VBScript Variables



A variable is a convenient placeholder that refers to a computer memory location where you can store program information that may change during the time your script is running. For example, you might create a variable calledClickCount to store the number of times a user clicks an object on a particular Web page. Where the variable is stored in computer memory is unimportant. What is important is that you only have to refer to a variable by name to see or change its value. In VBScript, variables are always of one fundamental data type,Variant.

You declare variables explicitly in your script using the Dim statement, the Public statement, and the Private statement. For example:

Dim DegreesFahrenheit

You declare multiple variables by separating each variable name with a comma. For example:

Dim Top, Bottom, Left, Right

You can also declare a variable implicitly by simply using its name in your script. That is not generally a good practice because you could misspell the variable name in one or more places, causing unexpected results when your script is run. For that reason, the Option Explicit statement is available to require explicit declaration of all variables. TheOption Explicit statement should be the first statement in your script.

Variable names follow the standard rules for naming anything in VBScript. A variable name:

  • Must begin with an alphabetic character.

  • Cannot contain an embedded period.

  • Must not exceed 255 characters.

  • Must be unique in the scope in which it is declared.

A variable's scope is determined by where you declare it. When you declare a variable within a procedure, only code within that procedure can access or change the value of that variable. It has local scope and is a procedure-level variable. If you declare a variable outside a procedure, you make it recognizable to all the procedures in your script. This is a script-level variable, and it has script-level scope.

The lifetime of a variable depends on how long it exists. The lifetime of a script-level variable extends from the time it is declared until the time the script is finished running. At procedure level, a variable exists only as long as you are in the procedure. When the procedure exits, the variable is destroyed. Local variables are ideal as temporary storage space when a procedure is executing. You can have local variables of the same name in several different procedures because each is recognized only by the procedure in which it is declared.

Values are assigned to variables creating an expression as follows: the variable is on the left side of the expression and the value you want to assign to the variable is on the right. For example:

B = 200

You represent date literals and time literals by enclosing them in number signs (#), as shown in the following example.

CutoffDate = #06/18/2008#
CutoffTime = #3:36:00 PM#

Much of the time, you only want to assign a single value to a variable you have declared. A variable containing a single value is a scalar variable. Other times, it is convenient to assign more than one related value to a single variable. Then you can create a variable that can contain a series of values. This is called an array variable. Array variables and scalar variables are declared in the same way, except that the declaration of an array variable uses parentheses ( ) following the variable name. In the following example, a single-dimension array containing 11 elements is declared:

Dim A(10)

Although the number shown in the parentheses is 10, all arrays in VBScript are zero-based, so this array actually contains 11 elements. In a zero-based array, the number of array elements is always the number shown in parentheses plus one. This kind of array is called a fixed-size array.

You assign data to each of the elements of the array using an index into the array. Beginning at zero and ending at 10, data can be assigned to the elements of an array as follows:

A(0) = 256
A(1) = 324
A(2) = 100
. . .
A(10) = 55

Similarly, the data can be retrieved from any element using an index into the particular array element you want. For example:

 . . .
SomeVariable = A(8)
. . .

Arrays aren't limited to a single dimension. You can have as many as 60 dimensions, although most people can't comprehend more than three or four dimensions. You can declare multiple dimensions by separating an array's size numbers in the parentheses with commas. In the following example, the MyTable variable is a two-dimensional array consisting of 6 rows and 11 columns:

Dim MyTable(5, 10)

In a two-dimensional array, the first number is always the number of rows; the second number is the number of columns.

You can also declare an array whose size changes during the time your script is running. This is called a dynamic array. The array is initially declared within a procedure using either theDim statement or using theReDim statement. However, for a dynamic array, no size or number of dimensions is placed inside the parentheses. For example:

Dim MyArray()
ReDim AnotherArray()

To use a dynamic array, you must subsequently use ReDim to determine the number of dimensions and the size of each dimension. In the following example,ReDimsets the initial size of the dynamic array to 25. A subsequentReDim statement resizes the array to 30, but uses thePreserve keyword to preserve the contents of the array as the resizing takes place.

ReDim MyArray(25)
. . .
ReDim Preserve MyArray(30)

There is no limit to the number of times you can resize a dynamic array, although if you make an array smaller, you lose the data in the eliminated elements.

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蛋白质是生物体中普遍存在的一类重要生物大分子,由天然氨基酸通过肽键连接而成。它具有复杂的分子结构和特定的生物功能,是表达生物遗传性状的一类主要物质。 蛋白质的结构可分为四级:一级结构是组成蛋白质多肽链的线性氨基酸序列;二级结构是依靠不同氨基酸之间的C=O和N-H基团间的氢键形成的稳定结构,主要为α螺旋和β折叠;三级结构是通过多个二级结构元素在三维空间的排列所形成的一个蛋白质分子的三维结构;四级结构用于描述由不同多肽链(亚基)间相互作用形成具有功能的蛋白质复合物分子。 蛋白质在生物体内具有多种功能,包括提供能量、维持电解质平衡、信息交流、构成人的身体以及免疫等。例如,蛋白质分解可以为人体提供能量,每克蛋白质能产生4千卡的热能;血液里的蛋白质能帮助维持体内的酸碱平衡和血液的渗透压;蛋白质是组成人体器官组织的重要物质,可以修复受损的器官功能,以及维持细胞的生长和更新;蛋白质也是构成多种生理活性的物质,如免疫球蛋白,具有维持机体正常免疫功能的作用。 蛋白质的合成是指生物按照从脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)转录得到的信使核糖核酸(mRNA)上的遗传信息合成蛋白质的过程。这个过程包括氨基酸的活化、多肽链合成的起始、肽链的延长、肽链的终止和释放以及蛋白质合成后的加工修饰等步骤。 蛋白质降解是指食物中的蛋白质经过蛋白质降解酶的作用降解为多肽和氨基酸然后被人体吸收的过程。这个过程在细胞的生理活动中发挥着极其重要的作用,例如将蛋白质降解后成为小分子的氨基酸,并被循环利用;处理错误折叠的蛋白质以及多余组分,使之降解,以防机体产生错误应答。 总的来说,蛋白质是生物体内不可或缺的一类重要物质,对于维持生物体的正常生理功能具有至关重要的作用。


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