
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <windows.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <ctime>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h> 
using namespace std;

int D_Of_C, OK, ane, xy, D_Of_C1, OK1, ane1, xy1, nowM, MoralValue;
int ict = 0, nowlevel = 0;
int bag[44] = { 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
string Material1name[9] = { "猫狸子胡须","媚娃头发","马形水怪的鬃毛","龙心腱","雷鸟尾羽","凤凰羽毛","独角兽尾毛","龙神经","夜骐的尾羽" };
string Material2name[10] = { "桦木","紫衫木","冬青木","山楂木柳条","橡木","械木","山毛榉木","栗木","樱桃木","桃花心木" };
int health = 1000, maxhealth = 1000, money=0, attack = 250, defense = 10, experience = 0, camp, level = 1, amm = 0, f = 0, speed = 0;
string Nwand = "空手";
int LE1 = 1, LE2 = 1, Sl[13];
bool dead = false;
string wandname[100] = { "柳条魔杖","胡桃魔杖","鹅耳枥木魔杖","柳条魔杖","花心木魔杖","冬青木魔杖","紫杉木魔杖","老魔杖" };
int wandpower[100] = { 200,500,1100,1300,2400,5000,9000,20000 }, wand[100], wandi = 8, wandnamei = 8, wandpoweri = 8;
string name, password;
int choose()
	cout << "请选择您的阵营。" << endl;
	cout << "0, 哈利.HarryPotter" << endl;
	cout << "1, 伏地魔 LordVoldemort" << endl;
	cin >> camp;
	if (camp != 0 && camp != 1) {
		cout << "输入错误。";
	else {
		if (MessageBox(0, TEXT("你确定?"), TEXT("请选择"), MB_OKCANCEL | MB_ICONINFORMATION) == IDOK) return 0; 
	return 0;
int login()
	string DN, DPW;
	bool isn = false;
	cout << "请输入账号和密码" << endl;
	cout << "账号:";
	cin >> name;
	cout << "密码:";
	cin >> password;
	ifstream fin("data2.txt");
	while(fin >> DN) {
		if (DN == name) {
			fin >> DPW;
			if (DPW != password) {
				cout << "密码错误!" << endl; isn = true;
				system("cls"); login();
			else {
				fin >> money >> attack >> defense >> health >> level >> experience >> LE1 >> LE2  >> camp >> maxhealth;
				fin >> D_Of_C >> OK >> ane >> xy >> D_Of_C1 >> OK1 >> ane1 >> xy1 >> nowM;
				fin >> bag[0] >> bag[1] >> bag[2] >> bag[3] >> bag[4] >> bag[5] >> bag[6] >> bag[7];
				fin >> bag[8] >> bag[9] >> bag[10] >> bag[11] >> bag[12] >> bag[13] >> bag[14] >> bag[15];
				fin >> bag[16] >> bag[17] >> bag[18] >> bag[19] >> bag[20] >> bag[21] >> bag[22] >> bag[23];
				fin >> bag[24] >> bag[25] >> bag[26] >> bag[27] >> bag[28] >> bag[29] >> bag[30] >> bag[31];
				fin >> bag[32] >> bag[33] >> bag[34] >> bag[35] >> bag[36] >> bag[37] >> bag[38] >> bag[39];
				fin >> bag[40] >> bag[41] >> bag[42] >> bag[43];
				fin >> Sl[0] >> Sl[1] >> Sl[2] >> Sl[3] >> Sl[4] >> Sl[5] >> Sl[6] >> Sl[7] >> Sl[8] >> Sl[9] >> Sl[10] >> Sl[11] >> Sl[12];
				for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
					fin >> wandname[i];
					fin >> wandpower[i];
					fin >> wand[i];
				fin >> Nwand >> amm >> f >> wandi >> wandnamei >> wandpoweri >> ict >> speed >> nowlevel;
				isn = true;
	if (!isn) {
		cout << "无此用户!" << endl;
	cout << "登入成功!" << endl;
	return 0;
int save()
	ofstream outfile("data2.txt", ios::binary | ios::app | ios::in | ios::out);
	outfile << name << " " << password << " " << money << " " << attack << " " << defense << " " << health << " " << level << " " << experience << " " << LE1 << " " << LE2 << " " << camp << " " << maxhealth << " ";
	outfile << D_Of_C << " " << OK << " " << ane << " " << xy << " " << D_Of_C1 << " " << OK1 << " " << ane1 << " " << xy1 << " " << nowM << " ";
	outfile << bag[0] << " " << bag[1] << " " << bag[2] << " " << bag[3] << " " << bag[4] << " " << bag[5] << " " << bag[6] << " " << bag[7] << " ";
	outfile << bag[8] << " " << bag[9] << " " << bag[10] << " " << bag[11] << " " << bag[12] << " " << bag[13] << " " << bag[14] << " " << bag[15] << " ";
	outfile << bag[16] << " " << bag[17] << " " << bag[18] << " " << bag[19] << " " << bag[20] << " " << bag[21] << " " << bag[22] << " " << bag[23] << " ";
	outfile << bag[24] << " " << bag[25] << " " << bag[26] << " " << bag[27] << " " << bag[28] << " " << bag[29] << " " << bag[30] << " " << bag[31] << " ";
	outfile << bag[32] << " " << bag[33] << " " << bag[34] << " " << bag[35] << " " << bag[36] << " " << bag[37] << " " << bag[38] << " " << bag[39] << " ";
	outfile << bag[40] << " " << bag[41] << " " << bag[42] << " " << bag[43] << " ";
	outfile << Sl[0] << " " << Sl[1] << " " << Sl[2] << " " << Sl[3] << " " << Sl[4] << " " << Sl[5] << " " << Sl[6] << " " << Sl[7] << " " << Sl[8] << " " << Sl[9] << " " << Sl[10] << " " << Sl[11] << " " << Sl[12] << " ";
	for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
		outfile << wandname[i] << " ";
		outfile << wandpower[i] << " ";
		outfile << wand[i] << " ";
	outfile << Nwand << " " << amm << " " << f << " " << wandi << " " << wandnamei << " " << wandpoweri << " " << ict << " " << speed << " " << nowlevel << endl;
	return 0;
int Reg()
	string DN, DPW;
	cout << "请输入账号和密码  " << endl;
	cout << "账号:";
	cin >> name;
	cout << endl << "密码:";
	cin >> password;
	ifstream fin("data2.txt");
	while(fin >> DN) {
		if (DN == name) {
			cout << "用户名已被使用=====请重新起名";
	return 0;
int monsterfight(string Hname, int hisH, int hisA, int hisD, int hisS, int hisSP)
	int mhealth = 10000, mdefense = 1000, mattack = 10000, mspeed = 500;
	int hfaint = 0;
	int mfaint = 0;
	dead = false;
	int ha = hisA;
	while (1) {
		if (hfaint > 0) hfaint -= 1; 
		if (mfaint > 0) {
			if (rand() % 3 == 0)
				mfaint = 0;
				cout << "石怪使用技能咒立停,停止了魔咒!" << endl;
			else mfaint -= 1;
		if (mfaint <= 0) {
			if (rand() % 3) {
				cout << "石怪使用技能快快复苏 生命增加200" << endl;
				mhealth += 200;
			if (rand() % 3) {
				cout << "石怪使用技能铁甲护身 生命增加100 防御增加50" << endl;
				mhealth += 100;
				mdefense += 50;
			if (rand() % 3) {
				cout << "石怪使用技能神锋无影 攻击增加200 对方扣血200滴" << endl;
				hisH -= 200;
				mattack += 200;
			int ran = rand() % 40 - 20;
			if (rand() % 10000 > hisSP) {
				if (attack + ran > hisD) {
					cout << "石怪发起进攻 " << Hname << "扣血" << mattack - hisD + ran << "滴 剩余" << hisH - (mattack - hisD + ran) << "滴" << endl;
					hisH -= mattack - hisD + ran;
				else cout << "石怪发起进攻 " << Hname << "扣血0滴 剩余" << hisH << "滴" << endl; 
			else {
				if (rand() % 2) cout << "石怪一脚踹了过去,但没有踢中" << endl; 
				else {
					cout << "石怪一脚踹了过去,但只擦着了腰" << endl;
					if ((mattack / 3) + ran > hisD) {
						cout << Hname << "扣血" << (mattack / 3) + ran - hisD << "滴 剩余" << hisH - ((mattack / 3) + ran - hisD) << "滴" << endl;
						hisH -= (mattack / 3) + ran - hisD;
					else cout << Hname << "扣血0滴 剩余" << hisH << "滴" << endl; 
		if (hisH <= 0) {
			if (hisS == 20 && rand() % 3 == 0) {
				cout << "对方发动技能:恢复如初 满血复活" << endl;
				hisH = ha; Sleep(1000);
			else {
				cout << "对方死亡" << endl;
				return 0;
		if (hfaint <= 0) {
			if (hisS != 0) {
				if (rand() % 3 == 0) {
					if (hisS == 14) {
						cout << "对方发动技能:快快复苏  生命加200" << endl;
						hisH += 200;
					if (hisS == 15) {
						cout << "对方发动技能:盔甲护身  生命加50 防御增加50" << endl;
						hisH += 50;
						hisD += 50;
					if (hisS == 17) {
						cout << "对方发动技能神锋无影 攻击增加200 扣血200滴" << endl;
						health -= 200;
						hisA += 200;
			int ran = rand() % 40 - 20;
			if (rand() % 10000 > mspeed) {
				if (hisA + ran > defense) {
					cout << Hname << "发起进攻 " << "石怪扣血" << hisA - defense + ran << "滴 剩余" << mhealth - (hisA - defense + ran) << "滴" << endl;
					mhealth -= hisA - defense + ran;
				else cout << Hname << "发起进攻 " << "石怪扣血0滴 剩余" << mhealth << "滴" << endl; 
			else {
				if (rand() % 2) cout << Hname << "一脚踹了过来,但没有踢中" << endl; 
				else {
					cout << "对方一脚踹了过来,但只擦着了石怪的腰" << endl;
					if ((hisA / 3) + ran > hisD) {
						cout << "石怪扣血" << (hisA / 3) + ran - defense << "滴 剩余" << mhealth - ((hisA / 3) + ran - defense) << "滴" << endl;
						mhealth -= ((hisA / 3) + ran - defense);
					else cout << "石怪扣血0滴 剩余" << mhealth << "滴" << endl;
			if (mhealth <= 0) {
				cout << "石怪死亡" << endl;
				return hisH;
	return 0;
int fight1(string Hname, int hisH, int hisA, int hisD, int hisS, int hisSP)
	int hfaint = 0, hhurt = 0, hbeat = 0;
	int mfaint = 0, mhurt = 0;
	dead = false;
	int ha = hisA;
	int his = hisA + hisD + hisH;
	while (1) {
		if (hfaint > 0) {
			if (rand() % 3 == 0) {
				cout << "对方使用技能:咒立停!停止了魔咒" << endl;
				hfaint = 1;
			hfaint -= 1;
		if (hbeat == 1) {
			if (rand() % 10 == 0) {
				cout << "对方一躲,躲过了你的石头" << endl;
				hbeat = 0;
			else {
				cout << "对方躲闪不急,石头正好撞在他的鼻子上 扣血50滴" << endl;
				hisH -= 50;
		if (mfaint > 0) {
			if (Sl[6]) mfaint = 0; 
			else mfaint -= 1;
		if (mhurt > 0) {
			if (Sl[6]) mhurt = 0; 
			else mhurt -= 1; 
			cout << "你的心像被一把刀刺穿了一样 扣血200滴" << endl;
			health -= 200;
		if (mfaint <= 0) {
			if (rand() % 3 && Sl[0]) {
				cout << "你使用技能快快复苏 生命增加200" << endl;
				health += 200;
			if (rand() % 3 && Sl[1]) {
				cout << "你使用技能铁甲护身 生命增加100 防御增加50" << endl;
				health += 100; defense += 50;
			if (rand() % 3 && Sl[2]) {
				cout << "你使用技能昏昏倒地 " << Hname << "一回合之内不能攻击" << endl;
				hfaint += 1;
			if (rand() % 3 && Sl[3]) {
				cout << "你使用技能神锋无影 攻击增加200 扣血200滴" << endl;
				hisH -= 200; attack += 200;
			if (rand() % 3 && Sl[5]) {
				if (rand() % 10) {
					cout << "你使用技能统统石化 " << Hname << "二回合之内不能攻击" << endl;
					hfaint += 2;
				else {
					cout << "你使用技能统统石化 " << Hname << "十回合之内不能攻击" << endl;
					hfaint += 10;
			if (rand() % 4 == 0 && Sl[7])
				cout << "你使用技能召唤咒!召唤出石怪跟" << Hname << "战斗" << endl;
				hisH = monsterfight(Hname, hisH, hisA, hisD, hisS, hisSP);
				if (hisH < 1) return 0;
				if (Sl[0]) {
					cout << "在对方和石怪的战斗中,你已经恢复了2000生命" << endl;
					if (maxhealth < health + 2000) health = maxhealth; 
					else health += 2000; 
			if (rand() % 4 == 0 && Sl[8]) {
				cout << "你使用技能召唤咒!召唤出石怪跟" << Hname << "战斗" << endl;
			if (rand() % 3 && Sl[9]) {
				cout << "你使用技能万弹齐发!变出几十块石头" << endl;
				hbeat = 1;
			if (rand() % 3 && Sl[10]) {
				cout << "你使用技能钻心咒!对方将疼痛5回合" << endl;
				hhurt += 5;
			if (rand() % 3 && Sl[11]) {
				cout << "魂魄出窍!你使用夺魂咒,企图让" << Hname << "自己攻击自己!" << endl;
				Sleep((rand() % 1000) + 1000);
				cout << Hname << "被你控制了,开始攻击自己" << endl;
				int ran = rand() % 40 - 20;
				if (hisA + ran > hisD) {
					cout << "对方发起进攻 自己扣血" << hisH - hisD + ran << "滴 剩余" << hisH - (hisA - hisD + ran) << "滴" << endl;
					hisH -= hisA - hisD + ran;
				else cout << "对方发起进攻 自己扣血0滴 剩余" << hisH << "滴" << endl; 
			if (rand() % 2 && Sl[12]) {
				cout << "你使用技能阿瓦达索命 " << Hname << "扣血" << hisH - hisH / 4 << "滴" << endl;
				hisH /= 4;
			int ran = rand() % 40 - 20;
			if (rand() % 10000 > hisSP) {
				if (attack + ran > hisD) {
					cout << "你发起进攻 " << Hname << "扣血" << attack - hisD + ran << "滴 剩余" << hisH - (attack - hisD + ran) << "滴" << endl;
					hisH -= attack - hisD + ran;
				else cout << "你发起进攻 " << Hname << "扣血0滴 剩余" << hisH << "滴" << endl; 
			else {
				if (rand() % 2) cout << "你一脚踹了过去,但没有踢中" << endl; 
				else {
					cout << "你一脚踹了过去,但只擦着了腰" << endl;
					if ((attack / 3) + ran > hisD) {
						cout << Hname << "扣血" << (attack / 3) + ran - hisD << "滴 剩余" << hisH - ((attack / 3) + ran - hisD) << "滴" << endl;
						hisH -= (attack / 3) + ran - hisD;
					else cout << Hname << "扣血0滴 剩余" << hisH << "滴" << endl; 
		if (hhurt > 0) {
			hhurt -= 1;
			cout << "对方因中了你的钻心咒,正捂着心大叫呢 扣血200滴" << endl;
			hisH -= 200;
		if (hisH <= 0) {
			if (hisS == 20 && rand() % 3 == 0) {
				cout << "对方发动技能:恢复如初 满血复活" << endl;
				hisH = ha;
			else {
				cout << "对方死亡\n获得" << (his / 30) << "经验" << endl;
				experience += (his / 30);
				if (ane == 3) D_Of_C++;
				if (ane1 == 3) D_Of_C1++;
				return 0;
		if (hfaint <= 0) {
			if (rand() % 3 == 0) {
				if (hisS == 14) {
					cout << "对方发动技能:快快复苏  生命加200" << endl;
					hisH += 200;
				if (hisS == 15) {
					cout << "对方发动技能:盔甲护身  生命加50 防御增加50" << endl;
					hisH += 50; hisD += 50;
				if (hisS == 17) {
					cout << "对方发动技能神锋无影 攻击增加200 扣血200滴" << endl;
					health -= 200; hisA += 200;
			int ran = rand() % 40 - 20;
			if (rand() % 10000 > speed) {
				if (hisA + ran > defense) {
					cout << Hname << "发起进攻 " << "你扣血" << hisA - defense + ran << "滴 剩余" << health - (hisA - defense + ran) << "滴" << endl;
					health -= hisA - defense + ran;
				else cout << Hname << "发起进攻 " << "你扣血0滴 剩余" << health << "滴" << endl; 
			else {
				if (rand() % 2) cout << Hname << "一脚踹了过来,但没有踢中" << endl; 
				else {
					cout << "对方一脚踹了过来,但只擦着了你的腰" << endl;
					if ((hisA / 3) + ran > hisD) {
						cout << "你扣血" << (hisA / 3) + ran - defense << "滴 剩余" << health - ((hisA / 3) + ran - defense) << "滴" << endl;
						health -= ((hisA / 3) + ran - defense);
					else cout << "你扣血0滴 剩余" << health << "滴" << endl; 
			if (health <= 0) {
				if (Sl[6] && rand() % 2) {
					cout << "你发动技能:恢复如初 满血复活" << endl;
					health = maxhealth;
				else {
					cout << "你死亡";
					health = 20;
					dead = true;
					return 0;
	return 0;
int fight2(string Hname, int hisH, int hisA, int hisD, int hisS, int hisSP)
	int hfaint = 0, hhurt = 0, hbeat = 0;
	int mfaint = 0, mhurt = 0;
	dead = false;
	int ha = hisA;
	int his = hisA + hisD + hisH;
	while (1) {
		if (hfaint > 0) {
			if (rand() % 3 == 0) {
				cout << "对方使用技能:咒立停!停止了魔咒";
				hfaint = 1;
			hfaint -= 1;
		if (hbeat == 1) {
			if (rand() % 10 == 0) {
				cout << "对方一躲,躲过了你的石头" << endl;
				hbeat = 0;
			else {
				cout << "对方躲闪不急,石头正好撞在他的鼻子上 扣血50滴" << endl;
				hisH -= 50;
		if (mfaint > 0) {
			if (Sl[6]) mfaint = 0; 
			else mfaint -= 1; 
		if (mhurt > 0) {
			if (Sl[6]) mhurt = 0;
			else mhurt -= 1;
			cout << "你的心像被一把刀刺穿了一样 扣血200滴" << endl;
			health -= 200;
		if (mfaint <= 0) {
			if (rand() % 3 && Sl[0]) {
				cout << "你使用技能快快复苏 生命增加200" << endl;
				health += 200;
			if (rand() % 3 && Sl[1]) {
				cout << "你使用技能铁甲护身 生命增加100 防御增加50" << endl;
				health += 100;
				defense += 50;
			if (rand() % 3 && Sl[2]) {
				cout << "你使用技能昏昏倒地 " << Hname << "一回合之内不能攻击" << endl;
				hfaint += 1;
			if (rand() % 3 && Sl[3]) {
				cout << "你使用技能神锋无影 攻击增加200 扣血200滴" << endl;
				hisH -= 200;
				attack += 200;
			if (rand() % 3 && Sl[5]) {
				if (rand() % 10) {
					cout << "你使用技能统统石化 " << Hname << "二回合之内不能攻击" << endl;
					hfaint += 2;
				else {
					cout << "你使用技能统统石化 " << Hname << "十回合之内不能攻击" << endl;
					hfaint += 10;
			if (rand() % 4 == 0 && Sl[7]) {
				cout << "你使用技能召唤咒!召唤出石怪跟" << Hname << "战斗" << endl;
				hisH = monsterfight(Hname, hisH, hisA, hisD, hisS, hisSP);
				if (hisH < 1) return 0;
				if (Sl[0]) {
					cout << "在对方和石怪的战斗中,你已经恢复了2000生命" << endl;
					if (maxhealth < health + 2000) health = maxhealth; 
					else health += 2000; 
			if (rand() % 4 == 0 && Sl[8]) {
				cout << "你使用技能召唤咒!召唤出石怪跟" << Hname << "战斗" << endl;
			if (rand() % 3 && Sl[9]) {
				cout << "你使用技能万弹齐发!变出几十块石头" << endl;
				hbeat = 1;
			if (rand() % 3 && Sl[10]) {
				cout << "你使用技能钻心咒!对方将疼痛5回合" << endl;
				hhurt += 5;
			if (rand() % 3 && Sl[11]) {
				cout << "魂魄出窍!你使用夺魂咒,企图让" << Hname << "自己攻击自己!" << endl;
				Sleep((rand() % 1000) + 1000);
				cout << Hname << "被你控制了,开始攻击自己" << endl;
				int ran = rand() % 40 - 20;
				if (hisA + ran > hisD) {
					cout << "对方发起进攻 自己扣血" << hisH - hisD + ran << "滴 剩余" << hisH - (hisA - hisD + ran) << "滴" << endl;
					hisH -= hisA - hisD + ran;
				else cout << "对方发起进攻 自己扣血0滴 剩余" << hisH << "滴" << endl; 
			if (rand() % 2 && Sl[12]) {
				cout << "你使用技能阿瓦达索命 " << Hname << "扣血" << hisH - hisH / 4 << "滴" << endl;
				hisH /= 4;
			int ran = rand() % 40 - 20;
			if (rand() % 10000 > hisSP) {
				if (attack + ran > hisD) {
					cout << "你发起进攻 " << Hname << "扣血" << attack - hisD + ran << "滴 剩余" << hisH - (attack - hisD + ran) << "滴" << endl;
					hisH -= attack - hisD + ran;
				else cout << "你发起进攻 " << Hname << "扣血0滴 剩余" << hisH << "滴" << endl; 
			else {
				if (rand() % 2) cout << "你一脚踹了过去,但没有踢中" << endl; 
				else {
					cout << "你一脚踹了过去,但只擦着了腰" << endl;
					if ((attack / 3) + ran > hisD) {
						cout << Hname << "扣血" << (attack / 3) + ran - hisD << "滴 剩余" << hisH - ((attack / 3) + ran - hisD) << "滴" << endl;
						hisH -= (attack / 3) + ran - hisD;
					else cout << Hname << "扣血0滴 剩余" << hisH << "滴" << endl;
		if (hhurt > 0) {
			hhurt -= 1;
			cout << "对方因中了你的钻心咒,正捂着心大叫呢 扣血200滴" << endl;
			hisH -= 200;
		if (hisH <= 0) {
			if (hisS == 20 && rand() % 3 == 0) {
				cout << "对方发动技能:恢复如初 满血复活" << endl;
				hisH = ha;
			else {
				cout << "对方死亡\n获得" << (his / 200) << "金币" << endl;
				money += (his / 200);
				if (ane == 3) D_Of_C++;
				if (ane1 == 3) D_Of_C1++;
				return 0;
		if (hfaint <= 0) {
			if (rand() % 3 == 0) {
				if (hisS == 14) {
					cout << "对方发动技能:快快复苏  生命加200" << endl;
					hisH += 200;
				if (hisS == 15) {
					cout << "对方发动技能:盔甲护身  生命加50 防御增加50" << endl;
					hisH += 50; hisD += 50;
				if (hisS == 17) {
					cout << "对方发动技能神锋无影 攻击增加200 扣血200滴" << endl;
					health -= 200; hisA += 200;
			int ran = rand() % 40 - 20;
			if (rand() % 10000 > speed) {
				if (hisA + ran > defense) {
					cout << Hname << "发起进攻 " << "你扣血" << hisA - defense + ran << "滴 剩余" << health - (hisA - defense + ran) << "滴" << endl;
					health -= hisA - defense + ran;
				else cout << Hname << "发起进攻 " << "你扣血0滴 剩余" << health << "滴" << endl; 
			else {
				if (rand() % 2) cout << Hname << "一脚踹了过来,但没有踢中" << endl; 
				else {
					cout << "对方一脚踹了过来,但只擦着了你的腰" << endl;
					if ((hisA / 3) + ran > hisD) {
						cout << "你扣血" << (hisA / 3) + ran - defense << "滴 剩余" << health - ((hisA / 3) + ran - defense) << "滴" << endl;
						health -= ((hisA / 3) + ran - defense);
					else cout << "你扣血0滴 剩余" << health << "滴" << endl;
			if (health <= 0) {
				if (Sl[6] && rand() % 2) {
					cout << "你发动技能:恢复如初 满血复活" << endl;
					health = maxhealth;
				else {
					cout << "你死亡";
					health = 20;
					dead = true;
					return 0;
	return 0;
int fight(string Hname, int hisH, int hisA, int hisD, int hisS, int hisSP)
	int hfaint = 0, hhurt = 0, hbeat = 0;
	int mfaint = 0, mhurt = 0;
	dead = false;
	int ha = hisA;
	int his = hisA + hisD + hisH;
	while (1)
		if (hfaint > 0) {
			if (rand() % 3 == 0) {
				cout << "对方使用技能:咒立停!停止了魔咒" << endl;
				hfaint = 0;
			else hfaint -= 1;
		if (hbeat == 1) {
			if (rand() % 10 == 0) {
				cout << "对方一躲,躲过了你的石头" << endl;
				hbeat = 0;
			else {
				cout << "对方躲闪不急,石头正好撞在他的鼻子上 扣血50滴" << endl;
				hisH -= 50;
		if (mfaint > 0) {
			if (Sl[6]) mfaint = 0; 
			else mfaint -= 1; 
		if (mhurt > 0) {
			if (Sl[6]) mhurt = 0; 
			else mhurt -= 1;
			cout << "你的心像被一把刀刺穿了一样 扣血200滴" << endl;
			health -= 200;
		if (mfaint <= 0) {
			if (rand() % 3 && Sl[0]) {
				cout << "你使用技能快快复苏 生命增加200" << endl;
				health += 200;
			if (rand() % 3 && Sl[1]) {
				cout << "你使用技能铁甲护身 生命增加100 防御增加50" << endl;
				health += 100;
				defense += 50;
			if (rand() % 3 && Sl[2]) {
				cout << "你使用技能昏昏倒地 " << Hname << "一回合之内不能攻击" << endl;
				hfaint += 1;
			if (rand() % 3 && Sl[3]) {
				cout << "你使用技能神锋无影 攻击增加200 扣血200滴" << endl;
				hisH -= 200; attack += 200;
			if (rand() % 3 && Sl[5]) {
				if (rand() % 10) {
					cout << "你使用技能统统石化 " << Hname << "二回合之内不能攻击" << endl;
					hfaint += 2;
				else {
					cout << "你使用技能统统石化 " << Hname << "十回合之内不能攻击" << endl;
					hfaint += 10;
			if (rand() % 4 == 0 && Sl[7]) {
				cout << "你使用技能召唤咒!召唤出石怪跟" << Hname << "战斗" << endl;
				hisH = monsterfight(Hname, hisH, hisA, hisD, hisS, hisSP);
				if (hisH < 1) return 0; 
				if (Sl[0]) {
					cout << "在对方和石怪的战斗中,你已经恢复了2000生命" << endl;
					if (maxhealth < health + 2000) health = maxhealth; 
					else health += 2000; 
			if (rand() % 4 == 0 && Sl[8]) {
				cout << "你使用技能召唤咒!召唤出石怪跟" << Hname << "战斗" << endl;
			if (rand() % 3 && Sl[9]) {
				cout << "你使用技能万弹齐发!变出几十块石头" << endl;
				hbeat = 1;
			if (rand() % 3 && Sl[10]) {
				cout << "你使用技能钻心咒!对方将疼痛5回合" << endl;
				hhurt += 5;
			if (rand() % 3 && Sl[11]) {
				cout << "魂魄出窍!你使用夺魂咒,企图让" << Hname << "自己攻击自己!" << endl;
				Sleep((rand() % 1000) + 1000);
				cout << Hname << "被你控制了,开始攻击自己" << endl;
				int ran = rand() % 40 - 20;
				if (hisA + ran > hisD) {
					cout << "对方发起进攻 自己扣血" << hisH- hisD + ran << "滴 剩余" << hisH - (hisA - hisD + ran) << "滴" << endl;
					hisH -= hisA - hisD + ran;
				else cout << "对方发起进攻 自己扣血0滴 剩余" << hisH << "滴" << endl; 
			if (rand() % 2 && Sl[12]) {
				cout << "你使用技能阿瓦达索命 " << Hname << "扣血" << hisH - hisH / 4 << "滴" << endl;
				hisH /= 4;
			int ran = rand() % 40 - 20;
			if (rand() % 10000 > hisSP) {
				if (attack + ran > hisD) {
					cout << "你发起进攻 " << Hname << "扣血" << attack - hisD + ran << "滴 剩余" << hisH - (attack - hisD + ran) << "滴" << endl;
					hisH -= attack - hisD + ran;
				else cout << "你发起进攻 " << Hname << "扣血0滴 剩余" << hisH << "滴" << endl; 
			else {
				if (rand() % 2) cout << "你一脚踹了过去,但没有踢中" << endl; 
				else {
					cout << "你一脚踹了过去,但只擦着了腰" << endl;
					if ((attack / 3) + ran > hisD) {
						cout << Hname << "扣血" << (attack / 3) + ran - hisD << "滴 剩余" << hisH - ((attack / 3) + ran - hisD) << "滴" << endl;
						hisH -= (attack / 3) + ran - hisD;
					else cout << Hname << "扣血0滴 剩余" << hisH << "滴" << endl; 
		if (hhurt > 0) {
			hhurt -= 1;
			cout << "对方因中了你的钻心咒,正捂着心大叫呢 扣血200滴" << endl;
			hisH -= 200;
		if (hisH <= 0) {
			if (hisS == 20 && rand() % 3 == 0) {
				cout << "对方发动技能:恢复如初 满血复活" << endl;
				hisH = ha;
			else {
				cout << "对方死亡\n获得" << his / 30 << "元" << endl;
				money += his / 30;
				experience += (his / 30) * 10;
				if (ane == 3) D_Of_C++; 
				if (ane1 == 3) D_Of_C1++; 
				return 0;
		if (hfaint <= 0) {
			if (rand() % 3 == 0) {
				if (hisS == 14) {
					cout << "对方发动技能:快快复苏  生命加200" << endl;
					hisH += 200;
				if (hisS == 15) {
					cout << "对方发动技能:盔甲护身  生命加50 防御增加50" << endl;
					hisH += 50;
					hisD += 50;
				if (hisS == 17)
					cout << "对方发动技能神锋无影 攻击增加200 扣血200滴" << endl;
					health -= 200;
					hisA += 200;
			int ran = rand() % 40 - 20;
			if (rand() % 10000 > speed) {
				if (hisA + ran > defense) {
					cout << Hname << "发起进攻 " << "你扣血" << hisA - defense + ran << "滴 剩余" << health - (hisA - defense + ran) << "滴" << endl;
					health -= hisA - defense + ran;
				else cout << Hname << "发起进攻 " << "你扣血0滴 剩余" << health << "滴" << endl; 
			else {
				if (rand() % 2) cout << Hname << "一脚踹了过来,但没有踢中" << endl; 
				else {
					cout << "对方一脚踹了过来,但只擦着了你的腰" << endl;
					if ((hisA / 3) + ran > hisD) {
						cout <<"你扣血" << (hisA / 3) + ran - defense << "滴 剩余" << health - ((hisA / 3) + ran - defense) << "滴" << endl;
						health -= ((hisA / 3) + ran - defense);
					else cout << "你扣血0滴 剩余" << health << "滴" << endl; 
			if (health <= 0) {
				if (Sl[6] && rand() % 2) {
					cout << "你发动技能:恢复如初 满血复活" << endl;
					health = maxhealth;
				else {
					cout << "你死亡" << endl;
					health = 20;
					dead = true;
					return 0;
	return 0;
int street()
	switch (rand() % 6)
	case 0:
		if (camp) {
			int f;
			cout << "你遇到了一个路人" << endl;
			cout << "1进攻/2逃跑" << endl;
			cin >> f;
			if (f == 1) {
				fight("路人", 500, 110, 0, 14, 1000);
				if (!dead && rand() % 2) {
					if (rand() % 4 == 0) {
						cout << "获得一瓶经验药水" << endl;
						bag[22] += 1;
					else if (rand() % 4 == 1) {
						cout << "获得一瓶攻击药水" << endl;
						bag[21] += 1;
					else if (rand() % 4 == 2) {
						cout << "获得一瓶生命药水" << endl;
						bag[19] += 1;
					else {
						cout << "获得一瓶防御药水" << endl;
						bag[20] += 1;
		else {
			int f;
			cout << "你遇到了一个小混混" << endl;
			cout << "1进攻/2逃跑" << endl;
			cin >> f;
			if (f == 1) {
				fight("小混混", 500, 110, 0, 15, 1000);
				if (!dead && rand() % 2) {
					if (rand() % 4 == 0) {
						cout << "获得一瓶经验药水" << endl;
						bag[22] += 1;
					else if (rand() % 4 == 1) {
						cout << "获得一瓶攻击药水" << endl;
						bag[21] += 1;
					else if (rand() % 4 == 2) {
						cout << "获得一瓶生命药水" << endl;
						bag[19] += 1;
					else {
						cout << "获得一瓶防御药水" << endl;
						bag[20] += 1;
	case 1:
		if (camp) {
			int f;
			cout << "你遇到了一个警察" << endl;
			cout << "1进攻/2逃跑" << endl;
			cin >> f;
			if (f == 1) {
				fight("警察", 2000, 500, 15, 15, 1000);
				if (!dead && rand() % 3 != 0) {
					if (rand() % 5 == 0) {
						cout << "获得两瓶经验药水" << endl;
						bag[22] += 2;
					else if (rand() % 5 == 1) {
						cout << "获得两瓶攻击药水" << endl;
						bag[21] += 2;
					else if (rand() % 5 == 2) {
						cout << "获得两瓶生命药水" << endl;
						bag[19] += 2;
					else if (rand() % 5 == 3) {
						cout << "获得一瓶全幅药水" << endl;
						bag[23] += 1;
					else {
						cout << "获得两瓶防御药水" << endl;
						bag[20] += 2;
		else {
			int f;
			cout << "你遇到了一个小食死徒" << endl;
			cout << "1进攻/2逃跑" << endl;
			cin >> f;
			if (f == 1) {
				fight("食死徒", 2000, 500, 15, 15, 1000);
				if (!dead && rand() % 3 != 0) {
					if (rand() % 5 == 0) {
						cout << "获得两瓶经验药水" << endl;
						bag[22] += 2;
					else if (rand() % 5 == 1) {
						cout << "获得两瓶攻击药水" << endl;
						bag[21] += 2;
					else if (rand() % 5 == 2) {
						cout << "获得两瓶生命药水" << endl;
						bag[19] += 2;
					else if (rand() % 5 == 3) {
						cout << "获得一瓶全幅药水" << endl;
						bag[23] += 1;
					else {
						cout << "获得两瓶防御药水" << endl;
						bag[20] += 2;
	case 2:
		if (camp) {
			int f;
			cout << "你遇到了一个凤凰社成员" << endl;
			cout << "1进攻/2逃跑" << endl;
			cin >> f;
			if (f == 1) {
				fight("凤凰社成员", 5000, 700, 50, 16, 1500);
				if (!dead && rand() % 4 != 0) {
					if (rand() % 5 == 0) {
						cout << "获得三瓶经验药水" << endl;
						bag[22] += 3;
					else if (rand() % 5 == 1) {
						cout << "获得三瓶攻击药水" << endl;
						bag[21] += 3;
					else if (rand() % 5 == 2) {
						cout << "获得三瓶生命药水" << endl;
						bag[19] += 3;
					else if (rand() % 5 == 3) {
						cout << "获得两瓶全幅药水" << endl;
						bag[23] += 2;
					else {
						cout << "获得三瓶防御药水" << endl;
						bag[20] += 3;
		else {
			int f;
			cout << "你遇到了一个真食死徒" << endl;
			cout << "1进攻/2逃跑" << endl;
			cin >> f;
			if (f == 1) {
				fight("食死徒", 5000, 700, 50, 15, 1500);
				if (!dead && rand() % 4 != 0) {
					if (rand() % 5 == 0) {
						cout << "获得三瓶经验药水" << endl;
						bag[22] += 3;
					else if (rand() % 5 == 1) {
						cout << "获得三瓶攻击药水" << endl;
						bag[21] += 3;
					else if (rand() % 5 == 2) {
						cout << "获得三瓶生命药水" << endl;
						bag[19] += 3;
					else if (rand() % 5 == 3) {
						cout << "获得两瓶全幅药水" << endl;
						bag[23] += 2;
					else {
						cout << "获得三瓶防御药水" << endl;
						bag[20] += 3;
	case 3:
		if (camp) {
			int f;
			cout << "你遇到了一个傲罗?穆迪" << endl;
			cout << "1进攻/2逃跑" << endl;
			cin >> f;
			if (f == 1) {
				fight("穆迪", 10000, 1200, 250, 17, 2000);
				if (!dead) {
					if (rand() % 3) {
						if (rand() % 2) {
							cout << "获得技能书神锋无影" << endl;
						else {
							cout << "获得技能书快快复苏" << endl;
					if (rand() % 4) {
						if (rand() % 5 == 0) {
							cout << "获得四瓶经验药水" << endl;
							bag[22] += 4;
						else if (rand() % 5 == 1) {
							cout << "获得四瓶攻击药水" << endl;
							bag[21] += 4;
						else if (rand() % 5 == 2) {
							cout << "获得四瓶生命药水" << endl;
							bag[19] += 4;
						else if (rand() % 5 == 3) {
							cout << "获得三瓶全幅药水" << endl;
							bag[23] += 3;
						else {
							cout << "获得四瓶防御药水" << endl;
							bag[20] += 4;
		else {
			int f;
			cout << "你遇到了卢修斯?马尔福" << endl;
			cout << "1进攻/2逃跑" << endl;
			cin >> f;
			if (f == 1) {
				fight("马尔福", 10000, 1200, 250, 17, 2000);
				if (!dead) {
					if (rand() % 3) {
						if (rand() % 2) {
							cout << "获得技能书神锋无影" << endl;
						else {
							cout << "获得技能书快快复苏" << endl;
					if (rand() % 4) {
						if (rand() % 5 == 0) {
							cout << "获得四瓶经验药水" << endl;
							bag[22] += 4;
						else if (rand() % 5 == 1) {
							cout << "获得四瓶攻击药水" << endl;
							bag[21] += 4;
						else if (rand() % 5 == 2) {
							cout << "获得四瓶生命药水" << endl;
							bag[19] += 4;
						else if (rand() % 5 == 3) {
							cout << "获得三瓶全幅药水" << endl;
							bag[23] += 3;
						else {
							cout << "获得四瓶防御药水" << endl;
							bag[20] += 4;
		if (!dead)
			if (ane1 == 2) D_Of_C1++;
	case 4:
		if (camp) {
			int f;
			cout << "你遇到了卢平" << endl;
			cout << "1进攻/2逃跑" << endl;
			cin >> f;
			if (f == 1) {
				fight("卢平", 100000, 12000, 2500, 17, 4000);
				if (!dead) {
					if (rand() % 3) {
						if (rand() % 2) {
							cout << "获得技能书恢复如初" << endl;
						else {
							cout << "获得技能书阿瓦达索命" << endl;
					if (rand() % 5) {
						if (rand() % 5 == 0) {
							cout << "获得四瓶经验药水" << endl;
							bag[22] += 4;
						else if (rand() % 5 == 1) {
							cout << "获得四瓶攻击药水" << endl;
							bag[21] += 4;
						else if (rand() % 5 == 2) {
							cout << "获得四瓶生命药水" << endl;
							bag[19] += 4;
						else if (rand() % 5 == 3) {
							cout << "获得三瓶全幅药水" << endl;
							bag[23] += 3;
						else {
							cout << "获得四瓶防御药水" << endl;
							bag[20] += 4;
		else {
			int f;
			cout << "你遇到了食死徒?卡卡洛夫" << endl;
			cout << "1进攻/2逃跑" << endl;
			cin >> f;
			if (f == 1) {
				fight("卡卡洛夫", 100000, 12000, 2500, 170, 4000);
				if (!dead) {
					if (rand() % 3) {
						if (rand() % 2) {
							cout << "获得技能书恢复如初" << endl;
						else {
							cout << "获得技能书阿瓦达索命" << endl;
					if (rand() % 5) {
						if (rand() % 5 == 0) {
							cout << "获得四瓶经验药水" << endl;
							bag[22] += 4;
						else if (rand() % 5 == 1) {
							cout << "获得四瓶攻击药水" << endl;
							bag[21] += 4;
						else if (rand() % 5 == 2) {
							cout << "获得四瓶生命药水" << endl;
							bag[19] += 4;
						else if (rand() % 5 == 3) {
							cout << "获得三瓶全幅药水" << endl;
							bag[23] += 3;
						else {
							cout << "获得四瓶防御药水" << endl;
							bag[20] += 4;
	case 5:
		if (camp) {
			int f;
			cout << "你遇到了邓布利多" << endl;
			cout << "1进攻/2逃跑" << endl;
			cin >> f;
			if (f == 1) {
				fight("邓布利多", 300000, 36000, 7500, 20, 5000);
				if (!dead) {
					if (rand() % 3) {
						if (rand() % 2) {
							cout << "获得技能书恢复如初" << endl;
						else {
							cout << "获得技能书阿瓦达索命" << endl;
					if (rand() % 5) {
						if (rand() % 5 == 0) {
							cout << "获得四瓶经验药水" << endl;
							bag[22] += 4;
						else if (rand() % 5 == 1) {
							cout << "获得四瓶攻击药水" << endl;
							bag[21] += 4;
						else if (rand() % 5 == 2) {
							cout << "获得四瓶生命药水" << endl;
							bag[19] += 4;
						else if (rand() % 5 == 3) {
							cout << "获得三瓶全幅药水" << endl;
							bag[23] += 3;
						else {
							cout << "获得四瓶防御药水" << endl;
							bag[20] += 4;
		else {
			int f;
			cout << "你遇到了纳尼吉" << endl;
			cout << "1进攻/2逃跑" << endl;
			cin >> f;
			if (f == 1) {
				fight("纳尼吉", 300000, 36000, 7500, 20, 5000);
				if (!dead) {
					if (rand() % 3) {
						if (rand() % 2) {
							cout << "获得技能书恢复如初" << endl;
						else {
							cout << "获得技能书阿瓦达索命" << endl;
					if (rand() % 5) {
						if (rand() % 5 == 0) {
							cout << "获得四瓶经验药水" << endl;
							bag[22] += 4;
						else if (rand() % 5 == 1) {
							cout << "获得四瓶攻击药水" << endl;
							bag[21] += 4;
						else if (rand() % 5 == 2) {
							cout << "获得四瓶生命药水" << endl;
							bag[19] += 4;
						else if (rand() % 5 == 3) {
							cout << "获得三瓶全幅药水" << endl;
							bag[23] += 3;
						else {
							cout << "获得四瓶防御药水" << endl;
							bag[20] += 4;
		if (!dead)
			if (ane1 == 0) D_Of_C1++;
	return 0;
int buy(int p, int m)
	if (money < m) {
		cout << "没钱,打出去!" << endl;
		if (camp) {
			cout << "1抢劫 2逃离" << endl;
			int a;
			cin >> a;
			if (a == 1) {
				fight("员工", 1000, 100, 10, 0, 1000);
				if (dead) return 0;
				cout << "另外一个员工冲了过来" << endl;
				fight("员工", 1000, 100, 10, 14, 1000);
				if (dead) return 0;
				cout << "另外一个员工冲了过来" << endl;
				fight("员工", 1000, 100, 10, 14, 2000);
				if (dead) return 0; 
				cout << "员工头冲了过来" << endl;
				fight("员工头", 5000, 5000, 10, 14, 2000);
				if (dead) return 0; 
				cout << "店主冲了过来" << endl;
				fight("店主", 10000, 1000, 100, 15, 4000);
				if (dead) return 0; 
				cout << "获得100元" << endl;
				money += 100;
				if (rand() % 10 < 3) {
					cout << "你翻了半天,终于找到了你要卖的东西" << endl;
				else {
					cout << "你翻了半天,还是没找到你要卖的东西" << endl;
					cout << "你要不要到大街上消消气(杀人)" << endl;
					cout << "1要! 2不必了" << endl;
					int q;
					cin >> q;
					if (q == 1) street(); 
	else {
		cout << "购买成功" << endl;
		money -= m;
		if (ane == 1) D_Of_C++; 
		if (ane1 == 1) D_Of_C1 += m; 
	return 0;
int buywand(int p, int m)
	if (money < m) cout << "没钱,打出去!" << endl;
	else {
		cout << "购买成功" << endl;
		wand[p - 6]++;
		money -= m;
		if (ane == 1) D_Of_C++;
		if (ane1 == 1) D_Of_C1 += m;
	return 0;
int make(int w1, int w2, int c1, int c2)
	if (w1 < 24 || w2 < 33) {
		cout << "根本就没有这种材料,你眼瞎啊!" << endl;
		return 0;
	if (c1 == 0||c2 == 0) {
		cout << "你想拿0个材料来造魔杖!没门!" << endl;
		return 0;
	if (bag[w1] < c1) {
		if (bag[w2] < c2) cout << "你木材和杖芯都不够"; 
		else cout << "杖芯不够"; 
	else if (bag[w2] < c2) cout << "木材不够"; 
	else {
		cout << "制作成功" << endl;
		string wn;
		wn = Material1name[w1 - 24] + Material2name[w2 - 33] + "魔杖";
		bag[w1] -= c1;
		bag[w2] -= c2;
		wandpower[wandpoweri++] = c1 * 20 * (w1 - 4) + c1 * 10 * (w2 - 13);
		wandname[wandnamei++] = wn;	
	return 0;
int levelup()
	if (experience >= level * 100) {
		experience -= level * 100;
		maxhealth += 100; health += 100; attack += 10; defense += 5; speed += 10;
		if (rand() % 2 && level > 4) bag[0] += 1; 
		cout << "你升了1级" << endl;
		if (ane1 == 4) D_Of_C1++; 
	return 0;
int Hos()
	int a;
	if (health < maxhealth) {
		cout << "剩余生命:(" << health << "/" << maxhealth << ")" << endl;
		cout << "需要" << ((maxhealth) - health) / 16 << "元 是否恢复. 等级小于等于10免费恢复" << endl;
		cout << "1,是 2,否" << endl;
		cin >> a;
		if (a == 1) {
			if (level > 10) {
				if (money >= ((maxhealth) - health) / 16) {
					money -= ((maxhealth) - health) / 16;
					cout << "恢复成功\n剩余:" << money << "元";
					if (ane == 2) D_Of_C++; 
					if (ane1 == 1) D_Of_C1 += ((maxhealth) - health) / 16;
					health = maxhealth;
				else cout << "钱不足" << endl; 
			else {
				health = maxhealth;
				cout << "恢复成功" << endl;
				if (ane == 2) D_Of_C++; 
		else if (a == 2) return 0; 
		else {
			cout << "请别乱输";
	else {
		cout << "生命已满";
	return 0;
int w()
	int aaaa = 1;
	while (aaaa) {
		for (int i = 0; i < wandi; i++) {
			if (wandname[i] == Nwand) cout << "o"; 
			else cout << " "; 
			cout << i + 1 << "," << wandname[i] << " " << wand[i] << "个" << "  力量:" << wandpower[i] << endl;
		cout << "1,装备魔杖 2,卸下现有魔杖 0,退出" << endl;
		cin >> aaaa;
		if (aaaa == 1) {
			cout << "请输入魔杖编号" << endl;
			int bbbb;
			cin >> bbbb;
			if (wand[bbbb - 1]) {
				if (Nwand != "空手") {
					cout << "已装备魔杖";
				else {
					cout << "装备成功";
					Nwand = wandname[bbbb - 1];
					attack += wandpower[bbbb - 1];
			else {
				cout << "您还未拥有此魔杖";
		else if (aaaa == 2) {
			for (int ia = 0; ia < wandi - 1; ia++) {
				if (Nwand == wandname[ia]) {
					cout << "成功卸下";
					attack -= wandpower[ia];
			Nwand = "空手";
		else if (aaaa == 0) break; 
		else cout << "请别乱输"; 
		cout << "魔法人士:" << name << endl;
		cout << "势力:";
		if (camp) cout << "伏地魔" << endl; 
		else cout << "哈利波特" << endl; 
		cout << "生命:" << health << "/" << maxhealth << endl;
		cout << "攻击:" << attack << endl;
		cout << "防御:" << defense << endl;
		cout << "速度:" << speed << endl;
		cout << "等级:" << level << endl;
		cout << "经验:" << experience << "/" << level * 100 << endl;
		cout << "金币:" << money << endl;
		cout << "1,魔法部(攻击即可占领) 2,大街(杀人/阻止食死徒) 3,";
		if (camp) cout << "霍格沃茨(哈利波特不在) "; 
		else cout << "伏地魔总部(伏地魔不在) "; 
		cout << "4,霍格沃茨(最后战场) 5,奥利凡德魔杖商店 6,抽奖 7,经验石店 8,背包 9,工厂 10,材料店 11,任务 12,终极任务 13,副本 14,保存 ";
		if (camp) cout << "15, 医疗兵(伏地魔的)"; 
		else cout << "15, 庞弗雷女士 "; 
		cout << "16,改变参数(测试专用 需要密码) 17,设置 18,登出" << endl;
		cout << "8" << endl;
		cout << "1,查看魔杖 2,查看药水 3,查看经验石 4,学习技能" << endl;
		cout << "1" << endl;
	return 0;
int e()
	int bbbb = 1;
	while (bbbb) {
		cout << "1,经验石R " << bag[1] << "个" << endl;
		cout << "2,经验石SR " << bag[2] << "个" << endl;
		cout << "3,经验石SSR " << bag[3] << "个" << endl;
		cout << "4,经验石SSS " << bag[4] << "个" << endl;
		cout << "5,经验石X " << bag[5] << "个" << endl;
		cout << "0,退出 6,一键使用";
		int aaaa;
		cin >> bbbb;
		switch (bbbb)
		case 1:
			cout << "几个?";
			cin >> aaaa;
			if (bag[1] >= aaaa) {
				cout << "服用成功";
				experience += aaaa * 100;
				bag[1] -= aaaa;
		case 2:
			cout << "几个?";
			cin >> aaaa;
			if (bag[2] >= aaaa) {
				cout << "服用成功";
				experience += aaaa * 250;
				bag[2] -= aaaa;
		case 3:
			cout << "几个?";
			cin >> aaaa;
			if (bag[3] >= aaaa) {
				cout << "服用成功";
				experience += aaaa * 500;
				bag[3] -= aaaa;
		case 4:
			cout << "几个?";
			cin >> aaaa;
			if (bag[4] >= aaaa) {
				cout << "服用成功";
				experience += aaaa * 1200;
				bag[4] -= aaaa;
		case 5:
			cout << "几个?";
			cin >> aaaa;
			if (bag[5] >= aaaa) {
				cout << "服用成功";
				experience += aaaa * 2500;
				bag[5] -= aaaa;
		case 0:
		case 6:
			cout << "服用成功";
			experience += bag[1] * 100;
			experience += bag[2] * 250;
			experience += bag[3] * 500;
			experience += bag[4] * 1200;
			experience += bag[5] * 2500;
			bag[1] = bag[2] = bag[3] = bag[4] = bag[5] = 0;
			cout << "请别乱输";
		cout << "魔法人士:" << name << endl;
		cout << "势力:";
		if (camp) cout << "伏地魔" << endl; 
		else cout << "哈利波特" << endl; 
		cout << "生命:" << health << "/" << maxhealth << endl;
		cout << "攻击:" << attack << endl;
		cout << "防御:" << defense << endl;
		cout << "速度:" << speed << endl;
		cout << "等级:" << level << endl;
		cout << "经验:" << experience << "/" << level * 100 << endl;
		cout << "金币:" << money << endl;
		cout << "1,魔法部(攻击即可占领) 2,大街(杀人/阻止食死徒) 3,";
		if (camp) cout << "霍格沃茨(哈利波特不在) "; 
		else cout << "伏地魔总部(伏地魔不在) "; 
		cout << "4,霍格沃茨(最后战场) 5,奥利凡德魔杖商店 6,抽奖 7,经验石店 8,背包 9,工厂 10,材料店 11,任务 12,终极任务 13,副本 14,保存 ";
		if (camp) cout << "15, 医疗兵(伏地魔的)"; 
		else cout << "15, 庞弗雷女士 ";
		cout << "16,改变参数(测试专用 需要密码) 17,设置 18,登出" << endl;
		cout << "8" << endl;
		cout << "1,查看魔杖 2,查看药水 3,查看经验石 4,学习技能" << endl;
		cout << "3" << endl;
	return 0;
int p()
	int bbbb = 1;
	while (bbbb) {
		cout << "1,生命药水 " << bag[19] << "个" << endl;
		cout << "2,防御药水 " << bag[20] << "个" << endl;
		cout << "3,攻击药水 " << bag[21] << "个" << endl;
		cout << "4,经验药水 " << bag[22] << "个" << endl;
		cout << "5,速度药水 " << bag[23] << "个" << endl;
		cout << "6,全幅药水 " << bag[23] << "个" << endl;
		cout << "0,退出 7,一键使用";
		cin >> bbbb;
		int aaaa;
		switch (bbbb)
		case 1:
			cout << "几个?";
			cin >> aaaa;
			if (bag[19] >= aaaa) {
				cout << "服用成功";
				health += aaaa * 50;
				maxhealth += aaaa * 50;
				bag[19] -= aaaa;
			else cout << "物品不足" << endl; 
		case 2:
			cout << "几个?";
			cin >> aaaa;
			if (bag[20] >= aaaa) {
				cout << "服用成功";
				defense += aaaa * 10;
				bag[20] -= aaaa;
			else cout << "物品不足" << endl; 
		case 3:
			cout << "几个?";
			cin >> aaaa;
			if (bag[21] >= aaaa) {
				cout << "服用成功";
				attack += aaaa * 25;
				bag[21] -= aaaa;
			else cout << "物品不足" << endl; 
		case 4:
			cout << "几个?";
			cin >> aaaa;
			if (bag[22] >= aaaa) {
				cout << "服用成功";
				experience += aaaa * 200;
				bag[22] -= aaaa;
			else cout << "物品不足" << endl; 
		case 5:
			cout << "几个?";
			cin >> aaaa;
			if (bag[43] >= aaaa) {
				cout << "服用成功";
				speed += aaaa;
				bag[43] -= aaaa;
			else cout << "物品不足" << endl; 
		case 6:
			cout << "几个?";
			cin >> aaaa;
			if (bag[23] >= aaaa) {
				cout << "服用成功";
				health += aaaa * 50;
				maxhealth += aaaa * 50;
				defense += aaaa * 10;
				attack += aaaa * 25;
				experience += aaaa * 200;
				speed += aaaa;
				bag[23] -= aaaa;
			else cout << "物品不足" << endl;
		case 7:
			cout << "服用成功";
			health += bag[19] * 50;
			maxhealth += bag[19] * 50;
			defense += bag[20] * 10;
			attack += bag[21] * 25;
			experience += bag[22] * 200;
			speed += bag[43];
			health += bag[23] * 50;
			maxhealth += bag[23] * 50;
			defense += bag[23] * 10;
			attack += bag[23] * 25;
			experience += bag[23] * 200;
			speed += bag[23];
			bag[19] = 0;
			bag[20] = 0;
			bag[21] = 0;
			bag[22] = 0;
			bag[23] = 0;
			bag[43] = 0;
		case 0:
			cout << "请别乱输";
		cout << "魔法人士:" << name << endl;
		cout << "势力:";
		if (camp) cout << "伏地魔" << endl; 
		else cout << "哈利波特" << endl; 
		cout << "生命:" << health << "/" << maxhealth << endl;
		cout << "攻击:" << attack << endl;
		cout << "防御:" << defense << endl;
		cout << "速度:" << speed << endl;
		cout << "等级:" << level << endl;
		cout << "经验:" << experience << "/" << level * 100 << endl;
		cout << "金币:" << money << endl;
		cout << "1,魔法部(攻击即可占领) 2,大街(杀人/阻止食死徒) 3,";
		if (camp) cout << "霍格沃茨(哈利波特不在) "; 
		else cout << "伏地魔总部(伏地魔不在) "; 
		cout << "4,霍格沃茨(最后战场) 5,奥利凡德魔杖商店 6,抽奖 7,经验石店 8,背包 9,工厂 10,材料店 11,任务 12,终极任务 13,副本 14,保存 ";
		if (camp) cout << "15, 医疗兵(伏地魔的)"; 
		else cout << "15, 庞弗雷女士 "; 
		cout << "16,改变参数(测试专用 需要密码) 17,设置 18,登出" << endl;
		cout << "8" << endl;
		cout << "1,查看魔杖 2,查看药水 3,查看经验石 4,学习技能" << endl;
		cout << "2" << endl;
	return 0;
int s()
	int bbbb = 1;
	while (bbbb) {
		cout << "1,快快复苏 " << bag[6] << "个" << endl;
		cout << "2,盔甲护身 " << bag[7] << "个" << endl;
		cout << "3,昏昏倒地 " << bag[8] << "个" << endl;
		cout << "4,神锋无影 " << bag[9] << "个" << endl;
		cout << "5,咒立停 " << bag[10] << "个" << endl;
		cout << "6,统统石化 " << bag[11] << "个" << endl;
		cout << "7,恢复如初 " << bag[12] << "个" << endl;
		cout << "8,召唤咒 " << bag[13] << "个" << endl;
		cout << "9,一忘皆空 " << bag[14] << "个" << endl;
		cout << "10,万箭齐发 " << bag[15] << "个" << endl;
		cout << "11,钻心剜骨 " << bag[16] << "个" << endl;
		cout << "12,魂魄出窍 " << bag[17] << "个" << endl;
		cout << "13,阿瓦达索命 " << bag[18] << "个" << endl;
		cout << "0,退出";
		cin >> bbbb;
		switch (bbbb)
		case 1:
			if (bag[6] >= 1) {
				cout << "学习成功" << endl;
				cout << "能够恢复200滴血" << endl;
				bag[6] -= 1;
				Sl[0] = 1;
			else cout << "物品不足" << endl; 
		case 2:
			if (bag[7] >= 1) {
				cout << "学习成功" << endl;
				cout << "能恢复100滴血并加50防御" << endl;
				bag[7] -= 1;
				Sl[1] = 1;
			else cout << "物品不足" << endl;
		case 3:
			if (bag[8] >= 1) {
				cout << "学习成功" << endl;
				cout << "能使对方暂停一回合" << endl;
				bag[8] -= 1;
				Sl[2] = 1;
			else cout << "物品不足" << endl; 
		case 4:
			if (bag[9] >= 1) {
				cout << "学习成功" << endl;
				cout << "攻击加250并扣对方500滴血" << endl;
				bag[9] -= 1;
				Sl[3] = 1;
			else cout << "物品不足" << endl; 
		case 5:
			if (bag[10] >= 1) {
				cout << "学习成功" << endl;
				cout << "能使对方对你施加的状态没用" << endl;
				bag[10] -= 1;
				Sl[4] = 1;
			else cout << "物品不足" << endl; 
		case 6:
			if (bag[11] >= 1) {
				cout << "学习成功" << endl;
				cout << "%10概率能事对方冻结10回合" << endl;
				cout << "%90概率能事对方冻结2回合" << endl;
				bag[11] -= 1;
				Sl[5] = 1;
			else cout << "物品不足" << endl; 
		case 7:
			if (bag[12] >= 1) {
				cout << "学习成功" << endl;
				cout << "%50概率能起死回生" << endl;
				bag[12] -= 1;
				Sl[6] = 1;
			else cout << "物品不足" << endl; 
		case 8:
			if (bag[13] >= 1) {
				cout << "学习成功" << endl;
				cout << "能召唤生物进攻" << endl;
				bag[13] -= 1;
				Sl[7] = 1;
			else cout << "物品不足" << endl; 
		case 9:
			if (bag[14] >= 1) {
				cout << "学习成功" << endl;
				cout << "%90能使对方无技能" << endl;
				cout << "%10能使对方防御变为0" << endl;
				bag[14] -= 1;
				Sl[8] = 1;
			else cout << "物品不足" << endl; 
		case 10:
			if (bag[15] >= 1) {
				cout << "学习成功" << endl;
				cout << "对方一直减10滴血直到对方躲过(%10躲过)" << endl;
				bag[15] -= 1;
				Sl[9] = 1;
			else cout << "物品不足" << endl; 
		case 11:
			if (bag[16] >= 1) {
				cout << "学习成功" << endl;
				cout << "对方扣血5回合,每回合扣200滴" << endl;
				bag[16] -= 1;
				Sl[10] = 1;
			else cout << "物品不足" << endl; 
		case 12:
			if (bag[17] >= 1) {
				cout << "学习成功" << endl;
				cout << "让对方自己攻击自己(当然不攻击你)" << endl;
				bag[17] -= 1;
				Sl[11] = 1;
			else cout << "物品不足" << endl; 
		case 13:
			if (bag[18] >= 1) {
				cout << "学习成功" << endl;
				cout << "让对方直接扣3/4的血" << endl;
				bag[18] -= 1;
				Sl[12] = 1;
			else cout << "物品不足" << endl; 
		case 0:
			cout << "请别乱输";
		cout << "魔法人士:" << name << endl;
		cout << "势力:";
		if (camp) cout << "伏地魔" << endl;
		else cout << "哈利波特" << endl; 
		cout << "生命:" << health << "/" << maxhealth << endl;
		cout << "攻击:" << attack << endl;
		cout << "防御:" << defense << endl;
		cout << "速度:" << speed << endl;
		cout << "等级:" << level << endl;
		cout << "经验:" << experience << "/" << level * 100 << endl;
		cout << "金币:" << money << endl;
		cout << "1,魔法部(攻击即可占领) 2,大街(杀人/阻止食死徒) 3,";
		if (camp) cout << "霍格沃茨(哈利波特不在) "; 
		else cout << "伏地魔总部(伏地魔不在) "; 
		cout << "4,霍格沃茨(最后战场) 5,奥利凡德魔杖商店 6,抽奖 7,经验石店 8,背包 9,工厂 10,材料店 11,任务 12,终极任务 13,副本 14,保存 ";
		if (camp) cout << "15, 医疗兵(伏地魔的)"; 
		else cout << "15, 庞弗雷女士 "; 
		cout << "16,改变参数(测试专用 需要密码) 17,设置 18,登出" << endl;
		cout << "8" << endl;
		cout << "1,查看魔杖 2,查看药水 3,查看经验石 4,学习技能" << endl;
		cout << "4" << endl;
	return 0;
int LD()
	cout << "剩余抽奖券:" << bag[0] << "张" << endl;
	cout << "1,抽奖 2,退出" << endl;
	int a;
	cin >> a;
	if (a == 1) {
		cout << "抽几次?";
		int num;
		cin >> num;
		if (bag[0] >= num) {
			bag[0] -= num;
			int num1 = 0, num2 = 0, num3 = 0, num4 = 0, num5 = 0;
			int num6 = 0, num7 = 0, num8 = 0, num9 = 0, num10 = 0;
			int num11 = 0;
			for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
				switch (rand() % 20)
				case 0:
				case 1:
				case 2:
				case 3:
				case 4:
				case 5:
				case 6:
				case 7:
				case 8:
				case 9:
				case 10:
				case 11:
				case 12:
				case 13:
				case 14:
				case 15:
				case 16:
				case 17:
				case 18:
					num11 += 50;
					money += 50;
				case 19:
					num11 += 100;
					money += 100;
			cout << "你获得了经验石R   " << num1 << "个" << endl;
			cout << "经验石SR         " << num2 << "个" << endl;
			cout << "经验石SSR        " << num3 << "个" << endl;
			cout << "经验石SSS        " << num4 << "个" << endl;
			cout << "经验石X          " << num5 << "个" << endl;
			cout << "生命药水         " << num6 << "个" << endl;
			cout << "防御药水         " << num7 << "个" << endl;
			cout << "攻击药水         " << num8 << "个" << endl;
			cout << "经验药水         " << num9 << "个" << endl;
			cout << "全幅药水         " << num10 << "个" << endl;
			cout << "金币             " << num11 << "个" << endl;
		else cout << "您的抽奖券不足" << endl; 
	else if (a == 2) return 0; 
	else {
		cout << "请别乱输。";
	return 0;
int dig()
	cout << "进入矿状态";
	int x = 0;
	while (1) {
		cout << "挖";Sleep(200);
		cout << "矿";Sleep(200);
		cout << "中";Sleep(200);
		cout << ".";Sleep(100);
		cout << ".";Sleep(100);
		cout << "." << endl;
		int ad = rand() % 3;
		if (ad == 2) {
			ad = rand() % 100;
			if (ad < 6) {
				switch (rand() % 3)
				case 0:
					cout << "你挖到了技能书铁甲咒!!!" << endl;
				case 1:
					cout << "你挖到了技能书咒立停!!!" << endl;
				case 2:
					cout << "你挖到了技能书石化咒!!!" << endl;
			else if (ad >= 6 && ad < 20) {
				switch (rand() % 20)
				case 0:
					cout << "你挖到了夜琪的尾羽!!!" << endl;
				case 1:
				case 2:
					cout << "你挖到了独角兽尾毛!" << endl;
				case 3:
				case 4:
					cout << "你挖到了龙神经!" << endl;
				case 5:
				case 6:
					cout << "你挖到了凤凰羽毛!" << endl;
				case 7:
				case 8:
					cout << "你挖到了龙心腱" << endl;
				case 9:
				case 10:
					cout << "你挖到了雷鸟尾羽" << endl;
				case 11:
				case 12:
				case 13:
					cout << "你挖到了马形水怪的鬃毛" << endl;
				case 14:
				case 15:
				case 16:
					cout << "你挖到了猫狸子胡须" << endl;
				case 17:
				case 18:
				case 19:
					cout << "你挖到了媚娃头发" << endl;
			else if (ad >= 20 && ad < 50) {
				switch (rand() % 10)
				case 0:
					cout << "你挖到了桦木" << endl;
				case 1:
					cout << "你挖到了紫衫木" << endl;
				case 2:
					cout << "你挖到了冬青木" << endl;
				case 3:
					cout << "你挖到了山楂木柳条" << endl;
				case 4:
					cout << "你挖到了橡木" << endl;
				case 5:
					cout << "你挖到了械木" << endl;
				case 6:
					cout << "你挖到了山毛榉木" << endl;
				case 7:
					cout << "你挖到了栗木" << endl;
				case 8:
					cout << "你挖到了樱桃木" << endl;
				case 9:
					cout << "你挖到了桃花心木" << endl;
			else if (ad >= 50 && ad <= 100) {
				int as = rand() % 20 + 30;
				cout << "你挖到了" << as << "金币" << endl;
				money += as;
		else if (ad == 1) {
			ad = rand() % 3;
			if (ad == 0) {
				cout << "你遇到了大老鼠" << endl;
				fight("大老鼠", 5000, 500, 50, 20, 1000);
				if (dead)
					cout << "你死了" << endl;
					return 0;
			if (ad == 1) {
				cout<<"你遇到了食死徒" << endl;
				fight("食死徒", 10000, 1000, 100, 17, 1000);
				if (dead)
					cout << "你死了" << endl;
					return 0;
			if (ad == 2) {
				cout << "你遇到了坏矿工" << endl;
				fight("矿工", 5000, 2000, 200, 17, 1000);
				if (dead)
					cout << "你死了" << endl;
					return 0;
			cout << "是否继续挖矿?" << endl;
			cout << "1,是 2,否" << endl;
			int ans;
			cin >> ans;
			if (ans == 2) return 0;
	return 0;
int clearance()
	cout << "你在出口处发现了一张纸条,上面写着:";
	if (camp) {
		cout << "伏地魔,我知道你在找我...我就告诉你吧,我在霍格沃茨等你!" << endl;
		cout << "                                           ――――哈利?波特" << endl;
	else {
		cout << "哈利?波特, 你看到这张纸条的时候, 你们的校已经掌握在我手中, 要么你前来送死,要么我就会把你的同们统统杀死!!!"<<endl;
		cout << "                                                                                               ――伏地魔" << endl;
	f = 1;
	return 0;
int maze()
	bool is[101][101];
	for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
		for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++)
			is[i][j] = false;  
	int x = 8, y = 1;
	string a[100] = { 
		"# 1   #   2  2 3#  #  1 #89#1#1# 1 1  #12  #3  #1#",
		"#2#1#5  # #1# #   ## # ##91  6   #9#7#11## # # 11#",
		"#   ## ## # # # #### # #####  # ####5##  # # #####",
		"#2########### # 4 #      ##  #####4    5##1# #189o",
		"# 1  1#     #2# ##  # ##   5#    ######### # #7#8#",
		"#1# #1 2# #     #  #9 # ### # ##2## #   ##  5#167#",
		"#o 1## ## # # ### #4##  ##  6 #  3  ###   #####5##",
		"I 2 #### #### #  1 6   #1# ##  5###6##  # #11134##",
		"I  1  #      7 # # # #   227# #  #   # #2 #2#21#5#",
		"##1 #1  #1# ## 5 #   # #3####  #  1#5# # 1 111#6 #",
		"#  2##3##1# ### ## ### #    ## ####  # #1####### #",
		"# ##3  ##1###7#    ##### ##  #   ###3  4## 9   # #",
		"#23   #    3   # ##9 ##6 6##   ### 9## ##1 # #3  #",
		"# # #   # # ## # ##    ##7 ## # 9  ###9#11##2## ##",
		"### # #######  # 2 # #3 # # #  1## 1 1## ##1 #3  #",
		"#5  #2   ## # #### # #5#  # ### #8###1   #1# #1# #",
		"# # # #   # # 4 5  # #  # 7   # # #   ####  8  #9#",
		"#   2 # #42   # ##    # 11#2#3   9  # ##9  # #999#",
	while (1) {
		is[x - 1][y - 1] = true;
		is[x - 1][y] = true;
		is[x - 1][y + 1] = true;
		is[x][y - 1] = true;
		is[x][y] = true;
		is[x][y + 1] = true;
		is[x + 1][y - 1] = true;
		is[x + 1][y] = true;
		is[x + 1][y + 1] = true;
		cout << "生命:" << health << "/" << maxhealth << endl;
		for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
			for (int j = 0; j < 50; j++) {
				if (is[i][j]) cout << a[i][j]; 
				else cout << "0"; 
			cout << endl;
		int ch;
		ch = _getch();
		if (ch == 'a') {
			if (a[x][y - 1] == ' ')
				a[x][y - 1] = '@';
				a[x][y] = ' ';
				y -= 1;
			else if ('0' <= a[x][y - 1] && a[x][y - 1] <= '9')
				cout << "你遇到了" << (int)(a[x][y - 1] - '0') << "级怪物,迎战吧!";
				fight("怪物", 10000 * (a[x][y - 1] - '0'), 2500 * (a[x][y - 1] - '0'), 100 * (a[x][y - 1] - '0'), 20, 500 * (a[x][y - 1] - '0'));
				if (dead)
					return 0;
				a[x][y - 1] = '@';
				a[x][y] = ' ';
				y -= 1;
				a[x][y] = ' ';
			else if (a[x][y - 1] == 'I')
				cout << "你是否要退出这个奇怪的世界,如果退出,你现在闯下的江湖都会重置" << endl;
				cout << "1确定 2取消" << endl;
				int num;
				cin >> num;
				if (num == 1)
			else if (a[x][y - 1] == 'o')
				cout << "你通关了" << endl;
		if (ch == 'd') {
			if (a[x][y + 1] == ' ')
				a[x][y + 1] = '@';
				a[x][y] = ' ';
				y += 1;
			else if ('0' <= a[x][y + 1] && a[x][y + 1] <= '9')
				cout << "你遇到了" << (int)(a[x][y + 1] - '0') << "级怪物,迎战吧!";
				fight("怪物", 10000 * (a[x][y + 1] - '0'), 2500 * (a[x][y + 1] - '0'), 100 * (a[x][y + 1] - '0'), 20, 500 * (a[x][y + 1] - '0'));
				if (dead)
					return 0;
				a[x][y + 1] = '@';
				a[x][y] = ' ';
				y += 1;
				a[x][y] = ' ';
			else if (a[x][y + 1] == 'I')
				cout << "你是否要退出这个奇怪的世界,如果退出,你现在闯下的江湖都会重置" << endl;
				cout << "1确定 2取消" << endl;
				int num;
				cin >> num;
				if (num == 1)
			else if (a[x][y + 1] == 'o')
				cout << "你通关了" << endl;
		if (ch == 'w') {
			if (a[x - 1][y] == ' ')
				a[x - 1][y] = '@';
				a[x][y] = ' ';
				x -= 1;
			else if ('0' <= a[x - 1][y] && a[x - 1][y] <= '9')
				cout << "你遇到了" << (int)(a[x - 1][y] - '0') << "级怪物,迎战吧!";
				fight("怪物", 10000 * (a[x - 1][y] - '0'), 2500 * (a[x - 1][y] - '0'), 100 * (a[x - 1][y] - '0'), 20, 500 * (a[x - 1][y] - '0'));
				if (dead)
					return 0;
				a[x - 1][y] = '@';
				a[x][y] = ' ';
				x -= 1;
				a[x][y] = ' ';
			else if (a[x - 1][y] == 'I')
				cout << "你是否要退出这个奇怪的世界,如果退出,你现在闯下的江湖都会重置" << endl;
				cout << "1确定 2取消" << endl;
				int num;
				cin >> num;
				if (num == 1)
			else if (a[x - 1][y] == 'o')
				cout << "你通关了" << endl;
		if (ch == 's') {
			if (a[x + 1][y] == ' ')
				a[x + 1][y] = '@';
				a[x][y] = ' ';
				x += 1;
			else if ('0' <= a[x + 1][y] && a[x + 1][y] <= '9')
				cout << "你遇到了" << (int)(a[x + 1][y] - '0') << "级怪物,迎战吧!";
				fight("怪物", 10000 * (a[x + 1][y] - '0'), 2500 * (a[x + 1][y] - '0'), 100 * (a[x + 1][y] - '0'), 20, 500 * (a[x + 1][y] - '0'));
				if (dead)
					return 0;
				a[x + 1][y] = '@';
				a[x][y] = ' ';
				x += 1;
				a[x][y] = ' ';
			else if (a[x + 1][y] == 'I')
				cout << "你是否要退出这个奇怪的世界,如果退出,你现在闯下的江湖都会重置" << endl;
				cout << "1确定 2取消" << endl;
				int num;
				cin >> num;
				if (num == 1)
			else if (a[x + 1][y] == 'o')
				cout << "你通关了" << endl;
	return 0;
int DriveOut()
	switch (rand() % 3)
	case 1:
		cout << "店主:没钱还敢卖!!!打出去!!!" << endl;
	case 2:
		cout << "店主:什么!没钱!!!" << endl;
	case 3:
		cout << "你:可不可以降一降价?" << endl;
		cout << "店主:不行!哪有那么简单!" << endl;
	return 0;
int poisonshop()
	cout << "店主:这位客人,您要卖什么?" << endl;
	cout << "1,购买      |小生命药水+200|     100元" << endl;
	cout << "2,购买     ||大生命药水+500||    200元" << endl;
	cout << "3,购买      |小防御药水 +20|     100元" << endl;
	cout << "4,购买     ||大防御药水 +50||    200元" << endl;
	cout << "5,购买      |小攻击药水+100|     100元" << endl;
	cout << "6,购买     ||大攻击药水+250||    200元" << endl;
	cout << "7,购买        |小全幅药水|       500元" << endl;
	cout << "8,购买       ||中全幅药水||      1000元" << endl;
	cout << "9,购买      |||大全幅药水|||     2000元" << endl;
	cout << "10,购买 *|||||极?全幅药水|||||*  10000元" << endl;
	cout << "你掏了掏自己的钱包,发现有" << money << "元" << endl;
	int which;
	cin >> which;
	switch (which)
	case 1:
		if (money < 100) DriveOut(); 
		else {
			money -= 100;
			cout << "店主:一路走好!" << endl;
			cout << "你拿起药水就喝了下去。" << endl;
			health += 200;
			maxhealth += 200;
	case 2:
		if (money < 200) DriveOut(); 
		else {
			money -= 200;
			cout << "店主:一路走好!" << endl;
			cout << "你拿起药水就喝了下去。" << endl;
			health += 500;
			maxhealth += 500;
	case 3:
		if (money < 100) DriveOut(); 
		else {
			money -= 100;
			cout << "店主:一路走好!" << endl;
			cout << "你拿起药水就喝了下去。" << endl;
			defense += 20;
	case 4:
		if (money < 200) DriveOut(); 
		else {
			money -= 200;
			cout << "店主:一路走好!" << endl;
			cout << "你拿起药水就喝了下去。" << endl;
			defense += 50;
	case 5:
		if (money < 100) DriveOut(); 
		else {
			money -= 100;
			cout << "店主:一路走好!" << endl;
			cout << "你拿起药水就喝了下去。" << endl;
			attack += 100;
	case 6:
		if (money < 200) DriveOut(); 
		else {
			money -= 200;
			cout << "店主:一路走好!" << endl;
			cout << "你拿起药水就喝了下去。" << endl;
			attack += 250;
	case 7:
		if (money < 500) DriveOut(); 
		else {
			money -= 500;
			cout << "店主:一路走好!" << endl;
			cout << "你拿起药水就喝了下去。" << endl;
			health += 50;
			defense += 5;
			attack += 25;
			experience += 1000;
	case 8:
		if (money < 1000) DriveOut(); 
		else {
			money -= 1000;
			cout << "店主:一路走好!" << endl;
			cout << "你拿起药水就喝了下去。" << endl;
			health += 150;
			defense += 15;
			attack += 75;
			experience += 3000;
	case 9:
		if (money < 2000) DriveOut(); 
		else {
			money -= 2000;
			cout << "店主:一路走好!" << endl;
			cout << "你拿起药水就喝了下去。" << endl;
			health += 450;
			defense += 45;
			attack += 225;
			experience += 9000;
	case 10:
		if (money < 10000) DriveOut(); 
		else {
			money -= 10000;
			cout << "店主:一路走好!" << endl;
			cout << "你拿起药水就喝了下去。" << endl;
			health += 2500;
			defense += 250;
			attack += 1250;
			experience += 50000;
	return 0;
int bookshop()
	cout << "店主:这里是巫师们卖书的地方,您要卖什么?" << endl;
	cout << "1,购买  ||||恢复如初技能书||||   40000元  现货大量供应" << endl;
	cout << "2,购买     ||遗忘咒技能书||      10000元  已经售完" << endl;
	cout << "3,购买    |||钻心咒技能书|||     15000元  现货大量供应" << endl;
	cout << "4,购买    |||召唤咒技能书|||     20000元  现货大量供应" << endl;
	cout << "5,购买 *|||||咒立停技能书|||||*  25000元  现货大量供应" << endl;
	cout << "6,购买   ||||夺魂咒技能书||||    20000元  现货大量供应" << endl;
	cout << "7,购买    ||万弹齐发技能书||     15000元  现货大量供应" << endl;
	cout << "你掏了掏自己的钱包,发现有" << money << "元" << endl;
	int which;
	cin >> which;
	switch (which)
	case 1:
		if (money < 40000) DriveOut(); 
		else {
			money -= 40000;
			cout << "店主:一路走好!" << endl;
	case 2:
		cout << "店主:对不起,本书已经售完" << endl;
	case 3:
		if (money < 20000) DriveOut(); 
		else {
			money -= 20000;
			cout << "店主:一路走好!" << endl;
	case 4:
		if (money < 20000) DriveOut(); 
		else {
			money -= 20000;
			cout << "店主:一路走好!" << endl;
	case 5:
		if (money < 25000) DriveOut(); 
		else {
			money -= 25000;
			cout << "店主:一路走好!" << endl;
	case 6:
		if (money < 20000) DriveOut(); 
		else {
			money -= 20000;
			cout << "店主:一路走好!" << endl;
	case 7:
		if (money < 15000) DriveOut(); 
		else {
			money -= 15000;
			cout << "店主:一路走好!" << endl;
	return 0;
int NoticeBoard(int l, int x, int y)
	if (l == 10 && x == 6 && y == 1) {
		cout << "跟着'*'走" << endl;
		cout << "     ――作者" << endl;
	if (l == 10 && x == 8 && y == 12) {
		cout << "走吧,谁叫你不听命令呢..." << endl;
		cout << "                  ――作者" << endl;
	if (l == 12 && x == 3 && y == 1) {
		cout << "杀出重围!" << endl;
		cout << "      ――作者" << endl;
	if (l == 12 && x < 4 && y == 20) {
		cout << "恭喜通过一半!往下走继续..." << endl;
		cout << "       ――作者" << endl;
	if (l == 12 && x > 4 && y == 20) {
		cout << "恭喜通过一半!往上走继续..." << endl;
		cout << "       ――作者" << endl;
	if (l == 12 && x == 10) {
		cout << "拿走全部奖励吧!" << endl;
		cout << "       ――作者" << endl;
	else {
		cout << "回去吧,你来错地方了..." << endl;
	return 0;
int checkpoint(int l)
	bool is[101][101];
	for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) 
		for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) 
			is[i][j] = false;
	int x = 1, y = 1;
	string a[100];
	if (l == 1) {
		a[0] = "######";
		a[1] = "I    o";
		a[2] = "######";
	else if (l == 2) {
		a[0] = "#######";
		a[1] = "I    1#";
		a[2] = "#### ##";
		a[3] = "##1  ##";
		a[4] = "#### ##";
		a[5] = "#P    o";
		a[6] = "#######";
	else if (l == 3) {
		a[0] = "#########";
		a[1] = "I #  1#S#";
		a[2] = "# ## ##1#";
		a[3] = "#       #";
		a[4] = "#### ## #";
		a[5] = "#P1  #o #";
		a[6] = "#########";
	else if (l == 4) {
		a[0] = "#######o#######";
		a[1] = "I       #P3   #";
		a[2] = "#       ##### #";
		a[3] = "#         1P  #";
		a[4] = "#       ##### #";
		a[5] = "#S      #    2#";
		a[6] = "######### #####";
		a[7] = "#P121 2 1  11P#";
		a[8] = "###############";
	else if (l == 5) {
		a[0] = "###############";
		a[1] = "I 3     #P3   #";
		a[2] = "# 3 #   ##### #";
		a[3] = "# 2 #     1   #";
		a[4] = "# 2 # # ##### #";
		a[5] = "# 1 # #P#    2#";
		a[6] = "#####2S## ###o#";
		a[7] = "#P1 1 # 1   1P#";
		a[8] = "###############";
	else if (l == 6) {
		a[0] = "###############";
		a[1] = "#   11  2  6PP#";
		a[2] = "#2# #P#########";
		a[3] = "#2##### #S#   o";
		a[4] = "I       #2# ###";
		a[5] = "# #####  11 ###";
		a[6] = "# #P##### #####";
		a[7] = "#1112       4P#";
		a[8] = "###############";
		x = 4;
	else if (l == 7) {
		a[0] = "###############";
		a[1] = "#3 4#  P#  # B#";
		a[2] = "#1# #9## 1#  3#";
		a[3] = "#1#6# 9#  # ###";
		a[4] = "I #7   94 # # o";
		a[5] = "# #1 3 ##  P# #";
		a[6] = "# ########### #";
		a[7] = "#       1  P  #";
		a[8] = "###############";
		x = 4;
	else if (l == 8) {
		a[0]  = "#################";
		a[1]  = "#PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP#";
		a[2]  = "#P#############P#";
		a[3]  = "#PPPP 9999999 PP#";
		if (rand() % 100 < 7) a[4] = "#################"; 
		else a[4] = "######### #######"; 
		a[5]  = "#2 2#2 2#9##2  P#";
		a[6]  = "# # # # # #22#  #";
		a[7]  = "# # # # # # #22##";
		a[8]  = "I # # # # # # # o";
		a[9]  = "##22# # # # # # #";
		a[10] = "#  #22# #3# # # #";
		a[11] = "#P  2##2 5 2#2 2#";
		a[12] = "#################";
		x = 8;
	else if (l == 9) {
		a[0] = "#################";
		a[1] = "I     9###9     I";
		a[2] = "#      # #      #";
		a[3] = "#    ##P9P##    #";
		a[4] = "#   9# 9o9 #9   #";
		a[5] = "#    ##P9P##    #";
		a[6] = "#      # #      #";
		a[7] = "I     9###9     I";
		a[8] = "#################";
		if (rand() % 2) x = 7;
		if (rand() % 2) y = 15;
	else if (l == 10) {
		a[0] = "#############################";
		a[1] = "#0******00****P0000000000000#";
		a[2] = "#0*9000*00*000*0**P000000000#";
		a[3] = "#0*000**0**0#0*0900*****00**o";
		a[4] = "#0*00**00*90#0******000****0#";
		a[5] = "#0*00*00**00#0000000***00000#";
		a[6] = "#T*00*90*00##################";
		a[7] = "I**00****00#================I";
		a[8] = "############T################";
		x = 7;
		y = 1;
	else if (l == 11) {
		a[0] = "#############################";
		a[1] = "#        33344555#P         #";
		a[2] = "#22222P  33344566#P         ##";
		a[3] = "#11   2  33344567#7 8 8 8 8 9######################";
		a[4] = "I 1   2  33344567           999999999999999  PPPPo#";
		a[5] = "#11   2  33344567#7 8 8 8 8 9######################";
		a[6] = "#22222P  33344566#P         ##";
		a[7] = "#        33344555#P         #";
		a[8] = "#############################";
		x = 4;
		y = 1;
	else if (l == 12) {
		a[0] = "###################################################";
		a[1] = "#999999999999999999.T.999999999P999999999999999999#";
		a[2] = "#9999999999.99.99.99T.999999999P999999999999999999#";
		a[3] = "#T9...99.99999999999T.999999999P9999999999999999..#";
		a[4] = "I...9.9.9999.999.99...999999999P9999999999999999.X#";
		a[5] = "#T9...99999999.99999T.999999999P9999999999999999..#";
		a[6] = "#9999999.99.999.99.9T.999999999P999999999999999999#";
		a[7] = "#99999.9999999999999T.999999999P999999999999999999#";
		a[8] = "###################################################";
		a[10] = "#################################################T#";
		x = 4;
		y = 1;
	else {
		a[0] = "#############################";
		a[1] = "#T                         T#";
		a[2] = "#                           #";
		a[3] = "#                           #";
		a[4] = "#                           #";
		a[5] = "#                           #";
		a[6] = "#                           #";
		a[7] = "I   o                      T#";
		a[8] = "#############################";
		x = 7;
		y = 1;
	a[x][y] = '@';
	while (1) {
		is[x - 1][y - 1] = true;
		is[x - 1][y] = true;
		is[x - 1][y + 1] = true;
		is[x][y - 1] = true;
		is[x][y] = true;
		is[x][y + 1] = true;
		is[x + 1][y - 1] = true;
		is[x + 1][y] = true;
		is[x + 1][y + 1] = true;
		cout << "生命:" << health << "/" << maxhealth << endl;
		cout << "攻击:" << attack << endl;
		cout << "防御:" << defense << endl;
		for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
			for (int j = 0; j < 50; j++) {
				if (is[i][j]) cout << a[i][j]; 
				else cout << "0"; 
			cout << endl;
		int ch;
		ch = _getch();
		if (ch == 'a') {
			if ('0' < a[x][y - 1] && a[x][y - 1] <= '9')
				cout << "你遇到了" << (int)(a[x][y - 1] - '0') << "级怪物,迎战吧!";
				fight("怪物", 1000 * (a[x][y - 1] - '0'), 250 * (a[x][y - 1] - '0'), 10 * (a[x][y - 1] - '0'), 12, 50 * (a[x][y - 1] - '0'));
				if (dead)
					return 0;
				a[x][y - 1] = '@';
				a[x][y] = ' ';
				a[x][y] = ' ';
			else if (a[x][y - 1] == 'I')
				cout << "你是否要退出?" << endl;
				cout << "1确定 2取消" << endl;
				int num;
				cin >> num;
				if (num == 1)
			else if (a[x][y - 1] == 'o')
				cout << "你通关了" << endl;
				if (nowlevel + 1 == l)
				return 0;
			else if (a[x][y - 1] == 'P')
				int m1 = rand() % 50;
				int m2 = rand() % 2;
				int m3 = rand() % 2;
				int m4 = rand() % 2;
				int m5 = rand() % 2;
				int m6 = rand() % 2;
				cout << "你获得了:" << endl;
				cout << m1 << "元" << endl;
				cout << m2 << "瓶生命药水" << endl;
				cout << m3 << "瓶防御药水" << endl;
				cout << m4 << "瓶攻击药水" << endl;
				cout << m5 << "瓶经验药水" << endl;
				cout << m6 << "瓶全幅药水" << endl;
				money += m1;
				bag[19] += m2;
				bag[20] += m3;
				bag[21] += m4;
				bag[22] += m5;
				bag[23] += m6;
				a[x][y - 1] = '@';
				a[x][y] = ' ';
			else if (a[x][y - 1] == 'S')
			else if (a[x][y - 1] == 'B')
			else if (a[x][y - 1] == 'T')
				NoticeBoard(l, x, y - 1);
			else if (a[x][y - 1] == '0' && l == 10)
				a[x][y] = '0';
				x = 7;
				y = 12;
				a[x][y] = '@';
			else if (a[x][y - 1] == 'X' && l == 12)
				a[x][y] = ' ';
				x = 9;
				y = 49;
				a[x][y] = '@';
			else if (a[x][y - 1] != '#')
				a[x][y - 1] = '@';
				a[x][y] = ' ';
				y -= 1;
			if (l == 9 && x == 4 && y == 12)
				a[x][y - 2] = '@';
				a[x][y] = ' ';
				y -= 2;
		if (ch == 'd') {
			if ('0' < a[x][y + 1] && a[x][y + 1] <= '9')
				cout << "你遇到了" << (int)(a[x][y + 1] - '0') << "级怪物,迎战吧!";
				fight("怪物", 1000 * (a[x][y + 1] - '0'), 250 * (a[x][y + 1] - '0'), 10 * (a[x][y + 1] - '0'), 12, 50 * (a[x][y + 1] - '0'));
				if (dead)
					return 0;
				a[x][y + 1] = '@';
				a[x][y] = ' ';
				a[x][y] = ' ';
			else if (a[x][y + 1] == 'I')
				cout << "你是否要退出?" << endl;
				cout << "1确定 2取消" << endl;
				int num;
				cin >> num;
				if (num == 1)
			else if (a[x][y + 1] == 'o')
				cout << "你通关了" << endl;
				if (nowlevel + 1 == l)
				return 0;
			else if (a[x][y + 1] == 'P')
				int m1 = rand() % 50;
				int m2 = rand() % 2;
				int m3 = rand() % 2;
				int m4 = rand() % 2;
				int m5 = rand() % 2;
				int m6 = rand() % 2;
				cout << "你获得了:" << endl;
				cout << m1 << "元" << endl;
				cout << m2 << "瓶生命药水" << endl;
				cout << m3 << "瓶防御药水" << endl;
				cout << m4 << "瓶攻击药水" << endl;
				cout << m5 << "瓶经验药水" << endl;
				cout << m6 << "瓶全幅药水" << endl;
				money += m1;
				bag[19] += m2;
				bag[20] += m3;
				bag[21] += m4;
				bag[22] += m5;
				bag[23] += m6;
				a[x][y + 1] = '@';
				a[x][y] = ' ';
			else if (a[x][y + 1] == 'S')
			else if (a[x][y + 1] == 'B')
			else if (a[x][y + 1] == 'T')
				NoticeBoard(l, x, y + 1);
			else if (a[x][y + 1] == '0' && l == 10)
				a[x][y] = '0';
				x = 7;
				y = 12;
				a[x][y] = '@';
			else if (a[x][y + 1] == 'X' && l == 12)
				a[x][y] = ' ';
				x = 9;
				y = 49;
				a[x][y] = '@';
			else if (a[x][y + 1] != '#')
				a[x][y + 1] = '@';
				a[x][y] = ' ';
			if (l == 9 && x == 4 && y == 4)
				a[x][y + 2] = '@';
				a[x][y] = ' ';
				y += 2;
		if (ch == 'w') {
			if ('0' < a[x - 1][y] && a[x - 1][y] <= '9')
				cout << "你遇到了" << (int)(a[x - 1][y] - '0') << "级怪物,迎战吧!";
				fight("怪物", 1000 * (a[x - 1][y] - '0'), 250 * (a[x - 1][y] - '0'), 10 * (a[x - 1][y] - '0'), 12, 50 * (a[x - 1][y] - '0'));
				if (dead)
					return 0;
				a[x - 1][y] = '@';
				a[x][y] = ' ';
				a[x][y] = ' ';
			else if (a[x - 1][y] == 'I')
				cout << "你是否要退出?" << endl;
				cout << "1确定 2取消" << endl;
				int num;
				cin >> num;
				if (num == 1)
			else if (a[x - 1][y] == 'o')
				cout << "你通关了" << endl;
				if (nowlevel + 1 == l)
				return 0;
			else if (a[x - 1][y] == 'P')
				int m1 = rand() % 50;
				int m2 = rand() % 2;
				int m3 = rand() % 2;
				int m4 = rand() % 2;
				int m5 = rand() % 2;
				int m6 = rand() % 2;
				cout << "你获得了:" << endl;
				cout << m1 << "元" << endl;
				cout << m2 << "瓶生命药水" << endl;
				cout << m3 << "瓶防御药水" << endl;
				cout << m4 << "瓶攻击药水" << endl;
				cout << m5 << "瓶经验药水" << endl;
				cout << m6 << "瓶全幅药水" << endl;
				money += m1;
				bag[19] += m2;
				bag[20] += m3;
				bag[21] += m4;
				bag[22] += m5;
				bag[23] += m6;
				a[x - 1][y] = '@';
				a[x][y] = ' ';
			else if (a[x - 1][y] == 'S')
			else if (a[x - 1][y] == 'B')
			else if (a[x - 1][y] == 'T')
				NoticeBoard(l, x - 1, y);
			else if (a[x - 1][y] == '0' && l == 10)
				a[x][y] = '0';
				x = 7;
				y = 12;
				a[x][y] = '@';
			else if (a[x - 1][y] == 'X' && l == 12)
				a[x][y] = ' ';
				x = 9;
				y = 49;
				a[x][y] = '@';
			else if (a[x - 1][y] != '#')
				a[x - 1][y] = '@';
				a[x][y] = ' ';
				x -= 1;
		if (ch == 's') {
			if (a[x + 1][y] == ' ')
				a[x + 1][y] = '@';
				a[x][y] = ' ';
				x += 1;
			else if ('0' < a[x + 1][y] && a[x + 1][y] <= '9')
				cout << "你遇到了" << (int)(a[x + 1][y] - '0') << "级怪物,迎战吧!";
				fight("怪物", 1000 * (a[x + 1][y] - '0'), 250 * (a[x + 1][y] - '0'), 10 * (a[x + 1][y] - '0'), 12, 50 * (a[x + 1][y] - '0'));
				if (dead)
					return 0;
				a[x + 1][y] = '@';
				a[x][y] = ' ';
				a[x][y] = ' ';
			else if (a[x + 1][y] == 'I')
				cout << "你是否要退出?" << endl;
				cout << "1确定 2取消" << endl;
				int num;
				cin >> num;
				if (num == 1)
			else if (a[x + 1][y] == 'o')
				cout << "你通关了" << endl;
				if (nowlevel + 1 == l)
				return 0;
			else if (a[x + 1][y] == 'P')
				int m1 = rand() % 50;
				int m2 = rand() % 2;
				int m3 = rand() % 2;
				int m4 = rand() % 2;
				int m5 = rand() % 2;
				int m6 = rand() % 2;
				cout << "你获得了:" << endl;
				cout << m1 << "元" << endl;
				cout << m2 << "瓶生命药水" << endl;
				cout << m3 << "瓶防御药水" << endl;
				cout << m4 << "瓶攻击药水" << endl;
				cout << m5 << "瓶经验药水" << endl;
				cout << m6 << "瓶全幅药水" << endl;
				money += m1;
				bag[19] += m2;
				bag[20] += m3;
				bag[21] += m4;
				bag[22] += m5;
				bag[23] += m6;
				a[x + 1][y] = '@';
				a[x][y] = ' ';
			else if (a[x + 1][y] == 'S')
			else if (a[x + 1][y] == 'B')
			else if (a[x + 1][y] == 'T')
				NoticeBoard(l, x + 1, y);
			else if (a[x + 1][y] == '0' && l == 10)
				a[x][y] = '0';
				x = 7;
				y = 12;
				a[x][y] = '@';
			else if (a[x + 1][y] == 'X' && l == 12)
				a[x][y] = ' ';
				x = 9;
				y = 49;
				a[x][y] = '@';
			else if (a[x + 1][y] != '#')
				a[x + 1][y] = '@';
				a[x][y] = ' ';
	return 0;
int MM()
	if (amm == 0) {
		int lie = 0;
		cout << "....建议45级打,飘升80级...." << endl;
		cout << "攻击即可获得:" << endl;
		cout << "抽奖券*100 技能书昏昏倒地或技能书铁甲咒 全幅药水*50";
		cout << " 金币*2000 经验石X*50" << endl;
		cout << " 1攻击 2变强后再来" << endl;
		int a;
		cin >> a;
		if (a == 1) {
			cout << "你来到了魔法部大门" << endl;
			cout << "魔法部大门看守:你来这干嘛!" << endl;
			cout << "1抢劫! 2办事的。" << endl;
			cin >> a;
			if (a == 1) cout << "魔法部大门看守:拦下他!" << endl;
			else {
				if (camp) cout << "魔法部大门看守:不可能,你是伏地魔的人!" << endl; 
				else {
					cout << "魔法部大门看守仔细一看。" << endl;
					cout << "魔法部大门看守:他是哈利波特的人,抓了他问哈利波特下落!" << endl;
			fight("大门看守", 2000, 200, 20, 0, 1000);
			if (dead) return 0; 
			fight("大门看守", 2000, 200, 20, 0, 1000);
			if (dead) return 0; 
			cout << "增加100滴血" << endl;
			health += 100;
			cout << "你踢开了大门" << endl;
			cout << "里面的几个雕像活了" << endl;
			fight("雕像", 10000, 200, 20, 0, 500);
			if (dead) return 0; 
			fight("雕像", 10000, 200, 20, 0, 500);
			if (dead) return 0; 
			fight("雕像", 10000, 200, 20, 0, 500);
			if (dead) return 0; 
			cout << "增加500滴血" << endl;
			health += 500;
			cout << "你杀死了雕像后, 正准备往楼上走" << endl;
			cout << "突然一群员工跑了过来" << endl;
			cout << "员工:这是你干你的吗" << endl;
			cout << "1,撒谎  其他,是!" << endl;
			cin >> a;
			if (a == 1) {
				cout << "员工:是谁干的?" << endl;
				cout << "你随便指了一个员工" << endl;
				cout << "他!" << endl;
				cout << "那群员工匆匆跑了过去" << endl;
				cout << "你赶快跑上楼梯" << endl;
				lie = 1;
			else {
				cout << "员工:干掉他!" << endl;
				fight("员工", 3000, 200, 100, 14, 1000);
				if (dead) return 0; 
				fight("员工", 3000, 200, 100, 14, 1000);
				if (dead) return 0; 
				fight("员工", 3000, 200, 100, 14, 1000);
				if (dead) return 0; 
				fight("员工", 3000, 200, 100, 15, 1000);
				if (dead) return 0; 
				fight("员工", 3000, 200, 100, 17, 1000);
				if (dead) return 0; 
				if (rand() % 3 == 0) {
					cout << "你获得了技能书铁甲咒" << endl;
				cout << "你赶快跑上楼梯" << endl;
				health += 500;
			cout << "你遇到了副部长" << endl;
			fight("副部长", 10000, 1000, 100, 20, 3000);
			health += 5000;
			if (dead) return 0; 
			if (lie) {
				cout << "上次的员工跑了过来" << endl;
				cout << "员工:你,你骗了我们!" << endl;
				fight("员工", 3000, 200, 100, 14, 1000);
				if (dead) return 0; 
				fight("员工", 3000, 200, 100, 14, 1000);
				if (dead) return 0; 
				fight("员工", 3000, 200, 100, 14, 1000);
				if (dead) return 0; 
				fight("员工", 3000, 200, 100, 15, 1500);
				if (dead) return 0; 
				fight("员工", 3000, 200, 100, 17, 2000);
				if (dead) return 0;
				if (rand() % 3 == 0){
					cout << "你获得了技能书铁甲咒" << endl;
				health += 500;
			cout << "你遇到了部长";
			fight("部长", 15000, 1500, 150, 20, 4000);
			if (dead) return 0;
			cout << "你获得:" << endl;
			cout << "抽奖券*100 技能书昏昏倒地或技能书铁甲咒 全幅药水*50";
			cout << " 金币*2000 经验石X*50" << endl;
			bag[0] += 100; bag[8]++; bag[23] += 50; money += 2000; bag[5] += 50; amm = 1;
		else if (a == 2) return 0;
		else {
			cout << "请勿乱输";
	else {
		cout << "你已占领魔法部 可以进入以下地方" << endl;
		cout << "0,退出 1,泡温泉 2,矿洞" << endl;
		int b;
		cin >> b;
		switch (b)
		case 0:
		case 1:
			time_t c_start, t_start, c_end, t_end;
			c_start = clock();
			t_start = time(NULL);
			cout << "正在泡温泉 按下任意键停止" << endl;
			c_end = clock();
			t_end = time(NULL);
			cout << "你获得" << (int)difftime(c_end, c_start)  /10<< "元" << endl;
			cout << "你获得" << (int)difftime(c_end, c_start)  << "经验" << endl;
			experience += (int)difftime(c_end, c_start)/2;
			money += (int)difftime(c_end, c_start)/10;
		case 2:
			cout << "你走进矿洞" << endl;
			if (ict == 5) cout << "你不小心靠在墙上,触发了机关" << endl;
			else if (ict > 5) cout << "你找到原来触发机关的地方,按下那块岩石,密道又出现了" << endl;
			cout << "0,退出 1,挖矿";
			if (ict > 4) cout << " 2,暗道";
			cout << endl;
			int c;
			cin >> c;
			if (c == 1) dig();
			else if (c == 2 && ict > 4) {
				cout << "你走进暗道" << endl;
				cout << "你发现了一个完全不同的世界,里面充满了怪物" << endl;
				cout << "每去一个地方都有可能遇到他们" << endl;
				cout << "但你有一种直觉,穿过这个森林,就能找到某些东西" << endl;
				MessageBox(0, TEXT("建议 生命>60000 攻击>20000 防御>2000 速度>1000 时来打"), TEXT("重要提示"), MB_OK);
				if (MessageBox(0, TEXT("用 wasd 移动,o出口,I入口,@你"), TEXT("重要提示"), MB_OKCANCEL | MB_ICONINFORMATION) != IDOK){
					MessageBox(0, TEXT("下次再来吧!"), TEXT("重要提示"), MB_OK);
					return 0;
				cout << "开始吧!" << endl;
			else cout << "请勿乱输" << endl; 
	return 0;
int finalfight(string Hname)
	long long int hisH = 10000000000000, hisA = 1000000000, hisD = 5000000000, hisSP = 500000;
	int hfaint = 0, hhurt = 0, hbeat = 0;
	int mfaint = 0, mhurt = 0;
	dead = false;
	int ha = hisA;
	int his = hisA + hisD + hisH;
	while (1)
		if (hfaint > 0) {
			if (rand() % 3 == 0) {
				cout << "伏地魔使用技能:咒立停!停止了魔咒" << endl;
				hfaint = 1;
			hfaint -= 1;
		if (hbeat == 1) {
			if (rand() % 10 == 0) {
				cout << "伏地魔一躲,躲过了你的石头" << endl;
				hbeat = 0;
			else {
				cout << "伏地魔躲闪不急,石头正好撞在他的鼻子上 扣血50滴" << endl;
				hisH -= 50;
		if (mfaint > 0) {
			if (Sl[6]) mfaint = 0; 
			else mfaint -= 1; 
		if (mhurt > 0) {
			if (Sl[6]) mhurt = 0; 
			else {
				mhurt -= 1;
				cout << "你的心像被一把刀刺穿了一样 扣血200滴" << endl;
				health -= 200;
		if (mfaint <= 0) {
			if (rand() % 3 && Sl[0]) {
				cout << "你使用技能快快复苏 生命增加200" << endl;
				health += 200;
			if (rand() % 3 && Sl[1]) {
				cout << "你使用技能铁甲护身 生命增加100 防御增加50" << endl;
				health += 100;
				defense += 50;
			if (rand() % 3 && Sl[2]) {
				cout << "你使用技能昏昏倒地 " << Hname << "一回合之内不能攻击" << endl;
				hfaint += 1;
			if (rand() % 3 && Sl[3]) {
				cout << "你使用技能神锋无影 攻击增加200 伏地魔扣血200滴" << endl;
				hisH -= 200;
				attack += 200;
			if (rand() % 3 && Sl[5]) {
				if (rand() % 10) {
					cout << "你使用技能统统石化 " << Hname << "二回合之内不能攻击" << endl;
					hfaint += 2;
				else {
					cout << "你使用技能统统石化 " << Hname << "十回合之内不能攻击" << endl;
					hfaint += 10;
			if (rand() % 4 == 0 && Sl[7]) {
				cout << "你使用技能召唤咒!召唤出石怪跟" << Hname << "战斗" << endl;
				hisH = monsterfight(Hname, hisH, hisA, hisD, 23, hisSP);
				if (hisH < 1)
					cout << "伏地魔死亡" << endl; Sleep(1000);
					cout << "全部人都来庆祝你" << endl; Sleep(1000);
					cout << "突然," << Hname << "的魔杖一转,指向了你。" << endl; Sleep(1000);
					cout << "里面发出一束红色的光柱" << endl; Sleep(1000);
					cout << "你连忙拿魔杖一挡" << endl; Sleep(1000);
					cout << "那光柱击中你的魔杖,爆炸了" << endl; Sleep(1000);
					cout << "你的魔杖断了" << endl; Sleep(1000);
					cout << "你被炸出20多米" << endl; Sleep(1000);
					cout << "未完待续..." << endl; Sleep(10000);
					return 0;
				if (Sl[0]) {
					cout << "在伏地魔和石怪的战斗中,你已经恢复了2000生命" << endl;
					if (maxhealth < health + 2000) health = maxhealth; 
					else  health += 2000; 
			if (rand() % 4 == 0 && Sl[8]) {
				cout << "你使用技能召唤咒!召唤出石怪跟" << Hname << "战斗" << endl;
			if (rand() % 3 && Sl[9]) {
				cout << "你使用技能万弹齐发!变出几十块石头" << endl;
				hbeat = 1;
			if (rand() % 3 && Sl[10]) {
				cout << "你使用技能钻心咒!伏地魔将疼痛5回合" << endl;
				hhurt += 5;
			if (rand() % 3 && Sl[11]) {
				cout << "魂魄出窍!你使用夺魂咒,企图让" << Hname << "自己攻击自己!" << endl;
				Sleep((rand() % 2000) + 1000);
				cout << Hname << "被你控制了,开始攻击自己" << endl;
				int ran = rand() % 40 - 20;
				if (hisA + ran > hisD) {
					cout << "伏地魔发起进攻 自己扣血" << hisH - hisD + ran << "滴 剩余" << hisH - (hisA - hisD + ran) << "滴" << endl;
					hisH -= hisA - hisD + ran;
				else cout << "伏地魔发起进攻 自己扣血0滴 剩余" << hisH << "滴" << endl; 
			if (rand() % 2 && Sl[12]) {
				cout << "你使用技能阿瓦达索命 " << Hname << "扣血" << hisH - hisH / 4 << "滴" << endl;
				hisH /= 4;
			int ran = rand() % 40 - 20;
			if (rand() % 10000 > hisSP) {
				if (attack + ran > hisD) {
					cout << "你发起进攻 " << Hname << "扣血" << attack - hisD + ran << "滴 剩余" << hisH - (attack - hisD + ran) << "滴" << endl;
					hisH -= attack - hisD + ran;
				else cout << "你发起进攻 " << Hname << "扣血0滴 剩余" << hisH << "滴" << endl; 
				if (rand() % 2) cout << "你一脚踹了过去,但没有踢中" << endl; 
				else {
					cout << "你一脚踹了过去,但只擦着了腰" << endl;
					if ((attack / 3) + ran > hisD) {
						cout << Hname << "扣血" << (attack / 3) + ran - hisD << "滴 剩余" << hisH - ((attack / 3) + ran - hisD) << "滴" << endl;
						hisH -= (attack / 3) + ran - hisD;
					else  cout << Hname << "扣血0滴 剩余" << hisH << "滴" << endl; 
		if (hhurt > 0) {
			hhurt -= 1;
			cout << "伏地魔因中了你的钻心咒,正捂着心大叫呢 扣血200滴" << endl;
			hisH -= 200;
		if (hisH <= 0) {
			if (rand() % 3 == 0) {
				cout << "伏地魔发动技能:恢复如初 满血复活" << endl;
				hisH = ha;
			else {
				cout << "伏地魔死亡"<< endl; Sleep(1000);
				cout << "全部人都来庆祝你" << endl; Sleep(1000);
				cout << "突然," << Hname << "的魔杖一转,指向了你。" << endl; Sleep(1000);
				cout << "里面发出一束红色的光柱" << endl; Sleep(1000);
				cout << "你连忙拿魔杖一挡" << endl; Sleep(1000);
				cout << "那光柱击中你的魔杖,爆炸了" << endl; Sleep(1000);
				cout << "你的魔杖断了" << endl; Sleep(1000);
				cout << "你被炸出20多米" << endl; Sleep(1000);
				cout << "未完待续..." << endl; Sleep(10000);
				return 0;
		if (rand() % 3 == 0) {
			cout << "伏地魔发动技能:快快复苏  生命加200" << endl;
			hisH += 200; 
		if (rand() % 3 == 0) {
			cout << "伏地魔发动技能:盔甲护身  生命加50 防御增加50" << endl;
			hisH += 50;
			hisD += 50; 
		if (rand() % 3 == 0) {
			cout << "伏地魔使用技能神锋无影 攻击增加200 扣血200滴" << endl;
			health -= 200;
			hisA += 200; 
		if (rand() % 3 == 0) {
			cout << "伏地魔使用技能昏昏倒地 " << name << "一回合之内不能攻击" << endl;
			mfaint += 1; 
		if (rand() % 3 == 0)
			if (rand() % 10) {
				cout << "对方使用技能统统石化 " << name << "二回合之内不能攻击" << endl;
				mfaint += 2;
			else {
				cout << "对方使用技能统统石化 " << name << "十回合之内不能攻击" << endl;
				mfaint += 10;
		if (rand() % 3 == 0) {
			cout << "对方使用技能阿瓦达索命 " << name << "扣血" << health - health / 4 << "滴" << endl;
			health /= 4;
		if (hfaint <= 0) {
			int ran = rand() % 40 - 20;
			if (rand() % 10000 > speed) {
				if (hisA + ran > defense) {
					cout << Hname << "发起进攻 " << "你扣血" << hisA - defense + ran << "滴 剩余" << health - (hisA - defense + ran) << "滴" << endl;
					health -= hisA - defense + ran;
				else cout << Hname << "发起进攻 " << "你扣血0滴 剩余" << health << "滴" << endl; 
			else {
				if (rand() % 2) cout << Hname << "一脚踹了过来,但没有踢中" << endl; 
				else {
					if ((hisA / 3) + ran > hisD) {
						cout << Hname << "发起进攻 你扣血" << (hisA / 3) + ran - defense << "滴 剩余" << health - ((hisA / 3) + ran - defense) << "滴" << endl;
						health -= ((hisA / 3) + ran - defense);
					else cout << Hname << "发起进攻 " << "你扣血0滴 剩余" << health << "滴" << endl; 
			if (health <= 0) {
				if (Sl[6] && rand() % 2) {
					cout << "你发动技能:恢复如初 满血复活" << endl;
					health = maxhealth;
				else {
					cout << "你死亡";
					health = 20;
					dead = true;
					return 0;
	return 0;
int main()
	int isbreak;
	isbreak = false;
	if (MessageBox(0, TEXT("除输入名字外,请不要输入任何字符,否则将导致游戏崩溃!"), TEXT("重要提示"), MB_OKCANCEL | MB_ICONINFORMATION) != IDOK)
		MessageBox(0, TEXT("既然你不同意,那就别玩了"), TEXT("重要提示"), MB_OK);
		return 0;
	cout << "                              1.2.9 \n";
	cout << "      MagicWorld--HarryPotter       \n";
	cout << "                                    \n";
	cout << "         / >                        \n";
	cout << "        /    >          /           \n";
	cout << "       < _____ >       /            \n";
	cout << "        |-O--O-|      /             \n";
	cout << "       /   == - .    /              \n";
	cout << "     /           . [  ]             \n";
	cout << "       /      /` ___/               \n";
	cout << "                                    \n";
	cout << "                             by evan\n";
	for (int i = 8; i < 100; i++) wandname[i] = "1";
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
		cout << "loading..." << endl << "--------------------------" << endl << "   ";
		for (int j = 0; j <= i % 5; j++) cout << "+==+";
		cout << "   " << endl << "--------------------------" << endl;
		switch (rand() % 4)
		case 0:
			cout << "打怪是升级和提升战力的好方法。" << endl;
		case 1:
			cout << "开始游戏时记得选择阵营。" << endl;
		case 2:
			cout << "退出时要保存。" << endl;
		case 3:
			cout << "新手开始游戏时会有3瓶经验药水1张抽奖券。" << endl;
	while (1)
		isbreak = false;
		cout << "1,登录 2,注册";
		int a;
		cin >> a;
		if (a == 1) login();
		else Reg();
		while (1) {
			if (isbreak)
			cout << "魔法人士:" << name << endl;
			cout << "势力:";
			if (camp) cout << "伏地魔" << endl;
			else cout << "哈利波特" << endl;
			cout << "生命:" << health << "/" << maxhealth << endl;
			cout << "攻击:" << attack << endl;
			cout << "防御:" << defense << endl;
			cout << "速度:" << speed << endl;
			cout << "等级:" << level << endl;
			cout << "经验:" << experience << "/" << level * 100 << endl;
			cout << "金币:" << money << endl;
			cout << "1,魔法部(攻击即可占领) 2,大街(杀人/阻止食死徒) 3,";
			if (camp) cout << "霍格沃茨(哈利波特不在) ";
			else cout << "伏地魔总部(伏地魔不在) ";
			cout << "4,霍格沃茨(最后战场) 5,奥利凡德魔杖商店 6,抽奖 7,经验石店 8,背包 9,工厂 10,材料店 11,任务 12,终极任务 13,副本 14,保存 ";
			if (camp) cout << "15, 医疗兵(伏地魔的)";
			else cout << "15, 庞弗雷女士 ";
			cout << "16,改变参数(测试专用 需要密码) 17,设置 18,登出" << endl;
			cin >> a;
			switch (a)
			case 1:
			case 2:
			case 3:
				for (int i = 1; i < 100; i++) {
					cout << "|";
					for (int j = 0; j < 10 && i < 100; j++, i++) {
						if (nowlevel + 1 < i) cout << " " << i << " |";
						else cout << ":" << i << ":|";
					cout << endl;
				int num;
				cin >> num;
				if (nowlevel + 1 < num) cout << "你未解锁这关" << endl;
				else checkpoint(num);
			case 4:
				if (camp) {
					if (f) finalfight("哈利?波特");
					else cout << "你需要先寻找哈利波特的下落" << endl;
				else {
					if (f) finalfight("伏地魔");
					else cout << "你需要先寻找伏地魔的下落" << endl;
			case 5:
				cout << "1 柳条独角兽尾毛魔杖   100元" << endl;
				cout << "2 胡桃木龙神经魔杖     200元" << endl;
				cout << "3 鹅耳枥木魔杖        550元" << endl;
				cout << "4 柳条魔杖            1200元" << endl;
				cout << "5 花心木魔杖          3650元" << endl;
				cout << "6 冬青木凤凰羽毛魔杖   5780元" << endl;
				cout << "7 紫杉木凤凰羽毛魔杖   7120元" << endl;
				cout << "8 老魔杖              50000元" << endl;
				cout << "0 退出              0元" << endl;
				int b;
				cin >> b;
				switch (b)
				case 1:
					buywand(6, 100);
				case 2:
					buywand(7, 200);
				case 3:
					buywand(8, 550);
				case 4:
					buywand(9, 1200);
				case 5:
					buywand(10, 3650);
				case 6:
					buywand(11, 5780);
				case 7:
					buywand(12, 7120);
				case 8:
					buywand(13, 50000);
			case 6:
			case 7:
				cout << "1 经验石R      100元    100经验" << endl;
				cout << "2 经验石SR     200元    250经验" << endl;
				cout << "3 经验石SSR    400元    500经验" << endl;
				cout << "4 经验石SSS    1000元   1200经验" << endl;
				cout << "5 经验石X      2000元   2500经验" << endl;
				cout << "0 退出         0元      0经验" << endl;
				int c;
				cin >> c;
				switch (c)
				case 1:
					buy(1, 100);
				case 2:
					buy(2, 200);
				case 3:
					buy(3, 550);
				case 4:
					buy(4, 1200);
				case 5:
					int q_w_e,q_w;
					buy(5, 3650);
			case 8:
				cout << "1,查看魔杖 2,查看药水 3,查看经验石 4,学习技能" << endl;
				cin >> b;
				if (b == 1) w();
				else if (b == 2) p();
				else if (b == 3) e();
			else if (b == 4) s();
				else {
					cout << "请勿乱输" << endl;
			case 9:
				int material1, material2, mn1, mn2;
				cout << "1,制作 2,查看材料";
				cin >> material1;
				if (material1 == 1) {
					cout << "你要用什么杖芯?" << endl;
				for (int ij = 0; ij < 9; ij++) cout << ij + 1 << "," << Material1name[ij] << " " << bag[ij + 24] << "个" << endl;
						cin >> material1;
						cout << "几个?" << endl;
						cin >> mn1;
						cout << "你要用什么木材?" << endl;
						for (int ij = 0; ij < 10; ij++) cout << ij + 1 << "," << Material2name[ij] << " " << bag[ij + 33] << "个" << endl;
						cin >> material2;
						cout << "几个?" << endl;
						cin >> mn2;
						make(material1 + 23, material2 + 32, mn1, mn2);
					else if (material1 == 2) {
						cout << "杖芯:" << endl;
						for (int ij = 0; ij < 9; ij++) cout << ij + 1 << "," << Material1name[ij] << " " << bag[ij + 24] << "个" << endl;
						cout << "木材:" << endl;
						for (int ij = 0; ij < 10; ij++) cout << ij + 1 << "," << Material2name[ij] << " " << bag[ij + 33] << "个" << endl;
					else cout << "请勿乱输";
				case 10:
				case 11:
					if (xy == 1) {
						if (ane == 0) cout << "再闯 1 关副本";
						else if (ane == 1) cout << "买两件商品";
						else if (ane == 2) cout << "回血一次";
						else if (ane == 3) cout << "杀死10个人";
						cout << "(" << D_Of_C << "/" << OK << ")" << endl;
						if (D_Of_C >= OK) {
							cout << "任务完成!!"; maxhealth += 200; health += 200; defense += 20; xy = 0; bag[43]++;
					else {
						ane = rand() % 4;
						D_Of_C = 0;
						xy = 1;
						if (ane == 0) {
							cout << "再闯 1 关副本"; OK = 1;
						else if (ane == 1) {
							cout << "买两件商品"; OK = 2;
						else if (ane == 2) {
							cout << "回血一次"; OK = 1;
						else if (ane == 3) {
							cout << "杀死10个人"; OK = 10;
				case 12:
					if (xy1 == 1) {
						if (ane1 == 0) {
							if (camp)  cout << "杀死1个邓布利多";
							else cout << "杀死1个纳尼吉";
						else if (ane1 == 1) cout << "消耗5000元";
						else if (ane1 == 2) {
							if (camp) cout << "杀死5个穆迪";
							else cout << "杀死5个卢修斯?马尔福";
						else if (ane1 == 3) cout << "杀死100个生物";
						else if (ane1 == 4) cout << "再升10级";
						cout << "(" << D_Of_C1 << "/" << OK1 << ")" << endl;
						if (D_Of_C1 >= OK1) {
							cout << "任务完成!!" << endl;
							xy1 = 0;
							cout << "增加500元 攻击力+10 防御力+10 生命+500" << endl;
							money += 500; attack += 200; health += 1000; maxhealth += 1000; defense += 150; bag[43] += 5;
					else {
						ane1 = rand() % 5;
						D_Of_C1 = 0;
						xy1 = 1;
						if (ane1 == 0) {
							if (camp) cout << "杀死1个邓布利多";
							else cout << "杀死1个纳尼吉";
							OK1 = 1;
						else if (ane1 == 1) {
							cout << "消耗5000元"; OK1 = 5000;
						else if (ane1 == 2) {
							if (camp) cout << "杀死5个穆迪";
							else cout << "杀死5个卢修斯?马尔福";
							OK1 = 5;
						else if (ane1 == 3) {
							cout << "杀死100个生物"; OK1 = 100;
						else if (ane1 == 4) {
							cout << "再升10级"; OK1 = 10;
				case 13:
					cout << "1 金钱副本" << LE1 << "级  2 经验副本" << LE2 << "级" << endl;
					int y;
					cin >> y;
					if (y == 1) {
						for (int i = 0; i < LE1 % 5; i++) {
							if (rand() % 3 == 0) fight2("木人桩", 1500, 100, 10, 0, 1000);
							else if (rand() % 3 == 1) fight2("沙包", 3000, 50, 20, 0, 1000);
							else fight2("木板", 1000, 100, 10, 0, 1000);
							if (dead) break;
						for (int i = 0; i < (LE1 / 5) % 25; i++) {
							if (dead) break;
							if (rand() % 3 == 0) fight2("石人桩(这有吗)", 3000, 200, 20, 0, 2000);
							else if (rand() % 3 == 1) fight2("石包(这有吗)", 6000, 100, 60, 0, 2000);
							else fight2("石板", 3000, 300, 30, 0, 2000);
						for (int i = 0; i < (LE1 / 25) % 125; i++) {
							if (dead) break;
							if (rand() % 3 == 0) fight2("铁人桩(这有吗)", 6000, 400, 40, 0, 4000);
							else if (rand() % 3 == 1) fight2("铁包(这有吗)", 12000, 200, 120, 0, 4000);
							else fight2("铁板", 6000, 400, 40, 0, 4000);
						for (int i = 0; i < (LE1 / 125) % 625; i++) {
							if (dead) break;
							if (rand() % 3 == 0) fight2("金人桩(这有吗)", 12000, 800, 80, 0, 6500);
							else if (rand() % 3 == 1) fight2("金包(这有吗)", 24000, 400, 240, 0, 6500);
							else fight2("金板", 12000, 800, 80, 0, 6500);
						if (!dead) {
							if (ane == 0) D_Of_C++;
					if (y == 2) {
						for (int i = 0; i < LE2 % 5; i++) {
							if (rand() % 3 == 0) fight1("木人桩", 1500, 100, 10, 0, 1000);
							else if (rand() % 3 == 1) fight1("沙包", 3000, 50, 20, 0, 1000);
							else fight1("木板", 1000, 100, 10, 0, 1000);
							if (dead) break;
						for (int i = 0; i < (LE2 / 5) % 25; i++) {
							if (dead) break;
							if (rand() % 3 == 0) fight1("石人桩(这有吗)", 3000, 200, 20, 0, 1000);
							else if (rand() % 3 == 1) fight1("石包(这有吗)", 6000, 100, 60, 0, 1000);
							else fight1("石板", 3000, 300, 30, 0, 1000);
						for (int i = 0; i < (LE2 / 25) % 125; i++) {
							if (dead) break;
							if (rand() % 3 == 0) fight1("铁人桩(这有吗)", 6000, 400, 40, 0, 4000);
							else if (rand() % 3 == 1) fight1("铁包(这有吗)", 12000, 200, 120, 0, 4000);
							else fight1("铁板", 6000, 400, 40, 0, 4000);
						for (int i = 0; i < (LE2 / 125) % 625; i++) {
							if (dead) break;
							if (rand() % 3 == 0) fight1("金人桩(这有吗)", 12000, 800, 80, 0, 6500);
							else if (rand() % 3 == 1) fight1("金包(这有吗)", 24000, 400, 240, 0, 6500);
							else fight1("金板", 12000, 800, 80, 0, 6500);
						if (!dead) {
							if (ane == 0) D_Of_C++;
				case 14:
					cout << "保存成功!";
				case 15:
				case 16:
					int pw;
					cout << "密码:";
					cin >> pw;
					if (pw == 1212) {
						cout << "0~42,改变背包 43,金币 44,等级 45,经验 46,生命 47,防御 48,攻击 49,最大生命 50,进入魔法部权力(0没有 0<有) 51,速度" << endl;
						int num1, num2;
						cout << "几号:";
						cin >> num1;
						cout << "改变成:";
						cin >> num2;
						if (num1 <= 42) bag[num1] = num2;
						else {
							switch (num1)
							case 43:
								money = num2;
							case 44:
								level = num2;
							case 45:
								experience = num2;
							case 46:
								health = num2;
							case 47:
								defense = num2;
							case 48:
								attack = num2;
							case 49:
								maxhealth = num2;
							case 50:
								amm = num2;
							case 51:
								speed = num2;
						cout << "改变成功";
					else cout << "密码错误" << endl;
				case 17:
					cout << "1,关卡攻略 2,关卡功能" << endl;
					int xd;
					cin >> xd;
					if (xd == 1) system("start https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2YQBCmYvSb/");
					if (xd == 2) {
						cout << "我们先介绍一下图标" << endl;
						cout << "?X?T?T?T?[  ?X?T?T?T?[  ?X?T?T?T?[  ?X?T?T?T?[" << endl;
						cout << "?U @ ?U  ?U I ?U  ?U o ?U  ?U # ?U" << endl;
						cout << "?^?T?T?T?a  ?^?T?T?T?a  ?^?T?T?T?a  ?^?T?T?T?a" << endl;
						cout << "你自己   出口    入口    墙" << endl;
						cout << "?X?T?T?T?[  ?X?T?T?T?[  ?X?T?T?T?[  ?X?T?T?T?[" << endl;
						cout << "?U 1 ?U  ?U 2 ?U  ?U 3 ?U  ?U 4 ?U" << endl;
						cout << "?^?T?T?T?a  ?^?T?T?T?a  ?^?T?T?T?a  ?^?T?T?T?a" << endl;
						cout << "1级怪   2级怪   3级怪  4级怪" << endl;
						cout << "命1000 命2000  命3000 命4000" << endl;
						cout << "攻250  攻500   攻750  攻1000" << endl;
						cout << "防10   防20    防30   防40" << endl;
						cout << "速50   速100   速150  速200" << endl;
						cout << "?X?T?T?T?[  ?X?T?T?T?[  ?X?T?T?T?[  ?X?T?T?T?[" << endl;
						cout << "?U 5 ?U  ?U 6 ?U  ?U 7 ?U  ?U 8 ?U" << endl;
						cout << "?^?T?T?T?a  ?^?T?T?T?a  ?^?T?T?T?a  ?^?T?T?T?a" << endl;
						cout << "5级怪   6级怪   7级怪  8级怪" << endl;
						cout << "命5000 命6000  命7000 命8000" << endl;
						cout << "攻1250 攻1500  攻1750 攻2000" << endl;
						cout << "防50   防60    防70   防80" << endl;
						cout << "速250  速300   速350  速400" << endl;
						cout << "?X?T?T?T?[  ?X?T?T?T?[  ?X?T?T?T?[  ?X?T?T?T?[" << endl;
						cout << "?U 9 ?U  ?U S ?U  ?U B ?U  ?U T ?U" << endl;
						cout << "?^?T?T?T?a  ?^?T?T?T?a  ?^?T?T?T?a  ?^?T?T?T?a" << endl;
						cout << "9级怪  药水商店  书店   告示牌" << endl;
						cout << "命9000" << endl;
						cout << "攻2250" << endl;
						cout << "防90" << endl;
						cout << "速450" << endl;
						cout << "?X?T?T?T?[" << endl;
						cout << "?U X ?U" << endl;
						cout << "?^?T?T?T?a" << endl;
						cout << "传送机" << endl;
						cout << "输入图标了解详细,0退出" << endl;
						string st;
						cin >> st;
						if (st == "@") system("start https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/cdJPnhXddT/");
						else if (st == "I" || st == "i") system("start https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/h5npMzvDBX/");
						else if (st == "o" || st == "O") system("start https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/By6Fdyq9wq/");
						else if (st == "#") system("start https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DswXYhVGFn/");
						else if (st <= "9" && st >= "1") system("start https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4vZDjY7fX4/");
						else if (st == "S" || st == "s") system("start https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SvSTDGrcD3/");
						else if (st == "B" || st == "b") system("start https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/MMqwYn63N9/");
						else if (st == "T" || st == "t") system("start https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mXgfbyhGGJ/");
						else if (st == "X" || st == "x") system("start https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/M6svDYryGt/");
						else if (st == "0");
						else cout << "请勿乱输" << endl;
				case 18:
					isbreak = true;

  • 2
  • 0
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 打赏
  • 0
第一部分 基础篇 001 第一个C程序 002 运行多个源文件 003 求整数之积 004 比较实数大小 005 字符的输出 006 显示变量所占字节数 007 自增/自减运算 008 数列求和 009 乘法口诀表 010 猜数字游戏 011 模拟ATM(自动柜员机)界面 012 用一维数组统计学生成绩 013 用二维数组实现矩阵转置 014 求解二维数组的最大/最小元素 015 利用数组求前n个质数 016 编制万年历 017 对数组元素排序 018 任意进制数的转换 019 判断回文数 020 求数组前n元素之和 021 求解钢材切割的最佳订单 022 通过指针比较整数大小 023 指向数组的指针 024 寻找指定元素的指针 025 寻找相同元素的指针 026 阿拉伯数字转换为罗马数字 027 字符替换 028 从键盘读入实数 029 字符行排版 030 字符排列 031 判断字符串是否回文 032 通讯录的输入输出 033 扑克牌的结构表示 034 用“结构”统计学生成绩 035 报数游戏 036 模拟社会关系 037 统计文件的字符数 038 同时显示两个文件的内容 039 简单的文本编辑器 040 文件的字数统计程序 041 学生成绩管理程序 第二部分 数据结构篇 042 插入排序 043 希尔排序 044 冒泡排序 045 快速排序 046 选择排序 047 堆排序 048 归并排序 049 基数排序 050 二叉搜索树操作 051 二项式系数递归 052 背包问题 053 顺序表插入和删除 054 链表操作(1) 055 链表操作(2) 056 单链表就地逆置 057 运动会分数统计 058 双链表 059 约瑟夫环 060 记录个人资料 061 二叉树遍利 062 浮点数转换为字符串 063 汉诺塔问题 064 哈夫曼编码 065 图的深度优先遍利 066 图的广度优先遍利 067 求解最优交通路径 068 八皇后问题 069 骑士巡游 070 用栈设置密码 071 魔王语言翻译 072 火车车厢重排 073 队列实例 074 K阶斐波那契序列 第三部分 数值计算与趣味数学篇 075 绘制余弦曲线和直线的迭加 076 计算高次方数的尾数 077 打鱼还是晒网 078 怎样存钱以获取最大利息 079 阿姆斯特朗数 080 亲密数 081 自守数 082 具有abcd=(ab+cd)2性质的数 083 验证歌德巴赫猜想 084 素数幻方 085 百钱百鸡问题 086 爱因斯坦的数学题 087 三色球问题 088 马克思手稿中的数学题 089 配对新郎和新娘 090 约瑟夫问题 091 邮票组合 092 分糖果 093 波瓦松的分酒趣题 094 求π的近似值 095 奇数平方的有趣性质 096 角谷猜想 097 四方定理 098 卡布列克常数 099 尼科彻斯定理 100 扑克牌自动发牌 101 常胜将军 102 搬山游戏 103 兔子产子(菲波那契数列) 104 数字移动 105 多项式乘法 106 产生随机数 107 堆栈四则运算 108 递归整数四则运算 109 复平面作图 110 绘制彩色抛物线 111 绘制正态分布曲线 112 求解非线性方程 113 实矩阵乘法运算 114 求解线性方程 115 n阶方阵求逆 116 复矩阵乘法 117 求定积分 118 求满足特异条件的数列 119 超长正整数的加法 第四部分 图形篇 120 绘制直线 121 绘制圆 122 绘制圆弧 123 绘制椭圆 124 设置背景色和前景色 125 设置线条类型 126 设置填充类型和填充颜色 127 图形文本的输出 128 金刚石图案 129 飘带图案 130 圆环图案 131 肾形图案 132 心脏形图案 133 渔网图案 134 沙丘图案 135 设置图形方式下的文本类型 136 绘制正多边形 137 正六边形螺旋图案 138 正方形螺旋拼块图案 139 图形法绘制圆 140 递归法绘制三角形图案 141 图形法绘制椭圆 142 抛物样条曲线 143 Mandelbrot分形图案 144 绘制布朗运动曲线 145 艺术清屏 146 矩形区域的颜色填充 147 VGA256色模式编程 148 绘制蓝天图案 149 屏幕检测程序 150 运动的小车动画 151 动态显示位图 152 利用图形页实现动画 153 图形时钟 154 音乐动画 第五部分 系统篇 155 读取DOS系统中的国家信息 156 修改环境变量 157 显示系统文件表 158 显示目录内容 159 读取磁盘文件 160 删除目录树 161 定义文本模式 162 设计立体窗口 163 彩色弹出菜单 164 读取CMOS信息 165 获取BIOS设备列表 166 锁住硬盘 167 备份/恢复硬盘分区表 168 设计口令程序 169 程序自我保护 第六部分 常见试题解答篇 170 水果拼盘 171 小孩吃梨 172 删除字符串中的特定字符 173 求解符号方程 174 计算标准差 175 求取符合特定要求的素数 176 统计符合特定条件的数 177 字符串倒置 178 部分排序 179 产品销售记录处理 180 特定要求的字符编码 181 求解三角方程 182 新完全平方数 183 三重回文数 184 奇数方差 185 统计选票 186 同时整除 187 字符左右排序 188 符号算式求解 189 数字移位 190 统计最高成绩 191 比较字符串长度 192 合并整数 193 矩阵逆置 194 删除指定的字符 195 括号匹配 196 字符串逆置 197 SIX/NINE问题 198 单词个数统计 199 方差运算 200 级数运算 201 输出素数 202 素数题 203 序列排序 204 整数各位数字排序 205 字符串字母移位 206 Fibonacc数列 第七部分 游戏篇 207 商人过河游戏 208 吃数游戏 209 解救人质游戏 210 打字训练游戏 211 双人竞走游戏 212 迷宫探险游戏 213 迷你撞球游戏 214 模拟扫雷游戏 215 推箱子游戏 216 五子棋游戏 第八部分 综合实例篇 217 综合CAD系统 218 功能强大的文本编辑器 219 图书管理系统 220 进销存管理系统
经典的C资源,很全面详细 对于初学者来说,太重要了! 第一部分 基础篇 001 第一个C程序 002 运行多个源文件 003 求整数之积 004 比较实数大小 005 字符的输出 006 显示变量所占字节数 007 自增/自减运算 008 数列求和 009 乘法口诀表 010 猜数字游戏 011 模拟ATM(自动柜员机)界面 012 用一维数组统计学生成绩 013 用二维数组实现矩阵转置 014 求解二维数组的最大/最小元素 015 利用数组求前n个质数 016 编制万年历 017 对数组元素排序 018 任意进制数的转换 019 判断回文数 020 求数组前n元素之和 021 求解钢材切割的最佳订单 022 通过指针比较整数大小 023 指向数组的指针 024 寻找指定元素的指针 025 寻找相同元素的指针 026 阿拉伯数字转换为罗马数字 027 字符替换 028 从键盘读入实数 029 字符行排版 030 字符排列 031 判断字符串是否回文 032 通讯录的输入输出 033 扑克牌的结构表示 034 用“结构”统计学生成绩 035 报数游戏 036 模拟社会关系 037 统计文件的字符数 038 同时显示两个文件的内容 039 简单的文本编辑器 040 文件的字数统计程序 041 学生成绩管理程序 第二部分 数据结构篇 042 插入排序 043 希尔排序 044 冒泡排序 045 快速排序 046 选择排序 047 堆排序 048 归并排序 049 基数排序 050 二叉搜索树操作 051 二项式系数递归 052 背包问题 053 顺序表插入和删除 054 链表操作(1) 055 链表操作(2) 056 单链表就地逆置 057 运动会分数统计 058 双链表 059 约瑟夫环 060 记录个人资料 061 二叉树遍利 062 浮点数转换为字符串 063 汉诺塔问题 064 哈夫曼编码 065 图的深度优先遍利 066 图的广度优先遍利 067 求解最优交通路径 068 八皇后问题 069 骑士巡游 070 用栈设置密码 071 魔王语言翻译 072 火车车厢重排 073 队列实例 074 K阶斐波那契序列 第三部分 数值计算与趣味数学篇 075 绘制余弦曲线和直线的迭加 076 计算高次方数的尾数 077 打鱼还是晒网 078 怎样存钱以获取最大利息 079 阿姆斯特朗数 080 亲密数 081 自守数 082 具有abcd=(ab+cd)2性质的数 083 验证歌德巴赫猜想 084 素数幻方 085 百钱百鸡问题 086 爱因斯坦的数学题 087 三色球问题 088 马克思手稿中的数学题 089 配对新郎和新娘 090 约瑟夫问题 091 邮票组合 092 分糖果 093 波瓦松的分酒趣题 094 求π的近似值 095 奇数平方的有趣性质 096 角谷猜想 097 四方定理 098 卡布列克常数 099 尼科彻斯定理 100 扑克牌自动发牌 101 常胜将军 102 搬山游戏 103 兔子产子(菲波那契数列) 104 数字移动 105 多项式乘法 106 产生随机数 107 堆栈四则运算 108 递归整数四则运算 109 复平面作图 110 绘制彩色抛物线 111 绘制正态分布曲线 112 求解非线性方程 113 实矩阵乘法运算 114 求解线性方程 115 n阶方阵求逆 116 复矩阵乘法 117 求定积分 118 求满足特异条件的数列 119 超长正整数的加法 第四部分 图形篇 120 绘制直线 121 绘制圆 122 绘制圆弧 123 绘制椭圆 124 设置背景色和前景色 125 设置线条类型 126 设置填充类型和填充颜色 127 图形文本的输出 128 金刚石图案 129 飘带图案 130 圆环图案 131 肾形图案 132 心脏形图案 133 渔网图案 134 沙丘图案 135 设置图形方式下的文本类型 136 绘制正多边形 137 正六边形螺旋图案 138 正方形螺旋拼块图案 139 图形法绘制圆 140 递归法绘制三角形图案 141 图形法绘制椭圆 142 抛物样条曲线 143 Mandelbrot分形图案 144 绘制布朗运动曲线 145 艺术清屏 146 矩形区域的颜色填充 147 VGA256色模式编程 148 绘制蓝天图案 149 屏幕检测程序 150 运动的小车动画 151 动态显示位图 152 利用图形页实现动画 153 图形时钟 154 音乐动画 第五部分 系统篇 155 读取DOS系统中的国家信息 156 修改环境变量 157 显示系统文件表 158 显示目录内容 159 读取磁盘文件 160 删除目录树 161 定义文本模式 162 设计立体窗口 163 彩色弹出菜单 164 读取CMOS信息 165 获取BIOS设备列表 166 锁住硬盘 167 备份/恢复硬盘分区表 168 设计口令程序 169 程序自我保护 第六部分 常见试题解答篇 170 水果拼盘 171 小孩吃梨 172 删除字符串中的特定字符 173 求解符号方程 174 计算标准差 175 求取符合特定要求的素数 176 统计符合特定条件的数 177 字符串倒置 178 部分排序 179 产品销售记录处理 180 特定要求的字符编码 181 求解三角方程 182 新完全平方数 183 三重回文数 184 奇数方差 185 统计选票 186 同时整除 187 字符左右排序 188 符号算式求解 189 数字移位 190 统计最高成绩 191 比较字符串长度 192 合并整数 193 矩阵逆置 194 删除指定的字符 195 括号匹配 196 字符串逆置 197 SIX/NINE问题 198 单词个数统计 199 方差运算 200 级数运算 201 输出素数 202 素数题 203 序列排序 204 整数各位数字排序 205 字符串字母移位 206 Fibonacc数列 第七部分 游戏篇 207 商人过河游戏 208 吃数游戏 209 解救人质游戏 210 打字训练游戏 211 双人竞走游戏 212 迷宫探险游戏 213 迷你撞球游戏 214 模拟扫雷游戏 215 推箱子游戏 216 五子棋游戏 第八部分 综合实例篇 217 综合CAD系统 218 功能强大的文本编辑器 219 图书管理系统 220 进销存管理系统
代码使用方法是(以实例1为例): 将该实例的源码,比如实例1的1.c文件(可以在001目录下找到), 拷贝到tc编译器目录下,运行tc.exe,打开编译器, 按【F3】键或者“File->Open”菜单命令,打开1.c文件, 按【Ctrl+F9】键,或者“Run->Run”菜单命令,编译运行该程序。 ◎ 光盘目录清单如下: 第一部分 基础篇 001 第一个C程序 002 运行多个源文件 003 求整数之积 004 比较实数大小 005 字符的输出 006 显示变量所占字节数 007 自增/自减运算 008 数列求和 009 乘法口诀表 010 猜数字游戏 011 模拟ATM(自动柜员机)界面 012 用一维数组统计学生成绩 013 用二维数组实现矩阵转置 014 求解二维数组的最大/最小元素 015 利用数组求前n个质数 016 编制万年历 017 对数组元素排序 018 任意进制数的转换 019 判断回文数 020 求数组前n元素之和 021 求解钢材切割的最佳订单 022 通过指针比较整数大小 023 指向数组的指针 024 寻找指定元素的指针 025 寻找相同元素的指针 026 阿拉伯数字转换为罗马数字 027 字符替换 028 从键盘读入实数 029 字符行排版 030 字符排列 031 判断字符串是否回文 032 通讯录的输入输出 033 扑克牌的结构表示 034 用“结构”统计学生成绩 035 报数游戏 036 模拟社会关系 037 统计文件的字符数 038 同时显示两个文件的内容 039 简单的文本编辑器 040 文件的字数统计程序 041 学生成绩管理程序 第二部分 数据结构篇 042 插入排序 043 希尔排序 044 冒泡排序 045 快速排序 046 选择排序 047 堆排序 048 归并排序 049 基数排序 050 二叉搜索树操作 051 二项式系数递归 052 背包问题 053 顺序表插入和删除 054 链表操作(1) 055 链表操作(2) 056 单链表就地逆置 057 运动会分数统计 058 双链表 059 约瑟夫环 060 记录个人资料 061 二叉树遍利 062 浮点数转换为字符串 063 汉诺塔问题 064 哈夫曼编码 065 图的深度优先遍利 066 图的广度优先遍利 067 求解最优交通路径 068 八皇后问题 069 骑士巡游 070 用栈设置密码 071 魔王语言翻译 072 火车车厢重排 073 队列实例 074 K阶斐波那契序列 第三部分 数值计算与趣味数学篇 075 绘制余弦曲线和直线的迭加 076 计算高次方数的尾数 077 打鱼还是晒网 078 怎样存钱以获取最大利息 079 阿姆斯特朗数 080 亲密数 081 自守数 082 具有abcd=(ab+cd)2性质的数 083 验证歌德巴赫猜想 084 素数幻方 085 百钱百鸡问题 086 爱因斯坦的数学题 087 三色球问题 088 马克思手稿中的数学题 089 配对新郎和新娘 090 约瑟夫问题 091 邮票组合 092 分糖果 093 波瓦松的分酒趣题 094 求π的近似值 095 奇数平方的有趣性质 096 角谷猜想 097 四方定理 098 卡布列克常数 099 尼科彻斯定理 100 扑克牌自动发牌 101 常胜将军 102 搬山游戏 103 兔子产子(菲波那契数列) 104 数字移动 105 多项式乘法 106 产生随机数 107 堆栈四则运算 108 递归整数四则运算 109 复平面作图 110 绘制彩色抛物线 111 绘制正态分布曲线 112 求解非线性方程 113 实矩阵乘法运算 114 求解线性方程 115 n阶方阵求逆 116 复矩阵乘法 117 求定积分 118 求满足特异条件的数列 119 超长正整数的加法 第四部分 图形篇 120 绘制直线 121 绘制圆 122 绘制圆弧 123 绘制椭圆 124 设置背景色和前景色 125 设置线条类型 126 设置填充类型和填充颜色 127 图形文本的输出 128 金刚石图案 129 飘带图案 130 圆环图案 131 肾形图案 132 心脏形图案 133 渔网图案 134 沙丘图案 135 设置图形方式下的文本类型 136 绘制正多边形 137 正六边形螺旋图案 138 正方形螺旋拼块图案 139 图形法绘制圆 140 递归法绘制三角形图案 141 图形法绘制椭圆 142 抛物样条曲线 143 Mandelbrot分形图案 144 绘制布朗运动曲线 145 艺术清屏 146 矩形区域的颜色填充 147 VGA256色模式编程 148 绘制蓝天图案 149 屏幕检测程序 150 运动的小车动画 151 动态显示位图 152 利用图形页实现动画 153 图形时钟 154 音乐动画 第五部分 系统篇 155 读取DOS系统中的国家信息 156 修改环境变量 157 显示系统文件表 158 显示目录内容 159 读取磁盘文件 160 删除目录树 161 定义文本模式 162 设计立体窗口 163 彩色弹出菜单 164 读取CMOS信息 165 获取BIOS设备列表 166 锁住硬盘 167 备份/恢复硬盘分区表 168 设计口令程序 169 程序自我保护 第六部分 常见试题解答篇 170 水果拼盘 171 小孩吃梨 172 删除字符串中的特定字符 173 求解符号方程 174 计算标准差 175 求取符合特定要求的素数 176 统计符合特定条件的数 177 字符串倒置 178 部分排序 179 产品销售记录处理 180 特定要求的字符编码 181 求解三角方程 182 新完全平方数 183 三重回文数 184 奇数方差 185 统计选票 186 同时整除 187 字符左右排序 188 符号算式求解 189 数字移位 190 统计最高成绩 191 比较字符串长度 192 合并整数 193 矩阵逆置 194 删除指定的字符 195 括号匹配 196 字符串逆置 197 SIX/NINE问题 198 单词个数统计 199 方差运算 200 级数运算 201 输出素数 202 素数题 203 序列排序 204 整数各位数字排序 205 字符串字母移位 206 Fibonacc数列 第七部分 游戏篇 207 商人过河游戏 208 吃数游戏 209 解救人质游戏 210 打字训练游戏 211 双人竞走游戏 212 迷宫探险游戏 213 迷你撞球游戏 214 模拟扫雷游戏 215 推箱子游戏 216 五子棋游戏 第八部分 综合实例篇 217 综合CAD系统 218 功能强大的文本编辑器 219 图书管理系统 220 进销存管理系统 //========= End of the file. 文件内容结束 ===============\\


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