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Fundamentals of Computer Graphics With Java

These notes represent an attempt to develop a new computer graphics course at the advanced undergraduate level. The primary goal, as in any such course, is to cover the fundamental concepts of computer graphics, and the concentration is on graphics in three dimensions. However, computer graphics has become a huge and complex field, and the typical textbook in the field covers much more material than can reasonably fit into a one-semester undergraduate course. Furthermore, the selection of topics can easily bury what should be an exciting and applicable subject under a pile of detailed algorithms and equations. These details are the basis of computer graphics, but they are to a large extent built into graphics systems. While practitioners should be aware of this basic material in a general way, there are other things that are more important for students on an introductory level to learn. These notes were written over the course of the Spring semester, 2010. More information can be found on the web page for the course at http://math.hws.edu/eck/cs424/. The notes cover computer graphics programming using Java. Jogl is used for three-dimensional graphics programming. Jogl is the Java API for OpenGL; OpenGL is a standard and widely used graphics API. While it is most commonly used with the C programming language, Jogl gives Java programmers access to all the features of OpenGL. The version of Jogl that was used in this course was 1.1.1a. A new version, Jogl 2, was under development as the course was being taught, but Jogl 2 is still listed as a “work in progress” in May 2010. (Unfortunately, it looks like Jogl 1.1.1a will not be upward compatible with Jogl 2, so code written for the older version will not automatically work with the new version. However, the changes that will be needed to adapt code from this book to the new version should not be large.)


Ivan Sutherland _ Sketchpad - UCAM-CL-TR-574.pdf

Ivan Sutherland's Sketchpad is one of the most inuential computer programs ever written by an individual, as recognized in his citation for the Turing award in 1988. The Sketchpad program itself had limited distribution — executable versions were limited to a customized machine at the MIT Lincoln Laboratory — so its inuence has been via the ideas that it introduced rather than in its execution. Sutherland's dissertation describing Sketchpad was a critical channel by which those ideas were propagated, along with a movie of the program in use, and a widely-cited conference publication [10]. Copies of the dissertation were distributed relatively widely, but it was never published commercially. It is still available in the form of a technical report from MIT, but we believe it deserves wider readership — hence this electronic archival publication.



ACIS_5_Essentials_eBook, If you were asked, “What is a geometry kernel used for?”, you would probably respond: “To create 3D models.” Most applications enabled by 3D ACIS Modeler create 3D models. If you have read this far, you have probably created a 3D model at some point in your life. The basic steps have not changed a lot in the last 25 years.



阿里巴巴全球数学竞赛试题 预选赛第一轮 2020卷 单选题、问答题、解答题、场景题 代数、图论、概率论、最优化



本报告由清华大学知识智能联合研究中心团队负责编写。依托于AMiner平台的数据资源及技术挖掘成果生成相关数据报告及图表,邀请清华大学、同济大学等高校专家解读核心技术及提出观点建议。报告遴选13个人工智能的重点领域进行重点介绍,包括:机器学习、知识工程、计算机视觉、自然语言处理、语音识别、计算机图形学、多媒体技术、人机交互、机器人、数据库技术、可视化、数据挖掘、信息检索与推荐等。在述说各领域概念及发展情况等内容的基础上,报告着重介绍了各领域人才情况以及对代表性文章的解读。 AMiner平台推荐了各领域代表性的期刊/会议,并由专家进行补充,挖掘这些期刊/会议近10年论文,确定了h-index排名前2000的学者,构建各领域学者库。我们将这些学者供职机构的位置信息绘制于地图上得到了学者分布地图,研究各领域学者在世界及我国的分布规律;同时,我们进一步统计分析了各领域学者性别比例、h-index分布等情况。对于中国在各领域的合作情况也进行了挖掘分析,通过统计中文合作论文中作者的单位信息,将作者映射到各个国家中,进而统计中国与各国之间合作论文的情况。 报告还选取这些期刊/会议上发表的高水平论文作为代表,对近年来的热点及前沿技术进行深度解读,既包括高引论文、最佳论文,又有专家推荐的代表性工作。解读前沿热点研究问题,深入探讨研究方法,展现最新研究成果。为读者了解近期人工智能相关领域的发展动向、基础及应用研究的代表性成果提供了信息窗口。 当前,人工智能正处在爆发期。我国在人工智能领域的科学技术研究和产业发展起步稍晚,但在最近十余年的时间里抓住了机遇,进入了快速发展阶段。在这个过程中,技术突破和创造性高端人才对人工智能的发展起着至关重要的作用。本报告对人工智能13个领域的人才情况及技术发展等内容进行了挖掘分析,希望能对我国人工智能的发展起到借鉴参考作用。以下各章将对各人工智能领域的基本概念、发展历史、人才情况、代表性论文解读以及近期重要进展进行详细介绍。



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