TensorFlow C++ Reference

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tensorflow::ops::BatchToSpaceBatchToSpace for 4-D tensors of type T.
tensorflow::ops::BatchToSpaceNDBatchToSpace for N-D tensors of type T.
tensorflow::ops::BitcastBitcasts a tensor from one type to another without copying data.
tensorflow::ops::BroadcastDynamicShapeReturn the shape of s0 op s1 with broadcast.
tensorflow::ops::BroadcastToBroadcast an array for a compatible shape.
tensorflow::ops::CheckNumericsChecks a tensor for NaN and Inf values.
tensorflow::ops::ConcatConcatenates tensors along one dimension.
tensorflow::ops::ConjugateTransposeShuffle dimensions of x according to a permutation and conjugate the result.
tensorflow::ops::DebugGradientIdentityIdentity op for gradient debugging.
tensorflow::ops::DebugGradientRefIdentityIdentity op for gradient debugging.
tensorflow::ops::DeepCopyMakes a copy of x.
tensorflow::ops::DepthToSpaceDepthToSpace for tensors of type T.
tensorflow::ops::DequantizeDequantize the 'input' tensor into a float Tensor.
tensorflow::ops::DiagReturns a diagonal tensor with a given diagonal values.
tensorflow::ops::DiagPartReturns the diagonal part of the tensor.
tensorflow::ops::EditDistanceComputes the (possibly normalized) Levenshtein Edit Distance.
tensorflow::ops::EmptyCreates a tensor with the given shape.
tensorflow::ops::EnsureShapeEnsures that the tensor's shape matches the expected shape.
tensorflow::ops::ExpandDimsInserts a dimension of 1 into a tensor's shape.
tensorflow::ops::ExtractImagePatchesExtract patches from images and put them in the "depth" output dimension.
tensorflow::ops::ExtractVolumePatchesExtract patches from input and put them in the "depth" output dimension.
tensorflow::ops::FakeQuantWithMinMaxArgsFake-quantize the 'inputs' tensor, type float to 'outputs' tensor of same type.
tensorflow::ops::FakeQuantWithMinMaxArgsGradientCompute gradients for a FakeQuantWithMinMaxArgs operation.
tensorflow::ops::FakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsFake-quantize the 'inputs' tensor of type float via global float scalars min
tensorflow::ops::FakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsGradientCompute gradients for a FakeQuantWithMinMaxVars operation.
tensorflow::ops::FakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsPerChannelFake-quantize the 'inputs' tensor of type float and one of the shapes: [d],.
tensorflow::ops::FakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsPerChannelGradientCompute gradients for a FakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsPerChanneloperation.
tensorflow::ops::FillCreates a tensor filled with a scalar value.
tensorflow::ops::GatherGather slices from params according to indices.
tensorflow::ops::GatherNdGather slices from params into a Tensor with shape specified by indices.
tensorflow::ops::GatherV2Gather slices from params axis axis according to indices.
tensorflow::ops::GuaranteeConstGives a guarantee to the TF runtime that the input tensor is a constant.
tensorflow::ops::IdentityReturn a tensor with the same shape and contents as the input tensor or value.
tensorflow::ops::IdentityNReturns a list of tensors with the same shapes and contents as the input.
tensorflow::ops::ImmutableConstReturns immutable tensor from memory region.
tensorflow::ops::InplaceAddAdds v into specified rows of x.
tensorflow::ops::InplaceSubSubtracts v into specified rows of x.
tensorflow::ops::InplaceUpdateUpdates specified rows with values in v.
tensorflow::ops::InvertPermutationComputes the inverse permutation of a tensor.
tensorflow::ops::MatrixBandPartCopy a tensor setting everything outside a central band in each innermost matrix.
tensorflow::ops::MatrixDiagReturns a batched diagonal tensor with a given batched diagonal values.
tensorflow::ops::MatrixDiagPartReturns the batched diagonal part of a batched tensor.
tensorflow::ops::MatrixSetDiagReturns a batched matrix tensor with new batched diagonal values.
tensorflow::ops::MirrorPadPads a tensor with mirrored values.
tensorflow::ops::OneHotReturns a one-hot tensor.
tensorflow::ops::OnesLikeReturns a tensor of ones with the same shape and type as x.
tensorflow::ops::QuantizedReshapePacks a list of N rank-R tensors into one rank-(R+1) tensor.
tensorflow::ops::RankReturns the rank of a tensor.
tensorflow::ops::ReshapeReshapes a tensor.
tensorflow::ops::ResourceStridedSliceAssignAssignvalue to the sliced l-value reference of ref.
tensorflow::ops::ReverseReverses specific dimensions of a tensor.
tensorflow::ops::ReverseSequenceReverses variable length slices.
tensorflow::ops::ScatterNdScatter updates into a new tensor according to indices.
tensorflow::ops::ScatterNdNonAliasingAddApplies sparse addition to input using individual values or slices.
tensorflow::ops::SetDiff1DComputes the difference between two lists of numbers or strings.
tensorflow::ops::ShapeReturns the shape of a tensor.
tensorflow::ops::ShapeNReturns shape of tensors.
tensorflow::ops::SizeReturns the size of a tensor.
tensorflow::ops::SliceReturn a slice from 'input'.
tensorflow::ops::SnapshotReturns a copy of the input tensor.
tensorflow::ops::SpaceToBatchSpaceToBatch for 4-D tensors of type T.
tensorflow::ops::SpaceToBatchNDSpaceToBatch for N-D tensors of type T.
tensorflow::ops::SpaceToDepthSpaceToDepth for tensors of type T.
tensorflow::ops::SplitSplits a tensor into num_split tensors along one dimension.
tensorflow::ops::SplitVSplits a tensor into num_split tensors along one dimension.
tensorflow::ops::SqueezeRemoves dimensions of size 1 from the shape of a tensor.
tensorflow::ops::StopGradientStops gradient computation.
tensorflow::ops::StridedSliceReturn a strided slice from input.
tensorflow::ops::StridedSliceAssignAssignvalue to the sliced l-value reference of ref.
tensorflow::ops::StridedSliceGradReturns the gradient of StridedSlice.
tensorflow::ops::TileConstructs a tensor by tiling a given tensor.
tensorflow::ops::TransposeShuffle dimensions of x according to a permutation.
tensorflow::ops::UniqueFinds unique elements in a 1-D tensor.
tensorflow::ops::UniqueV2Finds unique elements along an axis of a tensor.
tensorflow::ops::UniqueWithCountsFinds unique elements in a 1-D tensor.
tensorflow::ops::UniqueWithCountsV2Finds unique elements along an axis of a tensor.
tensorflow::ops::UnravelIndexConverts a flat index or array of flat indices into a tuple of.
tensorflow::ops::UnstackUnpacks a given dimension of a rank-R tensor into num rank-(R-1)tensors.
tensorflow::ops::WhereReturns locations of nonzero / true values in a tensor.
tensorflow::ops::ZerosLikeReturns a tensor of zeros with the same shape and type as x.



tensorflow::ops::AllCandidateSamplerGenerates labels for candidate sampling with a learned unigram distribution.
tensorflow::ops::ComputeAccidentalHitsComputes the ids of the positions in sampled_candidates that match true_labels.
tensorflow::ops::FixedUnigramCandidateSamplerGenerates labels for candidate sampling with a learned unigram distribution.
tensorflow::ops::LearnedUnigramCandidateSamplerGenerates labels for candidate sampling with a learned unigram distribution.
tensorflow::ops::LogUniformCandidateSamplerGenerates labels for candidate sampling with a log-uniform distribution.
tensorflow::ops::UniformCandidateSamplerGenerates labels for candidate sampling with a uniform distribution.



tensorflow::ops::AbortRaise a exception to abort the process when called.
tensorflow::ops::ControlTriggerDoes nothing.
tensorflow::ops::LoopCondForwards the input to the output.
tensorflow::ops::MergeForwards the value of an available tensor from inputs to output.
tensorflow::ops::NextIterationMakes its input available to the next iteration.
tensorflow::ops::RefNextIterationMakes its input available to the next iteration.
tensorflow::ops::RefSelectForwards the indexth element of inputs to output.
tensorflow::ops::RefSwitchForwards the ref tensor data to the output port determined by pred.
tensorflow::ops::SwitchForwards data to the output port determined by pred.



tensorflow::ClientSessionClientSession object lets the caller drive the evaluation of the TensorFlow graph constructed with the C++ API.
tensorflow::InputRepresents a tensor value that can be used as an operand to an Operation.
tensorflow::InputListA type for representing the input to ops that require a list of tensors.
tensorflow::OperationRepresents a node in the computation graph.
tensorflow::OutputRepresents a tensor value produced by an Operation.
tensorflow::ScopeScope object represents a set of related TensorFlow ops that have the same properties such as a common name prefix.
tensorflow::StatusDenotes success or failure of a call in Tensorflow.
tensorflow::TensorRepresents an n-dimensional array of values.



tensorflow::ops::AccumulatorApplyGradientApplies a gradient to a given accumulator.
tensorflow::ops::AccumulatorNumAccumulatedReturns the number of gradients aggregated in the given accumulators.
tensorflow::ops::AccumulatorSetGlobalStepUpdates the accumulator with a new value for global_step.
tensorflow::ops::AccumulatorTakeGradientExtracts the average gradient in the given ConditionalAccumulator.
tensorflow::ops::BarrierDefines a barrier that persists across different graph executions.
tensorflow::ops::BarrierCloseCloses the given barrier.
tensorflow::ops::BarrierIncompleteSizeComputes the number of incomplete elements in the given barrier.
tensorflow::ops::BarrierInsertManyFor each key, assigns the respective value to the specified component.
tensorflow::ops::BarrierReadySizeComputes the number of complete elements in the given barrier.
tensorflow::ops::BarrierTakeManyTakes the given number of completed elements from a barrier.
tensorflow::ops::ConditionalAccumulatorA conditional accumulator for aggregating gradients.
tensorflow::ops::DeleteSessionTensorDelete the tensor specified by its handle in the session.
tensorflow::ops::DynamicPartitionPartitions data into num_partitions tensors using indices from partitions.
tensorflow::ops::DynamicStitchInterleave the values from the data tensors into a single tensor.
tensorflow::ops::FIFOQueueA queue that produces elements in first-in first-out order.
tensorflow::ops::GetSessionHandleStore the input tensor in the state of the current session.
tensorflow::ops::GetSessionHandleV2Store the input tensor in the state of the current session.
tensorflow::ops::GetSessionTensorGet the value of the tensor specified by its handle.
tensorflow::ops::MapClearOp removes all elements in the underlying container.
tensorflow::ops::MapIncompleteSizeOp returns the number of incomplete elements in the underlying container.
tensorflow::ops::MapPeekOp peeks at the values at the specified key.
tensorflow::ops::MapSizeOp returns the number of elements in the underlying container.
tensorflow::ops::MapStageStage (key, values) in the underlying container which behaves like a hashtable.
tensorflow::ops::MapUnstageOp removes and returns the values associated with the key.
tensorflow::ops::MapUnstageNoKeyOp removes and returns a random (key, value)
tensorflow::ops::OrderedMapClearOp removes all elements in the underlying container.
tensorflow::ops::OrderedMapIncompleteSizeOp returns the number of incomplete elements in the underlying container.
tensorflow::ops::OrderedMapPeekOp peeks at the values at the specified key.
tensorflow::ops::OrderedMapSizeOp returns the number of elements in the underlying container.
tensorflow::ops::OrderedMapStageStage (key, values) in the underlying container which behaves like a ordered.
tensorflow::ops::OrderedMapUnstageOp removes and returns the values associated with the key.
tensorflow::ops::OrderedMapUnstageNoKeyOp removes and returns the (key, value) element with the smallest.
tensorflow::ops::PaddingFIFOQueueA queue that produces elements in first-in first-out order.
tensorflow::ops::ParallelDynamicStitchInterleave the values from the data tensors into a single tensor.
tensorflow::ops::PriorityQueueA queue that produces elements sorted by the first component value.
tensorflow::ops::QueueCloseCloses the given queue.
tensorflow::ops::QueueDequeueDequeues a tuple of one or more tensors from the given queue.
tensorflow::ops::QueueDequeueManyDequeues n tuples of one or more tensors from the given queue.
tensorflow::ops::QueueDequeueUpToDequeues n tuples of one or more tensors from the given queue.
tensorflow::ops::QueueEnqueueEnqueues a tuple of one or more tensors in the given queue.
tensorflow::ops::QueueEnqueueManyEnqueues zero or more tuples of one or more tensors in the given queue.
tensorflow::ops::QueueIsClosedReturns true if queue is closed.
tensorflow::ops::QueueIsClosedV2Returns true if queue is closed.
tensorflow::ops::QueueSizeComputes the number of elements in the given queue.
tensorflow::ops::RandomShuffleQueueA queue that randomizes the order of elements.
tensorflow::ops::RecordInputEmits randomized records.
tensorflow::ops::SparseAccumulatorApplyGradientApplies a sparse gradient to a given accumulator.
tensorflow::ops::SparseAccumulatorTakeGradientExtracts the average sparse gradient in a SparseConditionalAccumulator.
tensorflow::ops::SparseConditionalAccumulatorA conditional accumulator for aggregating sparse gradients.
tensorflow::ops::StageStage values similar to a lightweight Enqueue.
tensorflow::ops::StageClearOp removes all elements in the underlying container.
tensorflow::ops::StagePeekOp peeks at the values at the specified index.
tensorflow::ops::StageSizeOp returns the number of elements in the underlying container.
tensorflow::ops::TensorArrayAn array of Tensors of given size.
tensorflow::ops::TensorArrayCloseDelete the TensorArray from its resource container.
tensorflow::ops::TensorArrayConcatConcat the elements from the TensorArray into value value.
tensorflow::ops::TensorArrayGatherGather specific elements from the TensorArray into output value.
tensorflow::ops::TensorArrayGradCreates a TensorArray for storing the gradients of values in the given handle.
tensorflow::ops::TensorArrayGradWithShapeCreates a TensorArray for storing multiple gradients of values in the given handle.
tensorflow::ops::TensorArrayReadRead an element from the TensorArray into output value.
tensorflow::ops::TensorArrayScatterScatter the data from the input value into specific TensorArray elements.
tensorflow::ops::TensorArraySizeGet the current size of the TensorArray.
tensorflow::ops::TensorArraySplitSplit the data from the input value into TensorArray elements.
tensorflow::ops::TensorArrayWritePush an element onto the tensor_array.
tensorflow::ops::UnstageOp is similar to a lightweight Dequeue.



tensorflow::ops::AdjustContrastAdjust the contrast of one or more images.
tensorflow::ops::AdjustHueAdjust the hue of one or more images.
tensorflow::ops::AdjustSaturationAdjust the saturation of one or more images.
tensorflow::ops::CropAndResizeExtracts crops from the input image tensor and resizes them.
tensorflow::ops::CropAndResizeGradBoxesComputes the gradient of the crop_and_resize op wrt the input boxes tensor.
tensorflow::ops::CropAndResizeGradImageComputes the gradient of the crop_and_resize op wrt the input image tensor.
tensorflow::ops::DecodeAndCropJpegDecode and Crop a JPEG-encoded image to a uint8 tensor.
tensorflow::ops::DecodeBmpDecode the first frame of a BMP-encoded image to a uint8 tensor.
tensorflow::ops::DecodeGifDecode the first frame of a GIF-encoded image to a uint8 tensor.
tensorflow::ops::DecodeJpegDecode a JPEG-encoded image to a uint8 tensor.
tensorflow::ops::DecodePngDecode a PNG-encoded image to a uint8 or uint16 tensor.
tensorflow::ops::DrawBoundingBoxesDraw bounding boxes on a batch of images.
tensorflow::ops::EncodeJpegJPEG-encode an image.
tensorflow::ops::EncodePngPNG-encode an image.
tensorflow::ops::ExtractGlimpseExtracts a glimpse from the input tensor.
tensorflow::ops::ExtractJpegShapeExtract the shape information of a JPEG-encoded image.
tensorflow::ops::HSVToRGBConvert one or more images from HSV to RGB.
tensorflow::ops::NonMaxSuppressionGreedily selects a subset of bounding boxes in descending order of score,.
tensorflow::ops::NonMaxSuppressionV2Greedily selects a subset of bounding boxes in descending order of score,.
tensorflow::ops::NonMaxSuppressionV3Greedily selects a subset of bounding boxes in descending order of score,.
tensorflow::ops::NonMaxSuppressionV4Greedily selects a subset of bounding boxes in descending order of score,.
tensorflow::ops::NonMaxSuppressionWithOverlapsGreedily selects a subset of bounding boxes in descending order of score,.
tensorflow::ops::QuantizedResizeBilinearResize quantized images to size using quantized bilinear interpolation.
tensorflow::ops::RGBToHSVConverts one or more images from RGB to HSV.
tensorflow::ops::ResizeAreaResize images to size using area interpolation.
tensorflow::ops::ResizeBicubicResize images to size using bicubic interpolation.
tensorflow::ops::ResizeBilinearResize images to size using bilinear interpolation.
tensorflow::ops::ResizeNearestNeighborResize images to size using nearest neighbor interpolation.
tensorflow::ops::SampleDistortedBoundingBoxGenerate a single randomly distorted bounding box for an image.
tensorflow::ops::SampleDistortedBoundingBoxV2Generate a single randomly distorted bounding box for an image.



tensorflow::ops::FixedLengthRecordReaderA Reader that outputs fixed-length records from a file.
tensorflow::ops::IdentityReaderA Reader that outputs the queued work as both the key and value.
tensorflow::ops::LMDBReaderA Reader that outputs the records from a LMDB file.
tensorflow::ops::MatchingFilesReturns the set of files matching one or more glob patterns.
tensorflow::ops::MergeV2CheckpointsV2 format specific: merges the metadata files of sharded checkpoints.
tensorflow::ops::ReadFileReads and outputs the entire contents of the input filename.
tensorflow::ops::ReaderNumRecordsProducedReturns the number of records this Reader has produced.
tensorflow::ops::ReaderNumWorkUnitsCompletedReturns the number of work units this Reader has finished processing.
tensorflow::ops::ReaderReadReturns the next record (key, value pair) produced by a Reader.
tensorflow::ops::ReaderReadUpToReturns up to num_records (key, value) pairs produced by a Reader.
tensorflow::ops::ReaderResetRestore a Reader to its initial clean state.
tensorflow::ops::ReaderRestoreStateRestore a reader to a previously saved state.
tensorflow::ops::ReaderSerializeStateProduce a string tensor that encodes the state of a Reader.
tensorflow::ops::RestoreRestores a tensor from checkpoint files.
tensorflow::ops::RestoreSliceRestores a tensor from checkpoint files.
tensorflow::ops::RestoreV2Restores tensors from a V2 checkpoint.
tensorflow::ops::SaveSaves the input tensors to disk.
tensorflow::ops::SaveSlicesSaves input tensors slices to disk.
tensorflow::ops::SaveV2Saves tensors in V2 checkpoint format.
tensorflow::ops::ShardedFilenameGenerate a sharded filename.
tensorflow::ops::ShardedFilespecGenerate a glob pattern matching all sharded file names.
tensorflow::ops::TFRecordReaderA Reader that outputs the records from a TensorFlow Records file.
tensorflow::ops::TextLineReaderA Reader that outputs the lines of a file delimited by '
tensorflow::ops::WholeFileReaderA Reader that outputs the entire contents of a file as a value.
tensorflow::ops::WriteFileWrites contents to the file at input filename.



tensorflow::ops::AssertAsserts that the given condition is true.
tensorflow::ops::HistogramSummaryOutputs a Summary protocol buffer with a histogram.
tensorflow::ops::MergeSummaryMerges summaries.
tensorflow::ops::PrintPrints a list of tensors.
tensorflow::ops::PrintV2Prints a string scalar.
tensorflow::ops::ScalarSummaryOutputs a Summary protocol buffer with scalar values.
tensorflow::ops::TensorSummaryOutputs a Summary protocol buffer with a tensor.
tensorflow::ops::TensorSummaryV2Outputs a Summary protocol buffer with a tensor and per-plugin data.
tensorflow::ops::TimestampProvides the time since epoch in seconds.



tensorflow::ops::AbsComputes the absolute value of a tensor.
tensorflow::ops::AccumulateNV2Returns the element-wise sum of a list of tensors.
tensorflow::ops::AcosComputes acos of x element-wise.
tensorflow::ops::AcoshComputes inverse hyperbolic cosine of x element-wise.
tensorflow::ops::AddReturns x + y element-wise.
tensorflow::ops::AddNAdd all input tensors element wise.
tensorflow::ops::AddV2Returns x + y element-wise.
tensorflow::ops::AllComputes the "logical and" of elements across dimensions of a tensor.
tensorflow::ops::AngleReturns the argument of a complex number.
tensorflow::ops::AnyComputes the "logical or" of elements across dimensions of a tensor.
tensorflow::ops::ApproximateEqualReturns the truth value of abs(x-y) < tolerance element-wise.
tensorflow::ops::ArgMaxReturns the index with the largest value across dimensions of a tensor.
tensorflow::ops::ArgMinReturns the index with the smallest value across dimensions of a tensor.
tensorflow::ops::AsinComputes asin of x element-wise.
tensorflow::ops::AsinhComputes inverse hyperbolic sine of x element-wise.
tensorflow::ops::AtanComputes atan of x element-wise.
tensorflow::ops::Atan2Computes arctangent of y/x element-wise, respecting signs of the arguments.
tensorflow::ops::AtanhComputes inverse hyperbolic tangent of x element-wise.
tensorflow::ops::BatchMatMulMultiplies slices of two tensors in batches.
tensorflow::ops::BesselI0eComputes the Bessel i0e function of x element-wise.
tensorflow::ops::BesselI1eComputes the Bessel i1e function of x element-wise.
tensorflow::ops::BetaincCompute the regularized incomplete beta integral \(I_x(a, b)\).
tensorflow::ops::BincountCounts the number of occurrences of each value in an integer array.
tensorflow::ops::BucketizeBucketizes 'input' based on 'boundaries'.
tensorflow::ops::CastCast x of type SrcT to y of DstT.
tensorflow::ops::CeilReturns element-wise smallest integer not less than x.
tensorflow::ops::ClipByValueClips tensor values to a specified min and max.
tensorflow::ops::CompareAndBitpackCompare values of input to threshold and pack resulting bits into a uint8.
tensorflow::ops::ComplexConverts two real numbers to a complex number.
tensorflow::ops::ComplexAbsComputes the complex absolute value of a tensor.
tensorflow::ops::ConjReturns the complex conjugate of a complex number.
tensorflow::ops::CosComputes cos of x element-wise.
tensorflow::ops::CoshComputes hyperbolic cosine of x element-wise.
tensorflow::ops::CrossCompute the pairwise cross product.
tensorflow::ops::CumprodCompute the cumulative product of the tensor x along axis.
tensorflow::ops::CumsumCompute the cumulative sum of the tensor x along axis.
tensorflow::ops::DigammaComputes Psi, the derivative of Lgamma (the log of the absolute value of.
tensorflow::ops::DivReturns x / y element-wise.
tensorflow::ops::DivNoNanReturns 0 if the denominator is zero.
tensorflow::ops::EqualReturns the truth value of (x == y) element-wise.
tensorflow::ops::ErfComputes the Gauss error function of x element-wise.
tensorflow::ops::ErfcComputes the complementary error function of x element-wise.
tensorflow::ops::ExpComputes exponential of x element-wise.
tensorflow::ops::Expm1Computes exponential of x - 1 element-wise.
tensorflow::ops::FloorReturns element-wise largest integer not greater than x.
tensorflow::ops::FloorDivReturns x // y element-wise.
tensorflow::ops::FloorModReturns element-wise remainder of division.
tensorflow::ops::GreaterReturns the truth value of (x > y) element-wise.
tensorflow::ops::GreaterEqualReturns the truth value of (x >= y) element-wise.
tensorflow::ops::HistogramFixedWidthReturn histogram of values.
tensorflow::ops::IgammaCompute the lower regularized incomplete Gamma function P(a, x).
tensorflow::ops::IgammacCompute the upper regularized incomplete Gamma function Q(a, x).
tensorflow::ops::ImagReturns the imaginary part of a complex number.
tensorflow::ops::InvComputes the reciprocal of x element-wise.
tensorflow::ops::IsFiniteReturns which elements of x are finite.
tensorflow::ops::IsInfReturns which elements of x are Inf.
tensorflow::ops::IsNanReturns which elements of x are NaN.
tensorflow::ops::LessReturns the truth value of (x < y) element-wise.
tensorflow::ops::LessEqualReturns the truth value of (x <= y) element-wise.
tensorflow::ops::LgammaComputes the log of the absolute value of Gamma(x) element-wise.
tensorflow::ops::LinSpaceGenerates values in an interval.
tensorflow::ops::LogComputes natural logarithm of x element-wise.
tensorflow::ops::Log1pComputes natural logarithm of (1 + x) element-wise.
tensorflow::ops::LogicalAndReturns the truth value of x AND y element-wise.
tensorflow::ops::LogicalNotReturns the truth value of NOT x element-wise.
tensorflow::ops::LogicalOrReturns the truth value of x OR y element-wise.
tensorflow::ops::MatMulMultiply the matrix "a" by the matrix "b".
tensorflow::ops::MaxComputes the maximum of elements across dimensions of a tensor.
tensorflow::ops::MaximumReturns the max of x and y (i.e.
tensorflow::ops::MeanComputes the mean of elements across dimensions of a tensor.
tensorflow::ops::MinComputes the minimum of elements across dimensions of a tensor.
tensorflow::ops::MinimumReturns the min of x and y (i.e.
tensorflow::ops::ModReturns element-wise remainder of division.
tensorflow::ops::MultiplyReturns x * y element-wise.
tensorflow::ops::NegateComputes numerical negative value element-wise.
tensorflow::ops::NotEqualReturns the truth value of (x != y) element-wise.
tensorflow::ops::PolygammaCompute the polygamma function \(^{(n)}(x)\).
tensorflow::ops::PowComputes the power of one value to another.
tensorflow::ops::ProdComputes the product of elements across dimensions of a tensor.
tensorflow::ops::QuantizeDownAndShrinkRangeConvert the quantized 'input' tensor into a lower-precision 'output', using the.
tensorflow::ops::QuantizedAddReturns x + y element-wise, working on quantized buffers.
tensorflow::ops::QuantizedMatMulPerform a quantized matrix multiplication of a by the matrix b.
tensorflow::ops::QuantizedMulReturns x * y element-wise, working on quantized buffers.
tensorflow::ops::RangeCreates a sequence of numbers.
tensorflow::ops::RealReturns the real part of a complex number.
tensorflow::ops::RealDivReturns x / y element-wise for real types.
tensorflow::ops::ReciprocalComputes the reciprocal of x element-wise.
tensorflow::ops::RequantizationRangeGiven a quantized tensor described by (input, input_min, input_max), outputs a.
tensorflow::ops::RequantizeConvert the quantized 'input' tensor into a lower-precision 'output', using the.
tensorflow::ops::RintReturns element-wise integer closest to x.
tensorflow::ops::RoundRounds the values of a tensor to the nearest integer, element-wise.
tensorflow::ops::RsqrtComputes reciprocal of square root of x element-wise.
tensorflow::ops::SegmentMaxComputes the maximum along segments of a tensor.
tensorflow::ops::SegmentMeanComputes the mean along segments of a tensor.
tensorflow::ops::SegmentMinComputes the minimum along segments of a tensor.
tensorflow::ops::SegmentProdComputes the product along segments of a tensor.
tensorflow::ops::SegmentSumComputes the sum along segments of a tensor.
tensorflow::ops::SigmoidComputes sigmoid of x element-wise.
tensorflow::ops::SignReturns an element-wise indication of the sign of a number.
tensorflow::ops::SinComputes sin of x element-wise.
tensorflow::ops::SinhComputes hyperbolic sine of x element-wise.
tensorflow::ops::SparseMatMulMultiply matrix "a" by matrix "b".
tensorflow::ops::SparseSegmentMeanComputes the mean along sparse segments of a tensor.
tensorflow::ops::SparseSegmentMeanGradComputes gradients for SparseSegmentMean.
tensorflow::ops::SparseSegmentMeanWithNumSegmentsComputes the mean along sparse segments of a tensor.
tensorflow::ops::SparseSegmentSqrtNComputes the sum along sparse segments of a tensor divided by the sqrt of N.
tensorflow::ops::SparseSegmentSqrtNGradComputes gradients for SparseSegmentSqrtN.
tensorflow::ops::SparseSegmentSqrtNWithNumSegmentsComputes the sum along sparse segments of a tensor divided by the sqrt of N.
tensorflow::ops::SparseSegmentSumComputes the sum along sparse segments of a tensor.
tensorflow::ops::SparseSegmentSumWithNumSegmentsComputes the sum along sparse segments of a tensor.
tensorflow::ops::SqrtComputes square root of x element-wise.
tensorflow::ops::SquareComputes square of x element-wise.
tensorflow::ops::SquaredDifferenceReturns (x - y)(x - y) element-wise.
tensorflow::ops::SubtractReturns x - y element-wise.
tensorflow::ops::SumComputes the sum of elements across dimensions of a tensor.
tensorflow::ops::TanComputes tan of x element-wise.
tensorflow::ops::TanhComputes hyperbolic tangent of x element-wise.
tensorflow::ops::TruncateDivReturns x / y element-wise for integer types.
tensorflow::ops::TruncateModReturns element-wise remainder of division.
tensorflow::ops::UnsortedSegmentMaxComputes the maximum along segments of a tensor.
tensorflow::ops::UnsortedSegmentMinComputes the minimum along segments of a tensor.
tensorflow::ops::UnsortedSegmentProdComputes the product along segments of a tensor.
tensorflow::ops::UnsortedSegmentSumComputes the sum along segments of a tensor.
tensorflow::ops::Where3Selects elements from x or y, depending on condition.
tensorflow::ops::XdivyReturns 0 if x == 0, and x / y otherwise, elementwise.
tensorflow::ops::XlogyReturns 0 if x == 0, and x * log(y) otherwise, elementwise.
tensorflow::ops::ZetaCompute the Hurwitz zeta function \((x, q)\).



tensorflow::ops::AvgPoolPerforms average pooling on the input.
tensorflow::ops::AvgPool3DPerforms 3D average pooling on the input.
tensorflow::ops::AvgPool3DGradComputes gradients of average pooling function.
tensorflow::ops::BiasAddAdds bias to value.
tensorflow::ops::BiasAddGradThe backward operation for "BiasAdd" on the "bias" tensor.
tensorflow::ops::Conv2DComputes a 2-D convolution given 4-D input and filter tensors.
tensorflow::ops::Conv2DBackpropFilterComputes the gradients of convolution with respect to the filter.
tensorflow::ops::Conv2DBackpropInputComputes the gradients of convolution with respect to the input.
tensorflow::ops::Conv3DComputes a 3-D convolution given 5-D input and filter tensors.
tensorflow::ops::Conv3DBackpropFilterV2Computes the gradients of 3-D convolution with respect to the filter.
tensorflow::ops::Conv3DBackpropInputV2Computes the gradients of 3-D convolution with respect to the input.
tensorflow::ops::DataFormatDimMapReturns the dimension index in the destination data format given the one in.
tensorflow::ops::DataFormatVecPermuteReturns the permuted vector/tensor in the destination data format given the.
tensorflow::ops::DepthwiseConv2dNativeComputes a 2-D depthwise convolution given 4-D input and filtertensors.
tensorflow::ops::DepthwiseConv2dNativeBackpropFilterComputes the gradients of depthwise convolution with respect to the filter.
tensorflow::ops::DepthwiseConv2dNativeBackpropInputComputes the gradients of depthwise convolution with respect to the input.
tensorflow::ops::Dilation2DComputes the grayscale dilation of 4-D input and 3-D filtertensors.
tensorflow::ops::Dilation2DBackpropFilterComputes the gradient of morphological 2-D dilation with respect to the filter.
tensorflow::ops::Dilation2DBackpropInputComputes the gradient of morphological 2-D dilation with respect to the input.
tensorflow::ops::EluComputes exponential linear: exp(features) - 1 if < 0, features otherwise.
tensorflow::ops::FractionalAvgPoolPerforms fractional average pooling on the input.
tensorflow::ops::FractionalMaxPoolPerforms fractional max pooling on the input.
tensorflow::ops::FusedBatchNormBatch normalization.
tensorflow::ops::FusedBatchNormGradGradient for batch normalization.
tensorflow::ops::FusedBatchNormGradV2Gradient for batch normalization.
tensorflow::ops::FusedBatchNormV2Batch normalization.
tensorflow::ops::FusedPadConv2DPerforms a padding as a preprocess during a convolution.
tensorflow::ops::FusedResizeAndPadConv2DPerforms a resize and padding as a preprocess during a convolution.
tensorflow::ops::InTopKSays whether the targets are in the top K predictions.
tensorflow::ops::InTopKV2Says whether the targets are in the top K predictions.
tensorflow::ops::L2LossL2 Loss.
tensorflow::ops::LRNLocal Response Normalization.
tensorflow::ops::LogSoftmaxComputes log softmax activations.
tensorflow::ops::MaxPoolPerforms max pooling on the input.
tensorflow::ops::MaxPool3DPerforms 3D max pooling on the input.
tensorflow::ops::MaxPool3DGradComputes gradients of max pooling function.
tensorflow::ops::MaxPool3DGradGradComputes second-order gradients of the maxpooling function.
tensorflow::ops::MaxPoolGradGradComputes second-order gradients of the maxpooling function.
tensorflow::ops::MaxPoolGradGradV2Computes second-order gradients of the maxpooling function.
tensorflow::ops::MaxPoolGradGradWithArgmaxComputes second-order gradients of the maxpooling function.
tensorflow::ops::MaxPoolGradV2Computes gradients of the maxpooling function.
tensorflow::ops::MaxPoolV2Performs max pooling on the input.
tensorflow::ops::MaxPoolWithArgmaxPerforms max pooling on the input and outputs both max values and indices.
tensorflow::ops::NthElementFinds values of the n-th order statistic for the last dimension.
tensorflow::ops::QuantizedAvgPoolProduces the average pool of the input tensor for quantized types.
tensorflow::ops::QuantizedBatchNormWithGlobalNormalizationQuantized Batch normalization.
tensorflow::ops::QuantizedBiasAddAdds Tensor 'bias' to Tensor 'input' for Quantized types.
tensorflow::ops::QuantizedConv2DComputes a 2D convolution given quantized 4D input and filter tensors.
tensorflow::ops::QuantizedMaxPoolProduces the max pool of the input tensor for quantized types.
tensorflow::ops::QuantizedReluComputes Quantized Rectified Linear: max(features, 0)
tensorflow::ops::QuantizedRelu6Computes Quantized Rectified Linear 6: min(max(features, 0), 6)
tensorflow::ops::QuantizedReluXComputes Quantized Rectified Linear X: min(max(features, 0), max_value)
tensorflow::ops::ReluComputes rectified linear: max(features, 0).
tensorflow::ops::Relu6Computes rectified linear 6: min(max(features, 0), 6).
tensorflow::ops::SeluComputes scaled exponential linear: scale * alpha * (exp(features) - 1)
tensorflow::ops::SoftmaxComputes softmax activations.
tensorflow::ops::SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogitsComputes softmax cross entropy cost and gradients to backpropagate.
tensorflow::ops::SoftplusComputes softplus: log(exp(features) + 1).
tensorflow::ops::SoftsignComputes softsign: features / (abs(features) + 1).
tensorflow::ops::SparseSoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogitsComputes softmax cross entropy cost and gradients to backpropagate.
tensorflow::ops::TopKFinds values and indices of the k largest elements for the last dimension.



tensorflow::ops::NoOpDoes nothing.



tensorflow::ops::DecodeCSVConvert CSV records to tensors.
tensorflow::ops::DecodeCompressedDecompress strings.
tensorflow::ops::DecodeJSONExampleConvert JSON-encoded Example records to binary protocol buffer strings.
tensorflow::ops::DecodeRawReinterpret the bytes of a string as a vector of numbers.
tensorflow::ops::ParseExampleTransforms a vector of brain.Example protos (as strings) into typed tensors.
tensorflow::ops::ParseSequenceExampleTransforms a vector of brain.SequenceExample protos (as strings) into typed tensors.
tensorflow::ops::ParseSingleExampleTransforms a tf.Example proto (as a string) into typed tensors.
tensorflow::ops::ParseSingleSequenceExampleTransforms a scalar brain.SequenceExample proto (as strings) into typed tensors.
tensorflow::ops::ParseTensorTransforms a serialized tensorflow.TensorProto proto into a Tensor.
tensorflow::ops::SerializeTensorTransforms a Tensor into a serialized TensorProto proto.
tensorflow::ops::StringToNumberConverts each string in the input Tensor to the specified numeric type.



tensorflow::ops::MultinomialDraws samples from a multinomial distribution.
tensorflow::ops::ParameterizedTruncatedNormalOutputs random values from a normal distribution.
tensorflow::ops::RandomGammaOutputs random values from the Gamma distribution(s) described by alpha.
tensorflow::ops::RandomNormalOutputs random values from a normal distribution.
tensorflow::ops::RandomPoissonV2Outputs random values from the Poisson distribution(s) described by rate.
tensorflow::ops::RandomShuffleRandomly shuffles a tensor along its first dimension.
tensorflow::ops::RandomUniformOutputs random values from a uniform distribution.
tensorflow::ops::RandomUniformIntOutputs random integers from a uniform distribution.
tensorflow::ops::TruncatedNormalOutputs random values from a truncated normal distribution.



tensorflow::ops::AddManySparseToTensorsMapAdd an N-minibatch SparseTensor to a SparseTensorsMap, return N handles.
tensorflow::ops::AddSparseToTensorsMapAdd a SparseTensor to a SparseTensorsMap return its handle.
tensorflow::ops::DeserializeManySparseDeserialize and concatenate SparseTensors from a serialized minibatch.
tensorflow::ops::DeserializeSparseDeserialize SparseTensor objects.
tensorflow::ops::SerializeManySparseSerialize an N-minibatch SparseTensor into an [N, 3]Tensor object.
tensorflow::ops::SerializeSparseSerialize a SparseTensor into a [3]Tensor object.
tensorflow::ops::SparseAddAdds two SparseTensor objects to produce another SparseTensor.
tensorflow::ops::SparseAddGradThe gradient operator for the SparseAdd op.
tensorflow::ops::SparseConcatConcatenates a list of SparseTensor along the specified dimension.
tensorflow::ops::SparseCrossGenerates sparse cross from a list of sparse and dense tensors.
tensorflow::ops::SparseDenseCwiseAddAdds up a SparseTensor and a dense Tensor, using these special rules:
tensorflow::ops::SparseDenseCwiseDivComponent-wise divides a SparseTensor by a dense Tensor.
tensorflow::ops::SparseDenseCwiseMulComponent-wise multiplies a SparseTensor by a dense Tensor.
tensorflow::ops::SparseFillEmptyRowsFills empty rows in the input 2-D SparseTensor with a default value.
tensorflow::ops::SparseFillEmptyRowsGradThe gradient of SparseFillEmptyRows.
tensorflow::ops::SparseReduceMaxComputes the max of elements across dimensions of a SparseTensor.
tensorflow::ops::SparseReduceMaxSparseComputes the max of elements across dimensions of a SparseTensor.
tensorflow::ops::SparseReduceSumComputes the sum of elements across dimensions of a SparseTensor.
tensorflow::ops::SparseReduceSumSparseComputes the sum of elements across dimensions of a SparseTensor.
tensorflow::ops::SparseReorderReorders a SparseTensor into the canonical, row-major ordering.
tensorflow::ops::SparseReshapeReshapes a SparseTensor to represent values in a new dense shape.
tensorflow::ops::SparseSliceSlice a SparseTensor based on the start and size.
tensorflow::ops::SparseSliceGradThe gradient operator for the SparseSlice op.
tensorflow::ops::SparseSoftmaxApplies softmax to a batched N-D SparseTensor.
tensorflow::ops::SparseSparseMaximumReturns the element-wise max of two SparseTensors.
tensorflow::ops::SparseSparseMinimumReturns the element-wise min of two SparseTensors.
tensorflow::ops::SparseSplitSplit a SparseTensor into num_split tensors along one dimension.
tensorflow::ops::SparseTensorDenseAddAdds up a SparseTensor and a dense Tensor, producing a dense Tensor.
tensorflow::ops::SparseTensorDenseMatMulMultiply SparseTensor (of rank 2) "A" by dense matrix "B".
tensorflow::ops::TakeManySparseFromTensorsMapConverts a sparse representation into a dense tensor.



tensorflow::ops::AssignUpdate 'ref' by assigning 'value' to it.
tensorflow::ops::AssignAddUpdate 'ref' by adding 'value' to it.
tensorflow::ops::AssignSubUpdate 'ref' by subtracting 'value' from it.
tensorflow::ops::CountUpToIncrements 'ref' until it reaches 'limit'.
tensorflow::ops::DestroyTemporaryVariableDestroys the temporary variable and returns its final value.
tensorflow::ops::IsVariableInitializedChecks whether a tensor has been initialized.
tensorflow::ops::ResourceCountUpToIncrements variable pointed to by 'resource' until it reaches 'limit'.
tensorflow::ops::ResourceScatterNdAddAdds sparse updates to individual values or slices within a given.
tensorflow::ops::ResourceScatterNdUpdateApplies sparse updates to individual values or slices within a given.
tensorflow::ops::ScatterAddAdds sparse updates to a variable reference.
tensorflow::ops::ScatterDivDivides a variable reference by sparse updates.
tensorflow::ops::ScatterMaxReduces sparse updates into a variable reference using the max operation.
tensorflow::ops::ScatterMinReduces sparse updates into a variable reference using the min operation.
tensorflow::ops::ScatterMulMultiplies sparse updates into a variable reference.
tensorflow::ops::ScatterNdAddApplies sparse addition between updates and individual values or slices.
tensorflow::ops::ScatterNdSubApplies sparse subtraction between updates and individual values or slices.
tensorflow::ops::ScatterNdUpdateApplies sparse updates to individual values or slices within a given.
tensorflow::ops::ScatterSubSubtracts sparse updates to a variable reference.
tensorflow::ops::ScatterUpdateApplies sparse updates to a variable reference.
tensorflow::ops::TemporaryVariableReturns a tensor that may be mutated, but only persists within a single step.
tensorflow::ops::VariableHolds state in the form of a tensor that persists across steps.



tensorflow::ops::AsStringConverts each entry in the given tensor to strings.
tensorflow::ops::DecodeBase64Decode web-safe base64-encoded strings.
tensorflow::ops::EncodeBase64Encode strings into web-safe base64 format.
tensorflow::ops::ReduceJoinJoins a string Tensor across the given dimensions.
tensorflow::ops::RegexFullMatchCheck if the input matches the regex pattern.
tensorflow::ops::RegexReplaceReplaces the match of pattern in input with rewrite.
tensorflow::ops::StringFormatFormats a string template using a list of tensors.
tensorflow::ops::StringJoinJoins the strings in the given list of string tensors into one tensor;.
tensorflow::ops::StringLengthString lengths of input.
tensorflow::ops::StringSplitSplit elements of input based on delimiter into a SparseTensor.
tensorflow::ops::StringSplitV2Split elements of source based on sep into a SparseTensor.
tensorflow::ops::StringStripStrip leading and trailing whitespaces from the Tensor.
tensorflow::ops::StringToHashBucketConverts each string in the input Tensor to its hash mod by a number of buckets.
tensorflow::ops::StringToHashBucketFastConverts each string in the input Tensor to its hash mod by a number of buckets.
tensorflow::ops::StringToHashBucketStrongConverts each string in the input Tensor to its hash mod by a number of buckets.
tensorflow::ops::SubstrReturn substrings from Tensor of strings.
tensorflow::ops::UnicodeScriptDetermine the script codes of a given tensor of Unicode integer code points.



tensorflow::ops::ApplyAdadeltaUpdate '*var' according to the adadelta scheme.
tensorflow::ops::ApplyAdagradUpdate '*var' according to the adagrad scheme.
tensorflow::ops::ApplyAdagradDAUpdate '*var' according to the proximal adagrad scheme.
tensorflow::ops::ApplyAdamUpdate '*var' according to the Adam algorithm.
tensorflow::ops::ApplyAddSignUpdate '*var' according to the AddSign update.
tensorflow::ops::ApplyCenteredRMSPropUpdate '*var' according to the centered RMSProp algorithm.
tensorflow::ops::ApplyFtrlUpdate '*var' according to the Ftrl-proximal scheme.
tensorflow::ops::ApplyFtrlV2Update '*var' according to the Ftrl-proximal scheme.
tensorflow::ops::ApplyGradientDescentUpdate '*var' by subtracting 'alpha' * 'delta' from it.
tensorflow::ops::ApplyMomentumUpdate '*var' according to the momentum scheme.
tensorflow::ops::ApplyPowerSignUpdate '*var' according to the AddSign update.
tensorflow::ops::ApplyProximalAdagradUpdate '*var' and '*accum' according to FOBOS with Adagrad learning rate.
tensorflow::ops::ApplyProximalGradientDescentUpdate '*var' as FOBOS algorithm with fixed learning rate.
tensorflow::ops::ApplyRMSPropUpdate '*var' according to the RMSProp algorithm.
tensorflow::ops::ResourceApplyAdadeltaUpdate '*var' according to the adadelta scheme.
tensorflow::ops::ResourceApplyAdagradUpdate '*var' according to the adagrad scheme.
tensorflow::ops::ResourceApplyAdagradDAUpdate '*var' according to the proximal adagrad scheme.
tensorflow::ops::ResourceApplyAdamUpdate '*var' according to the Adam algorithm.
tensorflow::ops::ResourceApplyAddSignUpdate '*var' according to the AddSign update.
tensorflow::ops::ResourceApplyCenteredRMSPropUpdate '*var' according to the centered RMSProp algorithm.
tensorflow::ops::ResourceApplyFtrlUpdate '*var' according to the Ftrl-proximal scheme.
tensorflow::ops::ResourceApplyFtrlV2Update '*var' according to the Ftrl-proximal scheme.
tensorflow::ops::ResourceApplyGradientDescentUpdate '*var' by subtracting 'alpha' * 'delta' from it.
tensorflow::ops::ResourceApplyMomentumUpdate '*var' according to the momentum scheme.
tensorflow::ops::ResourceApplyPowerSignUpdate '*var' according to the AddSign update.
tensorflow::ops::ResourceApplyProximalAdagradUpdate '*var' and '*accum' according to FOBOS with Adagrad learning rate.
tensorflow::ops::ResourceApplyProximalGradientDescentUpdate '*var' as FOBOS algorithm with fixed learning rate.
tensorflow::ops::ResourceApplyRMSPropUpdate '*var' according to the RMSProp algorithm.
tensorflow::ops::ResourceSparseApplyAdadeltavar: Should be from a Variable().
tensorflow::ops::ResourceSparseApplyAdagradUpdate relevant entries in '*var' and '*accum' according to the adagrad scheme.
tensorflow::ops::ResourceSparseApplyAdagradDAUpdate entries in '*var' and '*accum' according to the proximal adagrad scheme.
tensorflow::ops::ResourceSparseApplyCenteredRMSPropUpdate '*var' according to the centered RMSProp algorithm.
tensorflow::ops::ResourceSparseApplyFtrlUpdate relevant entries in '*var' according to the Ftrl-proximal scheme.
tensorflow::ops::ResourceSparseApplyFtrlV2Update relevant entries in '*var' according to the Ftrl-proximal scheme.
tensorflow::ops::ResourceSparseApplyMomentumUpdate relevant entries in '*var' and '*accum' according to the momentum scheme.
tensorflow::ops::ResourceSparseApplyProximalAdagradSparse update entries in '*var' and '*accum' according to FOBOS algorithm.
tensorflow::ops::ResourceSparseApplyProximalGradientDescentSparse update '*var' as FOBOS algorithm with fixed learning rate.
tensorflow::ops::ResourceSparseApplyRMSPropUpdate '*var' according to the RMSProp algorithm.
tensorflow::ops::SparseApplyAdadeltavar: Should be from a Variable().
tensorflow::ops::SparseApplyAdagradUpdate relevant entries in '*var' and '*accum' according to the adagrad scheme.
tensorflow::ops::SparseApplyAdagradDAUpdate entries in '*var' and '*accum' according to the proximal adagrad scheme.
tensorflow::ops::SparseApplyCenteredRMSPropUpdate '*var' according to the centered RMSProp algorithm.
tensorflow::ops::SparseApplyFtrlUpdate relevant entries in '*var' according to the Ftrl-proximal scheme.
tensorflow::ops::SparseApplyFtrlV2Update relevant entries in '*var' according to the Ftrl-proximal scheme.
tensorflow::ops::SparseApplyMomentumUpdate relevant entries in '*var' and '*accum' according to the momentum scheme.
tensorflow::ops::SparseApplyProximalAdagradSparse update entries in '*var' and '*accum' according to FOBOS algorithm.
tensorflow::ops::SparseApplyProximalGradientDescentSparse update '*var' as FOBOS algorithm with fixed learning rate.
tensorflow::ops::SparseApplyRMSPropUpdate '*var' according to the RMSProp algorithm.



tensorflow::ops::FactOutput a fact about factorials.


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