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原创 移动硬盘打不开,换一台电脑就又可以打开了


2019-03-18 06:53:24 9139 1

转载 sqlserver中判断表或临时表是否存在

PS:这个就是技术上的整理,其实谈不上原创或者转载 1、判断数据表是否存在  方法一:use yourdb;goif object_id(N'tablename',N'U') is not nullprint '存在'else print '不存在'例如:use fireweb;goif object_id(N'TEMP_TBL',N

2016-02-10 01:41:36 927 1

转载 Joomla】如何重置网站管理员密码


2015-07-26 01:09:27 3017

转载 七种兵器

 七种兵器      天上白玉京   五楼十二城  仙人抚我顶  结发受长生  白玉京并不在天上,在马上。  他的马鞍已经很陈旧,他的靴子和剑鞘同样陈旧……  但他的生活,却永远是新鲜而生动的。  他从来预料不到在下一阶段旅途中,会发生什么样的事,会遇到什么样的人。  李白的这四句诗是我所爱,古龙引它作第一个故事《长生剑》的扉页寄语,已于我心有戚戚焉。而他竟然想到用“白玉京”这三个字当作这个故事的

2007-03-01 05:10:00 1559

DxAutoInstaller 2.1.7

支持Delphi 10.2 Tokyo 支持至DevExpress VCL 16.2.3 自动安装 亲测可用。


可以用在XE10.1.2上的公式解析formula1.5 亲测可用

可以用在XE10.1.2上的公式解析formula1.5 亲测可用;因为压缩文件是7Z格式,所以一定要用支持7Z格式的解压软件来解压。


TMS Component Pack v8.3.4.0 - Delphi 10.1 Berlin Full Source 亲测可用

Create modern-looking & feature-rich Windows applications faster with well over 400 components in one money and time saving bundle for Delphi 7, 2007, 2009, 2010, XE, XE2, XE3, XE4, XE5, XE6, XE7, XE8, 10 Seattle, 10.1 Berlin, 10.1 Berlin Starter Edition & C++Builder 2007, 2009, 2010, XE, XE2, XE3, XE4, XE5, XE6, XE7, XE8, 10 Seattle, 10.1 Berlin Features Grid RichEditor TreeView Spell Check HTML Edit Planner Outlook / Inspector Bar Web connectivity Syntax highlighting memo System Graphic Menu Smooth Miscellaneous All components TMS Component pack v8.3.4.0 : update Sep 23, 2016: Update : TAdvDateTimePicker v1.2.5.0 - New : MinTime, MaxTime properties added Update : TAdvGridFilterPanel v1.0.4.0 - New : OnAppliedFilter event added - New : OnRemovedFilter, OnRestoredFilter events added - Improved : Loading filter from grid Update : T(DB)Planner v3.4.1.1 - New : Planner.Items.SelectAll method added - Improved : Handling of auto header sizing Update : TAdvCardList v2.2.2.0 - New : Swipe capability added Update : TAdvTreeView v1.1.0.6 - Improved: Handling keyboard ALT, SHIFT and CTRL keys without navigating to selecting item - Fixed: Issue drag & drop interaction in combination with expand / collapse Update : TAdvStringGrid v8.1.3.0 - Improved : DistinctValues function now returns distinct column values irrespective of hidden rows - Improved : Shift-Enter key handling for moving to the previous cell - Improved : AppendToCSV() can export to CSV also when no previous CSV exists - Fixed : Issue with FilterDropDownCheck = true and filter strings with spaces - Fixed : CellProperty property name for backwards compatibility - Fixed : Issue with SearchFooter & nodes - Fixed : Issue with zero width columns and floating footer display - Fixed : Issue with Undo handling for checkboxes - Fixed : Issue with combination of cell icon and cell balloon Update : TAdvEdit v3.4.1.1 - Fixed : Issue with high DPI mode when Flat = true Update : TPlannerCalendar v2.3.1.2 - Fixed : Issue with OnRangeSelect time of triggering Update : TAdvToolBar v6.4.1.9 - Fixed : Rare issue with auto sizing docking toolbar and toolbar.FullSize = true - Fixed : Issue with notes & toolbar invoked menu - Fixed : Issue with toolbar button drawing in hot & down state when no glyph is specified - Fixed : Issue with QAT height when not using the QAT on a TAdvToolBarForm Update : TAdvSmoothMessageDialog v1.3.0.2 - Fixed : GDI+ button memory leak Update : TAdvSmoothTouchKeyBoard v1.8.4.1 - Fixed : Memory leak with cached keys Update : TAdvShapeButton v6.1.0.6 - Fixed : Issue with SDI handling Update : TAdvRichEditor PDF IO v1.0.1.3 - Fixed : Issue with inline rendered images Update : TWebUpdate v2.3.0.1 - Fixed : Issue with dealing with FTP downloads & caching Update : TAdvTaskDialog v1.9.2.0 - New : FooterTextColor property added to control footer text color for non native dialogs Update : TDBAdvGrid v2.4.0.2 - Fixed : Issue with scroll when click on partial displayed rows Update : TMS Curvy Controls v1.2.1.0 - New : StyleElements property exposed Update : TAdvSmoothCalendar v2.3.0.2 - Fixed : Issue with OnSelectMultiDate triggering more than once when selecting multiple dates Update : TAdvOfficeHint v1.7.0.2 - Fixed : When control.ShowHint = false, Office hints are no longer shown Update : TAdvAlertWindow v1.9.0.8 - Fixed : Issue with AutoSize on newer Delphi versions Update : TParamListBox v1.3.3.9 - Fixed : Issue with VCL styles and popup list Update : TAdvListBox v1.1.5.2 - Fixed : Issue with VCL styles Update : TAdvFontComboBox v1.5.4.6 - Improved : ItemIndex handling when multiple identical values are in list





RAD Studio Tokyo 10.2 keygen

RAD Studio Tokyo 10.2 keygen






在DELPHI 10\10.1下使用,效果不错


XE5\XE6\XE7\XE8\XE10 AES加密

支持Ansi Unicode UTF8加密解密(支持多位,CSDN上XE2 AES加密解密只支持16位,好东西要分享)。


修复RzBorder.pas Number of elements differs from declaration

RzBorder.pas Number of elements differs from declaration TRzLEDCharacters 在装完Raize控件之后编译老是出如下错误: [Pascal Error] RzBorder.pas(1429): E2072 Number of elements (125) differs from declaration (224:TRzLEDCharacters) [Pascal Fatal Error] RzEdit.pas(2145): F2063 Could not compile used unit 'RzBorder.pas' RzBorder.pas 这个文件有问题,按下面修改即可。网上有类似的,但排版有问题。


Woll2Woll 1stClass Studio 2015 Full Source DX10 Win32-Win64

亲测可用。 打开W2W1stClass_DX10_Group.groupproj 编译fcstudiowinDX10.dproj 安装dproj 添加路径DX10vcl、DX10vcl\win32、source\windows至LIBRARY


Raize Components 6.1.12 Full Source For D7-RAD10 Fix Build CMD安装版 V2015.10.12

笔者DELPHI程序工作有十五年,最近发现这个控件很多上传的是不能用的,所以我上传一个可以用的。 安装顺序:这个安装包里有CMO安装,不过,我是手动安装的。 1、编译RaizeComponentsVcl.dproj 编译RaizeComponentsVclDb.dproj 2、安装RaizeComponentsVcl_Design.dproj 安装RaizeComponentsVclDb_Design.dproj 3、把SOURCE路径加入LIBRARY PATH 4、把DCU路径加入DEBUG DCU PATH(这一步有点奇怪,以前是不用加的,不加的话会提示无法发现控件。) 祝大家好运。


TMS Component Pack 8.0.0 D2007-RAD10(XE9) BAT 安装版

TMS Component Pack 8.0.0 D2007-RAD10(XE9) BAT 安装版



unis 大牛发布了新版的破解方法,不再需要破解setup.exe进程,更振奋的是,在XP系统下模拟了InterlockedCompareExchange64和AddClipboardFormatListener,、RemoveClipboardFormatListener等方法


Delphi XE5 Update 2 完全破解文件

这个笔者亲自验证,完全可以使用。绝非14天重置版。 官网下载地址: http://altd.embarcadero.com/download/radstudio/xe5/delphicbuilder_xe5_upd2_win.iso 安装序列号 HNFK-BCN8NN-78N53D-H4RS 架构师版(14天试用) 破解办法 破解EXE 放在BIN 目录下然后依次从上到下的顺序点破解完成。 偶尔提示打开不了文件可以重复一下,多试几次就可以了。 win7 64 位下测试可以使用。 终于摆脱XE5 那个重置 15 天并且限制 1 小时的鸟功能了!!!!! 该破解软件仅限于个人学习使用,请不要用于商业应用。


EMS Advanced Data Export VCL v4.9.0.1 for D5-XE5 Full Source

来自俄罗斯网站的好东东 Advanced Data Export VCL is a component suite for Borland Delphi and C++ Builder that allows you to save your data in the most popular data formats for the future viewing, modification, printing or web publication. You can export data into MS Access, MS Excel, MS Word (RTF), Open XML Format, Open Document Format (ODF), HTML, XML, PDF, TXT, DBF, CSV and more! There will be no need to waste your time on tiresome data conversion - Advanced Data Export will do the task quickly and will give the result in the desired format.


FastReport Enterprise v4.15.6 for DELPHI4-2006 installer

来自于俄罗斯网站,因为CSDN上传文件大小限制,这个是用于DELPHI4、DELPHI5、DELPHI6、DELPHI7、DELPHI2005、DELPHI2006的,其它版本用的请详看本人其它资源。 FastReport Enterprise v4.15.6 for DELPHI4、-2006 installer Current version: Build : 4.15.6 Date: Jan 22, 2014 version 4.15 --------------- - fixed memory leaks in font packing subsystem + Added Embarcadero RAD Studio XE5 support + Added Internal components for FireDac database engine + fixed bug with images in PDF export for OSX viewers + Added ability to set font charset to default in Style Editor - fixed duplex problem when printing several copies of the report - fixed problem with PNG images - fixed problem with TfrxPictureView transparent


FastReport Enterprise v4.15.6 for 2005-2010 installer

来自于俄罗斯网站,因为CSDN上传文件大小限制,这个是用于 DELPHI2005、2006、2007、2009、2010的,其它版本用的请详看本人其它资源。 FastReport Enterprise v4.15.6 for 2005-2010 installer Current version: Build : 4.15.6 Date: Jan 22, 2014 version 4.15 --------------- - fixed memory leaks in font packing subsystem + Added Embarcadero RAD Studio XE5 support + Added Internal components for FireDac database engine + fixed bug with images in PDF export for OSX viewers + Added ability to set font charset to default in Style Editor - fixed duplex problem when printing several copies of the report - fixed problem with PNG images - fixed problem with TfrxPictureView transparent


FastReport Enterprise v4.15.6 for XE-XE3 installer

来自于俄罗斯网站,因为CSDN上传文件大小限制,这个是用于XE、XE2、XE3的,其它版本用的请详看本人其它资源。 FastReport Enterprise v4.15.6 for XE-XE3 installer Current version: Build : 4.15.6 Date: Jan 22, 2014 version 4.15 --------------- - fixed memory leaks in font packing subsystem + Added Embarcadero RAD Studio XE5 support + Added Internal components for FireDac database engine + fixed bug with images in PDF export for OSX viewers + Added ability to set font charset to default in Style Editor - fixed duplex problem when printing several copies of the report - fixed problem with PNG images - fixed problem with TfrxPictureView transparent


eDocEngine RegPro Full Source v3.0.4.273

来自俄罗斯网站。 eDocEngine VCL is a comprehensive e-document creation component suite for Delphi™ and C++Builder®. eDocEngine can create documents in clipboard, PDF, RTF, HTML, XHTML, EXCEL, TEXT, CSV, Quattro Pro, LOTUS 1-2-3, DIF, SYLK, TIFF, PNG, SVG (XML-based vector graphics), JPEG, GIF, BMP, EMF and WMF formats. eDocEngine ships with ready-to-use Report-Export interfaces that tightly integrate with popular Delphi reporting tools such as ReportBuilder, FastReport, Rave, QuickReport, and Ace Reporter. Using eDocEngine Report-Export interfaces, you can directly export reports to PDF and other formats without having to write any code.


crack.delphi.Xe5 update2

来自俄罗斯网站。 delphi xe5 update2的破解。很拉风很实用。


EHLIB 95012 SOURCE 版本。

EHLIB 9.5012版本,完整源码版本。支持D7-D10.4 SYDNEY.


Steema TeeChart Pro VCL FMX Source Code 2020.30支持10.4 SYDNEY.

Steema TeeChart Pro VCL FMX Source Code 2020.30支持10.4 SYDNEY. 支持10.4 安装方法请详见安装说明,不要装不上就说装不上,很多时候是方法不对,水平不行。


1stClass4k_v20.0.1_for 10.4_Sydney_FullSource.7z

1stClass4k_v20.0.1_for 10.4_Sydney_FullSource 从10.3的资源改上来的。亲测10.4可用。 装完之后不成功可以问我,不要动不动说不能用,其实是自己水平有问题。



RaizeForDelphi_XE10.4_Sydney delphi 10.4版本亲测可用,有详细的安装方法,详见安装说明。


TMS VCL UI Pack D7-Delphi_10.4_Sydney

TMS VCL UI Pack D7-Delphi_10.4_Sydney 支持D7到Delphi_10.4_Sydney,10.4版本亲测可用。



RAD Studio 10.3.2 激活,亲测可用 RAD Studio 10.3.2 激活,亲测可用


TMS FMX UI Pack v3.6.8.8 for XE6-D10.3 Rio Full Source

TMS FMX UI Pack v3.6.8.8 for XE6-D10.3 Rio Full Source.完全源码版,欢迎大家下载.


fastreport 6.2.11 pro all source支持RIO,亲测可用。

fastreport 6.2.11 pro all source支持RIO,完全源码版,亲测可用。


RAD Studio 10.3.0 Rio 里约 RAD10.3 激活,亲测可用

RAD Studio 10.3.0 Rio 里约 RAD10.3 激活,亲测可用 现在有很多已经不能用了。


FastReport Professtional 6.1.10 full source(D7-XE10.2 TOKYO)

FastReport Professtional 6.1.10 full source(D7-XE10.2 TOKYO) 亲测可用


aqua data studio 18.5 中文版 破解补丁

截止到2017年12月15日最新的版本aqua data studio 18.5.0-2的破解补丁。 1、首先从官网下载最新的免安装压缩包,地址是http://www.aquafold.com/download/v18.5.0/windows/ads-windows-x86-18.5.0.zip 2、将ads.7z 解压缩,复制到安装目录的lib文件夹,替换原来的ads.jar,打开即可使用。


DevExpressVCL17.2.4.Src(还有安装程序DxAutoInstaller 2.1.9)

DevExpress VCL 17.2.4 源码,支持DELPHI 2010 到 Delphi 10.2.2。








ImageEn v.5.2.0 D5-XE10.2 Source Code + IEVision v. x32

ImageEn v.5.2.0 D5-XE10.2 Source Code + IEVision v. x32


delphi版源码 QQ截图功能

QQ截图 delphi版本的类似QQ截图功能含源码


ImageEn5.2 for 10.2 Tokyo 源码版

在安装时加入对应的源码目录 X:\ImageEn_5.2\Source X:\ImageEn_5.2\Source\libs 打开D10.2Tokyo.groupproj,对其中的项目进行编译安装






DevExpress-VCL-16.1.2 支持DELPHI TOKYO。已经打包DxAutoInstaller 2.1.7


Raize Components Full Source 6.2.2 For Delphi 10.2 Tokyo

WELCOME TO KONOPKA SIGNATURE VCL CONTROLS VERSION 6 CONTENTS - Completing the Installation - What's New - Moving the Component Palettes Pages to Front - Uninstalling - Minimum system requirements COMPLETING THE INSTALLATION Once the installation program is complete you may begin using the components in RAD Studio 2009 and later using Delphi or C++Builder. Restart RAD Studio and you will see the following pages on the component palette: Raize Panels Raize Edits Raize Lists Raize Buttons Raize Display Raize Shell Raize Widgets WHAT'S NEW For a complete description of new components, enhancements, and features please read the WhatsNew.pdf document in the main installation directory along with this Readme.txt file. The information in the document is also available in the Raize Components help file, which is integrated into the RAD Studio Help System. MOVING THE COMPONENT PALETTE PAGES TO FRONT During the installation, the appropriate design packages are loaded into the selected RAD Studio IDEs. Unfortunately, when you restart the IDE, the component palette pages for the newly installed components will appear at the end of the component palette. If you would like to move the Raize pages to the front of the palette, there is an a easier way to do this than by manually dragging them. Located in the RC6\Bin directory is a program called MoveRCPagesToFront.exe, which will move all of the "Raize" pages to the front of the palette automatically. Simply run the MoveRCPageToFront.exe program and follow the instructions. UNINSTALLING >> Removing the components from the RAD Studio component palette Close all files and projects, and select Component|Install Packages... to display the Packages page in the Project Options dialog. Select the "Raize Components 6.x" package from the Design Packages list and click the Remove button. A message box will be displayed to confirm your request--press OK. Next, depending on the IDE, you may be asked if a runtime package should be from the Runtime Packages list. If so, click OK to remove the runtime package. Next, select the "Raize Components 6.x (Data-Aware)" package from the Design Packages list and click the Remove button. Again, a message box will be displayed to confirm your request--press OK. Next, depending on the IDE, you may be asked if a runtime package should be removed from the Runtime Packages list. If so, click OK to remove the runtime package. Close the Project Options dialog box by clicking the OK button. Repeat the above steps for each IDE that is using Raize Components. >> Removing the component files from your hard disk At this point, all IDEs are no longer using Raize Components. To remove the Raize Components files from your hard disk the Add/Remove Programs icon from the Control Panel. Next, select the "Raize Components 6.0" entry from the list of installed programs, and then click the Remove button. MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS At least one of the following compilers: Embarcadero RAD Studio XE8 -- Delphi XE8, C++Builder XE8 Embarcadero RAD Studio XE7 -- Delphi XE7, C++Builder XE7 Embarcadero RAD Studio XE6 (Update 1) -- Delphi XE6, C++Builder XE6 Embarcadero RAD Studio XE5 -- Delphi XE5, C++Builder XE5 Embarcadero RAD Studio XE4 -- Delphi XE4, C++Builder XE4 Embarcadero RAD Studio XE3 -- Delphi XE3, C++Builder XE3 Embarcadero RAD Studio XE2 (Update 1) -- Delphi XE2, C++Builder XE2 Embarcadero RAD Studio XE (Update 1) -- Delphi XE, C++Builder XE Embarcadero RAD Studio 2010 -- Delphi 2010, C++Builder 2010 CodeGear RAD Studio 2009 -- Delphi 2009, C++Builder 2009 Hard Disk Space Requirements: 20 MB + 10 MB for each compiler to be supported



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