
		i[pivot] = temp;
	/* left and right pointers have now crossed; set output bounds */
	*j = right;
	*k = left;

static void
t_qkiinss (float a[], int i[], int p, int q)
quicksort insertion sort (FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY):
Sort a subarray of indices bounded by p and q so that
a[i[p]] <= a[i[p+1]] <= ... <= a[i[q]]
a		subarray[p:q] containing elements
i		subarray[p:q] containing indices to be sorted
p		lower bound of subarray; must be less than q
q		upper bound of subarray; must be greater then p

i		subarray[p:q] of indices sorted
Adapted from Sedgewick, R., 1983, Algorithms, Addison Wesley, p. 96.
Author:  Dave Hale, Colorado School of Mines, 01/13/89
	int j,k,ij;
	float aij;

	for (j=p+1; j<=q; j++) {
		for (ij=i[j],aij=a[ij],k=j; k>p && a[i[k-1]]>aij; k--)
			i[k] = i[k-1];
		i[k] = ij;

t_qkisort (int n, float a[], int i[])
Sort an array of indices i[] so that 
a[i[0]] <= a[i[1]] <= ... <= a[i[n-1]]
n		number of elements in array a
a		array[n] elements
i		array[n] indices to be sorted

i		array[n] indices sorted
n must be less than 2^T_NSTACK, where T_NSTACK is defined above.

This function is adapted from procedure quicksort by
Hoare, C.A.R., 1961, Communications of the ACM, v. 4, p. 321;
the main difference is that recursion is accomplished
explicitly via a stack array for efficiency; also, a simple
insertion sort is used to sort subarrays too small to be
partitioned efficiently.
Author:  Dave Hale, Colorado School of Mines, 01/13/89
	int pstack[T_NSTACK],qstack[T_NSTACK],j,k,p,q,top=0;

	/* initialize subarray lower and upper bounds to entire array */
	pstack[top] = 0;
	qstack[top++] = n-1;

	/* while subarrays remain to be sorted */
	while(top!=0) {

		/* get a subarray off the stack */
		p = pstack[--top];
		q = qstack[top];

		/* while subarray can be partitioned efficiently */
		while(q-p>T_NSMALL) {

			/* partition subarray into two subarrays */

			/* save larger of the two subarrays on stack */
			if (j-p<q-k) {
				pstack[top] = k;
				qstack[top++] = q;
				q = j;
			} else {
				pstack[top] = p;
				qstack[top++] = j;
				p = k;
		/* use insertion sort to finish sorting small subarray */

t_qkifind (int m, int n, float a[], int i[])
Partially sort an array of indices i[] so that the index i[m] has the
value it would have if the entire array of indices were sorted such that 
a[i[0]] <= a[i[1]] <= ... <= a[i[n-1]]
m		index of element to be found
n		number of elements in array a
a		array[n] elements
i		array[n] indices to be partially sorted

i		array[n] indices partially sorted sorted
This function is adapted from procedure find by
Hoare, C.A.R., 1961, Communications of the ACM, v. 4, p. 321.
Author:  Dave Hale, Colorado School of Mines, 01/13/89
	int j,k,p,q;

	/* initialize subarray lower and upper bounds to entire array */
	p = 0;  q = n-1;

	/* while subarray can be partitioned efficiently */
	while(q-p>T_NSMALL) {

		/* partition subarray into two subarrays */

		/* if desired value is in lower subarray, then */
		if (m<=j)
			q = j;

		/* else, if desired value is in upper subarray, then */
		else if (m>=k)
			p = k;
		/* else, desired value is between j and k */
	/* completely sort the small subarray with insertion sort */

/*#define T_NSTACK 50	 maximum sort length is 2^T_NSTACK */
/*#define T_NSMALL 7	 size of array for which insertion sort is T_FAst */
/*#define T_FM 7875	 constants used to generate random pivots */
/*#define T_FA 211	*/
/*#define T_FC 1663	*/

static void
t_qkpart (float a[], int p, int q, int *j, int *k)
quicksort partition (FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY):
Take the value x of a random element from the subarray a[p:q] of
a[0:n-1] and rearrange the elements in this subarray in such a way
that there exist integers j and k with the following properties:
  p <= j < k <= q, provided that p < q
  a[l] <= x,  for p <= l <= j
  a[l] == x,  for j < l < k
  a[l] >= x,  for k <= l <= q
Note that this effectively partitions the subarray with bounds
[p:q] into lower and upper subarrays with bounds [p:j] and [k:q].
a		array[p:q] to be rearranged
p		lower bound of subarray; must be less than q
q		upper bound of subarray; must be greater then p

a		array[p:q] rearranged
j		upper bound of lower output subarray
k		lower bound of upper output subarray
This function is adapted from procedure partition by
Hoare, C.A.R., 1961, Communications of the ACM, v. 4, p. 321.
Author:  Dave Hale, Colorado School of Mines, 01/13/89
	int pivot,left,right;
	float apivot,temp;
	static long int seed=0L;
	/* choose random pivot element between p and q, inclusive */
	seed = (seed*T_FA+T_FC)%T_FM;
	pivot = p+(q-p)*(float)seed/(float)T_FM;
	if (pivot<p) pivot = p;
	if (pivot>q) pivot = q;
	apivot = a[pivot];

	/* initialize left and right pointers and loop until break */
	for (left=p,right=q;;) {
		 * increment left pointer until either
		 * (1) an element greater than the pivot element is found, or
		 * (2) the upper bound of the input subarray is reached
		while (a[left]<=apivot && left<q) left++;
		 * decrement right pointer until either
		 * (1) an element less than the pivot element is found, or
		 * (2) the lower bound of the input subarray is reached
		while (a[right]>=apivot && right>p) right--;
		/* if left pointer is still to the left of right pointer */
		if (left<right) {
			/* exchange left and right elements */
			temp = a[left];
			a[left++] = a[right];
			a[right--] = temp;
		/* else, if pointers are equal or have crossed, break */
		else break;
	/* if left pointer has not crossed pivot */
	if (left<pivot) {

		/* exchange elements at left and pivot */
		temp = a[left];
		a[left++] = a[pivot];
		a[pivot] = temp;
	/* else, if right pointer has not crossed pivot */
	else if (pivot<right) {

		/* exchange elements at pivot and right */
		temp = a[right];
		a[right--] = a[pivot];
		a[pivot] = temp;
	/* left and right pointers have now crossed; set output bounds */
	*j = right;
	*k = left;

static void
t_qkinss (float a[], int p, int q)
quicksort insertion sort (FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY):
Sort a subarray bounded by p and q so that
a[p] <= a[p+1] <= ... <= a[q]
a		subarray[p:q] containing elements to be sorted
p		lower bound of subarray; must be less than q
q		upper bound of subarray; must be greater then p

a		subarray[p:q] sorted
Adapted from Sedgewick, R., 1983, Algorithms, Addison Wesley, p. 96.
Author:  Dave Hale, Colorado School of Mines, 01/13/89
	int i,j;
	float ai;

	for (i=p+1; i<=q; i++) {
		for (ai=a[i],j=i; j>p && a[j-1]>ai; j--)
			a[j] = a[j-1];
		a[j] = ai;

t_qksort (int n, float a[])
Sort an array such that a[0] <= a[1] <= ... <= a[n-1]
n		number of elements in array a
a		array[n] containing elements to be sorted

a		array[n] containing sorted elements
n must be less than 2^T_NSTACK, where T_NSTACK is defined above.

This function is adapted from procedure quicksort by
Hoare, C.A.R., 1961, Communications of the ACM, v. 4, p. 321;
the main difference is that recursion is accomplished
explicitly via a stack array for efficiency; also, a simple
insertion sort is used to sort subarrays too small to be
partitioned efficiently.
Author:  Dave Hale, Colorado School of Mines, 01/13/89
	int pstack[T_NSTACK],qstack[T_NSTACK],j,k,p,q,top=0;

	/* initialize subarray lower and upper bounds to entire array */
	pstack[top] = 0;
	qstack[top++] = n-1;

	/* while subarrays remain to be sorted */
	while(top!=0) {

		/* get a subarray off the stack */
		p = pstack[--top];
		q = qstack[top];

		/* while subarray can be partitioned efficiently */
		while(q-p>T_NSMALL) {

			/* partition subarray into two subarrays */

			/* save larger of the two subarrays on stack */
			if (j-p<q-k) {
				pstack[top] = k;
				qstack[top++] = q;
				q = j;
			} else {
				pstack[top] = p;
				qstack[top++] = j;
				p = k;
		/* use insertion sort to finish sorting small subarray */

t_qkfind (int m, int n, float a[])
Partially sort an array so that the element a[m] has the value it
would have if the entire array were sorted such that 
a[0] <= a[1] <= ... <= a[n-1]
m		index of element to be found
n		number of elements in array a
a		array[n] to be partially sorted

a		array[n] partially sorted
This function is adapted from procedure find by
Hoare, C.A.R., 1961, Communications of the ACM, v. 4, p. 321.
Author:  Dave Hale, Colorado School of Mines, 01/13/89
	int j,k,p,q;

	/* initialize subarray lower and upper bounds to entire array */
	p = 0;  q = n-1;

	/* while subarray can be partitioned efficiently */
	while(q-p>T_NSMALL) {

		/* partition subarray into two subarrays */

		/* if desired value is in lower subarray, then */
		if (m<=j)
			q = j;

		/* else, if desired value is in upper subarray, then */
		else if (m>=k)
			p = k;
		/* else, desired value is between j and k */
	/* completely sort the small subarray with insertion sort */






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